Satellite Phone Store Asks Are You Prepared?

Satellite Phone Store Sponsored Post

USAWatchdog’s newest sponsor Satellite Phone Store says this is the best way to be prepared for a national disaster or a vicious attack on our infrastructure that could shut down large swaths of internet and cell phone communications.

Legendary radio host and filmmaker Steve Quayle has been using a satellite phone for 10 years.  Quayle tells us why it’s so important to have the “IsatPhone2” satellite phone in the chaotic times we live in.  Join Greg Hunter as he interviews Steve Quayle, spokesperson for Satellite Phone Store.

After the Sponsored Post from the Satellite Phone Store:

Take advantage of the Promotional Offer with Satellite Phone Store for a FREE “IsatPhone2” satellite phone with 1 year contract.  You get 150 minutes monthly, a free USA number and Rollover minutes for only $99.95 + tax per month.  Click here for more information.  Be sure to mention USAWatchdog  when you call or visit Satellite Phone Store and speak to one of the agents or when you make contact on the website Live Chat.

Thank you for supporting and Satellite Phone Store!


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