Communication During Natural & Man-Made Disasters
Sponsored Post by Satellite Phone Store
In 2021, there have been multiple disasters that knocked out communications for days or weeks. There’s the Texas snow storm that happened earlier this year and, after that, the hurricane that devastated New Orleans. Both are natural disasters that left people stranded with no way to communicate.
Could a man-made disaster such as a ransomware attack on a big east coast pipeline or the mysterious shut down of Facebook globally be a prelude to a shutdown of a cell phone network? Who knows? But in today’s world, events show you have to be ready for anything.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a local internet outage or a regional natural disaster, satellite phones rely on satellites in orbit, not local cellular towers. Owning a satellite phone is the ultimate way to ensure 100% up-time communication.
Please watch this 30 second video demonstration from Satellite Phone Store:
After the Sponsored Post from Satellite Phone Store:
Take advantage of the Promotional Offer with Satellite Phone Store for a FREE “IsatPhone2” satellite phone with 1 year contract. You get 150 minutes monthly, a free USA number and Rollover minutes for only $99.95 + tax per month. Click here for more information. Be sure to mention USAWatchdog when you call or visit Satellite Phone Store and speak to one of the agents or when you make contact on the website Live Chat.
Thank you for supporting and Satellite Phone Store!

Greg, Wouldn’t I need a sat phone for everyone I need to call in an emergency shut down?
How about your wife on the other end or a child with another sat phone?
Yes, and you still have to be able to charge them. It’s a great concept, but like any other technology in its infancy, it’s going to have to meet market challenges, limitations, and retardants. If I were trying to market these and sell them now, I would emphasize the convenience of being able to interface anywhere and anytime with the existing cell networks/users as the PRIMARY benefit, and the emergency aspect as a secondary benefit, but then that’s just a salesman (which I was for 40 years) talking. Best always. PM
Clif High interviews are really awesome. Love that guy.
Have contacted them. They say they are able to ship two of them to me here in Guangzhou China. As long as they do not put any value on the Invoice other than US$99.95 then I will be able to receive them in China with no import duty. Otherwise there is a 80% import duty on the phones value at 12 x US$99.95 and would be impossible for me to receive the phones at such a ridiculous cost of over US$960 import duty per phone, total of over US$2000 per phone + Shipping costs.
Thanks Greg for the input brother , looking up 👍
Captain Kirk has one!
Got one. Thank you.
Another must watch!
The title should have bee “Strong Control” instead of “Strong Cities.”
Awful and scary isn’t it.
I bought one of these today along with the case, solar charger and battery bank. Getting it through Gregg’s promotion gets you a USA phone number and rollover minutes included instead of being additional cost options. I may never use it but it’s like insurance. Nice to have when you need it. You do need to consider that in a grid down situation the person you want to call may not be able to answer if their home or cell phone is not working. So you may need more than one. Might I suggest another item for communications. Consider getting your Ham radio license. It provides a lot of options for emergency communications.
I was advised to get a Ham radio but don’t license it. If it is licensed THEY can come in to inspect …. But you are allowed to use it in an emergency, even if it is not licensed, Voila !
Solar Activity – Get That Generator Ready – Just In Case – Halloween Special, and a good excuse for the establishment to do a Global Power Grid Shutdown.
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