Weekly News Wrap-Ups Archive

Greg Hunter does a news wrap-up every Friday. It takes him all week to compile and analyze dozens of news stories he finds online and in local and national newspapers. Greg covers what he thinks are the most important stories of the week. They come from around the country or around the world, from Main Street to Wall Street, America to China and Europe to the Middle East. Everything important is on the radar of the Weekly News Wrap-Up. Don’t expect to find entertainment news here. The biggest sin the mainstream media (MSM) commits every week is the lie of omission.

Sometimes it’s not what the MSM tells you that is important, but what it leaves out. Greg Hunter fills in the blanks. The USAWatchdog.com motto is “Analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what is really going on.” This section exposes the truths you need to make good life decisions. The Weekly News Wrap-up on USAWatchdog.com exposes the lies of Wall Street and the hypocrisy of our politicians.

Please also visit our accompanying weekly news wrap-ups YouTube playlist.

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Weekly News Wrap-Up 10.5.12

Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  The first Presidential debate is wrapped up, and it looks like Republican challenger Mitt Romney scored a big victory against President Obama.  Romney zinged Obama a couple of times and looked way more prepared than the President.  When

Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.28.12

Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  There were lots of fireworks at the United Nations this week.  Yesterday, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, was drawing a red line of his own on a crude picture of a bomb.  Don’t laugh, because he

Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.21.12

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  The Middle East and North Africa are on fire.  The latest blow-up happened in Pakistan where the U.S. Embassy was attacked by protestors.  There have been attacks and protests on U.S. interests in Middle East countries such

Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.14.12

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  I just want to focus on two stories today: the Federal Reserve’s latest round of money printing and the Middle East.  Let’s start with the Fed’s announcement.  It will print money and spend it buying $40 billion

Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.7.12

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  It looks like a European financial meltdown has been pushed back.  The head of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, announced a massive money printing bond buying program to keep countries like Spain and Italy from

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.31.12

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  There’s a new U.N. report out that claims Iran has doubled its number of uranium enrichment machines.  This does not bode well for diplomacy in settling the standoff over Iran’s nuclear program which is largely being done

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.24.12

Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  Remember how I’ve been telling you there is no real recovery?  Dr. Marc Faber said this week he thinks there is now a “100% chance” of a global recession.  How can Faber make this call and we have

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.17.12

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  The Middle East is in the spot light again this week, and it’s all because of continued talk of war.  Matan Vilnai, an Israeli defense minister, said Israel is “ready as never before.”  He’s talking about a

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.10.12

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  There’s a new U.S. intelligence report that is raising urgency over Iran’s nuclear program.  The White House has, once again this week, reaffirmed its commitment to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.  Commenting on the new information,

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.3.12

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said to his top generals, “We’ll be at war within weeks.”  The quote and story comes from Debka.com, a credible source.  Meanwhile, this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly told

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.27.12

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  Once again, Syria is at the top of the News Wrap-Up.  Russia is sending a large contingent of marines to Syria.  They will park off the coast, ready to go ashore if needed.  I told you this

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.20.12

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  Syria is on fire.  Top aides of President Assad were killed in a bombing attack this week by rebels.  The government responded by shelling neighborhoods around Damascus.  Syria is threatening to take its chemical weapons out of

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.13.12

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com It looks like things are continuing to heat up in the Middle East.  Last week, there was news that the U.S. was sending more military assets to the Persian Gulf.  This week, the buildup continues with news

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.6.12

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  Iran is back in the news.  There was a lot of activity, this week, involving the Iranian nuclear program and efforts by the West to curtail it.  New oil sanctions kicked in from Europe.  The Iranians have,

Weekly News Wrap-Up 6.29.12

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  The Affordable Care Act, or Obama Care, has been upheld by the Supreme Court.  As I was watching the mainstream media on television yesterday, the left appeared absolutely giddy.  One of the so-called fact checkers said it