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Bankers vs. People
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The entire crisis in Greece (and the rest of the world) all comes down to bankers vs. the people. The bankers made crazy, reckless loans to this tiny country. If you look back to when the loans
Federal Reserve Secrets and Lies
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The Federal Reserve has been a clandestine organization since its inception. It is not really part of the federal government; it is merely a subcontractor for monetary policy. The Fed is basically a cartel of both U.S.
The Weekly News Wrap-Up 6/24/11
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s From Greek debt to U.S. debt the world is struggling to pay it’s bills. In Greece it is really a battle between bankers who made reckless loans and people to become debt slaves to pay them back.
Playing with Debt Nukes
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The situation in Greece is bleak. Sure, the Prime Minister, George Papandreou survived a confidence vote yesterday, but he is a long way from solving the debt crisis in his tiny country. The public debt totals $500
What is Money?
on: by Greg Hunter
I have consistently said since this site went on line that the only thing you can count on when it comes to the economy is inflation. Economist John Williams of says inflation is now running at 11.2%. To get that
The Weekly News Wrap-Up 6/17/11
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s There is a lot to cover in the Weekly Real News Wrap-up this week. First off, Greek debt problems look like they are going to get ugly, and this could spell problems for Europe and the world. Looks like Greece will
Print More Money
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The second round of quantitative easing (QE2) is scheduled to end June 30, and already there are calls for more financial stimulus to keep the economy from falling off a cliff. The latest call came from Larry
Mainstream Media Signals Economy Getting Bad
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s It seems the mainstream media (MSM) is waking up from its long sleep. The dream world of “green shoots” and “recovery” is fading into staggering unemployment and plunging home prices. Most of us in the real word
The Weekly News Wrap-Up 6/10/11
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s I am going to be putting a new segment on the site called the Weekly News Wrap-up. I will be highlighting the important news you need to be watching. I will not be covering things such as Anthony Weiner and his lewd
The Fed’s Inflation Play
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s I have been saying repeatedly that the one thing you can count on is inflation. If you take housing out of the picture, that is exactly what we have been getting. The Fed wants inflation and loathes
Will Market Manipulation Stop Gold and Silver from Rising?
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s There are plenty of folks flocking to the internet these days to tell the world why gold and, particularly, silver are finished as an investment and wealth protection opportunity. Some are even screaming to sell now before
Spinning the Economy to a Recovery
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Remember back in early-2009, when the mainstream media (MSM) started with the ridiculous “green shoots” talking point? Even though the data were dismal and there were no signs of the economy recovering, the “green shoots” term was used by
Dreaded Double-Dip Is Here
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s I have been telling you the economy is not in any kind of real recovery for more than a year. Sources I have been quoting have been proven right, and all the economic cheerleaders dead wrong. Reuters reported
Memorial Day and the Last Nail Speech
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s I was out eating with my wife this weekend and saw a veteran getting out of a car with a Purple Heart on his license plate. After my meal, as I was walking by his table, I
Where’s the Real News Reporting Gone?
on: by Greg Hunter
When I was coming up in the TV reporting business, “60 Minutes” on CBS was the pinnacle of TV news. I was lucky enough to make it to the networks (ABC and CNN) and now run my own site on the