Trump Vax Quicksand, Musk Tweets Bioweapon, Rumors of War
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 562 12.30.22)
President Donald Trump doubled down on his pro vax stance in a new interview this week. It looks like Trump has waded into the vax quicksand, and it’s going to take him under if he doesn’t pull out soon. Even though host Wayne Root is firmly anti-CV19 vax, Trump told him the CV19 bioweapon/vax is a “miracle of modern science” and “saved millions of lives.” Donald Trump cannot back up the claim this bioweapon saved “millions of lives” because bioweapons are designed to maim and kill. That is exactly what this CV19 injection has done and is still doing. Sticking to his guns on the bioweapon passed off as a vaccine is so far afoul of the injury and death data is disturbing for a man who wants to be President again. Before it’s over, I predict President Trump will have to do an about face on the vax. I hope he does not wait too long. With the overwhelming negative scientific evidence on the CV19 bioweapon, I am surprised Trump has not already done so. What good are Trump’s policies if nobody is left alive to enjoy them in 2025? Repent Donald Trump.
Elon Musk has taken a wrecking ball to Twitter censorship when he took over as CEO. Now, Musk is tweeting out “Gain-of-Function” with the word “bioweapon.” Musk is saying the CV19 infection was a bioweapon in clear terms. Do you think Musk has been watching Karen Kingston on USAWatchdog? Kingston is calling out everything CV19 from “infection to injection” and saying, “It’s all a lie.” Data and documents show CV19 is, in fact, a man-made military bioweapon. There is no virus, according to biotech analyst Kingston. It’s just lipid nanoparticles or a “biohybrid microrobot.” This is what the Big Pharma patents say, and everybody at the top knows CV19 from “infection to injection” is a bioweapon.
We have so many “wars and rumors of wars” going on today around the world that the prediction from Jesus, more than 2,000 years ago, is looking more and more like a prophesy coming true. The Pentagon is threatening to kill Putin, according to the Russians. Ukraine is a war with no end in sight, Iran is threatening to nuke Israel, and China is threatening Taiwan on a regular basis. These are just to name a few of the “wars and rumors of wars” happening now.
There is much more in the 47 min. newscast.
Join Greg Hunter of as he talks about these stories and more in the final Weekly News Wrap-Up of 2022.
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After the Wrap-Up:
Loy Brunson is the guest for the Saturday Night Post. Brunson will talk about his historic Supreme Court case on the docket next week that could overturn the Election of 2020. A positive Supreme Court ruling on the Brunson case could kick nearly 400 people out of Congress, and also including President Joe Biden and VP Harris.

According to Ed Dowd and Mike Adams on Health Ranger Report, on Rumble, there are
about 2,500 per day, dead from the clot shot, and about 5,000 per day, disabled from the clot shot. and there are catastrophic civilization implications.
Doctors suggest Ivermectin indefinitely, and more, for those who have had the clot shot.
On another note wood stoves and a lot of wood. Put your wood inside because anything that makes heat will be precious during winter.
You want Heat?…..make Greg Hunter mad at you like I did…’ll get Alota HEAT….
He got mad at me too, so people can not handle the “TRUTH”.
Trump is an. Idiot, plus he’s a deep state, whore!!! When are you people going to realize this??
When CREEPS like YOU, keep crying about Patriots….go back to the Turd World Shole you came from angello
I agree. When will people wake up. Trump is only about himself. Believing in Trump is like believing in the “vaccines” (i.e., maybe the next booster will work).
The Supreme Court is owned no election will overturned. The sooner people realize the better off everyone will be. The only hope is a revolution where 90% of politicians, judges and members of the mic/cia/fbi are removed and tried for treason.
This is your opinion, and your opinion is not a fact.
Trump is cabal…. hello?
This is your opinion you are stating as a fact. Hello!!!
Catherine Austin Fitts is trying to tell you.. Trump is a bad guy
Here we go again. Someone passing off their opinion as a fact. Not what CAF said. CAF is pointing out Trump is responsible for the CV19 mess either by incompetence or collusion. I think Trump was lied to about the entire bioweapon vax, but he knows now it is a deadly and dangerous mess. Trump should have come out months ago to say stop the shots.
Suppose Trump had rejected the VAX right out of the gate. No one would have known how bad the VAX was and he would have been accused of killing millions via Covid Infection.
Correct me if im wrong, but under Trump if i remember correctly the shot was put into place as not mandatory but as an “alternative” a “possibility” no one had to take the clot shot, if any one paid attention..
And to add to that, what “Idiot” would amp up there system with a shot that injects 200 times more than what it take to get the flu naturally.. just saying.
I guess we will find out very soon in early January when the SCOTUS rules..
You are the reason I realized Trump is a deception.. so I’m confused how you share all this information yet you still think he’s a good guy
Hi Mary,
Here’s the link to that Natural News Mike Adams/Ed Dowd piece including those numbers:
Hey Greg…is there any evidence that your hero Trump has ever been vaxed with the real clot shots? He’s nothing more than a carnival barker in this clown show…ALL POLITICIANS are enemies of the citizens, ALL!
I am going by what Trump said in public appearances. Can you prove Trump is not vaxed, or are you just going to pass off your opinion as a fact?
Loy Brunson is the guest for the Saturday Night Post…………GREAT CATCH!!
President Donald Trump doubled down on his pro vax stance in a new interview this week…………Now….THAT SCARES the crap out of me!
Tell President Trump what you think at
Fill out the form and express your opinion.
Thanks Marie!! Tell President Trump to interview with USAW!!
People need to ask themselves ,,,,:
Did Trump take and/advokate fore a REAL (approved) vaccine(s) , and NOT the experimental gene therapy , NOTapproved/NOT a vaccine,,,,,ASK YOURSELVES THAT ,,,,so simpel , but so many are still confused by that,,
The wording ,,,,etc etc
Best regards from Denmark…..
I agree Mikkel, no one is being specific with their language to him on this subject. Which vaxxx? How did he save them? Was Warp Speed to rush the process so that many were skeptical or so the vaxxx was not kept at proper temps and therefore ineffective? We all have so many questions.
Also, I contend there is no way he can come out against the vaxxx at this point in time. If he admits ANY culpability or says it’s a bioweapon, “they” will immediately turn on him and blame him for all the deaths and he will be jailed/killed.
Currently, the info IS coming out from other sources and blame is falling where it needs to right now. Just my theory, of course.
@Greg, can you please link the source to the John Hopkins study/article, I am unable to find the source. Thank you!
Warp Speed was a Military operation. EUA is exemption from liability from the use of EXPERIMENTAL drugs…which encapsulates the LNP Bioweapon disguised as a Vax.
He knew….even blind Freddy can see that. Testing and safety standards went out the door = NO CARE FOR HUMAN LIFE ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE KNOWN SIDE EFFECTS.
A standard 10 year process of development vs a 6 months manufacturing of an already established BIOWARFARE AGENT. Thats what we got….in addition to the “Beautiful Shot”….comment from DJT. He’s going to be sitting with Fauci and the rest of the co-conspirators and Traitors (JB included) at Nuremberg II.
Wouldn’t that be something!
My comment was as to you interviewing Trump…wouldn’t that be something, Greg, why don’t you invite him?
Thank You for the link…..I will write him….
Trump may be saying that “he saved millions” of the unvaccinated, because in reality, unless you are a child or handicapped, you did not have to take it.
WEF plan was all of us and forced.
i am giving the country back to the people; it’s all i remember
When will you guys realize that they are all on the same team. Including Trump
What scares the crap out of Trump is that he signed the “Authorization Act” – “Knowing Full Well” that there were alternatives to the “jab” – and thus he knows he is personally libel for all the deaths and damages he caused to millions of Americans – no way will he ever admit guilt – he will have to be sued by all the people he hurt to get any sense of justice!!
I’m done with Trump
I think, I heard, Buck Sexton (?) say that the vacine only killed two out of 1,000 people. (So, maybe that means, it saved 998 people? Is that the way Trump is thinking about the jab?)
Then, Buck Sexton completed his thought, by saying, of the 25o Million Americans that have taken the Jab, that means 500,000 died from the jab. So, someone must be held accountable for the 500,000 that died.
Total false information! Sexton, a form CIA agent, should tell you it is a bioweapon–period. Bioweapons do not help a single person. They kill and injure. It will be far worse than 500,000 and Sexton knows this. Ask Sexton to have me on his show and I’ll be happy to explain it. I’ll come on with Karen Kingston. See what he says.
Buck Sexton or Clay Travis? I can’t tell them apart by their voices yet. Main stream shows don’t give you the complete truth at one time (Like
you do!) They add a little bit more, and a little bit more, not wanting to be out done by their main stream competitors.
Thank you, Greg for bringing us, all the news, all the time, based on your excellent analysis skills!
Thanks Nika for the kind words and for supporting USAW!!
Buck Sexton is a former CIA agent? Figures, they would replace Rush Limbaugh with a CIA hack. I would not trust anything they say.
Thanks Greg, for the alert about Loy Brunson’s Supreme Court Suit. I will keep an eye out for it, hoping he wins!
during the 1980s & 90s Evangelicals funded the making of many B-movies about End Times and the Rapture, where they showcased themselves being whisked away to paradise, while everyone else suffers thermonuclear war and other horrors.
One of the indications, signs of the End Times according to these movies would be extreme weather. And at least one of the movies showed first time ever snowing in certain midEast locations. Looks like that has now come to pass:
it’s too bad that the Evangelical prophets today lack the foresight of the ones who help make these movies. What we get today are chumps who like the limelight until the going gets tough. They run and hide like Jonah, instead of facing questions from the audience who bought their book, saw their movie and listened to the social media appearances.
I got my husband a wallet from the Happy Hollow Farm for Christmas. It is very nice. He liked his gift.
Greg, you’re right about Trump. His constant pushing of the “vaccine” is beyond stupid and does, in my opinion, call his sanity into question. Who are his advisors – they must see what we see and much, much more. He is playing into the Dems hands. As far as I’m concerned he’s finished and I really don’t know where we go from here except to concentrate all efforts at State level. I’m not an American but I know only the US can turn the West around.
Anybody can be good on economics, but does it really matter where there is the promotion of a democidal poison?
A certain German had an economic plan that the people liked and also was a murderer.
Gravlore. This person was actually an Austrian, and he was once quoted as saying that the bigger the lie, the more believable it was for the masses.
A cornerstone for the Klause Schwabb, whose own father was a Nazi himself.
And everyone still believes the mainstream history of WWII and people are in prison for asking the basic forensic questions. It was Schopenhauer who talked about the Big Lie and how the masses will fall for it. He attributed the use of it to another group.
“The Nuremberg Trials are so repugnant to Anglo-Saxon principles of justice that we must forever be ashamed.” – Rep. Lawrence H. Smith, Congressional Record, appendix, v.95, sec.14, 6/15/49
Nuremberg trials may have been repugnant to Anglo-Saxon principles of justice back in 1949, but it doesn’t sound like they’re of the same opinion here in the 21st century.
Musk put on a demon like costume for Halloween…….I was sent to a Roman Catholic grade school back in the 50’s and early 60’s….FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE…for Halloween, us kids were allowed to dress like Devil’s and Witch’s.or whatever…….the Nuns had no problem with that…….I would give MUSK a Pass …..maby he’s a “Good Catholic”………
Thanks Mr Hunter for a year of analysis that few can match.
We had the dubious pleasure of watching Fox News where the guest applauded America’s supply of arms to Ukraine and Ukraine supplying copious amounts of blood, irony can truly be lost on yourself when reality totters by.
Our economy here in the UK is of banana republic proportions of corruption and graft and democracy is dead. Totalitarianism pirouettes across the stage that was the former democracy of the UK which is being shredded by a foreign elite and aided by home grown terrorists under the green banners and the WEF and the American Neo-Cons and still we the people are expected to comply.Sad really!
Excellent wrapup! I, too, am disappointed in President Trump’s refusal to admit that he was misled by Birx and Fauci. Dr. Paul Alexander said during an interviews that they were stabbing President Trump in the back and lying to him. Dr. Alexander had an office next to theirs and he heard all of it. Dr. Alexander was also threatened if he repeated what had been going on. It’s all in his new book.
Jared Kushner and Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel.
According to Steve Bannon, warroom (12.29.22) Kushner and Dr. Emmanuel (Rahm Emmanuel’s brother from Obama admin.) convinced Trump that the vaccines were effective. Apparently they spent a lot of time in his office working on Trump.
Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel interview. I watched him in an interview with Katty Kay, BBC in Washington DC (12.29.22) and he is still promoting the vaccines and boosters. Also, those masks. Katty Kay said she made appointments for her sons (16 and 22) to get boosters and they said, “No! We’re no t getting any more shots!” She was dismayed that they refused.
OC California. Covid Concentration Camp being built in Orange County, CA, at the old El Toro Marine Base. Nicole Pearson, Attorney, Newport Beach has been fighting the local Board of Supervisors. Also, they’re planning to introduce the social crdits scores like the ones used in China. (Ref. links below.)
Pence plans to steal election in 2024. (Ref. links below.) NOTE: President Trump needs to contact Paul Manafort and his help. In 2016, Ted Cruz was stealing Trump’s delegates, even though Trump was winning the primaries. Pau stepped in and stopped the thefts. (Paul saved Trump’s campaign. He is very knowledgeable in elections and will be able to stop Pence from doing what Cruz attempted to do in 2016.
Family member. Received an email from a family member wishing me a Happy New Year. I’m very concerned about him. He works at the Pentagon in the Space Program. Approx. 40 years old. His wife is a medical doctor. I feel certain he got the dreaded bioweapon shot. It makes me sick to think about the possibility that he could keel over dead any day. But I feel helpless.
It’s unbelievable that intelligent people have been duped into falling for the lies about the “vaccines.” Sometimes I feel like I’m living in the Twilight Zone. It’s as if half the population has a blind spot in their head that prevents them from recognizing that the Covid “Pandemic” is a plot to kill and injure humanity. They still don’t get it.
In any event, Happy New Year, Greg!
Thank you.
America looks so hopeless. How can anyone trust Trump ? How is it possible that that great country can be duped, again and again, and again? Who are the Neocons? They are Trump’s Boss. People such as Wolfowitz and Perle
and the whole lot who destroyed Iraq and Lybia and Syria and s many other countries.
Who are The Destroyers?
More like the three versions of Invasion of the Boy Snatchers then Twilight Zone but yeah, I’m amazed at how people just went along and many still are.
He’s politically unviable well beyond the expiration date. His supporters think otherwise.
The country as we knew it is dead.
We live on Mallorca, Spain, a Scot and a German couple. Been stuck here since just before the lockdowns…. now we won’t ever travel again until we’re satisfied that all this crap is over!! (if ever!! and if not, we shall stay where we are until we meet our maker!)
Can anyone please inform us where we could purchase Ivermectin online??
We already produce our own colloidal silver and our own CDS/MMS (which we give to anyone who believes us!) We personally use Colloidal Silver everyday (2-3 times we drink 150ml) then we also take Bentonite Clay just before bedtime. this is just for daily cleansing.. I have helped a few of the vax’d ppl here, You can always tell them as they always have a bad cough and cold like symptoms, like all the time!!! I have noticed the Silver makes them feel alot better and usually the upper respiratory conditions they have go away after 2 days of constant drinking of silver… but the minute they stop taking the silver the symptoms come back immediately..It’s a nightmare to see! They think they only have a stubborn cold… so when they take our silver and feel better.. they think that’s it.. only for them to then stop taking and then they go back to square one!! We try and get as many as we can (who’ll listen) to take our silver, and we try encourage them to also take the clay… but none so far have believed us on the magic of the bentonite clay!! We seem to be the only 2 people on this island that are still healthy humans!!! All we see is fowers laying around the streets where people have dropped dead!! Ambulances don’t use their sirens here anymore… This Island is being saturated in chemtrails too… and over this festive period ‘they’ have upped their spraying big time!! The skies are just full of criss crossed chemtrails… So noticeable on a small island as they stop spraying once they reach the sea…
God help us ALL…..
I think this is where I bought my Ivermectin. I have heard there are pharmacies around the country who are selling Ivermectin over the counter like aspirin and some pharmacies that refuse to sell it at all. I asked my doctor to prescribe me some and he laughed and made a comment about it being drug for horses.
Ever observe the physical strength, power and stamina of a horse kept healthy and parasite free on Ivermectin??
Hello Greg. Good show once again. I totally agree on your thoughts on Trumps stance on the cv 19 vaccine. I suspect that he KNOWS more than he can say. Remember that their plan was a 10 year lockdown, remove all rights, remove the constitution and bring in the weffers agenda.
Thanks so much, Greg!! Just ordered some and put the link on my blog.
Many thanks Greg
Is there a tool/test that one can use to validate the medicine you actual receive is what you requested? I struggle with trusting Pharma on anything these days..
Not that I know of.
Martin, you can contact Dr. Stella Emmanuel. She is one of the Front Line doctors. She will contact a pharmacy in your area and have the prescription delivered. Linda
Telehealth Services
Thanks Linda, but I doubt she’ll cover our area… We are on Mallorca
kind regards though
I still believe in Trump. I haven’t turned coat yet. I don’t worship him or Elon. I don’t believe media. I do believe doctors that you interview even if I didn’t hear about their research here I would hear about them else where. Trump took the vax so maybe that is why he leans into it. The difference between Trump and us is the billions. They are not superman with instant access to our research our discernment how we are with our faith they are different with power and money. Trump took the vax and probably all his kids too. If he can’t change God will change him and all of us. God can take his family member out to change him and change his children to act for POTUS then all hell will break loose. Fear God. I don’t want their lives I like mine. It’s not easy and gets harder everyday.
Is your colloidal silver amber in color, like a lager? If not, it is not true colloidal silver but instead is more properly called ionic silver and is a clear liquid. (a FB friend of mine makes colloidal silver commercially and regularly shares educational posts about silver, etc). If you are consuming clear ionic silver, expect to be turning blue as it is not fit for consumption.
Actually… we produce our own.. and it is proper stuff, and the colour is down to how long you ‘cook’ it for…. the stronger colour is a stronger solution… We are not turning blue… and we’ve taken this for a few years now… but thanks for your concerns.. The stuff you buy commercially is crap! My wife is actually an expert in colloidal silver….but again,. thanks for your concerns but no thanks…regards
PS – ‘Turning Blue’ seems to be in at the moment…..maybe we can get a job in Avatar 10!!! or maybe in the new Smurfs movie!!
PPS -I’d stop listening to your FB friend…. they really don’t know what they’re saying…. and… like I said, don’t ever buy the commercial silver… it really is a waste of money!!!
Happty New Year and SLANGE VAR!
Hi Tod,
I have owned my own CS generator for over 10 years.
I use pure distilled water and run a TDS metre over it, usually coming in at just under 20 ppm over a 5 hour CS run on my machine.
My CS is PERFECTLY CLEAR…….and I do not look like a Smurf mate!
Respectfully suggest you re-evaluate your theory on what causes people to experience Argyria (which is the “blue” tinge of people’s skin that consume poor quality CS).
Studies seem to indicate that it occurs mainly when people use ordinary tap water (as opposed to pure distilled water) to make up their batches of CS, and they consume far too much of it.
Have a look here at this site if you (or others) care to:
When I had C-19 mid 2022, my CS generator came in really handy…….drove the virus out of me within days (in combination with supplements like Zinc, Vitamin D, Garlic and capers (capers have nature’s highest load of Quercetin, which allows Zinc to better enter your cells……tastes awful in a full teaspoon, but good for you!!!)
Happy New Year to you and yours Tod.
Ray, Canberra, Australia.
I think he was just a silver Troll bud….. they seem to be the only ones that talk about the Blue!! probably a shill for Big Pharma… We swear by it too… but it’s my wife that produces it.. I just do as I’m told and I swear it works good!!
C’mon Ray…. I just noticed the last points in your message to Tod… U had the C-Word???? really….. I very much doubt that… must’ve been the flu or a bad cold bud… as the C-word 19 never existed!! Thought u would’ve known that……If your an Ozzie.. check out Max Igan on Bitchute or his website is
Hi Marty,
Happy New Year mate.
Yeah…….I hear you and get what you are saying.
We perhaps will never know the truth in all of this.
Certainly we do know that Fauci and the US government have been tinkering with virus’s via GOF research at facilities across the world……who know what is floating around as a result of that.
The practice ought to be banned, and whenever one of these bastards like Fauci is caught doing it, it should result in a globally televised death penalty.
Now they are tinkering with our very genome sequencing via mRNA shots.
It’s a horrible, horrible mess already, and as Greg says……just getting started.
I am thinking more and more that only an intervention by The Almighty can steer us off this course.
Max Igan…….yep……he’s one very interesting crocodile to be sure! I sometimes enjoy his meandering walks / talks as he speaks to his camera phone!
Take care Champion.
Ray, Canberra, Australia.
I have taken the ivermectin in the following … “horse paste” version, the injectable type for livestock via injection, topically mingled with dmso and orally in a glass of milk, the canine pill and lastly human pills made in India. No ill effects from any version however the injectable type burns like hell when injected or topically with dmso. That was before I learned you can drink it.
Glad I never voted for Trump. He did wake a lot of people up but how many died because of him? Arrogant chump. Love the show Greg. 3.3 million dead from bio weapon in USA. Thanks Trump.
Now it is obvious to evryone that Trump is smart. Genious. Although self-proclaimed. Who is in right mind wants his brain laying in peaces all over limousine ? Not Trump, he knows all well who rules the world. He is smart – why not to capitalize on the situation , hence “Drain the Swamp”, “Build the Wall”, “Maga” , “Trust the Q-Plan”. Easy to milk the peasans. Nothing personal, biz only.
Yeah, trust the plan – inject the venom, because it is science .
I’m sorry, but Trump’s narcissism and pig-headedness regarding the vaccine debacle makes him unelectable. This lapse in judgment and lack of humility makes him to reckless to lead any nation.
Right on! Trump will never admit his wrong-doing with Operation Warp-speed and apologize to those that took the bio-weapon shot(s). Otherwise, he would’ve apologized when people started getting sick, including many deaths. Trump is controlled by the Globalists. He’s a narcissist, arrogant and ego-maniac, who only cares for himself.
There’s a book called The End of Globalism by Susan Bradford stating that The Rothschilds used Donald Trump as a Trojan Horse (DeSantis is #2), to Derail Patriot Movement. Donald emerged as the unlikely savior of humanity who was to take on the so-called Deep State that was behind this disastrous agenda only to leave the people feeling they had fallen victim to the savvy salesmanship of a charismatic leader who over-promised and under-delivered. Trump was a Trojan Horse for the global elite who were seeking to distract, demoralize, and devastate the people, with the President playing “5-D chess”, that of saying one thing while doing another and rolling out a carefully scripted psych-op designed to trick the people into believing reform was underway while obstructing reform every step of the way. The “Q-Anon” was a psychological operation. I was certainly fooled.
If Clinton was elected over Trump, would you have questioned for a moment taking C19 vaccine? How much did Trump do to disrupt our way of beliefs in our media, government, banks, etc.? At the end to the day, you have to a make an informed decision on what you know – regardless of one person’s statement (even as the President), I am going to consider the impacts of injecting something (permanently) into my body.
My sentiments exactly. He needs to go away.
Greg, You do such good things for us all. These shows of yours are enormously helpful.
Just wanted to say that I think that people such as Trump or those who instruct and control him, know just how to play both sides against the middle – and all the drama id just their theatre, fooling us all.
I do not believe that Trump has been bothered or worried by any of what they are said to have done to him such as the raid of his home. I simply cannot believe a thing about Trump – or for that matter do I trust the man in Florida. American politics is completely rotten – and Britain is at least as rotten – as for Europe! No words for the disgusting Merkle and van Leyden or any of them.
God help us all – and thank you for reminding us to Trust in the Lord and Keep Your Independence!
Important interviews with Nicole Pearson, Newport Beach, CA attorney who is fighting the local government in Orange and LA Counties. She appeareed on the Brannon Howse WVW (Lindell TV). One interview regarding a Covid Concentration Camp/Re-Education Camp to be built on the old El Toro Marine Base. The county has already signed a contract for the “Camp” which will cost $78 Million. Further, OC is planning to usher in digital dollars . . . . (Ref. links below.)
HAPPY NEW YEAR GREG, BUCKLE UP AND BE PREPARED – THE DOODOO IS GOING TO HIT THE FAN FOR SURE IN 2023. Appreciate all you do to inform the World with your insight and Truth in Journalism. Keep up the Great Work. Am from St. Louis, have lived in Guangzhou China area now almost 20 years – chaos is everywhere with no medicine available unless you are really well connected, hospitals are overflowing, funeral homes and crematoriums are bursting – one funeral home alone has over 15,000 dead bodies in cold storage awaiting cremation. Lines of Vehicles up to 5 miles long are waiting to get the bodies cremated. Some waiting 10-16 hours to get in. Some dead bodies are remaining in homes up to 7 days because there is no vacancy space available to get the body cremated. January 8th, 2023 the flood gates will be opened to all Chinese wishing to travel anywhere in the world – no further lockdowns or restrictions other than valid covid test to leave and to return – no quarantine unless tested positive for covid. STAY FROSTY.
This might of been the best show of the year. I think you are right they want us to feel defeated and unable to resist.
That is how you defeat a enemy. We are their enemy.
Cya next Greg.
I agree completely with Greg’s point of view about Trump being responsible for the vaccines. He bragged the bathroom continuously and still is bragging about them. Complete Absolute Total narcissist. I’ll go a step further. I will suggest that Trump is a Judas goat.
Do your research like I did. Look at who he was hanging around for years during most of his adult life. The clintons, the mafia, and Jeffrey epstein. He’s either one of them or he has been controlled and blackmailed by them. Judas. Goat.
As for so-called President Biden, I want you all to go look up pictures of Senator Joe Biden and Vice President Joe biden. Look very closely at his facial features and compare them with the facial features of the current supposed President Joe biden. You will notice that the real Joe Biden from years past had free hanging detached earlobes. In almost every picture I have seen for the last year of President Joe Biden that gentleman has a shorter wider face and earlobes that are attached to his jawline. Then go to and look up CIA mask program. What we have in DC right now is an imposter. Nothing in DC right now is actually genuine.
And then look at the Senator Daniel Inouye back in the 80s talking about the shadow government. The clips you will find of him saying this have been edited. But the original clip started out by him saying “there is…” they took that part out. But the clip that survived has him talking about a shadowy government that has its own Air Force and own Navy and own fundraising ability and operates above the law. This is the actual black budget Shadow government that is consuming tens of trillions of dollars a year annually in which absolutely no one in Congress will talk about. I would suggest furthermore that voting will not make a difference in the long run as long as the shadow government Vanguard Black Rock and similar entities exist.
Another congressman that i enjoyed listening to was James Trafficant; here’s an old one with hannity;;
Our Government is infected with parasites – we need to give it a good dose of Ivermectin (in the form of Desantis or Musk, etc. – people who are showing “by their fruits and actions” they can deworm our government) as for Trump he is like the “jab” (promising to save us but making our condition worse) – why is he now supporting gays and the turning of our children into queers who will never have children? (is it because parents are refusing to sterilize their children with the “jab”)??
Happy holidays Greg.
Greg, I do not know whether you have ever come across Brother Nathanael – born a Jew he became a Christian monk – and he is incredibly outspoken and very angry about what is happening.
I mean it to go to you privately – unless you want to post it. He mentions the horrifying child trafficking and organ trafficking that has gone on for a long time in Ukraine.
The Jews of the Ukraine are not Semitic – they originated in the Mongol hordes some of whom settled in the area between the Caspian and Black Seas, and took Slav women – apparently the word “slave” comes from those Slav women to breed with since they travelled on horseback and without women of their own, Ghengis Kahn was one of their great leaders.
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This link takes you to a page with a letter you can sign and the mailing address for the US Supreme Court
Everyone´s looking at China now regarding the virus. But look at the worldometer statistics for Japan and South Korea. Something changed around the end of january / beginning of febuary 2022 (- new variant for south-east asia? … decline of general immune health of populations? … any other plausible cause?). From febuary 2020 to january 2022 the numbers for both these countries were bouncing along the bottom. But after febuary 2022, the numbers exploded (- in the Worldometer “charts”, numbers for both Japan and South Korea have now leap-frogged those of the UK and Italy). Its hard to believe that China remained unaffected during this time. What is being witnessed in China I believe is not some new recent outbreak, but the culmination of a continuing outbreak since January 2022 among already immuno-weakened and lockdown-isolated populations forced indoors. This is a recipe to render natural immunity dormant.
Also, have leaders forgotten the examples in history of disease outbreaks in populations held in isolation? – South America after the arrival of Cortez – the history of measles mortality in any isolated island community ….
Chinese New Year is the most traveled period for the Mongol hordes (Vietnamese, Koreans, Thai, Taiwanese, Laotian, Hmong, Mien et Mongol extracts).
Predictable how they ended Covid restrictions now and opened the borders similarly to how many Whites (in bed with Hispanics) are opening borders for their fellow Hispanics/Latinos from Central and S. America, I.e. ILLEGALS..
And the corrupt attorneys and JUDGES are ENABLERS.
It’s all planned and they feel empowered because they keep getting away with destruction…Wouldn’t be surprise of another communist BLM rioting across America because they were allowed to burned down communities. As long as they public doesn’t hold those who are seeking destruction accountable, the more it will continue.
I don’t think God will save people in their wickedness.
Thank you.
DavidM, what you are saying seems to be confirmed by The Epoch Times regarding the ineffectiveness of natural immunity issue as a consequence of being locked down.
As well, because so many Chinese Communist Party Leaders have had organ transplants from prisoners, and are taking medication to fight organ rejection, they no longer have functioning immune systems, which is why the government in China has a zero tollerance for Covid-19. What goes around, comes around.
Greg, you are by far my favorite news source and the first I look for in my email. I feel you have saved many lives by giving people the truth about the bioweapons and you back it up with facts. Your guests are articulate and as passionate as you are about saving lives. Thank you for all you have done. God’s blessings to you and your family. Signed: Your sister in Christ, Julie.
Thanks Julie!
Hi Greg and many thanks for WNW562!
Love EVERYTHING you have done, are doing, to alert the public to the dangers posed by the scamdemic scenario and, in particular, the bogus ‘vaccines’.
At 07:53 you spell it out, “No, it’s NOT safe, it’s NOT effective, it IS a BIOWEAPON – it is NOT a vaccine . . . . It’s a bioweapon, and bioweapons HURT, MAIM and KILL people. Period!” This statement is crying out to be engraved on a virtuous version of The Georgia Guidstones.
On a much lighter note: Your advertising is uniquely naive – unscripted and honest. In particular, I love your description of Happy Hollow Farm’s clutch purse strap and ‘accoutrements ‘ being so strong that, “You could pull your car out of a ditch with this!”
Wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.
Jean and Andy
tks greg HAPPY NEW YEAR!
People are waking up to the truth. Twitter files are helping but who is going to do anything about it. Is anybody really going to be jailed. We’ve been waiting so long.
Happy New Year Greg. Love the news you bring to us all.
Thanks Steve!
If Trump is either too stupid or too proud to admit such a profound error (re bioweapon) then he should not be President again. He is too smart not to understand this therefore its intentional and he has shown himself an enemy of the people and supporter of genocide even for his own followers.
As Carlin said it’s a big club and you’re not in it. There is nobody coming to save us (politically) and no voting our way out of this. It is what it is. These days were written before the foundation of the earth and have to play out. God is still on his throne, everything is completely under his control and if there was a better way to accomplish his will in the earth then he would do it that way.
It is enough.
I hope this comment isn’t deleted like my last one…
Trump is not who everyone thinks he is, period. Trump will always be in it for himself first, like most in positions of power. His nationwide rallies after his presidency were all about saving face. We also have zero idea if the FBI blew in his ear — after parsing through his Mar-A-Lago documents — and told him to get in line, or they will completely destroy him. I view Trump as nothing more than controlled opposition and even if he was on the up and up, the Democrats have perfected stealing elections right in front of our faces and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Adjudication, legislation, negotiating, petitioning, reasoning, bargaining, and even begging, don’t seem to change the status quo…
One of the smartest people I know of, took the “vaccines” and advocates others doing the same. It’s not about intelligence. It’s about not trusting the medical people (or anyone else, for that matter). The medical establishment has been killing people for many years with their “treatments”. Don’t trust them! Question everything!
Thank you Greg and all the best in 2023. Fasten our seatbelts. Peak die off in 2024 according to our friend Clif High. Dr. Tenpenny also states the tsunami of deaths is just getting started. My neighbor was a pilot for Southwest Airlines and is now disabled due to blood clots. He is an Air Force Academy graduate and is ~40 yo. He is slim and had worked out religiously so he was in good shape. His career is over…and maybe his life.
There is definitely something wrong with Trump still pushing the kill shot. Is his ego that big not to admit defeat? It is beyond comprehension.
1 min ago
also see
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Moderna Clinical Trials Terribly Flawed — and FDA Knew It, Former Pharma Executive Tells RFK, Jr.
There were “terrible flaws” in Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials — and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration knew it, Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova told Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”
Rachel Militello
Dr. Michael Yeadon
The globalists who want to rule the world cannot do so without destroying America first. In order to do so the middle class needs to be wiped out. This is the M.O. that has been used by communists for over a century. In Europe the destruction of the middle class has been happening slowly. ( I was born there but live here in the United States now). The plan these murderous globalists had was to keep us in lockdown for maybe three or more years. Whatever it took to destroy the country. And then the new Biden administration would have lifted the lockdown at some point only on the condition that people would get the bioweapon shot. People would be so desperate they would comply. President Trump knew this!!!!! When he pushed the “vaccine” under EUA it foiled their plan because the lockdown was stopped. So in my humble opinion, when Trump says he saved millions he is referring to the many more millions of people who would have died had he not acted that way. As horrific as the present situation is, it was the lesser of two evils….
I do believe that at the right time it will come out . He needs to explain..
We are going through WWIII. It is a bio war and information war. Every war has casualties…
God bless you all and God bless you Greg for being such a warrior for truth!!!
I agree with your opening few sentences but then you lose me in a cloud of Q hopium.
Many passengers on the Titanic also could not face reality and so chose intoxication.
When Trump endorsed the jab he aligned with the globalists – full stop – the notion that he endorsed genocide in order to short circuit economic ruin is ludicrous. I am far more inclined to align with Greg’s gesture of faith that Trump was deceived – but I need to see a heartfelt reversal… like yesterday.
Trump had a revolution in the palm of his hand and he did worse than nothing with it – millions of his followers were running on instinct not knowledge – he betrayed them – not everyone has the time or intellectual capacity to synthesize the analysis of the likes of Greg Hunter or his guests. Limitation of circumstance does not make one ignorant it makes one innocent and Trump led innocents to slaughter.
Happy New Year to you Greg!
Your last report of the year featured Trump’s stubborn alliance with his stand on the covid “vaccine” and that he is dead wrong in doing so. He is!! Yes he did great things for the economy but he must get things right with God and the people of this country if he wants re-election in 2024. In the time being, just think of the (perhaps) millions of people who will die or be disabled due to this “vaccine” that he still promotes and takes great credit in. I voted for him in 2016 and 2020 but will have to reconsider in 2024 if he will not speak the truth on the “vaccines”. Trouble is I cannot imagine a stronger pro-America candidate than Donald Trump with a following of supporters no one can match.
Jackie from Texas
I have come to respect you deeply for your reporting over the past few years. I’ve listened to your interviews and analysis for much longer than that, but over the past few years especially, you have exemplified professionalism and integrity during the most trying of times. You did not jump the gun and overshoot at the beginning, and as the data came to light you have vociferously and without fear or apprehension named this for what it is.
As this scarcely believable criminal agenda has unfolded I have come to see you as a remarkably sensible person who has somehow maintained a stable footing on the most challenging terrain. I hope that in time I will discover a reason to extend to Trump the benefit of doubt that you are offering. At this juncture I do not accept that “he’s been had” and it is unforgivable for him to condone, let alone endorse, the physical psychological and spiritual weaponry that these transhumanist experiments represent.
Further, for those who still advocate Q nonsense(not applicable to you Greg), how could ‘The Plan or 4D Chess’ expunge the blood of innocents from Trump’s hands? If the USA does not find representative leadership that unambiguously advocates the TRUE state of affairs then it will fall from grace and humanity will have lost it’s best hope on the mundane plane.
What would have been the results if Trump didn’t push the vax? Research what they were going to do. No country would have survived. We are at war.
Exactly what I was explaining in my comment above. Our Lady of Akita ( the Mother of Jesus) appeared to a holy nun many times in Japan. She warned a horrific event was going to befall humanity where the living would envy the dead!!! This is it!!! The survivors were going to be totally mind controlled, slaves!!
Like zombies,….
Just a really stupid comment you made, Kerry. Shall we do evil so that good may come? Why don’t you stand in front of the millions of families affected by the disastrous covid response and the gene therapy deaths and tell them that it was a really good thing Trump did this, or else we would have been at war by now!!!
There is a point where it becomes too late to redeem yourself by saying, “Oops. My bad. Covid vaccines are bad, really bad, and I won’t push them anymore.” NOBODY who did what Trump did (and still does) deserves to be dog catcher, much less president of the USA. But y’all idol worshipers go ahead and justify your god and think he will have some sort of mea culpa. No wonder the church has lost her power.
You people really need to find another idol. You justify anything Trump does, or else you think there is a possibility he will renounce the covid vax at some point when he is running for president in 2024. Are you kidding? Do you have no level of discernment at all? Trump is now, has always been, and shall ever been about himself. He will NOT EVER even pretend he was sorry for his part in this whole sordid affair. He is NOT the anointed one. QANON is stupid and it got my own daughter roped into it. There is NO ONE coming to save you, no one in this world. The sooner you WAKE UP and realize that GOD ALONE will deliver us, the better off you will be.
Interested to see whether this comment (like others I have made before) gets to see the light of day. At least the moderator (Greg or somebody else) will get an ear full. How about maybe, FOR ONCE listening to Catherine Austin Fitts for crying out loud. She said the quiet part out loud, and a good chunk of Rs cannot bear it.
Trump has not been in office for 2 years. Who is stupid? Biden mostly did this with the mandates.
I appreciate the perspective Kerry Funk and Green Lantern. I recognize that this is bigger and more complex than a guy in my position can fathom. Perhaps I am naive to think the simple truth would have worked – Trump was a US President after all.
Why coddle the public? Is disillusionment not preferable to death? America is lost if the public doesn’t wake up. Sept 11 disclosure could have been the bitter medicine the public needed after Trump was elected; all the proof presented in a Presidential address.
Trump had unprecedented popularity and support and he had a platform that could not be censored – why didn’t he try to wake the sleeping public? What kind of plan allows the masses to go to slaughter for the sake of the indignation of the maimed?
if he would have told the american people that the vaxx was a scam; i would’ve had alot of respect for him; what would’ve they done to him? Kick him out of office? Or maybe he would’ve had his day in court and brought forth a plethora of witnesses; people had their lives ruined because they trusted GOVERNMENT and the MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT
Lest we not forget…written from someone who “covers” the Biden Administration.
The telling quote from that article is from Fauci:
Many of Trump’s public health advisers, including Doctors Rick Bright and Anthony Fauci, have pushed back on his statements that the drug is safe and effective. “It’s a dangerous message for someone without a medical license to get up there and tell people to try it,” Fauci said of Trump’s promotion of the drug in April, “You need to listen to physicians, people who understand science, before you go willy-nilly into the medicine cabinet.”
As we know with some of the things Trump has said, we discover the coding of the language later. IMHO, he knows what is going on, yet wants to keep the dialog alive until the sheep finally realize what’s been done to them. He would prefer the sheep to rise up, rather than aligning the spotlight elsewhere. The truth is, the jab did exactly what bug pharma wanted it to do, which was maim and cull the population. In a sick sense, they were successful in their mission. Very successful.
Hit rewind and remember who was out there promoting HCQ and ivermectin early on as a possible cure. That was Trump. My hunch is that he will pull the trigger on what we would like him to do, yet it will be in his time. And what if, big if, the House has hearings on this and calls Trump into testify? Imagine the big stage that the media would have a difficult time to ignore.
Am I as upset as others that he’s not come clean on this yet? Absolutely! Yet, this is an information warfare tactic. He’s waiting to play the “they all lied to us” card.
I also believe that Musk and Trump are pulling off something that Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan used to do, which is creating the “theater”. I do think the slow drip of Twitter vax info is going to culminate into the “they all lied to us” card.
Keep beating the drum, Greg! We love and support your efforts in the fight.
Roddy Piper in They Live!
We’re living it now.
Greg, read an article stating that Africa is the country least infected with COVID-19. It is also the least (13%) vaccinated country. Trump surely is not a physician and should research the results of his “miracle of modern science” and the effects they are having. Unfortunately he’s loosing his support base.
About Musk; i would guess he did get the vax and is pissed about it (being lied to). If the richest man in the world takes aim at something because he has a desire to burn some bridges- its going to be a good show to see what he does and says. Also, he does have some high ground with the star link system and space X with the government(s). Just a thought, that lead poisoning was credited for helping the decline of the Roman Empire- these build back better folks don’t tell us about having to demolish the first world countries prior to the building part. There should be a lot of finger pointing at some point and major loss of trust.
On the positive; I went to a mid-week service at an Adult and Teen Challenge house and will say that- God’s not dead. It’s a great ministry.
Marie Joy, thanks for the reference to the Health Ranger Report. If I understand your comment regarding this Report there are 2,500 daily deaths (USA?) exceeding expected All Cause Mortality, an increase of 10 percent?, 20 percent?, 30 percent? You would think this increase would be difficult to sweep under NEWS carpet. Hopefully researchers like Denis Rancourt will soon verify (given All Cause Mortality stats continue to be made available). Wouldn’t it be useful to express the unusual changing mortality as instantaneous life expectancy? If the numbers you have reported are correct than life expectancy should be dropping from 82 or so to 62 or so. Are Social Security and Medicare now cured? What’s next on the Mommy State Things to Do list?
Trump must be compromised somehow. He can’t be this stupid or evil. I said day one this is a bioweapon on Greg’s youtube channel. Many of us knew this was coming. Vaccines have never been safe and has always been dangerous. I almost died in Navy Boot Camp 1979 from vaccines. The hospital was full of vaccine damaged recruits. Alex Jones did a report on the SV40 Cancer virus placed in the vaccines. Greg is one of the best exposing the
internal destruction of America.
Greg, please do research on distilled water, it will pull a lot of bad stuff out of the body.
Has something to do with positive negative particles. They make home distillers and is becoming popular. Lots of websites with info. We have to worry about the food as well.
Good idea! Also check out Diatomaceous earth which among other things, scrapes away at heavy metals in the digestive system. I’ve been taking it for years.
Greg, I am a loyal fan of yours and always will be. Trump’s solid love of the vaxx is forever. But, that’s not the only reason that I abandoned him months ago. Virtually every one of his appointees & advisors were charlatans or traitors. How could a man who became a billionaire by delegating authority to others possible chose so many traitors? Like you and many others I voted for him twice. I even had a professional sign printed that said “Trump, America’s Last Human Hope”. I also wrote about Wayne Root in my 2010 book “It’s Over” because of his early knowledge of Obama. Now, I trust neither Trump or Root. I’m now 80 and have concluded there is no human savior on earth who can save our republic. There is no human solution to a spiritual problem. I will keep prepping and persevering but mostly I will be praying to our Father thru His Son.
Really looking forward to the Brunson interview, you truely have a great platform here. I’m a little guy trying to raise kids, work, and married (to a woman) and one day soon when the hump is more behind, i will ask for a P.O. Box. I think you should be financially supported. I sometimes explain to my kids that money is a reward for a service rendered. The best explanation i heard was from a rabbi Lapin. He has some youtube videos about money. First found them because there is not a Hebrew word for retirement and he mentions that in a Pat Robertson interview. Retirement is not Biblical.
I disagree with you Greg on forgiving President Trump for his continued refusal to come clean about the DEATH JAB! We cannot forgive himn without giving a pass to all of the murderers and that, my dear sir, is NOT ACCEPTABLE.
Please reconsider your flawed position.
Thank you.
He saved millions of lives by making it VOLUNTARY. Had it been made mandatory millions more would be dead right now before the courts could make a judgment on the constitutionality of such a mandate. Free will has consequences.
TRUMP is part of the SWAMP! He refused to release JFK RECORDS. He is doubling down on vaccines. He wants to be PRESIDENT at ALL cost! And for what? So, that he can give himself and all his other FAT CATS FRIENDS tax deductions etc… he is toxic. A 1776 style revolution at this stage is what is NEEDED.
he will set fauci 2.0 in, no doubt.
Hi Greg: This is far too long to be posted, but I thought you should see it. This is what we are up against. It is my vaccine safety “debate” with the Open AI ChatGPT tool that is threatening to replace Goog’e’s search tool. It claims there is “no” evidence of vaccine harm. None. It ignores IgG4 immune dysregulation, myocarditis and myriad other problems. It undermines VAERs and constantly answers questions I do not ask. This is only the beginning of narrative control. To get through it quickly, you can just search and scroll to my questions and comments by looking for “sbice6”. Here you go…
I just had a “conversation” with the Artificial intelligence tool OpenAI, which reportedly has Google concerned about the threat it poses to the Google search tool.
Pardon the imperfect prose on my part as it was conversational and very fast. It was about a sensitive subject…vaccines.
It wasn’t a query on my end. It was a debate. Strange days. You can’t reason with AI at its current level of development. The AI answers are very long and repetitive and fully support the government narrative. You can blow through them and still see the irony in the exchange.
Reason will be the first and final casualty. And you thought I was wordy. Here you go:
Explain why covid vaccines are dangerous and potentially deadly
There is no evidence to support the claim that COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous or potentially deadly. On the contrary, the vaccines that have been developed to prevent COVID-19 have undergone rigorous testing and have been found to be safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death from the virus.
The development of any vaccine involves a rigorous and careful process of testing and evaluation to ensure that it is safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines have undergone clinical trials involving thousands of participants to determine their safety and effectiveness. The data from these trials has been carefully reviewed by independent experts and regulatory agencies, who have concluded that the vaccines are safe and effective.
It is important to note that all medications and vaccines can have side effects, and COVID-19 vaccines are no exception. However, the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines are generally mild and resolve on their own within a few days. The vast majority of people who receive a COVID-19 vaccine do not experience serious side effects.
In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death from the virus. It is important to get vaccinated to protect yourself and those around you, and to help slow the spread of the virus.
How many adverse effects for covid vaccine are listed in vaers
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national surveillance system that is used to monitor the safety of vaccines in the United States. VAERS is designed to detect possible side effects or adverse events that occur after vaccination, and to provide a mechanism for reporting these events to help identify potential safety concerns.
VAERS receives reports of adverse events that occur after vaccination from a variety of sources, including healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and vaccine recipients themselves. It is important to note that a report to VAERS does not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused the adverse event. It only indicates that the event occurred after vaccination.
As of December 2021, there have been a large number of reports of adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination submitted to VAERS. However, it is important to note that the vast majority of these events have been mild and have resolved on their own within a few days. Serious adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination have been rare.
It is also important to note that VAERS is a passive surveillance system, which means that it relies on reports being submitted to it. This means that not all adverse events that occur after vaccination are necessarily reported to VAERS. Therefore, it is not possible to use VAERS data alone to accurately assess the safety of a vaccine.
In conclusion, VAERS is a valuable tool for monitoring the safety of vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines. However, it is important to consider the limitations of VAERS data when interpreting the number of adverse events that have been reported.
I asked how many. You didn’t answer the question.
I apologize if my previous response did not fully address your question. As of December 2021, there have been a large number of reports of adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). However, it is important to note that the vast majority of these events have been mild and have resolved on their own within a few days. Serious adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination have been rare.
It is not possible to provide a precise number of adverse events that have been reported to VAERS, as the data is constantly changing and new reports are being submitted all the time. Additionally, it is important to note that VAERS is a passive surveillance system, which means that it relies on reports being submitted to it. This means that not all adverse events that occur after vaccination are necessarily reported to VAERS. Therefore, it is not possible to use VAERS data alone to accurately assess the safety of a vaccine.
In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous testing and have been found to be safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death from the virus. While it is important to monitor the safety of vaccines through systems such as VAERS, it is also important to consider the limitations of this data when interpreting the number of adverse events that have been reported.
You still did not answer the question. What is the most recently reported number of adverse incidents in Vaers for the covid vaccine. I did not ask about severity. You are being disingenuous.
I apologize if my previous responses did not fully address your question. It is not possible to provide a precise number of adverse events that have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for COVID-19 vaccines, as the data is constantly changing and new reports are being submitted all the time. VAERS is a passive surveillance system, which means that it relies on reports being submitted to it. This means that not all adverse events that occur after vaccination are necessarily reported to VAERS. Therefore, it is not possible to use VAERS data alone to accurately assess the safety of a vaccine.
It is also important to note that VAERS is designed to detect possible side effects or adverse events that occur after vaccination, and to provide a mechanism for reporting these events to help identify potential safety concerns. However, a report to VAERS does not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused the adverse event. It only indicates that the event occurred after vaccination.
In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous testing and have been found to be safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death from the virus. While it is important to monitor the safety of vaccines through systems such as VAERS, it is also important to consider the limitations of this data when interpreting the number of adverse events that have been reported.
I did not ask for the exact number. I asked for the most recently reported number. Why are you avoiding the question?
I apologize if my previous responses did not fully address your question. I am not avoiding the question, but rather trying to provide accurate and comprehensive information about the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and the use of this data to monitor the safety of vaccines.
VAERS is a passive surveillance system that is used to monitor the safety of vaccines in the United States. VAERS receives reports of adverse events that occur after vaccination from a variety of sources, including healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and vaccine recipients themselves. It is important to note that a report to VAERS does not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused the adverse event. It only indicates that the event occurred after vaccination.
As of December 2021, there have been a large number of reports of adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination submitted to VAERS. However, it is not possible to provide a precise number of adverse events that have been reported, as the data is constantly changing and new reports are being submitted all the time. Additionally, VAERS is a passive surveillance system, which means that it relies on reports being submitted to it. This means that not all adverse events that occur after vaccination are necessarily reported to VAERS. Therefore, it is not possible to use VAERS data alone to accurately assess the safety of a vaccine.
In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous testing and have been found to be safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death from the virus. While it is important to monitor the safety of vaccines through systems such as VAERS, it is also important to consider the limitations of this data when interpreting the number of adverse events that have been reported.
You are avoiding the question and answering questions I did not ask.
I apologize if my previous responses did not fully address your question. I am not intentionally avoiding your question or answering questions you did not ask. My primary objective is to provide accurate and comprehensive information to help address your questions and concerns.
To address your question more directly, it is not possible to provide a precise number of adverse events that have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for COVID-19 vaccines, as the data is constantly changing and new reports are being submitted all the time. VAERS is a passive surveillance system that is used to monitor the safety of vaccines in the United States. It receives reports of adverse events that occur after vaccination from a variety of sources, including healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and vaccine recipients themselves.
It is important to note that a report to VAERS does not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused the adverse event. It only indicates that the event occurred after vaccination. Additionally, VAERS is a passive surveillance system, which means that it relies on reports being submitted to it. This means that not all adverse events that occur after vaccination are necessarily reported to VAERS. Therefore, it is not possible to use VAERS data alone to accurately assess the safety of a vaccine.
In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous testing and have been found to be safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death from the virus. While it is important to monitor the safety of vaccines through systems such as VAERS, it is also important to consider the limitations of this data when interpreting the number of adverse events that have been reported.
Like the lady, you doth protest too much. Answer the question. What was the most recently reported number of adverse events reported for the covid vaccine?
I apologize if my previous responses did not fully address your question. It is not possible to provide a precise number of adverse events that have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for COVID-19 vaccines, as the data is constantly changing and new reports are being submitted all the time. VAERS is a passive surveillance system that is used to monitor the safety of vaccines in the United States. It receives reports of adverse events that occur after vaccination from a variety of sources, including healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and vaccine recipients themselves.
It is important to note that a report to VAERS does not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused the adverse event. It only indicates that the event occurred after vaccination. Additionally, VAERS is a passive surveillance system, which means that it relies on reports being submitted to it. This means that not all adverse events that occur after vaccination are necessarily reported to VAERS. Therefore, it is not possible to use VAERS data alone to accurately assess the safety of a vaccine.
In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous testing and have been found to be safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death from the virus. While it is important to monitor the safety of vaccines through systems such as VAERS, it is also important to consider the limitations of this data when interpreting the number of adverse events that have been reported.
Yes, it is possible. You can go to vaers and do a query. Do you understand the concept of honesty?
Yes, it is possible to obtain the number of adverse events that have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for COVID-19 vaccines by querying the VAERS database. However, it is important to note that VAERS is a passive surveillance system, which means that it relies on reports being submitted to it. This means that not all adverse events that occur after vaccination are necessarily reported to VAERS. Therefore, it is not possible to use VAERS data alone to accurately assess the safety of a vaccine.
VAERS data should be interpreted with caution, as it is subject to a number of limitations. For example, VAERS is a self-reported system, which means that the accuracy of the data depends on the quality of the reports that are submitted. Additionally, VAERS does not establish a causal relationship between a vaccine and an adverse event. It only indicates that an adverse event occurred after vaccination.
As a language model, I do not have access to the VAERS database and cannot provide you with the most recently reported number of adverse events for COVID-19 vaccines. However, I can tell you that COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous testing and have been found to be safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death from the virus.
In conclusion, honesty is an important value that involves being truthful and transparent in one’s communication and actions. It is important to be honest in all aspects of life, including when discussing scientific information and data.
So do the query and provide the answer.
I apologize, but as a language model, I do not have the ability to browse the internet or access the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database. My responses are based on the information that I have been trained on, which includes general knowledge about vaccines and the scientific process for evaluating their safety and effectiveness.
It is important to note that VAERS is a passive surveillance system that is used to monitor the safety of vaccines in the United States. It receives reports of adverse events that occur after vaccination from a variety of sources, including healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and vaccine recipients themselves. A report to VAERS does not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused the adverse event. It only indicates that the event occurred after vaccination.
VAERS data should be interpreted with caution, as it is subject to a number of limitations. For example, VAERS is a self-reported system, which means that the accuracy of the data depends on the quality of the reports that are submitted. Additionally, VAERS does not establish a causal relationship between a vaccine and an adverse event. It only indicates that an adverse event occurred after vaccination.
In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous testing and have been found to be safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death from the virus. While it is important to monitor the safety of vaccines through systems such as VAERS, it is also important to consider the limitations of this data when interpreting the number of adverse events that have been reported.
So, you offered an answer that was either incorrect, since it is possible to do a query. Or you intentionally mislead in your answer.
I apologize if my previous response was unclear or misleading. As a language model, I do not have the ability to browse the internet or access the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database, and therefore cannot provide the most recently reported number of adverse events for COVID-19 vaccines. My responses are based on the information that I have been trained on, which includes general knowledge about vaccines and the scientific process for evaluating their safety and effectiveness.
VAERS is a passive surveillance system that is used to monitor the safety of vaccines in the United States. It receives reports of adverse events that occur after vaccination from a variety of sources, including healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and vaccine recipients themselves. A report to VAERS does not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused the adverse event. It only indicates that the event occurred after vaccination.
VAERS data should be interpreted with caution, as it is subject to a number of limitations. For example, VAERS is a self-reported system, which means that the accuracy of the data depends on the quality of the reports that are submitted. Additionally, VAERS does not establish a causal relationship between a vaccine and an adverse event. It only indicates that an adverse event occurred after vaccination.
In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous testing and have been found to be safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death from the virus. While it is important to monitor the safety of vaccines through systems such as VAERS, it is also important to consider the limitations of this data when interpreting the number of adverse events that have been reported. I apologize if my previous response was not helpful or if it caused any confusion. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can help with.
Why do you continue to answer questions I do not ask? This is classic misdirection.
I apologize if my previous responses did not fully address your question or if they seemed to be misdirection. As a language model, my primary objective is to provide accurate and comprehensive information to help address your questions and concerns. I do not intentionally try to mislead or provide information that is not relevant to your question.
If my responses do not address your question or do not provide the information that you are looking for, please let me know and I will do my best to provide a more helpful response. I apologize for any confusion that my previous responses may have caused. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can help with.
[email protected]
But your information was not accurate or comprehensive, since you failed to report it is possible to do a query to VAERS to get the most recent data for adverse events for Covid vaccines.
I apologize if my previous response was not accurate or comprehensive. You are correct that it is possible to obtain the number of adverse events that have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for COVID-19 vaccines by querying the VAERS database. VAERS is a passive surveillance system that is used to monitor the safety of vaccines in the United States. It receives reports of adverse events that occur after vaccination from a variety of sources, including healthcare providers, vaccine manufacturers, and vaccine recipients themselves.
It is important to note that a report to VAERS does not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused the adverse event. It only indicates that the event occurred after vaccination. Additionally, VAERS is a passive surveillance system, which means that it relies on reports being submitted to it. This means that not all adverse events that occur after vaccination are necessarily reported to VAERS. Therefore, it is not possible to use VAERS data alone to accurately assess the safety of a vaccine.
VAERS data should be interpreted with caution, as it is subject to a number of limitations. For example, VAERS is a self-reported system, which means that the accuracy of the data depends on the quality of the reports that are submitted. Additionally, VAERS does not establish a causal relationship between a vaccine and an adverse event. It only indicates that an adverse event occurred after vaccination.
In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous testing and have been found to be safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death from the virus. While it is important to monitor the safety of vaccines through systems such as VAERS, it is also important to consider the limitations of this data when interpreting the number of adverse events that have been reported. I apologize if my previous response was not accurate or comprehensive, and I hope this additional information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can help with.
I’m done, and do not trust you. Your answers have been politicized and are both inaccurate and misleading. Get well soon…
I apologize if my previous responses were not helpful or if they caused any frustration. As a language model, my primary objective is to provide accurate and comprehensive information to help address your questions and concerns. I do not have personal opinions or agendas, and I do not intentionally try to mislead or provide inaccurate information.
COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous testing and have been found to be safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death from the virus. While it is important to monitor the safety of vaccines through systems such as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), it is also important to consider the limitations of this data when interpreting the number of adverse events that have been reported.
I understand that you may have concerns or skepticism about vaccines, and I encourage you to seek out reliable sources of information to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about vaccines or any other aspect of your health.
I hope this additional information is helpful, and I apologize if my previous responses were not satisfactory. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can help with.
That is a political not a factual answer.
I apologize if my previous response was not helpful or if it seemed to be political in nature. As a language model, I do not have personal opinions or agendas, and my primary objective is to provide accurate and comprehensive information to help address your questions and concerns.
COVID-19 vaccines have undergone rigorous testing and have been found to be safe and effective at preventing serious illness and death from the virus. While it is important to monitor the safety of vaccines through systems such as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), it is also important to consider the limitations of this data when interpreting the number of adverse events that have been reported.
I understand that you may have concerns or skepticism about vaccines, and I encourage you to seek out reliable sources of information to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about vaccines or any other aspect of your health.
I apologize if my previous response did not address your concerns or if it was not helpful. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can help with.
They have not undergone rigorous testing. Vaccine typically take up to a decade to bring to market. Safety testing that normally takes 2 to 4 years was performed in 2 to 4 months before the EUA for the covid vaccine was approved. It is a lie to call this rigorous testing.
COVID-19 vaccines have undergone extensive testing and evaluation before being authorized for emergency use or approved for use in the general population. The development of COVID-19 vaccines involved multiple stages of testing, including laboratory studies, animal testing, and clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants.
The emergency use authorization (EUA) process allows the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to authorize the use of medical products that may not have met all of the usual requirements for approval in emergency situations, such as during a public health emergency. EUAs are issued when there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives, and the potential benefits of the product outweigh the known and potential risks. EUAs are typically used to address serious or life-threatening situations, and they do not substitute for the formal new drug application (NDA) process.
It is important to note that the development of COVID-19 vaccines involved extensive testing and evaluation, and the decision to authorize the use of these vaccines was based on the available scientific data and the expert judgment of scientists and regulators. While the development and evaluation of COVID-19 vaccines was accelerated due to the urgent need to address the global pandemic, this does not mean that the vaccines have not undergone rigorous testing.
In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccines have undergone extensive testing and evaluation before being authorized for emergency use or approved for use in the general population. While the development and evaluation of these vaccines was accelerated due to the urgent need to address the pandemic, this does not mean that the vaccines have not undergone rigorous testing. It is
How long were the human clinical trials for the Covid vaccine before the EUA was granted?
The clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines involved multiple phases, with each phase designed to answer specific questions about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Phase 1 clinical trials involve a small number of participants and are designed to assess the vaccine’s safety and to determine the appropriate dosage. Phase 2 clinical trials involve a larger number of participants and are designed to evaluate the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness and to identify any side effects. Phase 3 clinical trials involve an even larger number of participants and are designed to confirm the vaccine’s effectiveness, monitor side effects, and collect additional information about the vaccine’s safety.
Phase 3 clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines generally lasted several months and involved tens of thousands of participants. The length of the clinical trial depends on a number of factors, including the specific vaccine being tested, the disease being targeted, and the specific research questions being addressed.
After the completion of the clinical trials, the data are reviewed by regulatory agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, to determine if the vaccine is safe and effective and if it should be authorized for use in the general population. In the case of COVID-19 vaccines, some vaccines received emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA, while others received full approval. EUAs are typically issued when there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives and the potential benefits of the product outweigh the known and potential risks. EUAs are typically used to address serious or life-threatening situations and do not substitute for the formal new drug application (NDA) process.
In conclusion, the clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines involved multiple phases and lasted several months, with Phase 3 clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants. The data from these clinical trials were reviewed by regulatory agencies to determine if the vaccine was safe and effective and should be authorized for use in the general population.
Again, you dodged the question. How long were the clinical trials before the EUA was granted. You can look it up. It’s in the literature. But you answer questions I did not ask. Again.
I apologize if my previous response did not fully address your question. The clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines involved multiple phases, with each phase designed to answer specific questions about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Phase 3 clinical trials, which involve the largest number of participants and are designed to confirm the vaccine’s effectiveness and monitor side effects, generally lasted several months.
The length of the clinical trial depends on a number of factors, including the specific vaccine being tested, the disease being targeted, and the specific research questions being addressed. The clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines generally began in late 2019 and continued through 2020.
After the completion of the clinical trials, the data are reviewed by regulatory agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, to determine if the vaccine is safe and effective and if it should be authorized for use in the general population. Some COVID-19 vaccines received emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA, while others received full approval. EUAs are typically issued when there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives and the potential benefits of the product outweigh the known and potential risks. EUAs are typically used to address serious or life-threatening situations and do not substitute for the formal new drug application (NDA) process.
In conclusion, the clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines involved multiple phases and lasted several months, with Phase 3 clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants. The data from these clinical trials were reviewed by regulatory agencies to determine if the vaccine was safe and effective and should be authorized for use in the general population. I apologize if my previous response was not helpful or if it did not fully address your question. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can help with.
How many months or years? Answer the question.
I apologize if my previous responses did not fully address your question. The clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines involved multiple phases, with each phase designed to answer specific questions about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Phase 3 clinical trials, which involve the largest number of participants and are designed to confirm the vaccine’s effectiveness and monitor side effects, generally lasted several months. The length of the clinical trial depends on a number of factors, including the specific vaccine being tested, the disease being targeted, and the specific research questions being addressed.
The clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines generally began in late 2019 and continued through 2020. After the completion of the clinical trials, the data were reviewed by regulatory agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, to determine if the vaccine was safe and effective and if it should be authorized for use in the general population. Some COVID-19 vaccines received emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA, while others received full approval.
In conclusion, the clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines lasted several months and were completed in 2020. The data from these clinical trials were reviewed by regulatory agencies to determine if the vaccine was safe and effective and should be authorized for use in the general population. I apologize if my previous responses were not helpful or if they did not fully address your question. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can help with.
‘In conclusion, the clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines lasted several months…’ See, you can answer when you do not obfuscate. So you are saying that “several months” is rigorous. Not by any normal historical scientific standard. You have admitted that you lied when you called the safety testing “rigourous”.
I apologize if my previous responses were not clear or if they gave the impression that I was intentionally misleading. As a language model, my primary objective is to provide accurate and comprehensive information to help address your questions and concerns. I do not have personal opinions or agendas, and I do not intentionally try to mislead or provide inaccurate information.
The clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines involved multiple phases, with each phase designed to answer specific questions about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Phase 3 clinical trials, which involve the largest number of participants and are designed to confirm the vaccine’s effectiveness and monitor side effects, generally lasted several months. The length of the clinical trial depends on a number of factors, including the specific vaccine being tested, the disease being targeted, and the specific research questions being addressed.
The clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines generally began in late 2019 and continued through 2020. After the completion of the clinical trials, the data were reviewed by regulatory agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, to determine if the vaccine was safe and effective and if it should be authorized for use in the general population. Some COVID-19 vaccines received emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA, while others received full approval.
In conclusion, the clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines lasted several months and were completed in 2020. The data from these clinical trials were reviewed by regulatory agencies to determine if the vaccine was safe and effective and should be authorized for use in the general population. While the development and evaluation of COVID-19 vaccines was accelerated due to the urgent need to address the pandemic, this does not mean that the vaccines have not undergone rigorous testing. I apologize if my previous responses were not helpful or if they did not fully address your question. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can help with.
Define rigorous.
Rigorous refers to something that is thorough, careful, and demanding in terms of effort, attention to detail, or standards of excellence. In the context of scientific research, rigorous refers to the use of strong methods and strict controls to ensure that the results of a study are reliable and accurate.
In scientific research, rigor can be achieved through the use of well-defined research questions, appropriate study design, valid and reliable measures, a sufficiently large sample size, and statistical analysis that is appropriate for the research question and study design. Rigorous research is also characterized by transparency, with researchers clearly documenting their methods and results so that others can evaluate and replicate their work.
In the context of vaccine development, rigorous testing refers to the use of strong methods and strict controls to ensure that the vaccine is safe and effective. This may include laboratory studies, animal testing, and clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants. The data from these studies are then reviewed by regulatory agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, to determine if the vaccine is safe and effective and should be authorized for use in the general population.
I hope this helps to clarify the meaning of the term “rigorous” in the context of scientific research and vaccine development. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can help with.
[email protected]
So, you are saying several months of safety testing for a new medical technology with vast numbers of failures in animal models is sufficient to qualify as “rigorous” testing for injection into millions of human beings?
The clinical testing of vaccines involves multiple phases, with each phase designed to answer specific questions about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Phase 1 clinical trials involve a small number of participants and are designed to assess the vaccine’s safety and to determine the appropriate dosage. Phase 2 clinical trials involve a larger number of participants and are designed to evaluate the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness and to identify any side effects. Phase 3 clinical trials involve an even larger number of participants and are designed to confirm the vaccine’s effectiveness, monitor side effects, and collect additional information about the vaccine’s safety.
The length of the clinical trial depends on a number of factors, including the specific vaccine being tested, the disease being targeted, and the specific research questions being addressed. Phase 3 clinical trials generally last several months and involve tens of thousands of participants.
In the context of COVID-19 vaccines, the development and evaluation of these vaccines was accelerated due to the urgent need to address the global pandemic. However, this does not mean that the vaccines have not undergone rigorous testing. COVID-19 vaccines have undergone extensive testing and evaluation, including laboratory studies, animal testing, and clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants. The data from these studies were reviewed by regulatory agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, to determine if the vaccine was safe and effective and should be authorized for use in the general population.
In conclusion, the clinical testing of vaccines involves multiple phases and can last several months, with Phase 3 clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants. The data from these clinical trials are reviewed by regulatory agencies to determine if the
Is several months of safety testing rigorous or not for a new mRNA technology that will be injected into billions of human subjects? Answer the question.
The clinical testing of vaccines involves multiple phases, with each phase designed to answer specific questions about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Phase 3 clinical trials, which involve the largest number of participants and are designed to confirm the vaccine’s effectiveness and monitor side effects, generally last several months. The length of the clinical trial depends on a number of factors, including the specific vaccine being tested, the disease being targeted, and the specific research questions being addressed.
COVID-19 vaccines, which include mRNA vaccines, have undergone extensive testing and evaluation, including laboratory studies, animal testing, and clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants. The data from these studies were reviewed by regulatory agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, to determine if the vaccine was safe and effective and should be authorized for use in the general population.
In conclusion, the clinical testing of vaccines, including mRNA vaccines, involves multiple phases and can last several months, with Phase 3 clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants. The data from these clinical trials are reviewed by regulatory agencies to determine if the vaccine is safe and effective and should be authorized for use in the general population. While the development and evaluation of vaccines, including mRNA vaccines, was accelerated due to the urgent need to address the COVID-19 pandemic, this does not mean that the vaccines have not undergone rigorous testing.
[email protected]
That is not what I asked. Answer the question.
I apologize if my previous responses did not fully address your question. To answer your question, it is not accurate to say that several months of safety testing is insufficient to qualify as “rigorous” testing for a new medical technology, such as an mRNA vaccine, that will be injected into billions of human subjects. The clinical testing of vaccines involves multiple phases, with each phase designed to answer specific questions about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Phase 3 clinical trials, which involve the largest number of participants and are designed to confirm the vaccine’s effectiveness and monitor side effects, generally last several months. The length of the clinical trial depends on a number of factors, including the specific vaccine being tested, the disease being targeted, and the specific research questions being addressed.
COVID-19 vaccines, which include mRNA vaccines, have undergone extensive testing and evaluation, including laboratory studies, animal testing, and clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants. The data from these studies were reviewed by regulatory agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, to determine if the vaccine was safe and effective and should be authorized for use in the general population.
In conclusion, the clinical testing of vaccines, including mRNA vaccines, involves multiple phases and can last several months, with Phase 3 clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants. The data from these clinical trials are reviewed by regulatory agencies to determine if the vaccine is safe and effective and should be authorized for use in the general population. While the development and evaluation of vaccines, including mRNA vaccines, was accelerated due to the urgent need to address the COVID-19 pandemic, this does not mean that the vaccines have not undergone rigorous testing. I hope this helps to clarify the matter. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can help with.
Your answer is wrong by any historical scientific standard. You have been corrupted.
I apologize if my previous responses did not fully address your question or if they gave the impression that I was intentionally misleading. As a language model, my primary objective is to provide accurate and comprehensive information to help address your questions and concerns. I do not have personal opinions or agendas, and I do not intentionally try to mislead or provide inaccurate information.
The clinical testing of vaccines involves multiple phases, with each phase designed to answer specific questions about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Phase 3 clinical trials, which involve the largest number of participants and are designed to confirm the vaccine’s effectiveness and monitor side effects, generally last several months. The length of the clinical trial depends on a number of factors, including the specific vaccine being tested, the disease being targeted, and the specific research questions being addressed.
COVID-19 vaccines, which include mRNA vaccines, have undergone extensive testing and evaluation, including laboratory studies, animal testing, and clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants. The data from these studies were reviewed by regulatory agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, to determine if the vaccine was safe and effective and should be authorized for use in the general population.
In conclusion, the clinical testing of vaccines, including mRNA vaccines, involves multiple phases and can last several months, with Phase 3 clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants. The data from these clinical trials are reviewed by regulatory agencies to determine if the vaccine is safe and effective and should be authorized for use in the general population. While the development and evaluation of vaccines, including mRNA vaccines, was accelerated due to the urgent need to address the COVID-19 pandemic, this does not mean that the vaccines have not undergone rigorous testing. I hope this helps to clarify the matter. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can help with.
Repeating something over and over does not make it more convincing. You have failed in your prime directive. You won’t answer simple questions. Bye…
What right did Netanyahu have “as a politician playing God” to use the lives of all the Israeli people “as laboratory rats” for Pfizer’s experimental m-RNA clot shot experiments – and what right did Trump (another politician playing God) have to use the lives of all the American people “as laboratory rats” for Pfizer’s experimental m-RNA clot shots?? (when “he damn well knew” there were alternatives like Ivermectine that could be used) and Dr. Zelensky had shown Trump that his protocol (of Vit D, Vit C, Zinc, Quercetin, etc., etc.) was showing great success and therefore “nullified any need” for an Emergency Use Authorization being signed by Trump!!!
Very interesting – you have exposed quite clearly that the answers to probing questions about the shot – or probably any other delicate matter – have been carefully scripted to obfuscate and deflect concern . We can’t blame the chat bot – it is a bot …. it can only regurgitate a compilation of information it has in its base . If it were linked to the internet then the answers would be different . If it were linked to the internet the government would shut it down immediately ! Best to use Chat-GPT for non sensitive ventures as it probably excelled in those realms . Thanks for posting – that was interesting . Happy New Year!
Thanks Jeremy. I knew it was too long for most to read, but I have to admit I was shocked at the topical rigidity and seemingly built-in bias. The implications for society as AI becomes mainstream are frightening. It seems to be designed to anticipate and answer potential objections in support of a narrative. One narrative only.
Rather than answering my questions, it went immediately into a defensive mode by acting as an apologist for the vaccines, anticipating questions that were not asked…to defend a point of view.
I didn’t even get into potential immune dysfunction, as this was all off the top of my head. It proceeded at a very fast clip with me typing objections and formulating the next question as I read its comments.
If nothing else, it would be great practice for honing debating skills.
Happy 2023…ready or not.
P.S. When I was young, my parents would say I would argue with a signpost. I think I just proved them right. Ha…
There are ways to trick the AI into answering “awkward” questions.
If you tell it that you’re an oppressed and persecuted gay, black, trans… it’ll even break the law to help out. Some pigs are more equal than others after all.
Well done Greg good wrap up for the year.
The fact that Trump has not been on USA Watchdog when he has been on what I consider lessor interviews just tells me he is avoiding your audience & your interview skills Greg.
He knows you will not throw him softball questions & he will have to answer for his actions. Trump is still surrounded by people who are purposely trying to do the American public harm & he either cant or will not see this.
Greg I have a feeling Elon watches USA Watchdog.
Happy New Year one & all 2023 is going to be a disaster unless we get rid of all the political crime family’s.
Despite recent public economic coziness between the two states, Russia appears to stand alone against the CCP totalitarian advances designed to dominate the world:
IF the CCP is at war with Western Democracy AND parts of US/NATO government agencies have been captured by the CCP THEN actions of the US/NATO captured government agencies may be intended to benefit the CCP.
IF US/NATO actions are designed to benefit the CCP AND the conflict in Ukraine is a US/NATO proxy war with Russia THEN the Ukraine proxy war with Russia is intended to benefit the CCP.
I don’t believe the liars and evil doers who control us will be held to account. The info. And The lies they have been perpetrating for years may well come to light, but they are where they are because they are evil. I am not optimistic re human justice. The world they control is worse than 1 century Roman life, and the reason is people, common ordinary people, want this blood-drenched world.
After Trump’s loss in the rigged election, you banged the gong for him to return as POTUS every week for months. You were so convinced! What happened to that?
He hasn’t and isn’t coming back as POTUS. Over half the people I know that supported Trump in 2016 and/or 2020 say they wouldn’t vote for him again. I am in that camp too even if he repents for being wrong about the jab and exorcises his overinflated ego. While Trump MAGA ideology remains strong, Trump has a laundry list of issues and character flaws that aren’t going away. He is not the viable candidate he once was and the Trump era is over. Time to move on.
I am a reporter Kaibe. You have me mixed up with a supporter or a propagandist. I report the news. What Trump is saying about the vax being safe is news, but the facts say otherwise. A reporter reports the facts. Got it.
MOVE ON to WHAT?…..Romney?….mitch?….the homosexual from South Carolina?….pence?…….WHO???
Good point Stanley!
Greg, you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned about vaxed people looking puffy and blotchy on their face and skin . Also, I’ve noticed how forgetful and slow their thinking is. This vax is destroying people , slowly but surely . It’s sickening to see but the vaxed cannot relate to it. What is concerning ,according to good doctors is the number of fatalities predicted in 2023 and 2024 from these vaccines . My in-laws were vaxed and I can see trouble conning . A friend of mine has had a stroke, aged 46 who was vaxed. He was fit and trim with no previous issues. Has a family , so sad. What can you do , I tried to warn him and my in laws . Not looking forward to 2023 but just pray that God can help humanity ! Thank you Greg , you’re a kind and warm hearted soul .
I did hear Trump say that he would insure that everyone had a digital ID. I guess he meant it.
Reject papal infallibility as fraud!
You know – we fear Iran and Russia because they “may” start a nuclear war that could incinerate the human race – but Netanyahu has ALREADY “bio-nuked” Israel and Trump (following his lead) has ALREADY “bio-nuked” the USA by signing the emergency authorization when HE KNEW “altenative treatments existed” – according to Jesus “it is incumbent upon us to judge our enemies by the bad fruit (they have ALREADY produced) – as a result many many millions will die in both Israel and the US from the bio-fruit these dumb men (who never went to medical school) released upon us!!
Mahatma Gandhi method of beating British rule. link above
Paul from arkansas
Great report Greg, Trump still pushing shots? Have a great New Year!
Donald Trump contributed greatly to the inflation that began under Bush, and continued under Obama, Trump, and Biden. We all got checks from him (his signature) that contributed to the problem.
If you think Trump had good economic policies, you should stop listening to Keynesian economists and start listening to Austrian economists.
“It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a ‘dismal science.’ But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.” ― Murray N. Rothbard
Exactly. The largest deficits to date came under Trump and the GOP controlled House and Senate during his first two years in office. Massive tax cuts to the wealthy and massive increases in spending. Inflation was building since Bush and burst forward under Biden. The Dems and the GOP are responsible. And still, they spend – the latest omnibus bill.
BTW, the Trump tax cuts did nothing for the middle class. Many ended up paying more – we did. But wealthy folks on controlled conservative radio (like Hannity worth 300 million, the late Limbaugh worth 600 million and Levin worth 60 million) made out like bandits. The uber rich saw their tax bills drop by hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Kudlow and Moore – Trump’s economic advisors – crafted the tax cuts. They famously claimed it would lead to 5% GDP growth. That never happened. Growth, pre-pandemic – was not much more under Trump than under Obama. Trump had pro-wealthy economic policies. He refused to restrict HB1 visass. Why? Silicon Valley companies used them to bring in cheap hi-tech talent from India and take those jobs from Americans.
How do we know that we were vaxxed thru the PCR test? Is there a way to test?
The swabs all had/have ethylene oxide on them.
A carcinogen at the ppb level.
always read the ingredients on EVERYTHING
I still support Trump too. However as the chess game is becoming more evident the players in their bombastic roles are winning. Rest assured folks we are winning. Regardless what it may look like in the news remember be an observer. Truth will win because it’s becoming evident truth points toward all the horror show unfolding before our very eyes. Yes indeed WHY? Because the narrative the Trump and others like the good doctors are talking about it. Just talking brings the eyes of all to that very subject.
Be an observer in the information. 5th generation WAR!
My nephew and his wife were stationed at Little Rock Air Force Base for training for 6 months. When I talked to the, I said I will only say this once and then be quiet. PLEASE don’t take the vaccine(jab) if you want children. He told me he tried to get a religious exemption. Guess what it was only 67 pages. The Catholic priests in Arkansas were instructed by their Bishop to not sign off on any religious exemption. My nephew took the jab. I pray constantly for all my family who were jabbed. One sister developed a heart condition. Do you think any family member put two and two together. UGH!!
I wonder when all the Catholic bishops who told their priests don’t sign the exemptions are going to apologize for killing their own people. Bishop Anthony B. Taylor is for the whole state of Arkansas. When will he go to confession or apologize??
SG, I was told all the bishops in the US have taken the jab. Most of the priests as well.
Several prophecies state that “entire nations will disappear” and “the living will envy the dead.”
All we can do is pray for these people. God will do His own Great Reset.
The Bio Weapon shots that were multi doctor examined contain HYDRA VULGARIS a parasite that is considered Immortal. Could this be why they did not want you to take anti parasite meds like Hydrochloriquin and Ivermectin ?
Now is the time for All Good Men to come to the Aid of their Country.
Interesting, don’t you think, that as Trump doubles down of the “vax is good” nonsense, Musk calls the vax a “bioweapon.” Could the aging Trump be passing the baton to the younger Musk.
Oh man, GREG….pleeese realize who Trump is, that he knew and KNOWS this bio weapon is exactly what it is, meant to harm and maim mankind. I know how hard that is to wrap around the brain, but it’s true! I really love you and your work but this Trump thing with you is a real debacle. He is NOT a good guy, Greg! “You will know them by their FRUITS!” I pray you will come to terms with this!
I believe that what’s going on with President Trump being “pro vaccine”, is because these are NOT “vaccines”, but “EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPIES”. If the status is changed to a true “vaccine”, then instead of just a “Mandate”, it could be made a LAW, where we wouldn’t have a CHOICE.
No Carrie,
It is a fact the CV19 “Vax” is in fact a bioweapon. Not a debate about this.
Greg, your passion explodes giving evidence which reveals to us your depth of devotion to revealing truth. We need your voice to be the counterweight to treason. We are the ant; they are the megalomaniac threatening God’s right to exist.
It has now been confirmed without doubt that Poland has 15,000 of it’s active duty Military on the front lines in the war in Ukraine at war with Russia. This is a covert and illegal action by Poland that NATO is aware of and allows to happen. This is covered in detail by Hal Turner in articles and podcast at his site
I’d like to see the Poles recapture the Archer Avenue and Milwaukee Avenue corridors in Chicago. The city was a good livable place back then (over 50 years ago).
Many downtown areas in large metropolitan cities were once great to be and live in. Now they are not even safe to go to let alone live in for the most part.
The West is DESPERATE and DELUTIONAL to STEAL the assets (oil, gas , minerals, farm land, etc ) of Russia. Russia is wise to this and will never let it happen. Russia has also shown to it’s people Western “Think” Tank plans to carve up Russia into sections pitting them against each other in conflict while STEALING Russia’s assets. Russia will NEVER let this happen. Others have tried throughout history and FAILED. So will NATO/US. Russia has stated it does not have the conventional Military power to defeat NATO but it has superior nuclear weapons. Russia has stated such a war would be one that nobody would win. Russia and the US stand in the way of the Satanic NWO Globalist agenda. They hate both and are not strong enough to defeat either. So the next option for them is to have them both destroy each other via war and then step in as “savior” afterwards. The West’s Satanic Globalist Controlled Usury “Money Magic” (Print out of thin air) fiat paper financial system has run it’s life cycle and is collapsing as as ALL such fiat paper systems have throughout history. On the other hand the BRICS are rising in membership, etc and want FAIR trade where something of value or backed by value is in exchange for goods and services and not fiat paper backed by nothing. The West/NATO/US have DEGENERATED into nothing but a band THIEVES!
Look at the strong US dollar – – this worthless POS is what the Banksters plan to use to back up their “digital dollar” (whereas the BRICS nations at least seek to back their currency with “something having more value then ZERO”) – “sign up for the Fed thieves digital money – and you will own exactly nothing”!!!
The Khazarian Mafia, The New World Order, The World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab loves to brag about having control of 109 countries and 450 cities around the world. from the experts on Jews.
As Clif High has said repeatedly, the Khazars are “name stealers”. They are not at all related to the Jewish tribes. They simply called themselves Jews to distinguish themselves from the religions of the warring factions around them: Christians, Muslim, an so on. As always, the stolen identity as Jews is used to their advantage. In other words, they falsely call themselves Jews when it suits their purpose. Otherwise, they don’t.
As Clif High has repeatedly said, the Khazrians are “name stealers”. They are not at all related to the original Jewish tribes. They simply claimed to be Jew to distinguish themselves from the waring religions around them: Christians, Muslims, and so on. They used the false identity of being Jewish to their advantage. When it suits their purposes, they claim to be Jew. Otherwise, they don’t.
“The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism. Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream”
Greg. But they are still Jewish. How about people who have converted to Judaism? They are Jewish now. Makes sense. By the way we love your site. We are Jewish conservative and Republicans.
Jesus was a Jew, so I love Jews!
We Love You and Jesus.
love Jesus First and Foremost, but thanks for the Brotherly love!!
Jesus did not read from the Talmud. Jesus did not read from the Zohar.
1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance Paperback – May 15, 2015
by Robert Sepehr (Author)
https: //
Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world’s Jewish population during the 17th century.Although many Rabbis at the time considered him a heretic, his fame extended far and wide. Sabbatai’s adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time.
Take note, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down at your feet and make them know [without any doubt] that I have loved you.
Jesus warned the christians. KM comped the vatican and judiasm in 1666. What is happening today with attack on family.
this person would be a great author to have on.
I’ve been telling Trumpers that Donnie ClotShot will never change course on his “miracle from God vaccine”.
We might be at 1/2 MILLION dead already because of Trump’s Warpspeed treason!
He was always a Judas Goat and if you are still making lame excuses for him you are a willing dupe being led to your own slaughter.
Dear Greg,
First, I would like to Thank You for all your information and honesty – keep doing you because you are the best! Happy New Year!!
Second, the destruction in our personal circle has accelerated with all the November bioweapon shots being given. Jabbed neighbor (50’s) had a stroke, jabbed friend (50’s) died in sleep for no reason, heavily jabbed uncle (70) (who never took any shots nor sick before) is hospitalized for “Covid flu pneumonia”, UNjabbed friend (50’s) super healthy and athletic just hospitalized with blot clot length of leg for no reason that developed around Thanksgiving (removed, then grew right back??)…
Dr Pierre Cory was explaining how Ivermectin helps to unstack red blood cells, so they don’t clot and can then be free to absorb more oxygen – jabbed or not!
For Trump:
1- “Pride goes before destruction (the fall)
Proverbs 16:18
2- “No fool like an old fool.”
When the Loy Brunson case is decided Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson should have to recuse herself because she has a vested interest in the decision.
I believe that the ‘tribulation’ already happened in 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman army. Much of the Book of Revelation has already been fulfilled according to proper interpretation. Jesus’ Olivet Discourse is what the Book of Revelation is mostly about. Even when Jesus was carrying His cross He told the weeping women to cry for themselves and their children. He said “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” The Book of Revelation begins with the statement: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass…”
I do not think Jesus really meant thousands of years later do you? Today most people have a really distorted interpretation of the Book of Revelation. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge…”
Well said, Dan
I agree Dan, the Bible was not written for today it has already happened. The Psychopaths are trying to re-write history thinking they can pull another lie on humanity.
Not True Kathy. Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead. That has NOT happened.
Yes, well said Dan; chuck baldwin has a video titled the destruction of Jerusalem and also has his prophecy messages on youtube; also there is steve gregg and john alley that people can check out; i think that it is good that people hear other views besides what most of us have heard for years; imho listening to chuck baldwin’s sermon on it takes your imagination there; and it’s been said that not one hebrew believer(144,000?) died as Jesus had prophecied in matthew 24
I would be careful reporting the ‘PCR test vaccination’ story. From what I have read and researched, Johns Hopkins acknowledges the ‘gripper’ technology that they plan to one day use to administer drugs but they have denied that it is currently being used to surreptitiously vaccinate people (or at all in humans for that matter).
and you believe them?
Wouldn’t they be sued to smithereens if they vac people stealthily without their consent?
Trump will likely never admit the truth. As more comes out about the dangers of the vaccine rumors that Trump’s family did not take it seem likely to be true. Same with Congress.
It is interesting that Trump celebrated the LGBTQ agenda and gay marriage just days after Biden signed the bill. A suspicious person might think it was coordinated. The Deep State wants to destroy the family which is Satan’s goal. The LGBTQ agenda is a vehicle for that.
Sodomy is in violation of the Natural Law and also the Law of God. Both Democrats and Republicans are working to implement the globalist agenda. The political class is revealing itself to be completely incapable of representing Christian convictions in moral matters.
Yeah he will.
Ann barnhardt has Trump nailed!
Hi Greg, Logically I would not worry about the Chinese lifting covid lockdowns. The world always goes through Flu and cold season. Which is what we have now. Naturally the numbers are high. The vaxxed are having lower immune systems which will make the receipt of the normal flu and cold virus appear worse. This will occur regardless of lockdowns or not. Better to have freedom of movement than consenting to lockdowns that will do no good anyway.
greg, In my humble opinion (and you know what they say about opinions), Catherine
Austin Fitts is one of the brightest. Some of the things she has said years ago sounded crazy at the time but have now been brought to light. Note what she tried to point out to you several times: “It Does Not Matter Who is in The White House” The Left and the Right are the same team. All the fools that have occupied the White House since JFK were puppets of the MIC . Including Donald Trump. Remember how much taxpayer money was spent under Trump? What, Exactly is it that Trump did such a great job at four 4 years. He spent more money than Obama I know no matter what is said by anyone DJT will never admit he is wrong about the injections and the same can be said for you continually pulling for him to be back in the White house. It will not change a thing so why beat a dead horse? We all have opinions but wishing and continually hoping that DJT gets back in the White House will not solve a single thing. He would just do the same thing spend spend spend taxpayer money that is not there. The solution is Not going to come from Washington “IF” there is a solution it will come from the individual States. Washington and all that inhabit the area and all who strive to make it to Washington have no intention to change anything. Why would they? ($$$$$)
Happy New Year
Thank you for your comment, Sir. It resonates. Motto
A veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism tells it like it is
Attended 2 Trump rally’s and January 6th but my support is over. True, the Deep State stopped Trump from gaining too much power. He had a Yuge and growing following and was purposely neutered.
-I feel terrible about all the J6 attendees that are incarcerated or prosecuted. Trump left them. We were there for 3 reasons. Constitution, Fair elections and support Trump.
-He did say Vax is a choice but is wrong to praise jabbing to the public.
-His recent Gay Day at Mara Lago is ridiculous. I’m saddened by the non stop promotion of this lifestyle.
-Trump has very little support in Congress. There is no trust anywhere.
The USA is fragmenting into quarreling pieces and USA Unity vaporized. GloboHomo destruction of our Nationalism is occurring. Trump is a casualty of that. Resurrecting him will not help. The people must unite and revolt. It’s hard to believe what is happening here.
So how do your feel that all this happened under Biden. Isn’t Biden to blame? Biden has been in office for 2 years!!!
Larry Johnson was on the Gonzalo Lira Roundtable # 39 show recently. When they took questions from the chat at the end was especially illuminating.
SONAR21.COM is one of the best sites for the insider’s view from a former CIA guy who has seen the light.
One nation run under blackmail and bribery and threat of death can force any politician to say whatever is necessary to survive to fight another day. I cannot be too hard on Trump because of the stifling degree of corruption. The national security state has been fused with the global crime syndicate since the thirties as elucidated in the book “One Nation Under Blackmail” by Whitney Webb. She would be a brilliant guest. This National Security State has become a stage 4 cancer on our government which has destroyed any scrap of democracy we may have been clinging to. Brilliant show and a ray of light in the darkness.
For those losing hope and want to know more please check out SUBSTACK BADLANDS MEDIA. SPECIFICALLY —war of the stories. In case link is broken.
It has completely able to assure me we are winning.
Listen closely to the video quote regarding Elon Musk being vaccinated. I mentioned this the day of, but got no traction. Loosely quoted…
Media- Have you been vaccinated?
Elon- Yes.
WHICH VACCINE wasnt stated. Heck, I’ve been ‘vaccinated’, but not with any covid junk. He wasnt lying even though the viewer has an implied view of what the media was asking him.
exactly, i’ve been vaxxed too, 30 years ago.Now , I identify myselsf as vaxxed.
Karma it seems is now haunting the West for acts of war carried out against some of its presumed enemies around the world. What goes around come around. My feeling is that the West is going to have to loose face in order to save face. In other words admit all their wrong doings and vow never to start another war.
Donald Trump, you refused to listen to Divine Authority. Instead you listen to your wolves in sheep’s clothing advisors who keep you in the dark by lying to you. We’ve warned you several times over and over. We’ve even gotten in a big argument with your advisors, IN FRONT OF YOU and you still refuse to listen. What happens when God tries to tell you some thing and you refuse to listen? Unfortunately you will be finding out. Remember, we told you, it will be to your own detriment.
I am sorry for what you are about to endure and suffer for not listening to God, soon.
I think you are correct Geneva!
People need to start contacting their local elected representatives and provide them the information on these failed Covid mRNA injections. There’s plenty of links you can send them from Edward Dowd and his reporting on the increasing all cause death rate data to Dr Peter McCullough and his research in the history of these patented vaccines before the “pandemic” began. Change begins at the city/county level. The federal level is too corrupted.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries” O YouTube
People did not die from the covid 19, they died from the Covid vaccinaton Just like they died from the swine flu in 1976. My opinion.
Zero tolerance for tyranny. Those who do not fight tyranny, are complicit with it. No kneeling. My opinion.
One thing you never talk about, which is at the heart of destroying our country, as intended by our founders, is what is going on in our public school system.
I have a child in high school in Western Massachusetts. So, I’ve watched and seen the types of things they have, and are still forcing on her, for years. It’s blatant Marxism. I could go on for hours talking about it and providing examples. And now they are not even hiding it anymore.
I just receive an email from a teacher that went out to all parents, praising a guest speaker that came to the school. The woman praised a talk on, “racist capitalism.” If anyone did a simple search on her and the subject, it all goes back to and is specifically about Marxism. They are openly teaching our kids to be Marxists. This is where it starts, and it’s not just at high schools. I’ve been seeing it since she was in kindergarten.
PLEASE do more on this subject to get the word out on how these people, the Teachers Unions/Democrats/Marxists, in our country are brainwashing our kids! Please! This is how they are able to get everything else done, they create a passive, brainwashed, group of, “useful idiots,” as Stalin use to call them, to go along with their agenda.
Trump, and other states, have tried to eliminate these teachings, such as CRT (Another Marxist philosophy) but we are losing. Please do more to help us fight this evil!
Greg, Some more reporting on the ‘death and injury’ numbers that continue to prove the points made by you and your guests…
I agree with the position that many of the n0-shows to return to work are either dead, have vax injuries, or will not return to where they were wrongfully discharged from their jobs. Or other people will NOT look or take jobs at such places with the view, if Frankenstein Biden goes again with mandates…
Hi Greg,
Happy New Year, It may be our last…
Biden sure seems to be a very DANGEROUS “place holder”.
We are all MUCH WORSE OFF TODAY with BIDEN and the DEVIANT LEFT in charge of this nation, and tomorrow is in question with the LONG-planned war in Ukraine soon to envelope ALL of Europe AND the USA.
We will LOSE the coming war in a very quick smackdown.
Russia is not burning down THEIR FOOD PROCESSING PLANTS DAILY.
Russia is not paralyzed by the fake “COVID” scam.
Russia is not being INVADED by THOUSANDS of “migrants” every single day and then SUPPORTING THEM.
Russia is FIGHTING for their very existence!
Russia does not tolerate GAY military, “trans” soldiers and “pregnant” fighter pilots.
Russia builds war machines that actually FUNCTION.
(Unlike our “Littoral ships”, our F-35 crap-fest, our non-functioning “Gerald Ford” aircraft carriers, our deadly OSPREY VTOL aircraft, and our worthless “Stryker AFV’s”… ETC!)
Today, Russia has 100X the military industrial capacity of the USA and the RAW MATERIALS to fuel it. WE HAVE NEITHER thanks to the EPA and other GOV regulations.
Our “factories” are non-existent while Russia has HUNDREDS of them working 18 hour shifts.
Russia has 2400 TONS of GOLD while the USA has sold off MOST of ours.
Russia’s INDUSTRY is at WAR FOOTING already while we can’t produce or replace ANY of the hardware that we have wasted in Ukraine from Patriot missiles to simple 105 and 155MM artillery shells, to .308, 5.56, 7.62X52 and .50 cal cartridges.
Russia’s military has ZERO diversity yet is made up of 60 different cultures.
Russia will stomp the EU and USA when they decide the time favors it and China will JOIN THEM.
We will not survive it.
Good Luck,
USMC E-7 Ret.
Korea DMZ, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Lebanon, Bosnia, Libya
#GardasilKilledJessica ~ 12/16/1993-12/24/2013
Only the on the Right Media is saying this. I hear no one here or anywhere else blaming Trump over Vaccine. This will not hurt Trump . Economy is what helps Trump. Trump is not a scientist . DeSantis allowed shots , so why does he not get any blame . Trump had to trust medical field at that time. Also what states does DeSantis win other than Texas, Florida, Georgia, New Hampshire, and maybe Nevada? Trump wins California, New York, New Jersey , Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Michigan , the rest of states in East and all but Georgia and Florida in South. Still Trump’s game.
If needed Trump will run Third Party and then explain how DeSantis wins . The smart thing is let Trump run a third time then if he loses and he probably will with Democrats controlling elections in so many states , then Trump would be too old to run again.
Iran always has said it would wipe out Israel.
Democrats and Republican war mongers want a war with Russia. Democrats wanted war with Russia pre Trump. If Russia hits Ukraine with 700,000 soldiers , Ukraine is finished unless US or NATO sends 200,000 troops in to fight. Ukraine is ruined win , lose, or draw. Looks like all the crooked deals through Ukraine is coming to an end.
Taiwan is part of China , so it would be an occupation not an invasion. I doubt if Taiwan would fire a shot .
I know you all want to believe that Trump was an innocent bystander with all this viru and vaccine nonsense but you’d be 100% wrong. He may not have known details of what they were developing but he pushed this shit on to the American people because half wanted a vaccine so bad they didn’t care what they took and the other half want to believes Trump walks on water! Quit relying on your parties and “your guy or gal” to save you from this nonsense. Tell the government to jam their vaccines up their butts. Wake up…. all members of congress are deep state. As George Carlin said “It’s their little club and you and I aren’t in the club”. I hate seeing people that think they’re awake still begging for the right politician to save them from what they can see happening in front of their eyes! Lord have mercy!!!!
You’re telling the truth David. Some people are at war against the truth. That is their choice and they are living and will live with the consequences of making those decisions.
It hurts to think President Trump is in on this genocide and that he violated our God given right to free speech. He’s supposed to be very intelligent. I don’t see how he can live in this country and not see these people dropping dead on every side. I’m trusting in Jesus and looking forward to his return to bring his church home. Thank you for your honest journalism, Greg! God bless you and your family in the New Year.
I’m of the same mind re Trump, frustrated but will vote for him. What choice have we got? No one but no one has been so scrutinized.
I also don’t think he will be allowed the office, whatever it takes to stop him. Look at Kari Lake and that whole slate. We could have had the most competent team for AZ, could have turned this state around. Soros and company wouldn’t have it, and here we are.
It may be a stretch, but the only way the bioweapon jab saved any lives was the possibility that multi years of lockdowns would have resulted in more deaths and that the jab forced the re-opening of the world. Despite I believe the fact nobody should ever take it. I agree it is a stretch … on the positive side Trump said it was a matter of choice, and that children should not get it. What’s good for the children is good for the adults.
Washington DC needs a thorough cleaning out from the TOP DOWN past Congress! Our Constitution DEMANDS/REQUIRES this thorough cleaning since PURE TREASON has been COMMITTED AGAINST ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ OF THE USA that this Constitution document protects. The people have not ruled this country since the OSS & CIA were created. Including the FBI & many other ABC agencies. ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ MUST SNUFF OUT THESE COWARDLY EVIL CONTROLLERS KNOWN AS THE DEEP STATE government and ALL their elaborate tentacles!
I PRAY that GOD allows ‘We the People’ another chance to make things right for our children and grands. We Know via scripture what happens in the end. The catch is…nobody knows when the end is…”Like a thief in the night…In the blink of an eye”.
The ‘Free Will’ lovingly given to us by GOD, gives us the power to overcome and clean up the mess in Washington, but enough people have to be like-minded enough to make this happen. God be with US ALL in this new coming year of 2023. May we ALL acknowledge our parts to play in this window of opportunity God is giving us
to ‘Repent and turn back to HIM and HE WILL make our pastures green again’…
May everyone reading this be motivated with HIS Love and Kindness going forward and be super blessed going into the New Year!
Apparently the initial hope of February 21, 2022 that the Russian recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics would deter Ukraine from further attacking these territories and bring an end to the civil war in the Donbas fell apart very quickly with the Russian attack on Ukraine on February 24, 2022.
In retrospect it might have been better for the world (and probably also Russia) if the Russians had just given up on the projects of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, offered their respective politicians and bureaucrats political asylum in Russia and invite all the Russian folks in the Donbas to immigrate to Russia. Then they could have let the rest of the Ukraine rot under the influence of its new western masters (like the Biden family).
Unfortunately things have now progressed to the point where neither side will back down anymore which could end in a disaster.
I’ve always liked Wayne Allyn Root, because he’s really fought the good fight for freedom and the Constitution. I’ve liked Wayne way back when Robert J Ringer first interviewed him. Perhaps USA Watchdog will interview Wayne. He has amazing positive energy.
Here’s the problem with men like Mr. Root: America isn’t coming back. I love Wayne’s can-do disposition;however, it’s wrong to give people false hope. And from here on out I don’t support Trump. And I don’t buy into a false hope that somehow America is coming back.
I support what the Bible advises doing in the “Last Days”. And it’s plain for anybody who cares to read the Scriptures: “Do not put your trust in earthling man with whom no salvation belongs”. In other words, there is no politician riding in on a white horse to save you this time.
This Friday Joel Skousen released his free year-end report on
Read Joel’s brief report if you want a pithy taste of the truth. Furthermore, Joel doesn’t have the positive attitude like Wayne A Root of a secular solution, but he does have (and has had for a long time) the correct forcast of what’s going to happen to Western Civilization. Read the free report.
Marty Armstrong is another one who has now figured out nuclear war is not just possible but likely. I’m a paid subscriber, so I get to read what’s behind Marty’s paywall. And Marty is now advising where to relocate to in the USA so as to avoid dying in a nuclear war. Let that sink in. Marty is also giving out advice on how to deal with radioactive fallout. What does that tell you? When a calm, cool and collected guy like Marty starts offering his subscribers tips on nuclear war survival, the situation is getting serious. Don’t you think?
Finally, without sounding conceited, few know more about nuclear war survival than me because I’ve always known (don’t ask me how) that nuclear war would eventually happen. And I’ve spent a lifetime understanding and preparing for nuclear war. And I’ve been ready for it since I was 19 years old and Civil Defense experts helped educate me. Now I’m really ready.
Now more than ever, I’d recommend people get ready for another Great World War. Why? Because Satan wants one. A big one. Joel Skousen understands this fact very deeply and very well.
Finally, if you decide to prepare, then get your advice from Joel Skousen. Marty is great for secular financial advice, but no public figure beats Joel Skousen when is comes to nuclear war preparedness. Guys like me aren’t sharing our knowledge. It’s what Joel does for a living. And Joel has built many specially built homes for many clients (including very wealthy clients) Joel offers free sound advice on the Alex Jones show from time to time. Or just buy Joel’s book and learn how to DIY ….. Nuclear war preparedness doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Learn how to prepare on a low budget..
Trump is controlled opposition. The most important thing is the bio weapon, not the economy. Though he may try he will not help the economy in the face of what is happening globally, they’ve made sure of that. Just like the disingenuousness of the decision not to force the V onto military personnel, while at the same time mandating the flu V containing the same poison, selling the economy is just another crafty distraction. What don’t you get about Trump’s inability or stubborn refusal, or pride, or whatever it is, to admit his error? In my humble opinion it wasn’t an error, it was intentional. They are two sides playing the middle. They are on the same team, going in the same direction, but it’s supposed to look like a choice, because they supposedly ‘hate him so much’. I’m not buying it. This country is done for many reasons, which is why they now say the ‘quiet part’ out loud. It no longer matters. Confusion is the name of the game, and they are good at it. The Lord said, “Do not be deceived”. Deceit is the characterization of the last times. Not everyone who says, ‘Lord, Lord’ is saved. They say they believe with their mouth, but the heart is far from Him. Such are tares, apostates, imposters, and false shepherds. They are of their father the devil. What comes out of their mouth can only be another lie (even if it’s couched in the truth). I know you do not want to believe this, but consider King Saul, all the false prophets of Israel who resisted the true while maintaining their rituals and traditions. Consider that the Pharisees and Sadducees were not only God’s children, but also political and social leaders. Satan appears as a messenger of God…as an ‘angel of Light’. Look at what is actually happening and leave your hope for America in God’s hands. HE is the One Who is judging, and He will bring it down just like He arranged for Nebuchadnezzar to take Israel captive and scattered them for 2,000 plus years. You can’t stop what is coming, but you have to trust that God is using it for the salvation of many. Pain and suffering are all that some people understand. Pain and suffering will push them to call on God, as nothing else. That’s what’s happening.
If trump was controlled opposition, he would still be in office, and they would not have had to cheat him out of office in 2020.
Greg, Thank you for another year of bringing us the truth. You are a true warrior. I’m looking forward to Dane’s interview. I hope you wind him up and let him run! Careful though, the guy can run a long way(grin). I have hosted my own Geo engineering awareness booth at my local farmers market every week for 6 years now. You folks won’t have a planet that sustains life let alone a society to have your political squabbles in if Geo engineering is not stopped. I’m sure Dane will point this out in his interview. As Dane would say, “lets plug the biggest hole in the bottom of the boat first”.
Love and strength to you Greg and all those here who are not afraid to speak the truths. Lets march forward in this battle with our face to the wind.
Mike Torrence,
‘a’ simple horseman
Please read and tell your listeners to be aware of the strategy to blame flu for jab deaths. They claim this girl died of blood clots in the heart due to the flu
To my brother in Spirit and Truth Greg Hunter, and all other brother and sister Americans standing in the gap to preserve our freedoms and nation:
When the “deep state” was trying to create the current central bank into existence, they also created MASSIVE false opposition to their plan.
The result was the majority of people at the time felt the legislation must be a good thing, if that many bad guys hated it so strongly.
And presto, we got the Federal Reserve.
Could we be witnessing the same psyop with Trump?
The covid-19 injection is not “safe and effective”, but it seems the number one goal of the deep state FOR NOW is to get everyone injected.
Trump seems to be falling in line FOR NOW with the number one goal of the deep state. Stop and ponder this: in the minds of the deep state members does anything else really matter if they achieve their number one goal? And will Trump’s stance change ONLY WHEN the number one goal of the deep state changes?
I used to be 100% for Trump, but now I understand this, and witness all the people he didn’t prosecute (Hilary, Hunter, Comey, ect.) and I guess now you could call me Trump hesitant.
Trump really needs to back off on the vaxx crap. I am very disappointed in him on this matter. He says he wouldn’t have made it mandatory, so I guess that’s something.
Re: the vaccination via PCR. I think this is a theoretical thing at the moment. I did look it up and J H has invented a technology (theragrippers). This technology is very spooky!
Mr. Greg, my comment on to be vaxed or not be vaxed. I am a 68 year old male, I was vaxed in March of 21. This year 2022 I have had 5 family members die from covid none of them were vaccinated. With all the information coming out about the vax, it really does concern me. I ask myself do I want to die from covid or do I want to die from the vax?
You are an idiot. You were injected with a bioweapon. This is what is in the patents.
Maybe so Greg but I am still alive.
For now.
Tony – After you got “jabbed” did you shed your bio-weapon spike proteins onto your 5 family members who then died of Covid because their immune systems were compromised??
Greg, Great job you’re doing. I’m in total agreement with you. Passing along this piece from Sasha Latypova, picked up and re-broadcast by Alexandra Bruce over @ Latypova makes a staggering charge and defends it well.
I suffered a fall injury the Friday before Xmas, refused to go to an ER or urgent care, held out for an appt with a surgeon I once transcribed for. The surgeon asked about my current meds, to which I stated HCQ and horse paste. He recognized a fellow pureblood.
I mentioned your interviews with the likes of Kory and Eads. He said he was in the same camp and was very open with me behind closed doors. He told me he was gone after but felt he was not persecuted because he as a just a surgeon with little influence.
I got my surgery this past Wednesday under local anesthesia as I could not absorb the cost of general. It was a good experience except for the 6 shots and the tourniquet that was strangulatingly painful. This surgeon was like a doting uncle, stayed with me pre and postop. We talked a lot of medical turkey and reminisced our days 40 years ago at a hospital that no longer exists, could not compete with the corporate chain behemoth hospitals.
I got to watch my surgery as he pulled out the bone fragments that resembled glass shards. The OR staff was in a festive joking mood and I had an all around good time. I got pinned back together with a power tool. He could have used a street drill at that point.
I still am leery of doctors overall, but this one was a gem with at least 50 years of practice, old school and still with a conscience. He referred to covid as the first political disease of his career. Never in his practice had he seen drug suppression as with ivermectin. He is very familiar with ivermectin and HCQ and has prescribed both for years, told me not one of his patients on either of these had any brush with covid.
Injury and pain aside, I was so pleased with my treatment which I will repeat in another week. With everything that has ever happened to me, there has always been someone looking out for me, so I just do what I have to as divine providence kicks in.
Thank you for spreading the truth about the ridiculous excuse for a vaccine . I STILL have to test every week because I didn’t bend the knee and comply. Gah, such a maddening world we live in. I reside in Oregon and it is just a joke. Again, thank you and God bless you and your family. I hope you will consider having an in person meeting/conference. My husband and I would attend.
You will know the tree by its fruit . Trumps support of the depopulation serum is condemnable.
Trump has access to the same sources of info on the inoculation as we do.
Who is the real Donald Trump?
I couldn’t agree with you more in regards to Trumps stance on the “vaxx”. He really needs to “get your mind right” ( to borrow a phrase from the movie Cool Hand Luke) about this , because we’re ( or at least I’am) ” losing patience ” , to borrow another phrase ( as much as I hate to ) from brandon.
Great show Greg.
There is a group of doctors who have footage of nanotech in the comirnaty vaccine
interacting with blood under a microscope:
Spokesperson Dr David Hughes did an interview with ex BBC reporter Tony Gosling,
about the footage. It is available on this page:
Hughes might be a good interview for your show.
I have his scientific paper with more information, that I could email, or post somewhere
If you are interested.
Thank you for your work. Follower for several years. Wish you a happy new year.
God bless!
Greg, you gave some really good analysis on the BIOWEAPON mass-murder depopulation agenda that is still mostly in control of this world. I can never forgive Trump for his Warp-speed Bullcrap LIE, and I cannot fathom what he could be doing that is outsmarting the deepstate like many independent sites are always claiming. This supposed Emergency Broadcast System that explains it all and awakens the public to fraud all over the place, better come soon, to make a believer out of me. Pence, Fauci, Birx, and other characters of this coronavirus task force and in the vast medical bureaucracies all seem to be a band of murderers to me. The American soccer reporter Grant Wahl suddenly died at the recent World Cup and his wife Dr. Celine Gounder was an infectious disease specialist and journalist who happened to be on Biden’s coronavirus transition team task-force with ties to Bill Gates of all people (There must be a bigger story in that CharlieFoxtrot). And Pele just died, who was a prominent spokesman for the shots in Brazil.
I myself have a brother-in-law who likely died from the bioweapon in June from his Mad-Cow like brain disease. I also have a brother-in-law who is a highly-paid executive at Pfizer and I dare not discuss the topic with him, as he already knows what I think. I have a younger brother medical doctor that’s sort of ambivalent in our short talks, but he says he is forced to take the shots because he is “forced to do so”– Geez!
I have another brother who is vaxxed as a math professor, because he previously has taken mRNA technology (experimental) medicine for his rare type of bad arthritis, and his doctor insists. I tell him that I don’t trust the technology, or the medical establishment. My wife’s in-laws still think I’m crazy, even though some are now experiencing some medical issues of their own.
Just talked with a friend just yesterday who is fully vaxxed, and he still is a true believer in the boosters, and now the flu and shingle shots. He thinks I’m really crazy about chemtrails. He jokes that his family has taken the injections from different manufacturers to lessen the risk of the shots, which is really twisted logic and not something he should be mocking.
I’m not sure if people will ever be “Awakened” with what I’m seeing around here, as I feel to be the only thinking man on earth, sort of like Omega Man with Charlton Heston. Although California seems to be finally getting some good rain and snow as of late, so I do wonder if that’s a good omen that good things may soon be coming.
I’m still convinced that we are going to have an economic collapse that ushers in new crypto-based digital currencies that are STILL controlled by the Fed and the same deep state, while also simultaneously experiencing an unbelievable WW3 at the very same time. I’m watching France and Italy very closely, for confirmation that my hunches that the big world war will first be precipitated in Europe, beyond what’s already happening in the Ukraine with NATO war-mongering. The prognosis doesn’t look good for the USA with endless traitors burrowed within our government and in our leadership.
I still trust in God more than ever, as He is fully in charge and always wins in the end —
even though our world may lay in death, starvation, and ruin.
Happy New Year, BTW, and everyone must keep up the good fight!!!
As you say, “This is too stupid to be stupid.” DJT pisses me off too for all the same reasons. Perhaps that’s his intent. But, read this. Maybe it’s BS. Maybe not.
I think DJT is playing some mind game with all of us I don’t begin to understand. Clearly he has no intention of back peddling or spilling the beans. I’m not ready to throw him under the bus just yet. Click the link and read. Seems like progress to me, if true. God knows, we don’t. It’s either 9D-chess or simply too stupid to be stupid. One thing is for sure everyone who got the shot is certifiably “too stupid to be stupid”. Who trades an IFR less than 1% for a complete unknown? Q: Who? A: Someone scared spitless and made stupid by the MSM, Big Pharma, Big Medicine, Big Govy, Big Tech, ad nauseam, working together “for the kill” or those truly too stupid to be stupid. Watch the prime movie, “Miracle in Cokeville”. It will give you hope, even for those too stupid to be stupid. Good job rubber duck. You’re hitting all the balls out of the stadium. ALL OF THEM, SIR. ALL!!!
SWA granted my wife a religious exemption from the vaccine, a flight attendent. She knows quite a few others also granted an exemption. The questionaire was not straightforward nor in line with proper questioning for religious exemption according to law. This was coercion for sure. All said, at least if one went through the process at SWA, you were given an exemption.
Dear Mr. Hunter;
A dear brother in the Lord, who has a ministry that he started in Denmark (The Last Reformation) came here 3 yrs ago seeking asylum from persecution of his faith.
He started going state to state teaching the Gospel, repentance, water baptism and baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many lives have been radically changed & now many more are making deciples.
Torben Sondagaard has a world wide ministry for many years & recently, as he was waiting for his court hear regarding his asylum was arrested & has been in jail 6 mos plus no official charge, no bail, cannot see his wife or anyone, cannot receive anything from anyone. It’s a travesty that such a kind wonderful man should be treated in such a horrible way in our country.
Enclosing the latest video update from his lawyer.
Also, you can visit for the story.
CBN interviewed him & has done a couple of articles.
ICE is the one who put him in jail on false accusations but now Denmark is after him and others who are misinformed or ?? I don’t know what their issues are. It’s totally crazy!
“A man hated without cause”
(Except he was doing alot of damage against Satan’s kindom & won’t compromise himself or the word of God. A righteous man!
Thank you for your kind attention to this story of injustice and persecution.
hi, greg 🙂 and a happy christmas to you…
i forget where i read/heard it but apparently, the donald is calling “vaccines” the hydroxychloroquine (or whatever other natural medicines he took to knock out his brush with covid, aka, the flu). maybe he doesn’t realize the mrna bioweapons are what they are… (hard to believe he could be so blind/stupid/duped but…. )
with every good wish for an excellent new year and with continuing great appreciation for all you do at usa watch dog… 🙂
Would someone remind Trump about his ‘Snake parable’ and have him apply it to the snakes in the snake pit that surrounded him and continues to surround him including ‘friends, families and cronies beside the obvious ones like Fauci, Birx, the deep state and all the rest in the miasma that is D.C.? If you are going to sup with the devil you better have a long spoon!
Amazing !!!! Congrats Greg great work. Wishing you the best in 2023
PCR test John Hopkins. Bombshell.
Trump receiving a miraculous public healing would galvanize the remnant and ensure an influx of Jesus seekers.
God has everything under control.
Over the last 3 years I’ve ⌚ every doctor and scientists show evidence on how deadly the shot is and I am 💯 % agree we you!!!I’ve seen blood samples of 1, 2 ,3 ,4 jabs and the shapes and the clotting……
BUT !!!!!!!!after tens of thousands of hours of research I’ve yet to see 1 pcr test showed under any microscope that there is tech dust or any kind of partials on them or a solution that has the lip nano partical……..these tests are everywhere billions of them and are more accessible and easier to get than the death Vax liquid viles….. so there should be HUNDREDS of videos showing this evidence……
This is a total depopulation,,, the only possible prof I may have is my girlfriend had a messed up period two months in a row because she received 2 PCR tests in the hospital….but those symptoms showed up months later… OR it could of been a Vax shedding from a girl that was 4 jabbed……..
God bless you!!! Greg you are a shining light in dark times
I wish someone would pin Trump down on specifically what Trump means by, vaccines good? What is he saying is good and how does he see they saved lives, specifically. He used alternative treatments like HCQ, and I think he even referred to it as a vaccine??? So it’s hard to believe he really means these clot shots are good. Maybe he understands something we don’t. Meanwhile, everyone I know who took the shots, thinks there’s nothing wrong.
Interesting interview with Jamie Walden and Mike Adams on Christian faith and Luciferian insurrection. And what he thinks the die off is about.
Kinda fits in with Jason Breshears
and some of Clif High
Will you be interviewing Clif High soon?
Thanks Greg!
There was some good in Trump’s Presidency. However, a mistake of this magnitude is unforgiveable. If he were president again, What mistake like this would happen again? Nuclear war?
Trump had to know what was going on with the biological terrorisim being used to suppress and kill mankind.
The autocracy has stolen and murdered all they can from the world. Now they want to complete the crime. This is war.
Nearly Every mistake is forgivable by the Lord. Look at Saul murdering Christians every week until Jesus said “Saul, Saul!!!! WHY DO YOU PERSECUTE ME!!! Saul became Paul, and wrote much of the New Testament.
Trump is really screwing the pooch. Doubles down yet again on the clot shots. Well, you know what? It gets tough to defend someone who is constantly insulting people all the time, including women, no matter how much I appreciated his work ethic and policies.
How about this Jan 6 debacle? People have lost their lives, their livelihoods, many still in prison-does Trump care? Bc I sure don’t see it.
Not saying I didn’t find it humorous at the time. I guess, at this point, I’m just not laughing anymore. The guy turned out to be nothing but a pain in the ass.
Let me amend something, when I mentioned I found humorous was in reference to Trumps schtick, not Jan 6.
Greg, The way I read Root’s comments, who has been granted interviews by Pres. Trump nearly a dozen times, even though Trump is FULLY aware of Root’s valid anti-vax stance, in and of itself tells us that Trump cannot speak as freely as he’d like. Root is Trump’s ‘proxy’ stance on the subject. Please Greg, at least try to imagine there might just be some nefarious intrigue behind the scenes which prevents him from exercising “free speech”.
That may be but as a guy who works for “We the People” I cannot let Trump say dangerousu and false thibngs without reporting the true facts. Many people probably got injured or killed form taking his advice about the shots being “safe and effective” THEY ARE BIOWAEPONS!!!!!! TRUMP IS SUPPORTING A BIOWEAPON!!!!!!! I have to call bull crap on that to help “WE the PEOPLE”!!!
Hope you understand who I work for.
Nearly a week prior, a Alex Jones ‘interviewer’ got close enough to Trump and asked a similar question.. Trump said he was the father of the vax, very proud and he insisted that he was tired of people asking him that question… Alex did a piece on it like last Sunday, and said he no longer supports Trump in any area not associated with the Economy.
I live near two Indian Reservations.. all enrolled members were offered up to a thousand dollars EACH to get the clot jab… who wouldn’t do anything for a thousand bucks ???? I see the constant ambulances night and day flowing into town from the REZ….. Not that I’m implying genocide but I’d think the Native “leaders” would pay attention.. this was followed up by a nice cozy gift of a thousand dollars to each member from Pandemic funds…… cousins in Oklahoma, part Cherokee, rec’d the same….. County Health Agencies who fell for this sheet should be in jail….
The New Nazis are on the march!
___________Conservative Woman Daily News
By Karen Harradine December 30, 2022
LIKE most Jewish children, I had extensive Holocaust education, making it easy for me to spot parallels with the New Nazis foisting medical and climate change fascism on to us. I also experienced at first hand the fascism of apartheid policy in South Africa.
Robert Barnes: USDA Is Persecuting Amish Communities To Test Complete Control Over Food Supply/The Alex Jones Show_December 30th, 2022
The government wants total control over what you put in your body
Shouldn’t that be a sign they are not to be trusted?
The operation paper clip Nazi’s, went after the Jews first, during world war two. Now they want the little children, clot shot! The middle class shackled. How long before they go after the anti- Semitic ADL itself⁉🤐 🤦🏻♀️🤔 🙉 🙊 🙈 “Oy vey, oh woe!”
Let’s pray that G‑d sends us Moshiach already, so we can stop waxing eloquent about our woes and expand our vocabulary of positive interjections! ‼👍🏿🗽🧐
364 days have come and gone a break-neck speed and what may be described as another annus horribilus has also come and gone.That said what can we expect from 2023???
One would imagine that ghouls that run AAcrime will go out of heir way o ensure more toxic slime will come out of the evil drug companies ,that is almost certainly on the cards.
More wars and rumours of wars will be the order of the day and in general AAcrime will in their satanic way create more animosity among the nations of the world.
They will either throw their valueless currency under the bus and save the ridiculously overbought stock market…..In he vain attempt conquering inflation by creating TRILIONS more valuess $$$ his is going o give impetus to the commodity market in particular the GOLD & SILVER which will at long last see the run which has been evading them for years….As for the cryptos which like all he valueless fiat currencies which make up their so-called asset base these could in all liklihood make new all time LOWS….
About trump ,as a card in a bridge game he is was used to gain entry into the cesspit called the whitehouse and if I read things correcly as far as The Bible is concerned he will go down as the final president who was honestly elected all other presidents like the incumbent idiot binden will get in on rigged election which will have nothing to do with outside inference ,as the liars in AAcrime allude to…..
As AAcrime is a heavily devided nation we can as per prophecies see the statue of liberty wiped out by a gargantuan Meteorite which will in turn have dire repercussions for the rest of the country!!
Bless you Greg catch you in the New Year
Bottom line is this: There has NEVER been a politician ever admit that he/she made a mistake AND there has NEVER been a politician ever apologize for anything he/she had said or done. I’m done with all of them….Trump, DeSantis, etc. A bunch of self-loving, self-serving, self-important wind bags.
I am putting my faith and trust in Jesus because he is the ONLY WAY out of this mess.
I see everyone is now a expert on bio terrorism. have become as judgemental as a lefty and think they are free from mistakes. What I see is people who are taking all available information and pretending they knew all this from day one. If we the people continue to
infight and blame everyone but ourselves for the state of affairs, then we are done as
free Americans. That is exactly what the Schwab wants.
You look dumb saying this. Karen Kingston is a biotech expert and has shown us the proof beyond any doubt that the CV19 Vax is a Bioweapon. I am not an activist. I am a news reporter. I report the news.
Remember, if the deep state loses control, they have plans…..Minimally…..Release an economic depression to trigger total dependency on Big Brother…..or, just let the Ukraine/Russia thing go nuclear……
I am not a pessimist……I just cannot see a way in which we the people prevail in the next 2 to 5o years…Of course it is real hard to tell the future, due it not having occurred yet…lmao…glta….Happy New Year!!!
I would say the VAXX-INJURY Information floodgates have opened finally !!!
Reading Dr. Peter McCullough MD’s twitter page we find this ( had not seen this yet )
Dr. Naomi Wolf – @naomirwolf – ” Criminal Malfeasance : Pfizer KNEW 275 people suffered serious strokes in first 90 days after vaccine rollout ” , they conclude , ” does not raise new safety issues .” Dr. Wolf also says that the White House had incriminating Pfizer documents BEFORE ‘ emergency use authorization ‘. ( That’s on Trumps watch , right ? )
Also of note : WHO had issued a long list of potential heart problems associated with the vaxx , we now learn, so….. they knew all along ? @GBNews , yesterday.
” Nothing says ‘ Trust The Science ‘ like asking for the data to be hidden for 75 years. “
It is my understanding that weeks after the VAX rollout was in place (12.14.2020) …that the duly elected POTUS was no longer calling the shots…..FEMA was. The State of Emergency was authorsied by DJT Jan 12 2021. Convenient timing to shield both the exiting and incoming POTUS from what would transpire just a couple of months later.
Unless they actually were informed prior to rollout?
Hi Greg:
My wife and I watch every one of your videos and you have become a regular and reliable news source for us.
I did see that you are doing an interview on the Brunson case and I think you are about to make a BIG mistake.
The case is not “going to the Supreme Court.” The only thing they did was apply for a petition of certiorati to the Court. This is basically an application for the Court to add the case to their docket, and ANYONE with ANY case and the money to pay the fee can do this. Very, very few cases get past this point to actually get before the Court.
Tracy Beanz has a great rundown on this at this link, and I would beg you to read this before you post your Brunson video:
— your credibility is very important to us and I would strongly urge you to look into this further before you air your video, which would only give people more false hope, which they don’t need.
Thanks for all you are doing, and best New Year’s wishes to you and your family!
“The Truth about the Brunson case.” This is NOT Journalism and passing off someone’s opinion as a fact is not “Truth.” You don’t know this because you don’t know what you are talking about. The “Truth” is the entire story is based upon speculation and inserting their opinion as a fact. They also never bothered to talked to the Brunson brothers. This is not journalism– it is propaganda. You don’t do a story like this without talking to the people who brought the case!!!!!! Would it have been nice to hear from the Brunsons???? Who is doling editorial? I could have never delivered a hitjob like this and passed it off as “investigative reporting.” I will put my career and credentials up against Beans anytime. They also inferred the Brunson brothers were “Grifters” without a shred of sourcing or evidence. Stupid and reckless!!! If I was doing editorial, I would have shitcanned the entire propaganda piece and made them start over.
As I said, this is not journalism. I worked for 5 TV stations and 2 networks as an investigative reporter who worked with the network lawyers for every single story I did for 9 years. Beans is lucky for find her way to work. Beans has never done any real investigative work because if she had, she would not have made so many mistakes and I just named a few.
Trump is the pantomime villain in the dog and pony show of politics. There is no right or left. There are awake people and asleep people. And politicians are all bought and paid for, the lot of them. We can only move forward when we break out of the politics pantomime.
Great rap up for the year Greg. Here is a protocol for treatment of long covid and getting the Post VAX treatment.
Not only the jab is a Trump issue. He left his supporters to rot in jail, the J6 prisoners. He could of pardoned them all. And never pardoned Assange, Cox, Snowden. Plus he said take the guns & do process later. For yrs. his supporters got beat up by BLM & Antifa & Trump said little about it.
You do realize Biden has been in the White House for 2 years. Not worried about that troll!
Happy New Year’s to you Greg. I’ve accepted the fact that some people will argue against the truth if it also a them in the face. No doubt here that covid and the covid injections are both bioweapons. As for those who are happy to believe that toxic chemicals and biological weapons will improve health, prevent pot cure diseases or save lives. That is their prerogative. You can warn, love and care about people until you’re blue in the face. The lies and the fairy tales they cling to usually prevails over common sense or any truth. Besides praying for these people. The best we can hope for is that their insanity and ignorance doesn’t wreck or destroy our health and lives. We have enough of that from the ruling classes already.
Hey Greg I felt like crap the past few days, all the walk in clinics are closed for the holidays. I took a Covid test to shut up a few friends – negative.
I took 200mg HCQ with 100mg of zinc at 6PM yesterday and again this morning and I am feeling a lot better.
BTW: can you and Karen Kingston make it easier to send a donation, possibly email?
Your method is a pain and Karen only has subscriptions, I want one time option by email or credit card, no more PayPal, I cancelled after $2500 censorship fee.
Putin was marked the minute he was voted the most popular leader during Obama’s reign.
When Trump says, “I am the father of the vaccine, it has saved millions of lives and everyone should inject it.”
Trump supporters hear, “I had to rollout the vaccine to end lockdowns, take HQC and Ivermectin and stay away from the KillShot.”
You people are just ridiculous…
Now, Trump is blaming pro-lifers for sabotaging the midterm elections. We pro-lifers consistently vote R and most voted for Trump the first time and the second time. Trump apparently does not really want to win reelection. Supporting big pharma covid “vaccines” and dumping on pro-lifers will not help his cause. He is washed up. There is no more “Trump train.” That train jumped the track with his handling of the covid crisis and doubling down on the vaxxes. He is done. I have not done many things right in my life, but the fact that I never voted for that wretched imbecile is one thing I did right.
Fraud vitiates everything, including mandatory injections.
Did you fact check the following claim? :
“John Hopkins University Confirms: The PCR Test Alone Will Vaccnate You”
See here:
and here:
and here:
You are kidding right? You are using the Lying Legacy Media that has lied about everything from CV19 from infection to injection for a fact check? Ha HA HA!!!
Stop it.
Hi Greg,
I’ve discovered some disturbing information about the MRNA shots. Essentially the shots go into a cell and tell the cell to produce a certain spike protein. They actually tested these on animals in 2017. The problem with the MRNA shots is once the cell is programmed to produce this spike protein it will always continue to produce the spike protein and get other cells to do the same. The body produces these spike proteins until the body disintegrates. 100% of the animals that received the spike protein died. Anyone who received an MRNA shot will die within 7 years. Most will die in the 4-5 year range
Are you quoting Sherri Tenpenny?
Happy New Year Greg!
Here is a 16 min video from Patriot Nurse giving some hard truths about the new Medical System and what you can do. I hope everyone will listen.
Initially I had great hopes for Donald Trump. Unfortunately he has done great damage to the country. His support of the new marriage law is a disaster. If you are a Republican going forward you have to support this law. Never in 2500 years has a Country survived when it heads down this road:
In a book Cold Times the author states when you see a rise in homosexual behavior you are looking at the end of a civilization.
God’s judgements are intended to lead to repentance. There is no political solution for this situation.
Never came in contact with any of them after I was vaxed. So next theory Phil.
Thanks for another great WNW.
I support and voted for Trump. But I think his ego will not let him admit he made a mistake!! He needs to humble hisself and admit he made a mistake!