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Ron Paul Ignored by MSM–Again!

By Greg Hunter’s I watched the Republican debate last night and thought Ron Paul did pretty good.  Romney did surprising well and Perry also did OK.  So who won?  If you watched the coverage afterward, you would have thought Dr. Paul

Where are the Criminal Indictments of Big Bankers?

By Greg Hunter’s  Last Friday, the Federal Housing Finance Agency filed lawsuits against 17 of the largest banks and financial institutions in the world.  FHFA is seeking a total of $196 billion in restitution from these institutions for not disclosing

Big Trouble in Europe

Greg Hunter’s There is big trouble in Europe with their sovereign debt crisis and insolvent banks.  Deutsche Bank CEOJosef Ackermann gave a stunning speech recently where he said, “It is an open secret that numerous European banks would not survive

Happy Labor Day!

By Greg Hunter’s This is not going to be a long post today.  Everybody is going to be out cooking on the grill and having fun.  I just want to clear up one little number the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) put

Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.2.11

By Greg Hunter’s Irene was the big story this week.  It was bit over hyped by the MSM for some areas and under-hyped for others.  It did cause several billion dollars in damages.  Isn’t it funny how the mainstream media

The Fed has Failed!

Last week, the Federal Reserve announced that it was not starting a third round of money printing (QE3).  (Don’t worry, it is only a matter of time before the money printing will begin again in earnest.)  Fed Chief Ben Bernanke put that

Fix the Banks!

By Greg Hunter’s   If there is one central theme to the ongoing financial crisis we face, it is an insolvent banking system.  It is so bad that the accounting rules were changed (after the financial meltdown in 2008) to allow Two Year Anniversary

By Greg Hunter’s  In the internet world, it is said the two year mark is one of the most important milestones.  My internet consultant tells me, “nobody takes you seriously until after your second anniversary.”  I put on line

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.26.11

By Greg Hunter’s  (Revised) Earthquakes have hit the U.S.   Thank goodness the quakes only caused minimal damage, although the Washington Monument is now cracked and leaning to the side.  Is it symbolic of the listing American economy?  Now, a hurricane is 

Libya’s Questionable Future

By Greg Hunter’s Gaddafi’s reign is over.  I am happy for the people of Libya, but I am not as jubilant as the crowds I see partying in the streets.   I wonder if the country will go from a dictatorship

Where Are We?

By Greg Hunter’s  Yesterday, the Dow was up more than 300 points, and gold hit another all-time high before dropping nearly $100 an ounce.  You would think the stock market was back and the gold trade was over.  Wall Street

Debt Downgrade part of Bigger Plan?

The debt downgrade of the U.S. debt has caused much calamity and confusion.  The stock market has sold off several hundred points since S&P took the action earlier this month.  Is it a big deal?  You bet, but it is not the

Good News in Libya Won’t Last

By Greg Hunter’s  It looks like the end of power for tyrant Muammar Gaddafi.  He’s been in power 40 years, but what will take his place?  Remember when stories broke out a few months ago about Libyan rebel al-Qaeda links? 

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8/19/11

Greg Hunter’s Another 400 point drop in the Dow yesterday and all I can say is here we go again!  Many are asking what’s going on?  It is two big things.  Nothing has been fixed since the financial meltdown of

Here We Go Again!

By Greg Hunter’s  It was another 400 point loss on the Dow today.  Manufacturing is contracting according to the latest reports, and Europe is in very big trouble with sovereign debt (especially with Spain and Italy).  If the Euro falls