Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson
By Greg Hunter’s
You may not have heard much about Gary Johnson from the mainstream media, but he’s running for President this year on the Libertarian ticket. Johnson has real experience as a former Governor of New Mexico. He’s not afraid to give it to the people straight. His straight talk includes the U.S. is headed for a looming economic collapse. It looks like many Ron Paul supporters are going to vote for him because they say there is little difference between Romney and President Obama. Enjoy the recent interview he did with I hope Gary Johnson is invited to the Presidential debates. He deserves to be heard. Enjoy the video:

The libertarians constantly speak in near diametrical opposition to the Rebublican Conservatives, yet they both now run on the Republican party ticket. -Therefore the ONLY conclusion to this form of idiocy is to form their own party. This new 3 party system would help the entire world. That, and amending the constitution to do away 501c and superpacks in general. /// Fiscal gridlock, QE inflation,and the parallax perspective of Foxnews are all causing people to be fearful,which always leads to new and unknown outcomes.
Gary did a good job as governor of NM for two terms. But when I went to offer the campaign a place to have a headquarters, for free, they never called me back.
That got me wondering if they have any seriousness at all about their campaign. I do plan to vote Libertarian any way, and I hope others do also.
One of the only candidates who really get it! I have been telling people who say, I don’t want to vote for Obama and I am not comfortable with Romney”… I tell them vote Johnson or Goode because until the republicans and democrats know they have third party competition nothing will change and only then will the voters realize we have a systemic problem with the government.
I like Gary Johnson. Either him or Ron Paul would make a fine man as president of the United States. However, if he can’t be bought off by special interests or big pharma etc. etc. what chance has he got? People will wake up to late for honest government and our beloved country will be much harder to take back. ———— Vote for Gary Johnson anyway or just stay home. At least we tried…………….