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Here We Go Again!

By Greg Hunter’s 

It was another 400 point loss on the Dow today.  Manufacturing is contracting according to the latest reports, and Europe is in very big trouble with sovereign debt (especially with Spain and Italy).  If the Euro falls apart, then the dollar will be the big near term beneficiary.  So, the buck could actually strengthen for a short while because it would be the prettiest ugly girl in the currency room.   If stocks (especially the banks) keep getting pounded and the economy keeps sinking, then the fed will be forced to act or let the economy and the market fall off a cliff. (more…)

Brace for Impact

By Greg Hunter’s 

“Brace for Impact.”  I have thought about this economic collapse title for months.  I held onto it and figured I would know when the right time was to put it out there.  Today is the day.  Watching mainstream media (MSM) this weekend, you would think a one notch downgrade to America’s debt doesn’t really matter.  For example, former CNBC anchor Erin Burnett said Friday night on CNN the downgrade was “already priced into the market.”  The panel spoke as if the first U.S. debt downgrade in history was no big deal.  To that I say, positively absurd! (more…)

You Cannot Doubt the Gold Bull Market

There have been a lot of naysayers when it comes to the gold bull market we are in right now.  I don’t see how anyone can deny it exists, but many who missed it, now say gold is in a bubble.  I just want to hold my sides and laugh because the facts, and experts who predicted this years ago, say just the opposite.   It is hard for many to see this, but gold is really just getting started.  To equal the previous 1980 high of $850 an ounce, gold would have to be more than $8,000 an ounce in today’s money. (more…)

Bad Unemployment Report Tangles Debt Deal

By Greg Hunter’s 

If the debt ceiling deal wasn’t complicated enough, Friday’s terrible unemployment report poured sand into the gears that ground negotiations to a halt.  Nothing came out of Sunday’s meeting of Congressional leaders at the White House on resolving America’s debt crisis. (more…)

The People Fiddle as the Country Burns

By Greg Hunter’s   

Thank goodness the Casey Anthony case is over!  The jury thinks she is not guilty of murder.  I don’t know if they got right or wrong, but I do know many dollars and much air time was devoted to a story that will have zero effect on the lives of 99.999% of Americans.  I think the discovery of a walking, talking Martian would have gotten about the same attention. (more…)

Print More Money

By Greg Hunter’s

The second round of quantitative easing (QE2) is scheduled to end June 30, and already there are calls for more financial stimulus to keep the economy from falling off a cliff.  The latest call came from Larry Summers, former head of the Obama Administration’s financial team.  In an Op-Ed piece that ran on Reuters last Sunday, Summers pitched the idea of a $200 billion cut in the payroll tax. (more…)

We are Way Over the Edge Right Now

By Greg Hunter’s

Last Friday, I wrote a piece called Could America be Pushed over the Economic Edge?It was about how Libya, Japan or even covert economic warfare (from America’s enemies) could push the U.S. into another financial meltdown.  I received a one sentence email from my friend Jim Sinclair that said, “We are way over the edge right now.” His message gave me a sinking feeling. (more…)

You Should Rent Instead of Own a Home

One of the headlines in yesterday’s USA Today read, “Foreclosures take biggest dive in years in November.” That would make you think things are getting better in the rent vs. buy arena. When you read the story, you realize things are just taking a breather and about ready to get worse.  Why does the mainstream media feel it has to spin stories to make the economy look better than reality?  I think this is a blatantly dishonest headline.  Why do I say that? (more…)

Insanity or Ingenious?

By Greg Hunter’s

What is happening in the economy is signaling enormous changes for the U.S. and the world.  The scale of what the Federal Reserve is doing is unparalleled in human history.  No country has ever produced so much money and so much debt in such a short amount of time.   The Fed has embarked on another round of money printing (Quantitative Easing or QE2).  (more…)

Foreclosuregate Could Force Bank Nationalization

The piece you are about to read is from our friend, Ellen Brown.  Her posts are on the long side, but heavy on detail and fact.  This is what I love about her—she backs up her work.  This piece is a great addendum to the post I did Monday called “The Fed’s Biggest Fear.” Their biggest fear is, also, the biggest financial problem facing America.  It is the mortgage mess and the layers of fraud, taxpayer rip-offs and the extremely leveraged banks.  (more…)

Housing is Dragging the Economy to Hell


By Greg Hunter’s

 A little more than two months ago, banking analyst Meredith Whitney said on CNBC, “Unequivocally, I see a double-dip in housing.  There’s no doubt about it . . . prices are going down again.” I’d say unequivocally she was spot on.  A few of the hellish headlines dragging the economy down include: Existing home sales dropped 27.2 percent from June. That is a record drop and a 15 year low.  One in ten mortgage holders in America face foreclosure, according to a new report by the Mortgage Bankers Association.   U.S. home prices fell 1.6 percent in the second quarter from a year earlier as record foreclosures added to the inventory of properties for sale.    (more…)

Media Spin Will Not Stop the Coming Downturn

By Greg Hunter’s   

There is hardly a day goes by I don’t hear some spin about the economy and how the so-called “recovery” is progressing.  Last week’s job numbers is a classic example.  It seems the jobless claims fell to an eight week low.  (more…)