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Bet Against Debt-Greg Mannarino
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s Financial analyst Greg Mannarino says the latest GDP number “. . . is a farce . . . I don’t think we’re growing at all.” Mannarino says what we do have is growing inflation. He thinks, “The dollar
Bonds Next Killing Field of Investments-Tom Cloud
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s Hard asset expert Tom Cloud has more than three decades of hard asset experience and more than 2,000 high-net-worth clients. Cloud says the rich are putting “45% of their wealth into hard assets” like gold and silver. Cloud
Weekly News Wrap-Up 10.12.12
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s The Vice Presidential debate was this week, and it was supposed to get into the real down and dirty numbers. Vice Presidents rarely make a difference in the outcome of a Presidential election, so who cares who won.
Great Asset Repositioning
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s Since this site went on line three years ago, more than a dozen readers either emailed or commented they cashed out of their IRAs or 401-Ks, paid the tax and penalty, and invested in physical gold and silver.
Fix Health Care or Government Collapses-Karl Denninger
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s Karl Denninger of Market-Ticker.Org says both Romney and Obama are lying about health care reform. Denninger says drastic changes are coming no matter what, “. . . because the amount of money the federal government spends doubles every
Weekly News Wrap-Up 10.5.12
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s The first Presidential debate is wrapped up, and it looks like Republican challenger Mitt Romney scored a big victory against President Obama. Romney zinged Obama a couple of times and looked way more prepared than the President. When
Money Printing Frankenstein Experiment-Reggie Middleton
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Investor Reggie Middleton says the “unlimited” money printing by the Fed is a “real-time Frankenstein experiment.” Middleton “. . . doesn’t see a positive end to this.” He says, “Insolvent institutions need to fail and start from
Controversy Over Iran’s Nuclear Program is a Hoax-Paul Craig Roberts
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, says, “The Israel/Iran conflict is not about nukes, but water!” Dr. Roberts says, “Israel wants to get rid of Iran as supplier to Hezbollah . .
Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.28.12
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s There were lots of fireworks at the United Nations this week. Yesterday, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, was drawing a red line of his own on a crude picture of a bomb. Don’t laugh, because he
Gold is a Currency
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s We have long been told that gold is a commodity–that it is no different than a bushel of corn or a barrel of oil. In many newspapers, it is listed under the commodity section. With the advent
Gerald Celente-The First Great War of the 21st Century has Begun
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Top trends forecaster Gerald Celente says, “The first great war of the 21st century has begun, and people are afraid to call it what it is.” Celente says the extreme violence in in the Middle East and
Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.21.12
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The Middle East and North Africa are on fire. The latest blow-up happened in Pakistan where the U.S. Embassy was attacked by protestors. There have been attacks and protests on U.S. interests in Middle East countries such
Peter Schiff-Dollar Vulnerable to a Massive Collapse, Buy Gold and Silver
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Peter Schiff says, “The stage has been set for a currency crisis and a sovereign debt crisis, and they’re going to come relatively soon.” Schiff says the latest round of “unlimited” money printing by the
Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s You may not have heard much about Gary Johnson from the mainstream media, but he’s running for President this year on the Libertarian ticket. Johnson has real experience as a former Governor of New Mexico. He’s not afraid
Jeff Berwick-0% Interest Rates Until the System Dies
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Jeff Berwick of says, “We’re on 0% interest rates . . . and quantitative easing (money printing) until the system dies.” Berwick is predicting “chaos” when it all comes down. He doesn’t know how exactly it