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Paid Protesters Try to Stop Trump Inauguration, Dem Party Collapsing, More Fake News from MSM
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 268 1.20.17)
250,000 protesters, many of them paid and bussed in, are going to Washington D.C. to try to disrupt or stop Donald Trump from being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. The police and military are ready for them as tens of thousands of armed officers and soldiers are on hand to make sure the inauguration goes ahead as planned.
End of 2017 Gold Up & Dollar Down-Nomi Prins
By Greg Hunter’s
Best-selling author Nomi Prins says two of the big wild cards are Donald Trump and Europe. Prins explains, “The biggest wild card is a combination. Trump is a wild card, but so is Europe. Right now, the political lens goes over to Europe. It’s caught between its old and potentially new structure and potential new political leadership. I think that is a major wild card now. That snakes through Russia, and that snakes through Eurasia relationships, and that relates back to Trump. The wild card is the linkages among those things.”
Charles Nenner-2017 Prediction-Global War Cycle Coming into Danger Zone
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Renowned financial and geopolitical analyst Charles Nenner correctly predicted there would be no market crash in 2016. 2017 is going to be a very different story. Nenner explains, “There are going to be some serious corrections and some bounces. I don’t thing we are going anywhere until the fall of 2017 when the whole bottom is going to fall out. If you are a very good stock picker, you’ll be okay, but I am talking about the indices (overall financial markets). It continues to be dangerous, and most of the good news is already in this rally. The hope that Trump will do the right thing is still there, but it will take too long. People will realize it is not going to happen tomorrow, and they will get disappointed. So, I am still not very much into the stock market. I don’t think there is much to gain over there. I have been saying that for the next couple of years, try not to lose your money. That’s the major thing you should be doing.”
CNN and MSM Fake News, War Drums Beat in Europe, Israel Under Global Attack
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 267 1.13.17)
The USA Today publishes a front page story on Trump’s press conference, but passes off opinion as unbiased reporting. CNN reports on intelligence briefing to Donald Trump but does not say material in the briefing is totally bogus and fake with major factual and misleading errors. Mainstream media (MSM) wants the public to think it is fair and unbiased when, in fact, it is propaganda. These are the kinds of things I call “Fake News,” and the MSM has been guilty of this. Now, it is doubling down on being biased and unfair to destroy the reputation of Trump before he gets into office. Journalist Glenn Greenwald’s recent headline explains it all as he writes ‘The ‘Deep State’ goes to war with President-elect, using unverified claims, as Democrats cheer.”
Banks Not Going Broke, They Are Broke-Rick Rule
By Greg Hunter’s
Rick Rule is an expert on investing in all sorts of natural resources, and that includes gold and silver. He thinks it won’t take a “catastrophic event” to move prices higher in precious metals. Rule explains, “You remember the decade of the 1970’s? The shocks to the financial system were severe but survivable. The gold price went from $35 per ounce to $850 per ounce. (more…)
In 2017 Trump will be Presiding Over a Bankruptcy-Bill Holter
By Greg Hunter’s Sunday Release 1.9.17)
Financial writer Bill Holter says 2017 will be “the year of the Truth Bomb.” Holter explains, “I have been talking about ‘Truth Bombs’ for about a year and a half. I think what is going to happen in 2017 is that this hologram we’ve been living in, the curtain is going to be pulled back. . . . I want to see the truth come out, and that’s why we do what we do.”
Still No Proof of Russia Hacking, Attempt to Delegitimize Trump Win, Audit the Fed
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 267 1.6.17)
The Senate held hearings with top intelligence chiefs, and there is still no proof that Russia had an influence on the 2016 Presidential Election. Now, the story changes again, and the charge is a third party gave DNC emails to Wiki Leaks. James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, says they do have evidence. The problem with Clapper is credibility. He committed perjury and lied to Congress about NSA spying back in 2013.
Grave Danger Elite Bankers Might Make Trump Fail-Lior Gantz
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial expert Lior Gantz says there is good news and bad news for the economy with the election of Donald Trump. Gantz explains, “If he changes the equation, it could cause a lot of inflation in the U.S. U.S. banks are so liquid and have so much excess cash because of TARP programs and QE programs that this could prompt them to start lending, and lend to the wrong people. It could prompt the government to start issuing increased food stamps, universal unemployment checks and all kinds of stuff that can create large inflation in the U.S. So, that is one side that is problematic. (more…)
2017 Predictions on Trump, Gold, Silver, Housing, Stocks, Bonds & Antarctica-Clif High
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Internet data mining expert Clif High says forget about the rumors and predictions of Donald Trump being blocked from taking office. High says Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President and explains, “I don’t have any data that says, hard stop, Trump is assassinated. I don’t have that . . . . I am willing to back my data with real money, an ounce of silver, and I have an ounce of silver, and I would be willing to bet the inauguration part goes through smoothly given the emotional data sets we have now.”
Obama Chaos Before Leaving Office, Obama Punishes Russia Hacking & Economic Warning
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 266 12.30.16)
The Obama Administration basically stabbed Israel, its top U.S. Middle East ally, in the back by not stopping a UN resolution that makes the Western Wall occupied Palestinian territory. It also makes building Israeli settlements in the West Bank an international crime. This is all taking place less than thirty days before Trump’s inauguration. Is Obama creating as much chaos as possible before he leaves office? I say YES!!!
Trump Inherits Political and Economic Titanic-Warren Pollock
By Greg Hunter’s
Analyst and financial expert Warren Pollock says Donald Trump has been dealt a horrendous hand when it comes to the political environment and the economy. Pollock explains, “Trump inherited the Titanic or a nuclear reactor that is about to explode. As he tries to fix this giant mess, he’s bound to upset the apple cart. The economy is fragile. The society is fragile. If he touches anything, something is liable to break somewhere. People want Obama Care removed immediately. They want to see the swamp drained immediately. I think these are things he believes in, and he is certainly a pragmatic manager compared to Hillary Clinton, who would have been an utter disaster for everyone in this country. (more…)
Truck Killers will Cause EU to Vote Out Leaders, Trump Gets Ready for War, Merry Christmas
By Greg Hunters (WNW 265 12.23.16)
Terrorists have stuck again by using a truck to mow down Christmas shoppers. The latest attack was committed by an Islamic terrorist who is aligned with ISIS. This is one of the many reasons the status quo will be voted out of office in the 2017 elections in places like France and Germany. People have had enough with the PC culture, while people are slaughtered by terrorists on a regular basis.
Early 2017 Record Scam Stock Market Going to Blow Up-Michael Pento
By Greg Hunter’s
Money manager Michael Pento says don’t get too comfortable with the record highs in the stock market. Pento warns, “In December of 2015, the Fed raised rates. It was the first time in a decade. From the middle of December to the end of December (2015), it was nirvana. They raised rates. There was no problem, and then came January. The first trading day of January, boom, and we had the worst January in the history of all Januarys in the stock market. I think the very same thing is going to happen in 2017, but I think it’s going to be worse. (more…)
Inflation, Stagflation, Hyperinflation & Deflation-All at the Same Time-Egon von Greyerz
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)
Financial expert Egon von Greyerz (EvG) says, “Bond markets around the world are in the biggest bubble in history.” EvG thinks when it blows up, we are going to get hit with everything in the financial horror house. EvG explains, “We are guaranteed to have ‘flation.’ There will be inflation, stagflation, hyperinflation and deflation. We will have all of that. At the same time, a lot of prices will be inflationary or hyperinflationary, at some point, as they print more money. We will also have deflation of debt and deflation of more of the bubble assets that the credit bubble has created. Debt will implode and also property and stocks.”
Interest Rate Explosion, Russia Did NOT Hack Elections, Facebook Fake News Police?
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 264 12.12.16)
The Federal Reserve just raised a key interest rate a quarter of a point. This was only the second time in 10 years the Fed raised rates, but the market had already beaten the Fed to the punch. In July, the interest rate for the 10-year Treasury was 1.46%. Five short months later, the same rate is now more that 1% higher. This is what it means when you hear the phrase “the Fed is behind the curve” on interest rates. Losses in the global bond markets are stacking up with the rising rates. Now, there are reports that China and other central banks are dumping U.S. debt at an alarming rate. More than $400 billion in U.S. government bonds was sold this year alone. Could rising interest rates knock Donald Trump’s plans for a loop? The answer, in a word, is yes.