Weekly News Wrap-Ups Archive

Greg Hunter does a news wrap-up every Friday. It takes him all week to compile and analyze dozens of news stories he finds online and in local and national newspapers. Greg covers what he thinks are the most important stories of the week. They come from around the country or around the world, from Main Street to Wall Street, America to China and Europe to the Middle East. Everything important is on the radar of the Weekly News Wrap-Up. Don’t expect to find entertainment news here. The biggest sin the mainstream media (MSM) commits every week is the lie of omission.

Sometimes it’s not what the MSM tells you that is important, but what it leaves out. Greg Hunter fills in the blanks. The USAWatchdog.com motto is “Analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what is really going on.” This section exposes the truths you need to make good life decisions. The Weekly News Wrap-up on USAWatchdog.com exposes the lies of Wall Street and the hypocrisy of our politicians.

Please also visit our accompanying weekly news wrap-ups YouTube playlist.

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Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.31.13

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  The Middle East is inching towards war.  In Syria, the Assad regime wants high-tech Russian missiles to thwart new efforts for a no-fly zone that the Obama Administration may be calling for.  Israel says if the Russians

Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.24.13

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  The IRS scandal of targeting conservative groups is messy, and the Obama Administration is going to look like it was drug through a hog lot before it’s through.  Lois Lerner, who was in charge of overseeing tax

Weekly News Wrap-Up 5/17/13

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  This Week’s Wrap-Up series of stories I call “Scandal-topia.”  Benghazi, IRS targeting conservative groups, Department of Justice seizing phone records of the Associated Press (AP) and yet another sex abuse scandal in the U.S. military.  While all

Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.10.13

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  Israel bombed Syria at the beginning of the week, and it has huge possible consequences to the U.S., Middle East and the world.  The Israelis reportedly attacked multiple sites in Syria.  Part of the raid was meant

Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.3.13

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com   (Updated) This week, the President was asked about State Department whistleblowers that claim they are being pressured NOT to come forward.  The President said he was not aware of this.  Meanwhile, whistleblowers are scheduled to testify in

Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.26.12

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  New news about the Boston bombing suspects, and it is not pretty.  It is reported that Russia contacted the U.S. government “multiple times” about Tamerlan Tsarnaev.  He’s the older brother that was killed in a shootout with

Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.19.13

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatachdog.com  Video and photos are now released, and suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing case are being hunted down.  They will be in custody soon, if not already.  My prayers go out to family members who lost lives

Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.12.13

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  North Korea, once again, leads the Weekly News Wrap-Up.  There has been nothing done to ease tensions in the past week on the Korean Peninsula—just the opposite.  On one side, you have the North Koreans planning more

Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.5.13

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com 4.5.13  Just three stories today, but they are big ones–North Korea, the Middle East and the ongoing banking crisis.  North Korea has rattled its saber in the past, but not this loudly.  Any talk that this is

Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.29.13

Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  There were new all-time highs on the Dow and S&P 500 this week.  Of course, the mainstream media didn’t mention a word about how the Fed’s “open-ended” $85 billion a month bond buying program helped push the stock

Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.22.13

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com   I am covering just three stories in the Weekly News Wrap-Up, but they are big ones.  They are the Cyprus bailout, Obama and his Middle East trip, and the Fed’s decision to keep on printing.  The EU

Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.15.13

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  New highs day after day on the Dow!!  The economy is fixed, right?  Wrong!!  I have been watching a lot of the business and mainstream media channels, and there is hardly a mention of the $85 billion

Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.8.13

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  The answer is NO.  The president cannot kill Americans on U.S. soil with a drone attack who are not engaged in combat.  It took a gutsy 13 hour filibuster from Senator Rand Paul and some other Republican

Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.1.13

 By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com To say the drama and panic being put out by the mainstream media (MSM) is unfounded hype is a gross understatement. The budget cuts known as “sequestration” will force mandatory cuts to military and social programs. These

Weekly News Wrap-Up 2/15/13

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  The big story this week was the State of the Union address by the President and the rebuttals.  Please note “rebuttals” plural.  Everyone knows Senator Marco Rubio, but not much coverage was given to Senator Rand Paul