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The Economic Aftershock of Japan

By Greg Hunter’s (revised) The news from Japan is grim.  At least 10,000 people are reported dead from the killer quake that rocked the island nation last week.  Likely, the death toll will go much higher in the coming days.  There

Has Gold and Silver Topped Out?—No Way

The world looked like a scary place yesterday for gold and silver investors.  There was a lot of talk about a global economic slowdown.  The price of oil dropped, and gold and silver sold off.  In the grand scheme of things,

Flying Blind

By Greg Hunter’s Last Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported the economy created 192,000 new jobs and the unemployment rate fell to 8.9%.  The good news was reported almost everywhere as a turning point in the U.S. economy. 

Spiking Oil, Plunging Economy

By Greg Hunter’s This weekend, violence continued to erupt in the Middle East.   In Libya, the Gaddafi government launched counter attacks against the rebels.  Many fear there is a full blown civil war brewing in that oil rich country. Yemeni

Trouble for MERS Keeps Mounting

By Greg Hunter’s (revised) In Guilford County, North Carolina, the Register of Deeds, Jeff Thigpen, is questioning if his county was cheated out of more than a million dollars real estate fees because banks did not file proper chain of ownership

Fear, Inflation and Debt

By Greg Hunter’s Yesterday, gold hit fresh all-time highs at $1,432.10 an ounce. Silver hit a 31 year high, closing at more than $34.50 per ounce. Oil nearly touched $100 per barrel, which is the highest it has been since

Chaos Does Not Lead to Democracy

By Greg Hunter’s Looking around the Middle East you can find turmoil and conflict almost everywhere you turn.  Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria, Oman and Egypt have all been caught up in a fire storm of anti-government protests. 

How Revolution in the Middle East Affects You

What is going on in the Middle East is breathtaking and frightening at the same time.  The unrest and outright middle east revolution is not going to be a pathway to peace and prosperity.   Libya is sliding into a bloody civil

Mainstream Media Spins Dimon

By Greg Hunter’s  Monday, we started out the week with a front page story on USA Today that was more like a public relations stunt than real journalism.  The headline read “Dimon sees good times in 2011.”   The story was

America is Broke

Get the <a href=””>National Debt Clock</a> widget and many other <a href=””>great free widgets</a> at <a href=””>Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href=””>More info</a>)By Greg Hunter’s (Revised) Saturday, the House of Representatives passed legislation with more than $60 billion of budget

Inflation Liftoff

Greg Hunter’s  (updated) The government released a nasty little inflation rate surprise yesterday.  Prices increased .4% in January, which was 33.3% higher than the expected .3% increase.  It should come as no surprise to anyone who fills up at a

Middle East Math is Disturbing

This week, protests in the Middle East continued to take hold in countries such as Bahrain, Algeria, Yemen and even Iran.  Call it Middle East unrest, the pro-democracy movement or people just fed up with dictators in power. I pray for

The Low Inflation Lie

By Greg Hunter’s If you believe government inflation rate numbers, inflation is 1.2%, according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI.)  That’s how much prices rose last year.  Last week, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testified in front of the Republican controlled

Egypt Will Explode

By Greg Hunter’s “Egypt will explode.”  That was the reaction on twitter from Mohamed ElBaradei to Hosni Mubarak’s announcement not to resign the Presidency of Egypt.  ElBaradei is a former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency and Nobel

The Worst 4 Letter Word of All–Debt

You can write volumes on what is actually wrong with the economy.  We have record foreclosures, the FDIC closing banks every weekend, high unemployment, enormous deficits, food banks running out of money, sour mortgage-backed securities and the list goes on and