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Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.18.11
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s Occupy Wall Street is 2 months old and is gaining speed. Thousands protested in dozens of cities yesterday, and hundreds were arrested. It’s all about the Wall Street bankers who cheated and rigged the game, not against the
Bank Runs and Bankers
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Something a little different today. I have three videos for you to watch. The first features a guy named Eddie Hobbs. He is a financial planner and expert from Ireland. In recent weeks, some of my stories have
It’s All About Gold Now
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s At the beginning of this month, the G20 met in France to try to find a way to solve the European sovereign debt crisis. It ended with world leaders in disarray over a way to come up
America Has a Boundary Problem
on: by Greg Hunter
I couldn’t believe the riots at Penn State after Joe Paterno was fired. I really do not get how anyone could support him after basically ignoring sex crimes against defenseless children. After all, we’re talking about felony rape of a child
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s I was a guest on the nationwide radio show Coast to Coast Am last week, and a listener commented that, at one point, “it sounded like” I said “death-ficits” when talking about the European debt crisis. The commenter
Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.11.11
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Tensions with Iran and Israel continue to heat up, especially since the IAEA revealed new evidence about Iran’s nuclear weapons project and that it may be close to getting a nuke. Reports keep coming in about an
Sovereign Debt is Everybody’s Problem
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The most pressing problem on the planet right now is the European sovereign debt crisis. It is a gigantic highly leveraged mess caused by greedy reckless bankers. It was nurtured with the help of regulators who turned
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Haven’t heard much about Occupy Wall Street (OWS) lately, but it is still going on. The official premise is to protest greed and corruption on Wall Street. Unofficially, I think it is a bunch of people who
Denial, Delusion and MSM Disinformation
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s What is going on in the world today is both frightening and historic. It is frightening because the amount of debt accumulated is orders of magnitude more than ever before. It is historic because the way this
Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.4.11
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Will the people of Greece vote on the 130 billion euro bailout plan? Not now, according to the Greek Prime Minister. The people will be heard even if it comes to more intense protests in the streets.
Greek Referendum Will Not Be Stopped
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The Prime Minister of Greece, George Papandreou, has called off a vote by the people of his country on whether to accept a 130 billion euro bailout and stay in the EU. Earlier this week, the Prime
Two Financial Nukes Explode
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s On Monday, I said at the end of my post, “I think someday we will “grow” our way out of the economic mess we are in but not before a very big fall.” I didn’t think the
The 2.5% GDP Growth Spin Job
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Last week, the government announced the economy (gross domestic product, GDP) grew at a 2.5% rate. The mainstream media (MSM) hailed this as some significant turnaround. reported, “Buoyed by a resurgent consumer and strong business investment,
Weekly News Wrap-Up 10.28.11
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Stocks soared this week as the EU agreed on a deal that will address its sovereign debt crisis. The Dow was up nearly 340 points to 12,200, but is the debt problem really fixed? NO WAY!!! There
Is the EU Sovereign Debt Problem Really Fixed?
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s When I first heard of the deal to fix the European debt crisis, I thought, “Is the EU Sovereign Debt Problem Really Fixed?” This is a complicated solution and mainly addresses sour Greek debt. Bankers are supposed