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Market Plummets if Global Central Banks Pull Plug – Nomi Prins
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Two time best-selling book author Nomi Prins says the rescue policies of the 2008 financial crisis are still with us today. Prins is out with a brand new book called “Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World.” The enormity of our current global debt problem is caused by central bankers. Prins explains, “It is huge. The debt is between two and a half to three times global GDP, which is an historical high. Debt to GDP throughout the developed world is higher than it has ever been, and it continues to grow. Why? Because money continues to be conjured up and rendered cheap for the participants at the top of the financial system. The banks, the major corporations, the people who make money out of that, and it hasn’t washed down to the rest of the economy. This is why most people feel this anxiety about another potential financial crisis, but also about what happens every day in their own pocketbooks. So, it is worse. (more…)
Iran Nuke Lies, Rudy to the Rescue, Dems Are Socialists
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 333 5.4.18)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is out with massive amounts of new evidence that Iran does have a nuclear weapons program. In a press conference this week, Netanyahu said Iran has been lying about the military application of its nuclear program for years. He also says the so-called Iran nuke deal to curtail Iran’s nuclear ambition is “based on lies.” Is this going to lead to war? Is Trump going to pull out of the deal which Iran did not sign?
Whole Thing Will Come Tumbling Down – Charles Nenner
By Greg Hunter’s
Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says, “The mainstream media talking heads are telling you to buy, but never tell you to sell.” Nenner says the time to sell stocks is getting close and explains, “It’s just a hopeless situation. I feel sorry for people who invest their money. We have had a nice ride, but soon the whole thing will come tumbling down. They listen to all these things and have no clue on how to invest . . . . I think soon . . . this will become the longest expansion in financial history. . . . So, this could be the longest expansion ever, what are you playing with? You are gambling with nonsense. So, it’s over.
Trump is Doing What Kennedy Tried To Do – Kevin Shipp
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says what is going on with Donald J. Trump “is an ongoing coup to remove a duly elected President.” Shipp contends, “This is a huge constitutional crisis like the country has never seen before. This makes Watergate look like a Sunday school class.”
On Friday, Shipp and other retired top officials at the CIA, FBI, DOJ and NSA held a press conference and demanded Attorney General Jeff Sessions prosecute top Obama era officials for obvious crimes against the incoming Trump Administration. Shipp says, “We have a coup within our government right now at the senior levels at the CIA, DOJ and the FBI attempting to unseat a duly elected President who was elected by the American people and remove him from office. (more…)
Macron Sells New World Order, Bernie’s Marxism, Economic Update
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 332 4.27.18)
French President Emmanuel Macron was in Washington this week to visit President Trump. One of the big issues that was no doubt talked about was Trump cancelling the so-called Iran nuclear deal. Macron also was selling the New World Order (NWO) to Congress, and Democrats and some RINO Republicans were lapping it up. The New World Order politicians are under global attack from conservatives, but they are not dead yet. The Democrats are really nothing more than the George Soros backed NWO party, and that should scare “We the People.”
Financial Rape of America – Catherine Austin Fitts
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts warns that the “financial rape of America” is nothing more than “re-engineering” the debt based economy. This “rape” is happening from earth to space, and it connects to $21 trillion in “missing money” that has disappeared from the federal budget since the late 1990’s. Fitts explains, “I started to look at where all this missing money from the federal government is going, and it led me into space. There are lots of questions. In the last few years, the commitment by the American government, the European government and the Asian governments have become much more overt. There is also the commitment from the private sector. . . .It’s becoming much more feasible to do manufacturing, mining and other things in space. . . . You see a lot of the corporate world lining up to do this. . . . I think that is very exciting. At the same time, if you look at the sub-orbital platform and the orbital platform around earth is being used for control . . . and a lot of it comes down to control, control of what is going on in the planet.”
Criminals of DOJ & FBI, MSM Ignores Real News, Yield Curve Flattens
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 331 4.20.18)
Eleven members of the House GOP have given a criminal referral for the top people in the FBI, DOJ and State Department in the Obama Administration. James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch and Andrew McCabe were all accused of a variety of crimes, including obstruction of justice to perjury. Hillary Clinton is being accused of getting “contributions and donations by foreign nationals.” This has never happened in U.S. history to have so many top former U.S. officials accused of this many crimes.
USA Kleptocracy is Like Russia – Warren Pollock
By Greg Hunter’s
Geopolitical and financial analyst Warren Pollock says Syria is a diversion at best. Pollock explains, “I think Syria is entertainment. It’s Kabuki Theater. Certainly, at the local level, it could be a skirmish. They have this fellow Assad, who was the poster boy on 60 Minutes two decades ago when they said what a wonderful guy he was, and now he is the arch enemy of evil along with Vladimir Putin. He is running a Kleptocracy, obviously, but at least it’s more honest than we are because our Kleptocracy doesn’t have the integrity to tell us what it is. We also know what Vladimir Putin is, and if he wasn’t a strongman, it would be a total disaster in Russia. It is what is necessary to keep that place controlled. Unlike our form of governance, at least Russia has a 25 year horizon into their future, where the U.S. has nothing but competing interests and competing bureaucracy. So, we (USA) are a Kleptocracy just like Russia, but the organs of our state are narrowed and are basically failing. (more…)
Peak Crazy Time & Yield Shock Coming – David Stockman
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Former Reagan White House Budget Director David Stockman says look out for the “perfect storm” coming our way. Stockman explains, “I think we are in peak crazy time, really, to launch an attack against Syria based on the flimsy evidence to date, and the likelihood it was another false flag operation. . . . Trump declared victory two weeks ago in Syria and said we are coming home, which is exactly the right thing to do and say. Then, all of a sudden, you have a gas attack and the clamor from the war party to do something, respond and bomb Assad yet one more time, even though those air bases and military bases are populated with Russian military. . . . So, let me summarize. You have a hot war against Russia and the Iranians, which we have no business starting. You have a trade war brewing, I am afraid will get out of control with China, which is totally unnecessary. You have a fiscal calamity brewing right before your eyes, and you have a Fed populated by Keynesians, who think they miraculously cured the economy and everything is fixed. (more…)
US/UK Syrian Airstrike Stalled, Ryan Retires, Economic Update
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 330 4.13.18)
Not many people anywhere actually believe the chemical weapon attack was done by the Assad regime in Syria, but some do. The timing is extremely suspect when on one week, you hear President Trump say he wants to leave Syria, and the next week, there is a gas attack. Why would Assad want the U.S. to stay? The UK has given the green light for an attack, while Russia is warning of a counter attack if Syrian or Russian troops are fired upon. At the moment, it looks like an attack has been stalled. Hopefully, everyone will figure out a way to save face without starting a wider conflict.
It’s Pure Math – We’re Headed for a Train Wreck – Bill Holter
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial writer and gold expert Bill Holter says China has a lot of weapons to fight a trade war with the U.S. China could stop buying Treasury bonds (as it reportedly already has done). It could sell Treasury bonds. It could slash the value of the Yuan, or something much simpler could happen such as a failed delivery of physical precious metals. Holter says, “If what has happened so far in the first three months of the year were to continue for the full year, you would be over three billion ounces (of silver). That is not deliverable.” (more…)
Murderers & Thieves Sold Out America – Gerald Celente
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Renowned trends researcher Gerald Celente says the trade war President Trump is starting against China must be fought for America to survive. Celente explains, “We have lost 3.5 million jobs (to China). Some 70,000 manufacturing plants have closed. Why would anybody be fighting Trump to do a reversal of us being in a merchandise trade deficit of $365 billion? Tell me any two people that would do business with each other and one side takes a huge loss and keeps taking it. . . . So, why would people argue and fight and bring down the markets because Trump wants to bring back jobs and readjust a trade deficit that, by any standard, is destroying the nation?” (more…)
Fake News is Real, Trump Not Criminal Target, Trade War or Negotiation?
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 329 4.6.18)
A new Poll uncovers that 77% of Americans think the legacy media, or mainstream media (MSM) like CNN and the New York Times (among others), regularly reports news that is not true. Sometimes the stories are just plain fake news, and other times the MSM just lies by omission and covers Stormy Daniels and omits that the country is “missing” $21 trillion.
Fed Panic Stricken About Inflation – Michael Pento
By Greg Hunter’s
Money manager and financial writer Michael Pento says the federal government is “burning the furniture to heat the house.” Pento contends, “If you are burning the furniture in your house to heat your house, guess what, you are not too far away from freezing to death. The government is now selling its assets to try to make the fiscal situation look better. We have so much red ink in the government today. Our debt to GDP ratio is now way above 100%. The budget deficits are way over $1 trillion and going much higher. The government is forced now to sell assets to try to make it look better. . . . They’re so desperate for money that they are draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. They are selling 100 million barrels and draining the Reserve down 45%. . . . That comes to $6 billion. We are so desperate for money from any place.”
Global Gold Supplies Getting Tighter – Rob Kirby
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Forensic macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says big money knows “gold supplies are tight” and getting tighter by the day. Kirby, who also arranges gold sales by the ton on a global scale, explains, “There are reports of people trying to buy institutional amounts of physical gold bullion in the Asian market, and there is none available even if they are paying a premium. I’m not talking about availability at the coin shop where you would buy two American Gold Eagles or a Gold Panda. I am talking about institutions wanting to buy serious amounts of physical gold bullion in bar form.”