MSM Stokes Violence, Dem Voter Fraud, Economy Still Weak

By Greg Hunter’s 

(WNW 450 9.25.2020)

If you want to know who to blame all the violence on, you can find many guilty parties.  It’s billionaires like George Soros funding prosecutors that will not prosecute in liberal cities.  It’s Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  It’s some of the biggest corporations in America, and it’s most definitely the mainstream media that hides the facts and acts as a biased information arm of the communist/Marxist Democrat party.  It’s not journalism.  It’s propaganda, and it’s helping to fuel the violence in America.

The voter fraud schemes by Democrats are emerging and seeing the light of day.  They are blatant attempts to swing the November Election through voter fraud and so-called ballot harvesting.  No doubt, this is going to end up in the Supreme Court, which is why Trump wants his pick on the bench by Election Day.

Yet another week where it was celebrated that less than 1 million new claims for unemployment were filed last week.  Tens of millions have filed first time claims for unemployment, and this week it’s looking a little worse.

Join Greg Hunter of as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

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After the Interview:

Dr. Chris Martenson from will be the guest for the Saturday Night Post, and he will tell you what you need to do now to better cope with the coming calamities for the rest of 2020 and beyond.

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  1. Maria das Santos

    Thanks Mr Hunter,fear not indeed,for the truth whilst uncomfortable is wonderful.
    Here in the UK and Europe the march of the Bolsheviks are in plain sight,
    few want to know of this unpalatable truth.
    Also people seriously think a petition of parliament will influence the external forced determined to destroy the UK ,
    Yet as I glide to work on my scooter gun signs are sprayed everywhere here in Chelsea,London and the municipal workers are out in force cleaning these off walls and roads.
    It is exasperating listening to family as I am sure many others finds as well,but the Bolsheviks want to destroy this bond.
    Even the obvious nationalisation of companies like Facebook and Microsoft and Oracle and more will strip those who have “helped”the Bolsheviks to power of their wealth if not their lives.No one seems to listen in history classes anymore.
    Still our economy here in the UK is beyond atrocious but those in government still get paid whilst we plebs are left floundering no matter how much is promised,just like good Bolsheviks promise and never deliver.
    So Americans still trust your friends in the UK and your handmaid GCHQ?

  2. JC

    Martin Armstrong:
    Already, the FBI has recovered ballots for Trump that were discarded in Pennsylvania. They can even attribute some to specific people voting. The Republicans are already appealing Pennsylvania which is demonstrating how the Democrats are planning to try to win the election by fraud. Besides already being caught throwing away mail-in ballots for Trump, Pennsylvania has gone as far as to allow mail-in ballots beyond election day. If they need to change the results, they simply will stuff the ballots.

  3. William Stanley

    Mr. Hunter,
    Good job!
    I especially liked the data on Covid-19 survival rates by age (although I still wonder about the importance of age as an independent variable once comorbidity is accounted for).

    I’m looking forward to your interview of Dr. Chris Martenson. I’ve been impressed with his willingness to ask meaningful questions and to change his mind (although he still seems to be hanging on to the idea that wearing masks in public is such a good idea that it should be mandated . . . despite his apparent acceptance of the facts that hospitals are not being overwhelmed, that Covid-19 is highly treatable, and that herd immunity has been essentially reached in Sweden w/o drastic totalitarian means, including mandatory wearing of masks in public).

    • Freebrezer

      WS – age is directly linked to comorbidity … you get older you get weaker (generally speaking) and a person acquires more comorbidity factors (diabetes, heart disease, failing organs etc,) Plus, my opinion – the younger people with some comorbidity factors are just stronger and the immune system can overcome the virus … ah youth! Following is a great review of the covid pandemic. What I find interesting is that the countries that have had a strong flu immunization programs had higher fatality rates via covid? The flu shots did protect older, vulnerable people against the flu (good thing) but left them extremely susceptible to something new.

    • Freebrezer

      WS – age is directly correlated/linked to comorbidity … you get older you get weaker (generally speaking) and a person acquires more comorbidity factors (diabetes, heart disease, failing organs etc,) Plus, my opinion – the younger people with some comorbidity factors are just stronger and the immune system can overcome the virus … ah youth! Following is a great review of the covid pandemic. What I find interesting is that the countries that have had a strong flu immunization programs had higher fatality rates via covid? The flu shots did protect older, vulnerable people against the flu (good thing) but left them extremely susceptible to something new.

      • William Stanley

        Thanks, I agree with what you said: yes age is covariant with co-morbidities.
        However, my curiosity remains. I was thinking in terms of multiple regression analysis and the size of the coefficient for the age variable when the presence of various co-morbidties are included in the as dummy variables in the equation being estimated.

      • William Stanley

        Thanks, I agree with what you said: yes age is covariant with co-morbidities.
        However, my curiosity remains. I was thinking in terms of multiple regression analysis and the size of the coefficient for the age variable when the presence of various co-morbidties are included as dummy variables in the equation being estimated.

      • William Stanley

        I loved your linked video; just wonderful!

      • William Stanley

        RE: “The flu shots did protect older, vulnerable people against the flu (good thing) but left them extremely susceptible to something new.”

        Are you implying something more/different here than that a successful flu vaccine allowed more people to get older than they otherwise would have; and that made them more susceptible to all disease, including CV-19?

  4. JC

    Greg Hunter says:
    Corona virus is a hoax.

    Thanks for saying that.
    I can be walking down the street, and more than a once a woman coming along from the opposite direction puts her mask on, because of the danger posed by walking past me for one second. People are brainwashed and nuts.

    • paul jr.

      I agree. Some people are brainwashed and nuts on both sides of the mask debate. There is no reason for someone to worry about getting COVID or giving someone COVID just by walking by them or by standing near someone, especially outdoors. You mentioned women doing this. Have you noticed this kind of behavior with men? Just asking.

      • JC

        No, not men. I notice a lot of men and women in general wearing masks outdoors even though it is not required.

  5. jennifer

    Hi Greg. Look up IMSC (a coalition built to further isolate a specific country). Another tribute to the wonderful things our president is doing.

    • K. Wayne

      Thank you Maria for posting this.
      Whilst I was reading it …it became very apparent that most of the concepts the writer (Peter) has described were already embedded in my very own psyche. There is great logic and common sense in much of what is said and that in itself removes the confirmation bias that would otherwise be useful in disregarding the intent and purpose. When one removes all the noise and considers the facts. there is a tremendous epiphany here. The writer may
      not have covered every last detail … but the job is done…. nonetheless.
      I consider myself to be one of the “vital 4% who chooses to opt out”….not only because I can…but moreover because I have realized that the system can no longer work for the benefit of everyone. It is being seamlessly & systematically destroyed and that is my cue for an early exit.
      God speed.

    • K. Wayne

      A sundry read.

  6. R J Wolf Jr

    Greg, You are not just an excellent news man but also an outstanding Coach! Thanks, for another great commentary!!

  7. Matthias

    In other news: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have released a new trailer of SEVEN, the new documentary film about the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ World Trade Center 7 study:

    SEVEN: A Film by Dylan Avery – Narrated by Ed Asner

    The documentary will be released by 1091 Media after the November elections through various streaming platforms.

    • JC

      Ed Asner?
      Wow, I thought he was dead.

  8. AndrewB

    Hi Greg and thank you for USAW450.
    And, thank you for again focusing attention on the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) issue and the propaganda being waged against a low risk preventive medical protocol of: Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and Azithromycin – taken at early onset. In a comment attached to your Steve Quayle interview, referenced an open letter signed by over 400 doctors (almost 500 at time of writing) and I hope you will permit a re-posting here.

    [ Sorry, I have not had time to listen to Steve Quayle this morning. My time has been taken up trying to disseminate a most interesting open letter signed by over 400 Belgian doctors and addressed to all Belgian Authorities and all Belgian Media. These doctors have all taken a personal risk in order to try to protect their patients and the wider public from authoritarian overreach regarding Covid-19 lockdown procedures. A very informative letter and well worth reading in full. A list of signatories is tabbed. Members of the public are also invited to add their voice to the letter. Subject to you posting this comment, I would beseech your well-informed audience to send a copy / link to this open letter to their political representative and to their doctor and all family and friends. My wife has already tweeted the link to @realDonaldTrump but, please back this up with further tweets to ensure the message gets to him.
    Many thanks for all you do. ]

    ‘Bob Lamb’ responded to the above comment by referring to the Doctor Zeb Zelinko’s HCQ protocol. Here is a link to same:

    • AndrewB

      And now . . . a reminder of what life was like pre- Covid. Happy smiling faces everywhere in Egypt where only a small minority wear masks. I pity the maker of this video as he has totally bought into the (unscientific) mask wearing propaganda – or has he (?) since he is seen talking maskless and at close quarters to his Egyptian colleague / interpreter:

    • Bob Lamb

      Zev Zelenko

      He also says if can’t get HCQ to use Quercetin (an over the counter bioflavonoid) that will also transport zinc into cells. I went a bought a bunch of this and zinc and take it prophylacticly according to his protocol. There are some other over the counter things he says will also transport the zinc into cells (ionophore).

    • Bob Lamb

      Zev Zelenko

      He also says if can’t get HCQ to use Quercetin (an over the counter bioflavonoid) that will also transport zinc into cells. I went a bought a bunch of this and zinc and take it prophylacticly according to his protocol. There are some other over the counter things he says will also transport the zinc into cells (ionophore property).

  9. Marie Joy

    I expect the grid to come down, long term.

  10. AndrewB

    Many years ago, I read an article about how the US comprised only 5% of world population but consumed 25% of the world’s resources. The central argument of the article was that it would be impossible to elevate the rest of the world population (95%) to the US standard of living because that would require many times the world’s resources. Therefore, according to the article, the standard of living of the US would need to be radically reduced in order to create a more equitable world (one in which everyone is equally poor – sic). This would be necessary in order to enable a ‘one world government’.

    In this context, I remember Christine Lagarde, while managing director of the IMF (2011-2019), currently President of the European Central Bank, stating – and I paraphrase – “We have something different in mind for the United States”. Is this ‘something different’ the Green New Deal, BLM, Antifa, defunding police, failing to prosecute rioters, mass unemployment, lockdowns – small business closures – defunding the middleclass . . .?

    In some arcane way, all this ‘one world government’ movement appears tied back to Cecil Rhodes (who founded Rhodesia), the Fabian Society, the CFR and its toxic distillate – the Trilateral Commission. The people who populate these ‘societies’ have grown up with an ‘utopian’ vision of a world without nations (and therefore without war), a “World Governed by Law” – George Bush senior (a shame the ‘elites regard themselves as above the law!), a world governed by a technical meritocracy. To mimic Greg, What could possibly go wrong?!

    P.S. All Rhodes Scholars, of which Bill Clinton is one, are indoctrinated with this Sci-Fi utopian BS.

    P.P.S. Followers of the ‘one-world-government’ religion accept that their ‘utopia’ will not come about without necessary pain and suffering. Let me sum up: Its for our own good, even if it kills us!!!

    • K. Wayne

      ….”all this ‘one world government’ movement appears tied back to Cecil Rhodes “…
      He is only a small piece of the puzzle….as are the Rhodes Scholars.
      The OWG movement has its origins with Adam Weishaupt – A German Philosopher and Professor of Law….and later with the American Grand Master (& Confederate General) Albert Pike……who developed the Blueprint for the Freemasons to initiate their New World Order.
      Karl Marx (of the Communist Manifesto fame) …was an undercover spy of this Secret Society. He also was a key figure in their movement.
      I have stated many times in my comments…. that their work has been evolving over centuries. This is not a modern day development (20th Century). The planning has been meticulous as has been the indoctrination of the many hundreds of thousands of their members from the Elites in Business, Banking, Government and Aristocracy. All the well known people who have varying degrees of Power and Influence. This (and other) Secret Societies are the backbone of the World’s issues. Many of our Presidents were members and had their allegiance firmly on the other side…and never for the greater good of the People of this Nation …. nor the Globe.

      • AndrewB

        K Wayne,
        While I do not disagree with what you say, your quote from my comment is incomplete. I did not suggest the One world government ideology is all down to Cecil Rhodes. The complete sentence includes, the Fabian Society, the CFR (derived from the Fabian Society) and the Trilateral Commission – the steering group for the CFR. My reference to the role of The Fabian Society is supported by a link posted in these comments by ‘Jerry’ – Interpretation of the cover of the 2015 Economist magazine, see paragraph entitled, ‘Turtle’, and concluding paragraph. Both these paragraphs point to the central role of The Fabian Society in the promulgation of a one world government ideology.

  11. JC

    ‘A new COVID-19 mutation appears to be even more contagious, according to a study — and experts say it could be a response by the virus to defeat masks and other social-distancing efforts.’

    Appears to be…
    According to a study…
    Experts say…

    I say give us a break.

    • Beverly

      They may have developed something that is more dangerous and they will probably just start spraying it on people from airplanes. Here in Utah, Park City and those ski resort towns were hit especially hard this last winter. They are at a higher elevation and more susceptible to breathing in whatever is being sprayed. People have to to take Vitamins D, A, zinc. Cook with minced garlic and onion. Redmond Clay is a great thing to have in the house, along with activated charcoal. These things absorb toxicity in the body. You mix a big glass of water with about a tsp of clay and drink it down. The activated charcoal can be bought at supplement type stores like Good Earth or online. It is great for absorbing poisons or toxicity in the body that has such bad effects, that it is poisoning you. If a person eats a lot of candy or drinks soda, they are putting themselves at a higher risk for getting sick, as this will cause more Candida Albicans(yeast) to grow in their systems and this makes your body get toxic. Also, eating a bunch of white flour products makes you sick and overweight because they are constipating. If people have a clean colon, they are a lot more likely to not get sick. Don’t eat a lot of bread. Eat right and you will have much better chance in all of this.

      • JC

        Avoiding, or greatly reducing white flour products and sugar intake is sound advice.

  12. Jerry

    Heads up. It looks like congress is getting the heck out of town until “ after the elections”.

    Folks if that doesn’t get your attention, I can’t help you. The number one question is why? What’s the hurry? Don’t worry I have the answer. What do rats do on a sinking ship? The answer: flee.
    Friends the lines of destiny have crossed. Provided there is an election, there can only be two outcomes. If Biden wins, the Fed pumping will stop, and the tidal wave of debt that has been delayed will come crashing in on us. If Trump wins there will be civil war, and the possibly of a full scale martial law lockdown. Either way the technocrats and their globalist friends will be waiting with arms out and needle in hand. America in their view, is mad dog, that has to be put down. Friends the deals have been made. Your politicians have officially sold you out. You’re on your own. Get your spiritual house in order. It’s ten seconds until midnight. The arrows in Nancy Pelosi’s quiver will hit on November 3rd.

  13. USAW comments reply

    Lefties doing ‘everything they can’ to stop Trump forming conservative court majority SkyNewsOz
    No other President has been the subject of such an appalling, insane, aggressive campaign of total destruction.
    As this article aptly states, he was the target of an actual coup. He keeps swinging. He’s still standing.
    Trump somehow slipped the noose and escaped largely unscathed. He was pummeled mercilessly in the media,
    Do you see the daily Soros/Hillary/Mike Morell/Obama instigated Mockingbird brained news? – they are forever pummeling Trump every day, and their tactics are appalling as described in a recent article by Caitlyn Johnstone:

    Along with the constant stream of ex-Trump administration officials who said Trump said “___________” (rumors are us) that was ‘confirmed’ by the Washington Post.
    Mike Whitney — You ask such an important question. You expertly lay it all out. So how can you so fizzle out on who the mastermind perps are?
    Folks, check out “Anatomy of a Global Psyop” by Esther Watcher for insights as to the real deal.

    A political party that collaborates with senior-level officials in the Intel agencies, the FBI, the DOJ, the media, and former members of the White House to spy on the new administration with the intention of gathering damaging information that can be used to overthrow the elected government?
    This late in the game he’s announcing this? Didn’t he just interview Brennan in August after 16 months? All this is nothing but political theater so he can say after the election is stolen by the dems, there’s no their there.

    Check this info out by reading this thread at, ‘Re:Prices Coming Down’ (under Forums>The Fleet> Multihulls)
    page 13 on 9/08/20. Seems like there are some of UWD readers who own and live on their boats.
    Also follow the trail to who REALLY controls the stock market by reading, (also on cruisersforum), ‘Re: Boat Insurers, Cartel or Not? Time to Leave BoatUS? All of the posts are worth reading so that when you get to post#’s 45-50, 54, you’ll discover the connection to who CONTROLS the stock market! REALLY eye opening, at least for me as I had never made the connection.

    Also, don’t forget that good ol’ boy Warren Buffet owns a major stake in GEICO insurance= GOVERNMENT employee insurance company! The Demoncrats have filled all of the government jobs with their fellow socialists, who get the $100 policies through their ‘job benefits’, while you and I pay EXHORBITANT insurance rates for the SAME coverage because you and I are SUBSIDIZING government employees insurance payments!!

    All of us have to realize that regardless of who wins the election this rioting will not end. There are Dems that are rooted in BLM and its evil mission and they are white who want to bring the demise to white people.
    AOC said if they win “brunch is over” its just the beginning. I know what this means. It is a “round up” of those that dont agree with the pampered socialists. I see the Dems as the new Nazi party coming up and to come “get us”. I believe in being financially secure but this new riot is beyond I have ever seen. Cities will be war zones that will spread to ex burbs. I believe they are way more organized than we think. And they have no empathy….. When Trump makes that pick I believe they will send their people in to stop the senators from voting……..This is not going to end. These people have chosen Satan and his ways. Should they send these people to block the vote, I see it as a sign that this war is just beginning….

  14. markp

    Greg, your closing comments were just wonderful and encouraging. markp.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Mark! I can’t take credit, It was the Holy Spirit and not me.

  15. Marie Joy

    Cuomo is a mass murderer.

  16. Marie Joy

    Fear not and Ammo up

  17. Jerry

    Look at the 2015 globalist creep show. Do you see where Nancy Pelosi’s arrows landed? November 3rd. While the ghost:holds a sign that says “ holiday “. Don’t worry. It’s just a coincidence. 😀

    • JC

      Good work, Jerry.

      G. A. STEWART:
      Readers of my work know that 1-1-3 is a ritual killing day for the satanists running the world shadow government. I began documenting this in my 2013 book, Nostradamus and The Age of Desolation. In the years since I have documented many “terrorist events” that seem to occur on days with the number combination 1-1-3.

    • Ray

      Excellent pick up Jerry.
      Well done mate……thank you.
      Ray, Canberra, LDN

  18. lightning


    BLM/Antifa/Democrats are ideologues. Ideologues believe that their cause is just and holy. As such, in their minds, the ends justify the means . They deeply believe that you can’t have an omelette without breaking some eggs. Ideologues are easy to manipulate and difficult to reason with.

    These folks are also fools and incompetent to their very core. Does anyone really believe a coalition made up of deeply disturbed transgender, angry lesbians, soy boy marginalized indebted liberal college losers, fringe sex offenders, domestic abusers, ….. etc. can effectively self organize , fund and collaborate on their own ?

    They can’t even effectively negotiate their own lives or their emotions. Most of them can’t hold a job, much less organize deeply disparate people.

    Every time one of these folks get arrested, and bail is set, lawyers immediately file bail and they are back out on the street.

    There is a meaningful , competent , “invisible hand” guiding , organizing , funding and directing these band of losers. They are being used. Could be Soros, could be China or other foreign powers or for that matter, maybe its a intelligence operation from the US Govt deep state or one of their foreign confederates….

    I do not think it would be particularly difficult to trace the money funding this and figure this out IF OUR FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT WANTED TO . Likewise, these folks all have smart phones and their communications are readily available to track and trace connections within their network.

    For anyone that doesn’t know, federal law enforcement is extremely competent at tracing money flows and digital (phone) records. The trucks that bring the bricks to the riots have license plate numbers, all cities have cameras , the busses that transport the rioters across state lines go through toll booths with cameras……many of the inter state rioters are parolees, and they have to get permission from their parole officers to go “protest” elsewhere or they risk going back into prison.

    The phones of the rioters all broadcast GPS locations , so Federal law enforcement knows where the agitators are in real time. It would be easy enough to intercept these people as they go from Portland Oregon to Rochester New York, for example. The Patriot Act allows Federal law enforcement to detain anyone without cause, indefinitely, with no access to a lawyer. They have incredibly broad powers should they elect to use them.

    The question we really should be asking is ……WHY DOESN’T THE FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY WANT TO SHUT THIS DOWN?

    The FBI is in the Dept of Justice (DOJ) which is run by Attorney General Barr. When FBI Director Christopher Wray states that “White Supremacy ” is the number one threat to the country (at a time when cities are literally burning and local Police Officers are being shot by BLM/Antifa)…. isn’t that an overt sign that FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT DOESN’T WANT TO STOP THE RIOTS AND LAWLESSNESS OF ANTIFA/BLM etc.?

    Barr has made no meaningful changes to the FBI, even after glaring criminal acts by senior FBI agents (falsifying documents, hiding exculpatory evidence, lying to the FISA courts, leaking classified information to the press…..) who tried to take down the duly elected President of the United States!. He has all the political cover he would need to completely overhaul the FBI org chart and retire the bad eggs. BUT HE DOESN’T DO THIS.

    Sensing a trend here?!

    Things that make you go HMMM.

  19. Tommy

    I see a judge extended the collection of census data to Oct.31. The 2010 census ended on July 31, 2010. So even though the time was extended 2 months a federal judge orders it to continue for another month even though the census bureau states they have counted over 95% of US households and are still counting. Sort of like mail in voting. You keep extending deadlines till you get the number you need.

    • Fulton Steamer

      Your right on Tommy and Lighting, what this country needs is a little back bone and not just boneheads with boners all day!~ Like Trump says, they’re coming after us not him. Who’s us. We the people who have they’re heads on straight. Who know whats going on.
      Christopher Wray states that “White Supremacy ” is the number one threat to the country (at a time when cities are literally burning and local Police Officers are being shot by BLM/Antifa)…. isn’t that an overt sign that FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT DOESN’T WANT TO STOP THE RIOTS AND LAWLESSNESS OF ANTIFA/BLM etc.? Wray is a coward. He’s only worried about his own ass, not the country. Hillary probably has a rap sheet on him twice as long as chief justice Roberts! They should fire his ass immediately and replace him with Sydney Powell. Mr. President, bust this criminal racket con game wide open and don’t wait till after the election. Strike while the iron is hot! Let the Mockingbird brained media heads explode, ad-nauseam! Expose this rot and mold to the whole wide world. Don’t wait! Better late than never? Dat is da question!
      Ignore the blasphemous religious garb;
      ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::The Man Who Knew Communism Best

  20. al

    The Sweet and Sour PLANdemic is an economic catalyst, nothing more. Remember back in Sep 14 2019 where the Fed crooks were throwing trillions in to the Repo Market to keep the system going? It’s not a coincidence that the virus came out of the level 4 Wuhan lab immediately afterwards.
    It was a horrible virus but lost its strength, there’s a science behind that, ask Chris about it. Virus strains lose their potency.

    It looks like Maxwell gave up her control file cabinet and they have the goods on everybody! Epstein may be dead but he’s still stirring trouble LOL!!!

    Without the Marxist Enemy Media, there would be no FEAR PRESSURE /peer pressure to force corporations in to bending to the criminals and traitors. The same thing goes for spineless politicians of which there are too many to mention.

    They are no longer the 4th estate and should not be treated as such! They are THE ENEMY WITHIN AND MUST BE DESTROYED AND REPLACED !!!


    Thank you Greg for all you do and for being so consistent. You are a true treasure.

  21. Paul ...

    You know … When BLM calls white men racists they should point to Biden as an example … because Biden declared that he would only choose a women to be Vice President and that she had to be Black … now if that isn’t racist what is?? … and now they are going to vote for a “racist” this November??? … perhaps it’s because Biden has some other “mitigating characteristics” like being a criminal pedophile extortionist human trafficker with Alzheimer’s … just the fact that BLM will vote for “such a white man” shows they are really a secret branch of the Klu Klux Klan “that employs terror in pursuit of their supremacist agenda”!!!

  22. Paul ...

    Interesting … A seventy-two year old man is arrested for not wearing a mask (by police officers not wearing a mask)? … perhaps this senior citizen should have made a citizens arrest of these police officers for not wearing their masks!!

    • paul jr.

      Just FYI…the article states “UK COVID-19 regulations state that masks must be worn when entering shops, but there is no requirement to wear a mask outside” so the police were not breaking the law. What happened was the 72-year-old man entered a Starbucks and got upset when told to wear a mask.

      • JC

        Masks don’t work.

        • paul jr.

          Another faulty video of a useless comparison. This is like the morons who compare the virus to a fart and say even with your underwear on you can still smell the fart. The virus is not a smell. The “good” doctor is forgetting about droplets and the fact that some of the aerosol particles would be stopped by a mask. No one ever said all masks will stop the spread of the virus.

          Even putting your hand in front of your mouth will help to limit the droplets and particles from spreading to others especially when you cough or sneeze. It is not by any means the best way but wearing any mask will limit the amount of droplets and particles being spread in the air or landing on objects. How well they work is the question. So people like yourself should stop saying masks do not work when they all work to limit the virus just that most common masks are not very effective.

        • JC

          Reminder: CDC Says Facemasks Don’t Stop Covid

          • paul jr.

            That is true. Wearing a mask does not stop the virus but it sure helps to limit the spread depending on the kind of mask.

      • Paul ...

        jr. … A shop “is a place where you can buy goods or services” … planet Earth is such a place … so the old man could have made a citizens arrest of those officers!!

        • paul jr.

          My mother always told me never argue with an idiot.

          • JC

            jr., are you implying that Paul is like Gomer Pyle?


          • JC

            The Masks – A Symbol of the Real Agenda

            When I went to the ER and they threw me into a COVID wing, I told them I did not know anyone with COVID. They said I could have gotten it by touching the nozzle to fill my car with gas. That statement right then and there proves masks do nothing.
            Most people will be touching their faces or adjusting their mask, and if they touched something with COVID, then the mask will become infected. This is one giant scam to push Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset from the World Economic Forum.


  23. A Jones

    I think a good topic of discussion would be “what will life be like four years from now in this country and the world?” l see a whole new paradigm in a different world then we know today. I read a book by a great theologian by the name of DR Robert L. Dabney written in 1867. He was a professor in Virginia and served on general Stonewall Jackson’s staff. Before the Civil War he was hired by Princeton U to head their school of divinity but stuck with his state during the conflict. The book is addressed to a future generation that will live about 200 or so years in the future and who must be prepared to take over the country after the collapse. The title of the book is “A Defense of Virginia and The South.” He traces the roots of what we call Liberalism, called Jacobinism at the time, back to the french revolution. Lincoln was surrounded by Jacobins. Look it up. Dr Dabney predicted that in about 200 years the Liberal movement will collapse in a destruction of the nation and he is writing to warn the future leaders to be prepared. He said that we would know the end was near when they started using animals rights as an issue. If you will go back and read the history of this country from 1825 to 1880 you will see that what is happening today is not a random event. It is the end of the life cycle of a dease of the soul. “Truth when crush to earth shall rise again. The eternal years of God are her’s, but error wounded writhes in pain and dies among her worshipers.” The worshipers of error are today writhing in pain like a snake with its head cut off. It will writhe until it thunders or the Son goes down!

  24. Paul ...

    Stan … as a contrarian you should be interested in this … the Index of 600 banks in Europe dropped to “an all time new low” (below the 2009 level) as DB and other banks on the content continued to get punished!! … … still waiting for gold to join them??

  25. Chip

    WRT the BT issue, let’s stop the issuing of warrants in the middle of the night. There are reported cases of robbers dressing as cops, flashing false badges, and pretending to issue warrants in the middle of the night. Being a HUGE supporter of the Second Amendment, I’m going to shoot anyone who breaks through my door in the middle of the night. I’m not going to “investigate” if they are legit. Don’t bust in someone’s door that is wrong. The middle of the night warrants/raids have to stop whether they are no knock or not… Chip

    • JC

      Shoot first, ask questions later.

  26. Better Chetter

    Interesting site for alt media folk:

  27. Vernon Tart

    Hold Out Your Hand To Jesus Christ for Reality is in His Hands

  28. Self Exiled

    “You can’t square that up with Jesus.” says it all. All of Job’s friends where theologically correct. As their, discussions, dissertations, analysis evolved none of them ever communicated to the Lord. None talked to God about Job’s heart ache. Job always ended up speaking to God , sometimes angrily but: he [Job] had the relationship. God was not in his head but in his heart: heartfelt talking to, questioning, disagreeing; and so, he received the revelation of the Presence of God Himself . It’s all about relationship; that kinship of having spent time together. Thank you Greg. ” You can’t square that up with Jesus.” And all of God’s people said Amen.

    • Ray

      Very well said SE……comment of the month for me.
      Ray, Canberra, LDN

      • Self Exiled

        Thank You Ray. God Bless you and Keep you and all who post here. May we all spend time with Him. Sometimes when I’m sitting out doors contemplating Him and I watch the trees and see how each one slowly dances a different rhythm due to breezes and leaf structure, but they are all in perfect motion with each other , a chorus of dance each making a different sound, as the wind passes through their leaves; singing so to speak. I suspect praises.

  29. Country Codger

    Lo Iyrah!

  30. Paul ...

    You know … The Russians were hiding for many years “scientific evidence” discovered by one of their astronauts … that showed there could be a pole shift that flips our planet upside down (as predicted by the Bible during the “End Times”) … recently three(3) significant quakes have rattled the North Atlantic Ridge between September 18 and August 30 2020 … … so as Steve Quayle recently stressed we must take seriously the possibility that if magma pushes up in the Mid Atlantic Region while the Earth rumbles around Hawaii the entire California plate could shift … which would change the “moment of inertia” of the Earth … perhaps sufficiently to make the Earth flip and bring us another “Noah like” flood that God used to wipe away all the evil Demon Rats off the Earth … … what about us good people?? … well as the Military likes to say when they kill civilians by dropping atomic bombs or releasing their bio-weapon virus’s (a certain amount of civilian casualties “are deemed acceptable losses”)!!!

    • Ray

      Well said Paul……
      I especially like your final sentence.
      It reminds me that even those who feel they are indeed good Christians, yet have no problem with US/Australian “Foreign Policy” of invading sovereign nations under false pretence and slaughtering their inhabitants (“we gotta support the troops”)…….THOSE PEOPLE are deceiving themselves if they think they can get that viewpoint past The Christ come Judgement Day.
      Jesus will “square them up” for sure.
      There’s no sitting at Jesus’ feet in Heaven and discussing the upside of geo-political idiocy that brought troves of stolen resources into your nation.
      Nup…..doesn’t square with Jesus’ teachings about life.
      Keep the good stuff coming Paul.
      Ray, Canberra, LDN

      • Paul ...

        The big flaw in the above video is the commentators argument that the Earth’s maximum moment of inertia “Is Stable” … THIS IS NOT TRUE … we have continual continental drift and we have the Arabs, etc. removing huge weight (oil) from the equatorial region of our Earth … such “unbalancing of the Earth’s mass could result in the Earth wobbling or actually flipping” … the Mayan’s set up their calendar to account for “a flip of the Earth” or End of the World every 12,000 years … and geologists studying volcanic rock have found proof that the magnetic field of the Earth has flipped many times in the past … and we also have many historical references to “great floods” due to the Earth wobbling (or flipping) … including the well known story of Noah in the Bible!!!

      • Paul ...

        So what can we humans do to prevent the Earth from flipping?? … well for one thing we better start storing our gold and iron ore in locations about Earth’s equator and also stop removing oil from Earth’s equatorial regions by putting sanctions on the Saudi’s and Iranians (only dill and remove oil from Earth’s Northern regions like Alaska, Canada, North Sea, etc.) … it is imperative that we “increase the mass” about Earth’s equator … only that will keep the Earth stable “and prevent the Earth from flipping” … using less Middle East oil will help (so keep sanctioning Iran and the Saudis) and require everyone to drive electric cars … and the world will also likely need to begin shipping all the waste rock tonnage from mining operations around the world “to locations around Earth’s equator” to keep the moment of inertia of the Earth stable and prevent it from flipping!!!

        • Ray

          Again, interesting comments and ideas Paul, thank you.
          I really enjoyed the video mate.
          On this balmy spring Sunday morning, please allow me the grace to postulate two choices surrounding your interesting scenario!
          Choice 1: No Earth flip, and we continue moving down this road of financial malfeasance (the road is named Stanley Ave by the way) via the 1% of 1%, unending, pointless war, mass media BS, people unable to gather or rise up due to fear of viruses, people addicted to electronic oblongs, shit food, rubbish medicine, rubbish jobs, etc, etc.
          Choice 2: Earth flips……95% of the people on the planet move on to the next life, and the world gets to start again (and if what you say about “every 12,000 years” is correct, then the event could be described “as Nature intended”)……..Earth would be instantly freed from all of the rancid existence described in Choice 1.
          I’ll take Choice 2 every time (and will happily be part of the 95% if God requires that of me).
          Go the flip………..
          Ray, Canberra, LDN

          • Meet John Doe

            Ray, Google “Great Crowd Bible,” these are the ones that come out of he great tribulation. So? No worries mate!

  31. RM

    From the bottom of my heart…God richly bless you. Your humility and love for Christ came through so clearly today it brought tears to my eyes..Your reporting just keeps getting better and better. I think you have a “cheat sheet” called Holy Spirit prompting..:) I watch the show on your channel then go to UTube…turn down the sound and let the program play so all the commercials run…hope it is helping reimbursement..:) Keep up the good work. You are loved by many.

  32. Tim


    Another great wrap- up. Your emphasis on prayer is spot on!!!. We all have to keep in mind that prayer is a lot more powerful then we can imagine. We all need to keep praying for Trump, Bar, Dirham and the Trump Administration.

    Keep being a Christian warrior.

    Take and thank you


    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Tim!

  33. Old person

    I fear everything we stand for will die on November 3rd .
    The Democrats and the Republicans against President Donald Trump will produce enough fake ballots after the election to defeat any Republican who stands for The United States of America.
    There have been no arrests of anyone who has tried to take our country down.

    Greg, is there to much evil in our government to stop this? We could lose everything due to fake ballots.

    I pray everyday for our Lord Jesus Christ stop this madness .

    • Greg Hunter

      “Yeah of little faith” — Pray! God and Jesus are real.

      • JC

        Listen to ex-mob guy Michael Franzese, who went from ‘Goodfella’ to ‘Godfella’ especially at 12:50, regarding The Bible during the time he was in solitary confinement for 29 months.

        He would be a great guest here on USA Watchdog.

  34. Bob

    Redfield said 90% of people in the US still have no immunity to Covid19.

    He is lying and should be fired or arrested.

  35. Russ 2

    Thanks Greg, great wrap-up as usual.

    While the Antifa/BLM riots and Harris-Biden campaign are making most of us ill from watching the news, don’t forget that there are congressional elections at stake too. Dan Crenshaw has a great ad out co-starring five more candidates. Whether or not you’re from Texas, remember that taking back congress from Pelosi and her ilk takes more that just your local congressman. So typical of a Navy SEAL, Rep. Crenshaw put together a team…
    “Texas Reloaded – Greatest joint campaign ad in history“


  36. Keith Wilson

    Bill Clinton , Joe Biden , Donald Trump,and an 18 year old student pilot are on a aeroplane. The pilot announces a engine problem and the plane has 10 minutes survival time. Also there is a problem with parachutes. There is only 3. Bill Clinton grabs a parachute and announces he deserves to survive. I was President for two terms. Sold America out with signing NAFTA. Worked for the New World Order and was a mossad operative when i was caught with my pants down with Monica Lewinsky. I deserve to live. I Need a 17 year old schoolgirl before SHTF in november,and Bill then grabs a parachute and jumps. Joe Biden grabs the second parachute. I need to survive. I have been chosen by George soros, Michael bloomberg, and AIPAC. The election is rigged and I will be president. Also I need dual citizenship and an Ukrainian passport before the SHTF come the November election. Biden jumps and saves himself. The 18 year old student grabs the last parachute and gives in to Donald Trump. President Trump take the last parachute and save yourself and America from the Globalist new world order. When you win in November please do what you said you would do in 2016. Grow yourself a pair of balls and destroy the cabal which has destroyed America over the last 30 years. Get the lobbyists out of washington. Make America great again.

    • RTW

      For a minute there, I thought you were going to tell that old joke about Hillary, Obama and Biden. It goes like this: Biden, Hillary and Barack are flying on a private jet. Hillary looks at Barack and says, “You know, I could throw a $100 bill out the window right now and somebody very happy.” Barack shrugs his shoulders and says, “Well, I could throw ten $10 bills out the window and make 10 people very happy.” Biden says, “Of course then, I could throw one hundred $1.oo bills out the window and make 100 people very happy.” The pilot rolls his eyes, looks at all of them and says to his co-pilot, “Such big shots back there….I could throw all of them out the window and make millions of people happy.

  37. iwitness02

    Seems as though we are marching straight towards law and order, or widespread civil unrest. I can’t call it. My gut feeling says widespread civil unrest. To state it mildly.

  38. Charles Turner

    Is God testing America in this next election? The choice between good and evil. The setting Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies and the Democrats try and destroy a devout Christain woman, who will become the next High Court Justice, in the Senate. This then polarises good versus evil and the American people make their choice on the 3rd of November.

    • Paul ...

      Just wondering … was RBG declared a Corona Virus victim??

    • Meet John Doe

      Trouble is Charles, those whom want to make the choice fer us.
      The reason for the admonition, vote Soon and vote often!

  39. Wisdom Seeker

    You and your primary (repetitve and limited) commenters are making accusations without a shred of proof, just like your con-man President. You are stoking fires which only exist in your minds. Sadly, your boogaloo boys, patriot prayer and KKK allies are busy planning election day hits on Demo cities. Don’t you dare call yourselves Christians. You demonstrate hate, not love; resentment not forgiveness; division not unification or reconciliation. Jesus to,d us to love God and love one another as yourself – that’s the prime directive. Listen and follow Jesus’ commands if you want to go to heaven! America’s foreign enemies are employing the winning strategy of any war: divide and conquer. And the weaker minds among your red cap, MAGA crowd are playing right into their hands. Greg, get up out of the mud and be a man of courage, integrity, compassion and kindness to ALL persons. You must do that if you insist on calling yourselves Christians!

    • Greg Hunter

      Wisdom (NOT) Seeker,
      This is what crazy “tolerant” Deep State Democrats do when they disagree with someone. You just make crap up such as I “demonstrate hate.” Total made up fantasy with some whack a doodle non logic name calling position. This is just like the hate and racism of that idiot non- sensical Marxist “Critical Race Theory” which is more made up illogical racist anti-civil rights crap. You are not smart enough or have a very good case to get on you high liberal Marxist globalist New World Order horse and shame us here. It’s not working and we are on to your total lies you are trying so you can make America into a godless black hole of nothingness. Seek Christ. He’s real and unicorns are not.

    • Paul ...

      You who seek wisdom better wake up and realize that you are electing a racist (Biden) for President … at least Trump is trying to help “all the people”!!!

    • Chip

      Troll Alert… Chip

    • Meet John Doe

      Wise guy wisdom,
      Jesus and the Bible says, the meek shall inherit the earth. Hope you do go to heaven, you won’t fit in down here. When kingdom comes, we’ll all celebrate your departure. Believe me earth will be a much better place, with you gone. Hope you learn something up there, cause you ain’t never coming back!
      Just hoping!7-

    • Occasnltrvlr

      Keep seeking.

  40. Lord Nasdaq

    Thanks for great show again “Brother” Greg.
    I feel this election will be an example of many third world countries. Perhaps, U.S.A. will be Russia in 1917. So vote in person whatever you do!
    It is bullshit. I’m so pissed off regarding Cooper, NCAAP, and NC Attorney Stein voiding the valid ID (ID key word) voting requirement. WE in N.C. voted well over 50% for this legislation. So with what you covered such as significant amounts of mailed in ballots (compared to average yearly armed service members) already dumped, soon harvested, etc., it will be a difficult challenge.

    Thanks for reminding everyone of the current market levels due to all the printed money since 98 and drastic moves by FED in March around 21:04. This is the only reason I’m hearing (from others since 98) some of the P.E.’s of large cap growth and even divy. focused value equities at levels similar to 2000 and 2007. Still on vacation!
    I’ll wait hopefully until late October before getting back into The Game.

    Another great cartoon at 26:00. This is another reason Friday shows are the best!

    Amen, Amen, keep on preaching the scriptures from the Bible! I couldn’t imagine not being a Christian now as I age thanks to parents and church. Another great part about being a Christian is all the other beautiful Christians you will meet in your lifetime. Some I knew as a child are now in Heaven. Yet, they were a tremendous influence on me and so many others. still leading the way in 2020.

    Lord Nasdaq

  41. Self Exiled

    ”Marie Joy 09/23/2020 • This pope is a globalist.” NTD news today covered the Popes connection to the CCP, also notice CCP change to Bible. September 25 2020

  42. Self Exiled

    Charles H 09/25/2020 • Make a ‘swamp-cooler’. A fan, fish tank pump, AC vent filter, tubing and framing It would take me 6 months driving around looking for all the parts necessary to build: the disjointed , no zoning, unorganized, and the chaotic thinking of the people I would have to talk to. I would have to work through the language barrier , and the old jungle tribal languages have no words for coil, pump, or tubing {over 56 dialects}. Fish tank, if they see a fish it’s smoking over a fire in 10 minutes. I’m still looking for color crayons to send back to US so we can have an honest election. Clint was right and you were right to quote him. “A man has to know his limitations”

    • Self Exiled

      Oh and driving here is a white knuckle praying in the Holy Spirit experience. Thanks for the idea but I think I’ll stay home and read your comments. Oh yes I did [get it] your ”left” comment.

  43. Diana

    Republicans are voting for Biden in droves, because Biden is a kind and honest ma. Why will Trump lose by a landslide? Because the people have witnessed the actions of the surly, kFC-besotted yam in the White House…and the are sick of it…no, nauseated by the actions of this boorish oaf with an IQ od about 12 and the speech abilities of a 7 year old. Moreover:
    He breaks norms, rules, and laws with impunity.
    He lies, on average, 15 times a day.

    He peddles fake conspiracy theories and irrational magical thinking.
    He has been accused of sexually predatory behavior by at least 25 women.
    He blames, scapegoats and gaslights as easily as he breathes.
    He undermines the vital role of the free press because he abhors oversight and accountability.
    His lies and anti-scientific advice and intentional downplaying of the coronavirus pandemic has led to countless American deaths.
    He is callous and cold and unfeeling because he has no conscience.
    He denigrates and humiliates anyone and everyone in his path.
    He has no respect for military heroes or renowned experts.
    He is racist and xenophobic.
    He incites violence and culture wars.
    He is obsessed with power and adoration.
    He is a greedy opportunist.
    He is corrupt to the core.

    If you and your viewers still support this man, then you are as blind as a bat to his corruption and incompetence. As a result, perhaps you don’t deserve the right to vote, but should take your place as a serf on a chain gang of other serfs, working for the robber barons/feudal lords of the early medieval period, when no one had any rights except the rich and powerful. Because that’s where America will be headed if Donald Trump is still President on January 20, 2021. Consider yourself forewarned, red caps….

    • Ray

      Biden……an honest man?
      OK then……and the Sun……up in the sky…….it’s not a yellow sphere……it’s a purple cube.
      Fair Dinkum!
      You state that people who disagree with your judgments “don’t deserve the right to vote”.
      Tyranny much?
      Your last sentence, a thinly veiled threat to anyone who votes for Trump, provides tasty food for thought.
      Because, you would of course already be aware that your name, “Diana” means “the hunted”.
      My name, Raymond, means “wise protector”…….although I cannot see many Raymonds over in the US wasting their time on you, in terms of living up to their name, come January 20 next year.
      Perhaps ye ought to think on that, just for the smallest moment, before shooting your mouth off against peoples’ RIGHT to vote for the candidate of THEIR CHOICE.
      Lest ye yourself literally become “the hunted”………taken out of the picture by those willing to protect their freedoms from those who would take them away.
      Ray, Canberra, LDN

    • Occasnltrvlr

      I don’t understand why many people seem to blindly support Trump. Many of the points you raise are undeniably true.

      But, likewise, I don’t understand why many people virulently hate Trump. Many of the points you raise are blind, hateful lies.

      You are no different than those you condemn.

  44. Diana

    Republicans are voting for Biden in droves, because Biden is a kind and honest man. Why will Trump lose by a landslide? Because the people have witnessed the actions of the surly, KFC-besotted yam in the White House…and they are sick of it…no, nauseated by the actions of this boorish oaf with an IQ of about 12 and the speech abilities of a 7 year old.
    He breaks norms, rules, and laws with impunity.
    He lies, on average, 15 times a day.

    He peddles fake conspiracy theories and irrational magical thinking.
    He has been accused of sexually predatory behavior by at least 25 women.
    He blames, scapegoats and gaslights as easily as he breathes.
    He undermines the vital role of the free press because he abhors oversight and accountability.
    His lies and anti-scientific advice and intentional downplaying of the coronavirus pandemic has led to countless American deaths.
    He is callous and cold and unfeeling because he has no conscience.
    He denigrates and humiliates anyone and everyone in his path.
    He has no respect for military heroes or renowned experts.
    He is racist and xenophobic.
    He incites violence and culture wars.
    He is obsessed with power and adoration.
    He is a greedy opportunist.
    He is corrupt to the core.

    If you and your viewers still support this man, then you are as blind as a bat to his corruption and incompetence. As a result, perhaps you don’t deserve the right to vote, but should take your place as a serf on a chain gang of other serfs, working for the robber barons/feudal lords of the early medieval period, when no one had any rights except the rich and powerful. Because that’s where America will be headed if Donald Trump is still President on January 20, 2021. Consider yourself forewarned, red caps….

  45. tim mcgraw

    What does the Evangelical Bible movement believe in? I’ve followed Greg and this site for years. I’ve donated money, comments… What do you all believe in?
    Jesus Christ? Yeah, sure. That’s an easy believe.
    But what about humans? Do you believe in mankind? When you reproduce a new human, what are you hoping for? Why do you do it?
    Evangelicals always make me wonder. They believe in JC and the sanctity of the human fetus, but then send their children off to fight in foreign wars. I’ve never understood it.
    I’ve watched this channel for a long time and I haven’t seen ONE anti-war guest or video.
    NOT ONE!
    Maybe my memory is failing. Maybe Greg Hunter or one of his guests has come out against the American Empire and its wars.
    But I haven’t seen it or remember it.
    I burned my draft card in 1971. People need to burn their masks today. Do you think JC would wear a mask?

    • Ray

      Tim McGraw for President.
      Ray, Canberra, LDN.

      • tim mcgraw

        Dear Ray, Thanks for your comment. I don’t believe in Presidents or Kings, or government beings. I have family in Sydney, NSW. I follow SkyNews. I don’t know what LDN stands for. Poor Australia. I’ve always loved the perhaps fantasy of the island continent. Ned Kelley and Crocodile Dundee. Alice Springs. The Dream Time. I’ve never been to your country, but my sister and her husband have visited their daughter and her family in Sydney often. Oh, that long horrid airplane ride from Maryland, USA. They’ve even been to Tasmania. Good luck, Ray. I live in Sonoma County, CA. Not good here either.

        • Ray

          Hi Tim,
          I like your thinking re no Presidents / Kings etc.
          LDN stands for Lap Dog Nation……..for that is what Australia has become…….a Lap Dog to the Eternal War Machine.
          When you are able, get in contact with me and take the long flight across the Pacific.
          I am a Sydney born and bred man……my honour to show you around our great city.
          Always a frosty beer in my fridge for you and many other fine Watchdog family members mate.
          Take care Tim.
          Ray, Canberra, LDN

          • tim mcgraw

            Hi Ray, Oh, “Lap Dog Nation” is Australian humor at its best. I’ll take you up on that beer if I visit your fair city. If you make it to Healdsburg, CA, I’ll buy you a beer. My niece and her Australian husband had their wedding just west of us in Napa a few years ago. Craziest wedding I’ve ever been to. Are all Australians so animated? LOL.

            • Ray

              Hi Tim,
              Hope your niece and her Aussie husband are doing well.
              Yeah…….Australian weddings are a bit different to others, I suppose you could say.
              Most go for a formal wedding ceremony followed by a bang-crash-wallop party afterwards!
              It’s all good fun 🙂
              Take care mate.
              Ray, Canberra, LDN.

  46. Lynne

    As the good book says, we are to encourage one another. Thank you Greg for your encouragement to pray, & to maintain our faith. I will do my part on the day of prayer . There is incredible power when we come together with hearts & minds to God, no matter how far away we are from one another. I shall include you & yours in my vigil tomorrow. May the Lord bless you & keep you.

  47. Skip ONeill

    Evil is now coming out of the dark into the light. Thanks for exposing the evil Greg.

  48. SilverHawk

    Stimulus will pass on Friday Oct 2. More free $. Bankers are set for next Robinhood wave. They took their profits, and are positioning for next round of casino players. Maybe soon we’ll see silver break the $30 ceiling. If JPM lets it.

  49. Merry Piper

    Greg: You are always in my prayers, said the woman with a degree in “Investigative Journalism” now living in the “Show Me State”.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Merry Piper. I am stunned by the legacy media (MSM). There is zero pretense of objectivity, fairness or even the truth. It’s so bad it’s moronic and childish. The MSM is not going to be rewarded for this–quite the contrary. Thanks for your support!!!

      • Merry Piper

        Greg: Stunned is the right word! My first job out of my university, was working for the Bismarck, North Dakota newspaper, like my mother before me. Then working for the Bismarck television station, like my mother before me. Then working for the St. Paul Pioneer Press out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Then I saw the light.

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