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Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.27.12
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The mainstream media is constantly pushing the so-called “recovery” story, and this week was no exception. On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke raised his forecast for growth and said the economy was improving. Really? Bernanke reaffirmed
Gold Will Win Money War
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s It was recently reported that countries like China and India are going to buy Iranian oil with gold. Jim Sinclair of said this week, “The implications of China paying for Iranian oil in gold is the
Case Shiller: Housing Prices Down Again
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Housing prices are back to where they were in late 2002 according to the latest Case-Shiller report that tracks housing prices. February data shows 15 of 20 cities surveyed showed price declines. Overall, the prices sank 3.5%
Tony Robbins’ Dire Wake-Up Warning
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Tony Robbins is known for motivational speaking. This man is the king of positive thought, and it is hard to argue with his success. I have known people who have gone to his seminars and had some
Numb to Bad News
on: by Greg Hunter
What is happening feels like a slow motion train wreck to me. I am waiting for someone to flip a switch and turn it to real speed. It’s as if people are numb to the bad news. The mainstream media (MSM)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.20.12
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Talks, last weekend, in Turkey over Iran’s nuclear program have produced yet another round of discussions in Iraq scheduled for about this time next month. The West wants Iran to stop enriching uranium and shut down its not-so-secret underground facility.
Goldman Sachs Never Misses an Opportunity
on: by Greg Hunter
Europe is in deep financial trouble and, for most, this will mean hardship, austerity and financial ruin. There are some who see this out-of-control sovereign debt crisis as an opportunity to gain power and control. It appears that the Goldman Sachs bankers
Bottom-Bouncing Economy
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s “Bottom-bouncing” is the term John Williams of uses consistently to describe the true state of the economy. The mainstream media would like you to believe that with every slight uptick in the economy, we have hit
Do Not Underestimate Silver’s True Value
on: by Greg Hunter
Silver looks like it has been in holding pattern for months. Traders call this range bound. There is plenty of evidence out there to make a strong case that silver prices are being manipulated and suppressed. The suppression game can’t go
Buffett Rule Hypocrisy
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s It looks like President Barack Obama is making the tax proposal called the Buffett Rule (also known as the “Paying a Fair Share Act”) into a wedge issue. This weekend, the President was pushing the tax proposal,
Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.13.12
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s The biggest story not in the news is the upcoming meeting, this weekend, in Turkey about Iran’s nuclear program. The U.S. is meeting with Iran along with Britain, Germany, France, Russia and China. It is nothing short
Gold Rising
on: by Greg Hunter
Gold was on a tear this week, and there are more up days to come. The reasons for the rally in the yellow metal are numerous. A few are: Europe is a mess, Iran war draws closer and U.S. economy is
9/11 Conspiracy Theory–Insane or Insightful?
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s I keep coming back to one question in the 9/11 conspiracy story: How did two jets knock down three New York City skyscrapers? The jets only hit two buildings, and that is a fact. I have posted
Confiscation of Gold and Silver Coins Will Not Happen
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s People ask me on a consistent basis if I think the government will confiscate their gold and silver coins if times get rough. I feel there is little chance of this happening, and here’s why. Gold and
Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.6.12
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s President Obama attacked the Supreme Court, this week, over his health care bill. The nation’s highest court is deciding if a law, known as “Obama Care,” is constitutional. It would force all Americans to buy insurance under