Market Analysis Archive

This News section gives analysis of all the markets including stocks, bonds, gold, silver, housing, interest rates, inflation and overall health of the general economy. The Federal Reserve, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Comptroller of the Currency, Bank of International Settlements, derivatives, deficits, demographics, financial calamity, and even the dollar are a few of the things we will incorporate into the conversation.

The views here come from traditional mainstream sources and also from the alternative media. Interviews will come from people who manage money, former government officials and financial analysts. Some of the people in this section who have been interviewed include former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, Nobel Prize winning economist Professor Robert Shiller, Professor Laurence Kotlikoff, $8 billion fund manager Eric Sprott, Professor William Black, gold expert Jim Sinclair, best-selling authors Nomi Prins, James Rickards and many more experts.

The interviews and information provided here are usually in direct opposition of the views in the mainstream media. Oftentimes, market analysis and political analysis overlap. The content and interviews here are for information purposes only and should not be considered investment advice.

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Trouble for MERS Keeps Mounting

By Greg Hunter’s (revised) In Guilford County, North Carolina, the Register of Deeds, Jeff Thigpen, is questioning if his county was cheated out of more than a million dollars real estate fees because banks did not file proper chain of ownership

How Revolution in the Middle East Affects You

What is going on in the Middle East is breathtaking and frightening at the same time.  The unrest and outright middle east revolution is not going to be a pathway to peace and prosperity.   Libya is sliding into a bloody civil

America is Broke

Get the <a href=””>National Debt Clock</a> widget and many other <a href=””>great free widgets</a> at <a href=””>Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href=””>More info</a>)By Greg Hunter’s (Revised) Saturday, the House of Representatives passed legislation with more than $60 billion of budget

Inflation Liftoff

Greg Hunter’s  (updated) The government released a nasty little inflation rate surprise yesterday.  Prices increased .4% in January, which was 33.3% higher than the expected .3% increase.  It should come as no surprise to anyone who fills up at a

The Low Inflation Lie

By Greg Hunter’s If you believe government inflation rate numbers, inflation is 1.2%, according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI.)  That’s how much prices rose last year.  Last week, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testified in front of the Republican controlled

The Worst 4 Letter Word of All–Debt

You can write volumes on what is actually wrong with the economy.  We have record foreclosures, the FDIC closing banks every weekend, high unemployment, enormous deficits, food banks running out of money, sour mortgage-backed securities and the list goes on and

The Most Predictable Financial Calamity in History

By Greg Hunter’s In November 2010, the Federal Reserve announced a second round of economic stimulus commonly referred to as Quantitative Easing (QE2).  The reason, according to the Fed, was “progress toward its objectives has been disappointingly slow.”   So, to

Housing Shows There Is No Recovery

By Greg Hunter’s Housing starts are a tried and true barometer of business activity.  If there was a real economic recovery going on, housing starts would be, at the very least, edging up.  Please keep in mind the government is

Inflation Is Here

Greg Hunter’s For months now, the Federal Reserve has been worried about inflation being too low.  So low, that the Fed claims it is unhealthy to the U.S. economy.  When it announced its second wave of money printing (QE2) in

Bad Real Estate News Ignored to Spin Bright Future

By Greg Hunter’s  I was shocked to see this headline from an Associated Press story yesterday, “Economists project home sales, construction to rise sharply in 2011 from extreme lows of 2010.”   I was dumbfounded by the title of the article

Will Raising the Debt Ceiling Bail Out the Banks, Again?

By Greg Hunter’s Just after the first of the year, the Chairman of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisers, Austan Goolsbee, emphatically pushed for Congress to raise the debt ceiling.  Goolsbee said on the ABC Sunday talk show, “This Week,”

B of A Settlement, Another Taxpayer Rip-off

By Greg Hunter’s In case you have not heard, Fannie and Freddie (also known as Government-Sponsored Enterprises or GSE’s) settled a big lawsuit with Bank of America Monday.  The case was settled for cents on the dollar, even though the

Fed Can’t Prop Up Stock Market Forever

Greg Hunter’s (updated) From the very beginning of QE2, it was no secret the Federal Reserve wanted the stock market to rise.  The Fed got its wish.  Many people see the stock market increase of nearly 20% in a few short

Real Estate Spin Continues by Mainstream Media

By Greg Hunter’s The mainstream media was at it again last week–putting a positive spin on the awful real estate market.  The USA Today headline on top of the “Money” section last Thursday read “Optimism for home sales adds up.”  

CBS 60 Minutes Finally Gets One Right

Greg Hunter’s I have been pretty hard on “CBS 60  Minutes” for doing fluff interviews with Fed Chief  Ben Bernanke and not asking the hard questions that would be obvious to a freshman journalism student.  In all fairness, I have to