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Building a Bitcoin Prison – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (2.20.2021)

Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says you have to be careful and fully understand Bitcoin.  Fitts explains, “We do know they want to go to an all-digital system with central bank cryptos.  The easiest way to build the prison is to get freedom lovers everywhere to build the prison for you.  To me, Bitcoin has always been the prototype on the way to building the all-digital crypto system that they would love to put into place.  You have $400 trillion in fiat (currency) and it needs a place to go.  If you are trying to buy up all the gold, silver and farmland, the last thing you need is competition from retail.  They want to shift them into crypto and get them to build the crypto train tracks.  In a funny kind of way, it’s brilliant. (more…)

Governed by Demonic Spirit or Divine Intelligence – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Post)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says the so-called “reset” is here, and this means the old system has to be destroyed.  The number one goal of reset architects is destroying Jesus and all of his Christian believers.  Fitts explains, “You hold up the dollar and what does it say?  ‘In God We Trust.’  So, a liquid currency with the breadth of the dollar depends on faith and faith in a divine intelligence.  You know, that there is something bigger.  (more…)

We are Entering into a War Period – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunters (Saturday Night Post)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says big change is ahead of the world, and “nothing will ever be the same.” Fitts lays out the so-called “reset” you’ve been hearing about for the past few years and says, “We are in the process that I would recall is a global reset. The entire financial system is being reset. There are two aspects of this: One is extending the old system, and the other is bringing in the new system. It’s very much being done on the fly by trial and error, but the new system is 100% digital.” (more…)

The Choice is Freedom or Slavery – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says you are going to have just two choices in the future.  Fitts explains, “Unfortunately, you have a lot of people who say ‘oh dear God, if I am just good, they will leave me alone.’  The reality is, and many people don’t understand, the middle of the road is going away. . . . You have two choices:    One is freedom, one is slavery, and everybody is going to have to choose.  There is no kind of navigating around it.  One subscriber asked me, should I do real estate or precious metals?  I said if you don’t have an army, it doesn’t matter where your assets are.  You are going to lose them.” (more…)

We Borrowed From the Future & Now It’s Over – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says, “We’ve been printing massive amounts of dollars, and if you look at all the things we did to stop high speed debasement and unprecedented inflation, we’ve kind of run out of tricks. . . . Inflation is really sneaking up. My question: Is basically shutting down the small businesses and the small farm economy at high speed the way they have done, is that protecting us from going up a frightening inflation? Are we at Weimar Republic kind of inflation rates? I have been telling my subscribers to plant, plant and plant because the price of food is going to go through the roof. Another one of my questions: What’s pressing for war?   Is the debt spiral up and the inflation spiral up, is that more than they can handle?” (more…)

China Now in Dollar Bear Trap – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) 

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says she is less worried about the coronavirus and more worried about what happens to China’s economy. Fitts explains, “Whatever is going on, it is going to slow down the Chinese economy. If China slows down a lot, it is going to put them in a dollar bear trap. The thing that kept the global economy going after the bailouts were the Chinese, and the Chinese did that by levering. A lot of that debt is dollar based. So, now if their income shrinks, especially after the trade war with the U.S. administration, they are going to be in a dollar trap. That means it’s (dollar) going to be stronger than if this would not have happened.”  In short, China will need dollars to pay debt, supporting the dollar.

Fitts goes on to say, “From everything I have heard so far . . . the virus is not my concern for the Western world. My concern is the vaccine. So, I am extremely concerned about Nano technology and vaccine injury. The process to push for vaccine mandates has been very extreme. . . . Why are we seeing such a heavy push for heavy schedules of vaccines and mandates for vaccines, which is in violation of the Nuremberg code and the U.S. Constitution?” (more…)

Putin Predicting US Dollar Collapse is Serious Warning – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts thinks Vladimir Putin saying “the dollar is going to collapse soon” is a flashing warning for the U.S. dollar’s value in the not-so-distant future. Fitts explains, “What Putin is saying is the dollar is going into a steep decline, and what was interesting about his comment is he said ‘soon.’ . . . What is the ability of the U.S. military versus the Russian or Chinese military to defend the dollar’s position? That is intelligence that Putin has, and because Putin has this intelligence, people really stood up and I really stood up and took notice. If Putin has access to that intelligence, and I don’t, which is saying the dollar could go into a deep decline, we need to take a serious look at it. The dollar is clearly under pressure, and if you look at reserves, the central banks are buying gold and selling dollars, including the Russians and Chinese.”


Radical Economic Reengineering After 2020 Election (#1) – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s Part #1(Click Here for Part #2)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says what is going on in the economy is going to come to an end after the Presidential Election no matter who is in the White House. Fitts explains, “I think we have to face it. We are in trouble now. Is it going to get a lot worse after the 2020 election? Absolutely. When Trump came in, he may not have realized how bad it was.   What he’s tried to do is grow out of this. He has basically gone full-on fiscal stimulus and tax reduction to try to grow his way out of the problem. It’s not working, and one of the reasons it’s not working is he is discovering the model in Washington is everybody is on the take. Nobody is interested in building up the whole. I think what Trump is saying is if you don’t make the pie bigger, we are all going to starve.”


Living in an Unfolding Financial Calamity (#2) – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s Part #2 (Click Here for Part #1)

Investment advisor and Former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says forget about the notion of a coming economic meltdown, we are already living in an unfolding financial calamity, now. Fitts explains, “The likely financial calamity is an acceleration of the ‘slow burn.’ It’s not that the stock or bond market comes apart. It is that the stock and bond market continue to be subsidized by liquidating all sorts of people, animals and living resources. In other words, we are liquidating all of life. To engineer central control, we are levering up the debt, and we are liquidating people and countries and things to basically keep that game going while somebody is walking off with tremendous amounts of money that they used to engineer central control. (more…)

Bipartisan Support for Secret Accounting to Hide Missing Money – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says when it comes to making government accounting secret, there is widespread bipartisan support. We are talking about the new rule from the Federal Accounting Standard Advisory Board (FASAB rule 56) that took government accounting dark. Fitts explains, “If you look at FASAB rule 56, it was approved by both the (Trump) Administration and the bipartisan (Congress) on the same week that everybody was screaming about Judge Kavanaugh. It was passed while we had all the hearings on Mr. Kavanaugh’s teenage sex life.  At the same time everybody supposedly looks like they are fighting, we had a bipartisan Congress and Administration pass this very quietly underneath the attention given to the Kavanaugh hearings.”


Federal Accounting Now Meaningless & Frightening – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says the federal government made $21 trillion in “missing money,” discovered in late 2017, a national security issue the public is not allowed to find out where the money is. Fitts explains, “There is a big study we published at If you go to the annual wrap-up on DOD and HUD ‘missing money,’ we have a whole piece on FASAB Standard 56, and it explains how it works. Essentially, what it says is there is a secret group of people, by a secret process, that can take a portion of the financial statements on the books and make them secret. You cannot know what a secret is and what is not.  (more…)

Secret Money for Private Armies – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says it looks like a “global recession is coming.” Is that going to cause the debt reset we’ve been hearing about for years? Fitts says, “Make no mistake about it, there is no reason for the federal government to default or monkey with any debt because they can literally print the currency. The question is how do they make sure whatever they are printing really holds any kind of store of value. I think the reason you are seeing them reengineer the federal bureaucracy and financial transactions infrastructure is because they want much greater and tighter control to do whatever they do, and that includes to continue to debase the currency. They could do this (reset) entirely by debasing the currency. . . . (more…)

We are Living with Maximum Uncertainty – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts has said for years that the economy was not going to crash, but be on a “slow burn.” How long can they make this heavily indebted game last? Fitts says, “Our problem as investors is we don’t know. If you look at all the information we need to make an intelligent assessment, we don’t have access to that information. I have said many times this is a military question. Who has the biggest weapons and who has the ability to deliver force and control? So, we are living with maximum uncertainty. . . . Clearly, we are headed into a new currency world that’s part of a new control system, but the answer is we don’t know when. My fear with many, many commentators is they are underestimating the power and endurance of the system. I am always getting yelled at because people think I am pro-empire. I am not saying I am pro-empire or I am for the things they are doing to keep it going.”


Dollar Dominant & Dangerous – System Not Stable – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts, predicts the global financial system “will take some big hits before the end of the year.” Fitts explains, “Right now, economists say the dollar is ‘dangerous and dominant.’ It’s still, if you look at the market shares around the world, it’s still very, very significant portion of total reserves. So, it’s still very important. At the same time, the U.S. dollar hegemony is probably not going to last forever . . . (more…)

Elite Stole $50 Trillion and Will Invest in Space –Catherine Austin Fitts

Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says, “The global economy is going to be controlled from space.” Even the U.S. dollar’s viability will depend on “how good the U.S. space program is . . . . President Trump gets it.” Fitts contends, “Trump has done a remarkable job educating the American people about the real deal. He’s currently educating people that you have to make the cash flows work on trade work. That’s number one. There is such a thing as financial accountability. (more…)