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Meet the Mainstream Press

By Greg Hunter’s  Nothing is more emblematic of the mainstream media (MSM) than NBC’s “Meet the Press.”  I wonder if it should be renamed “Meet the Corporate Mainstream Press” because that is exactly what it was on Sunday.  Before the

The Hormuz Wild Card

By Greg Hunter’s  Iran is threatening to shut down the Strait of Hormuz if more sanctions are installed against it.  Tensions are mounting between the U.S. and other nations as Iran continues to develop a nuclear program.  Most recently, it

Weekly News Wrap-Up 12.30.11

By Greg Hunter’s  The big story, with worldwide implications, is Iran threating to close down the Strait of Hormuz.  The Iranians are fighting mad at the U.S. and EU for plans to tighten sanctions on their oil and financial interests

MSM Pushing Turnaround for Economy

By Greg Hunter’s  Over the last several days, I began hearing a new description of the economy by the mainstream media (MSM)—“turnaround.”  I can’t tell you how many different ways this phrase was used, but it was enough to get

Charities get Christmas Gift from “Anonymous”

By Greg Hunter’s It looks like charities such as the Red Cross, CARE and Save the Children got some much needed money this Christmas, but it came from the Internet hacking group know as “Anonymous.”  It is being reported Anonymous broke

Weekly News Wrap-Up 12.23.11

Greg Hunter’s  We have a deal on extending the payroll tax cut–for two whole months.  It may put a few extra bucks in the pockets of working Americans, but it is an accounting nightmare for business. This isn’t much of

Greg Hunter with Alex Jones on

By Greg Hunter’s I had the pleasure of being on with Alex Jones this week.  We covered a variety of topics including the European debt crisis (which is really a bank solvency crisis), loss of the Constitutional rights of Americans

Countdown to the End

By Greg Hunter’s  Today marks the official one year countdown to the end of the Mayan calendar.  365 days from today will be December 21, 2012.  Some say it marks the end of the world, but others say it is

First Amendment Under Attack at All Levels

By Greg Hunter’s   Government politicians have gotten things all turned around.  Instead of them working for us, they think we work for them.  People are starting to speak out about the problems bubbling up, and it is not being appreciated

Oblivious Because of Mainstream Media

By Greg Hunter’s  I think most people are simply oblivious to the enormous dangers the world economy faces.  Oh, I think we will all get through Christmas and New Years without a meltdown, but all bets are off in 2012. 

Weekly News Wrap-Up 12.16.11

Greg Hunter’s  Congress held multiple hearings this week on what happened in the bankruptcy of MF Global. At least $1.2 billion in customer funds are missing, and none of the top executives, including Jon Corzine, knows anything.  Some are finding

The Last Bill of Rights Day

By Greg Hunter’s Earlier today, I wrote a hopeful article about how the language in the “Indefinite Detention” bill (otherwise know as National Defense Authorization Act or NDAA) might be changed to not gut the Bill of Rights. I was way

Hope Indefinite Detention Bill Will Be Changed to Protect Americans

By Greg Hunter’s  Not everyone in Congress thinks it is a good idea to pass a law that will allow indefinite detention of U.S. citizens.  Senator Mike Lee and Representative Justin Amash think the Senate version of the National Defense

Is the Gold Bull Really Dead?

By Greg Hunter’s Economist Dennis Gartman announced in his newsletter, yesterday, that he has sold all of his gold.  I don’t know if it was physical or paper gold in an ETF (exchange traded fund), but it is gone.  According

Three Stooges Testify about Missing Money at MF Global

Greg Hunter’s  I watched in amazement today at the Senate Hearing on the collapse of MF Global about 6 weeks ago.  The three top executives testified about what they knew and when they knew it.  CEO Jon Corzine, COO Bradley