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Weekly News Wrap-Up 6.22.12
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Moody’s dropped a bomb on global banks this week. It handed out credit rating cuts to 15 of the biggest banks in the western world. JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Citi were all cut two
One-on-One with James Howard Kunstler
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s If you want a no-nonsense look at the world and where we are heading, you talk to a journalist who has seen it all. James Howard Kunstler began his career in the 1970’s at Rolling Stone magazine.
One-on-One with Karl Denninger
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Forget about the outcome of the Greek elections. The only thing that matters, according to Karl Denninger of, is math. Denninger thinks, “The powers that be are lying about the solvency of institutions and this is
Weekly News Wrap-Up 6.15.12
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Forget about the Greek Elections because, in the end, Greece still has to pay its bills. There probably will not be any one party that will get enough votes to garner a majority, but the anti-bailout party
The Euro Titanic
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s You want to know what’s going on right now with the European monetary union and the euro currency? Outspoken Member of the European Parliament Nigel Farage knows, and he’s gotten it right from the very begining of
One-on-One with Charles Biderman
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The European debt crisis seems to get worse every day with no real solution in sight, just bailout after bailout. This may look like it is an effort to save heavily indebted countries, but it is really
Banking and Freedom
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s I just have a couple of videos to share with you today. One is about banking and monetary policy from a 12 year-old girl named Victoria Grant. She is a Canadian that has a firm grasp about what’s
One-on-One with Paul Craig Roberts #1
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s There has been plenty of calamitous news surrounding the European debt crisis. Greece is insolvent. Spain just got a big bank bailout, and Ireland wants a new bailout deal. No matter how bad it looks in the
Weekly News Wrap-Up 6.8.12
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The UN says that civil war in Syria is “imminent.” It looks to me it’s been imminent for months. More than 9,000 people have been killed in the uprising which, at its core, is a fight between
Closer to War Than You Realize
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Much of the news in the past few weeks centers around the European debt crisis, but even bigger problems are coming to a boil in the Middle East. First off, Syria is degrading into a full blown
Gold and Dow Flash the Same Warning Signal
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg hunter’s On Friday, both gold and the Dow flashed the same warning signal—the economy is in deep trouble. The Dow plunged nearly 275 points on the news of a weak jobs report, and gold rocketed higher by $66
Weekly News Wrap-Up 6.1.12
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Greece is on life support. Spain is experiencing bank runs. Many countries are in or heading into recession. The European Union is in gridlock over what to do. The bankers want money printing for bailouts and want
Will Fed Printing Press Try to Save Europe?
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s You know things are heating up when the banks start with scare tactics. In Greece, the bankers are in full court press to sway voters for next month’s election. Reuters reported yesterday, “In a report released ahead
Iran–EU Debt Crisis Update
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The meeting, last week, in Iraq to negotiate a resolution to Iran’s nuclear program ended with zero concessions on either side. The only thing positive was an agreement for another meeting, next month, in Russia. This meeting
Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.25.12
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The big meeting, this week, in Iraq concerning Iran’s nuclear program was a big bust. The meeting, once again, ended the same way the last one did—with a date for another meeting. The next one is in