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Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.7.14
By Greg Hunter’s
President Obama called the Crimean parliament vote “to enter into the Russian Federation” a “violation of international law.” President Obama announced sanctions on anyone “violating the sovereignty of Ukraine” or “stealing the assets of the Ukrainian people.” The Russians said earlier in the week they would dump dollars and Treasury bonds and also seize Western assets if sanctions were imposed. Well, it is definitely game on. (more…)
Russian Dollar Dump Could Crash Financial System-John Williams
By Greg Hunter’s
Economist John Williams says if Russia sells its U.S. dollar holdings, it could trigger hyperinflation. Could it collapse the financial system? Williams contends, “Yes, it certainly has a potential to do that. Looking outside the United States, there is something over $16 trillion in cash, or near cash. That’s about the same size as our GDP. . . Nobody has wanted to hold the dollar for some time. The dollar, fundamentally, is weak. It couldn’t be weaker. All the major factors are against it. It’s just a matter of what would trigger the massive selling. Nobody wants to hold it. The Russians start selling, and you have China indicating a general alliance here in terms of what’s transpiring. If the rest of the world believes this is what’s going to happen, people who have been wanting to get out of the dollar for some time very easily could front-run the Russians. The scare is on. People will try to get out of it as rapidly as they can.
War Could Cause Financial Domino, but We Could Have a Domino Without War-Eric Sprott
By Greg Hunter’s
$8 billion fund manager Eric Sprott says there is a big opportunity surfacing in precious metals. Sprott contends, “I’ve always believed there is more demand than supply for the last 14 years. I’ve documented it. I am suggesting the western central banks have very little gold left. I think the whole decline in the gold price is the liquidation in the ETFs to supply some of that shortfall. I think manipulation and relief from the manipulation and the ongoing demand, well in excess of supply, is going to power gold higher.”
Weekly News Wrap-Up 2.28.14
By Greg Hunter’s
All eyes are on Ukraine and its political upheaval. Pro-western protesters have forced the Ukrainian President to flee, and now there is a new president who is partial to the West. The U.S. and the EU have provided billions of dollars to fuel the uprising, and they are looking to offer more financial assistance. Ukraine is about to collapse financially. (more…)
Debt Default Will Kill the Dollar-Brandon Smith
By Greg Hunter’s
Economic and political writer Brandon Smith thinks America is in deep financial trouble, and the Fed knows it. Smith contends, “First of all, I’d like to point out that at the end of last year, I brought up the prospect to the alternative economics community that the ‘taper’ was real, that the Fed would start cutting QE stimulus. I received a pretty negative response from that concept, which is understandable because a lot of people in alternative economics and the liberty movement are focused on the concept of hyperinflation through printing. (more…)
Massive Sell-Off Coming Buy Gold-Gregory Mannarino
By Greg Hunter’s
Trader and financial analyst Gregory Mannarino was bullish on the stock market a few weeks ago, but he’s now done a 180. Why the reversal? Mannarino says, “What the Fed was doing was driving cash from the emerging markets into the U.S. equity market and driving cash into the U.S. bond market, and it worked . . . This is played out now . . . and I told everyone that this would not last. . . . We are right now on the precipice of a correction phase, and it could be severe. . . . (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 2.21.14
By Greg Hunter’s
Violent protests continue in the Ukraine. At least 70 people have been killed and 500 injured. In a bizarre twist, 67 police officers were temporarily captured by the protesters. Now, the EU and Canada have put sanctions on Ukraine officials because of the severity of the crackdown. The sanctions target finance and trade. (more…)
Retail Sales Drop was Enormous-Karl Denninger
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial writer and stock trader Karl Denninger says the most recent Obama Care delay is all about politics. Denninger thinks, “It’s just simply an attempt to push the issue past the 2014 election . . . I suspect that if you really get down to it, it’s just simply about 50 to 60 million people were going to get cancelled, and it was going to happen about the end of September. . . . (more…)
We’re Going to be Hit with a Tsunami of Inflation-Peter Schiff
By Greg Hunter’s
Money manager Peter Schiff has a read on gold short sellers. Schiff says, “Of course the short sellers never had the gold to begin with. They’re selling gold they don’t have, and I think the shorts are getting a little bit nervous, but they are going to get a lot more nervous as we turn up the heat here. Gold is now above $1,300 (per ounce). I think it’s going to be above $1,400 before they start to panic a little bit, and I think that’s great.” Schiff goes on to say, “I like the fact the market is moving up and nobody is buying it, nobody is paying attention to it. If they are, they are dismissing it. People think this is a head fake or a dead cat bounce. Instead, it’s the resumption of the (gold) bull market.”
Weekly News Wrap-Up 2.14.14
By Greg Hunter’s
It’s another week and another delay to part of Obama Care. Businesses with 50 to 100 employees will have another year to phase in health care coverage. Now, most of these companies already provide health care, but not the kind that Obama Care requires with free abortions and birth control and other “free” stuff. (more…)
U.S. Currency Weak and About to Crash—Karen Hudes
By Greg Hunter’s
Former World Bank Senior Counsel and whistleblower Karen Hudes has an amazing revelation about secret U.S. gold. Hudes says, “We’ve been offered, the United States, 170,500 metric tons of gold on deposit in the bank of Hawaii to underpin our currency which is about to crash. The Federal Reserve Notes are unconstitutional, and we don’t have to pay interest on our debt, and we don’t have to have debt for that matter.” (more…)
100% Fake Recovery-Robert Wiedemer
By Greg Hunter’s
Robert Wiedemer, best-selling author of “The Aftershock Investor,” says the so-called recovery is “100 percent fake.” Wiedemer explains, “If you look at the amount our economy has grown last year, our GDP grew 2% or $350 billion, but we borrowed over $700 billion. That tells you right there that we are borrowing more than we are even growing. Our entire growth is due to government borrowing . . . it’s a fake recovery.” (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 2.7.14
By Greg Hunter’s
There was lots of news out of Washington D.C. this week. First off, don’t expect a big fight over the debt ceiling. Speaker of the House John Boehner has already signaled that there will be a debt ceiling increase even if he has to pass the legislation with Democrats. He clearly does not want to take the blame for another government shutdown. (more…)
Fed Rattling Emerging Markets to Keep U.S. Propped Up-Gregory Mannarino
By Greg Hunter’s
Analyst and stock trader Gregory Mannarino says the market meltdown this week was caused by the Fed and weak economy. Mannarino says, “We understand there is a dynamic that has been changing here in the market with regard to the Fed’s purchasing mortgage-backed securities and bonds. This has rattled the emerging markets. They’re having problems with their currencies . . . The Federal Reserve has created an environment of distortions. By them pulling back some of this liquidity from the global economy, they’ve caused problems in these emerging markets, and this is being done on purpose.” (more…)
The Federal Reserve Lies About Everything–Rob Kirby
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial writer and former international derivatives broker Rob Kirby thinks the Fed’s recent cut back in money printing or “taper” is a con game. Kirby says, “The threat of taper made rates go up. The actual taper has made the 10-year Treasury drop 40 basis points in less than a month. The notion that the taper had anything to do with interest rates going higher seems to be a non-story.” (more…)