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Bitcoin is High Reward & High Risk – Warren Pollock

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Geopolitical and financial analyst Warren Pollock says you should study up on Bitcoin before you buy it. Pollock says, Bitcoin (and crypto currencies in general) carries “high reward, but also some very high risk.” 

MSM Propaganda Cause Left Hate, Trump Obstruction – Not, Obama Administration Treason

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 288 6.16.17) You want to know why the “Left” hates Donald Trump? Look no further than the lies, false narratives and fake news of the mainstream media (MSM). Several U.S. Congressmen were shot while practicing for

The Political Pope Francis – Man Above God – George Neumayr

By Greg Hunter’s Best-selling author George Neumayr’s new book is called “The Political Pope.” Neumayr reveals, “How Pope Francis is delighting the liberal left and abandoning conservatives.” Neumayr explains, “The irony with this Pope is that he doesn’t particularly like

Market Crash and Civil War Possible-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says do not be fooled by the stock markets at or near all-time highs. Friday, the tech heavy NASDAQ suffered a massive selloff late in the day after hitting all-time highs.

Comey the Leaker, Trump the Winner, Debt and Stock Market at All-Time High

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 287 6.9.17)  Fired FBI Director James Comey made a stunning revelation this week in Congressional Hearings about the so-called Russian collusion investigation. Comey outed himself as a leaker of privileged information when he released a personal

Bitcoin & Gold Form Two Front War with Central Banks – Andy Hoffman

By Greg Hunter’s Financial analyst Andy Hoffman contends Bitcoin and other crypto currencies are the new threat to central banks’ power over fiat money. Hoffman explains, “Now, the powers that be are facing a new threat.  It’s a threat.  I

Crypto Currencies Show Global Reset Underway – Clif High

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Internet data mining expert Clif High has just finished an in-depth dive on crypto currencies such as Bitcoin. High uses what he calls “predictive linguistics” to spot trends and make predictions for future events. 

Trump Destroys Climate Accord, Economic Update, Hillary in Denial

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 286 6.2.17) President Trump not only backed out of the so-called Paris Climate Accord, but he destroyed it. The climate accord is bad for America and the working class the Democrats now shun. Trump says it

Suicidal to Stay in this Market-Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s Renowned financial and geopolitical analyst Charles Nenner is doubling down on his prediction last year that the financial markets will crash in the fall of 2017. Nenner says, “People not positioned correctly may lose everything.”  Nenner points

You Can Look Stupid Now or Look Stupid Later-Chris Martenson

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Resource analyst and futurist Chris Martenson says, “I’d rather look stupid now than look stupid later.” Martenson thinks the stock market rise since the last crash is mostly manufactured by central banks.  Martenson explains,

Still No Proof of Trump/Russia Collusion, Economic Update, MSM Is Fake News

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 285 5.26.17) Former CIA Director John Brennan testified on Capitol Hill this week and told Congress that he was “concerned” and “aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and . .

Rise of Crypto Currency Means Rejection of US Dollar-Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s  Forensic macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby thinks the U.S. dollar is in big trouble. He says the tip-off is skyrocketing crypto currencies such as Bitcoin.  Kirby explains, “The rise of the crypto currency is an expression of the

Trump Patriot for Blocking Washington Criminals from Presidency-Warren Pollock

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial and geopolitical analyst Warren Pollock says that President Donald Trump has done one very big thing since he’s been in office, and that is he “exposed a gigantic ball of criminal corruption” in

Fake News Trashing Trump, Seth Rich & Russian Hacking Charge, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 284 5.19.17) You would not think the Associated Press and the New York Times would do a negative story against President Trump with an anonymous source and a document read to them over the phone, but

They Want to Destroy Trump & America-Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says America is in conflict with itself. Mannarino explains, “We have a President who gets it. He’s obviously not a socialist, and there is no doubt this man has the back of America. .