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Running out of Runway

Greg Hunter’s  It looks like even the mainstream media (MSM) can see a calamity if we are right on top of one.  Finally, the dire debt ceiling negotiations between Congress and the White House were covered wall-to-wall on all the

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7/22/11

By Greg Hunter’s    “Deal or No Deal.”  That’s what I am now calling the debt ceiling debate between Congress and the White House.  I said last week that it is going to be tough getting tax increases and spending cuts

Default or No Default, Deal or No Deal

By Greg Hunters I have been telling you for the past few days that I am not so sure Congress and the White House will get a debt ceiling deal done to avoid default on August 2nd.  The grand plan was to

Murdoch Media Misdirection

By Greg Hunter’s  Yesterday, there was a UK hearing featuring father and son executives Rupert and James Murdoch over alleged phone hacking.  The spectacle was covered wall-to-wall by most cable news outlets.  Channel surfing, I realized that at one point,

“Robo-Signing” Fraud Continues–Surprise!

By Greg Hunter’s  In April, 14 of the nation’s biggest banks promised federal regulators they would stop robo-signing documents to foreclose on homes.  This was part of a settlement to clean up the foreclosure mess caused by wild lending of

The Only Thing You Can Count On

Greg Hunter’s  Last week, in testimony on Capitol Hill, Fed Chief Ben Bernanke said, “The pace of the economic recovery will pick up.”  As far as the weak economy is concerned, Mr. Bernanke also said there would be, “a notably

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7/15/11

By Greg Hunter’s There are two big debt crises going on now in the world.  First, in Washington D.C., the debt ceiling talks have gotten ugly and have hit an impasse.  I don’t know if Democrats and Republicans will get a

Gloves Come Off in Debt Ceiling Fight

Greg Hunter’s The gloves came off in the fight over raising the debt ceiling yesterday.  On CBS News, the President basically threatened to cut off Social Security checks by August 3rd if a deal was not reached.  Mr. Obama said

Bad Unemployment Report Tangles Debt Deal

By Greg Hunter’s  If the debt ceiling deal wasn’t complicated enough, Friday’s terrible unemployment report poured sand into the gears that ground negotiations to a halt.  Nothing came out of Sunday’s meeting of Congressional leaders at the White House on

The Weekly News Wrap-Up 7/8/11

By Greg Hunter’s  (Updated and revised) It is amazing that so few people know or want to know about the debt ceiling negotiations going on in Washington D.C. this weekend.  It has been reported the raise is in the neighborhood

The People Fiddle as the Country Burns

By Greg Hunter’s    Thank goodness the Casey Anthony case is over!  The jury thinks she is not guilty of murder.  I don’t know if they got right or wrong, but I do know many dollars and much air time was

Plunging Fuel Prices Will Not Last

Towards the end of June, the International Energy Agency (IEA) announced a plan to release 60 million barrels of oil to combat the high prices brought on by the Libyan crisis.  That’s about 2 million barrels a day since June 23. 

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7/1/11

Greg Hunter’s Greece is back in the news again because it voted for tax hikes and government cuts to pay back the greedy bankers.  It has been widely reported that this simply buys time.  Many experts say Greece will default in time because

Bankers vs. People

By Greg Hunter’s The entire crisis in Greece (and the rest of the world) all comes down to bankers vs. the people.  The bankers made crazy, reckless loans to this tiny country.  If you look back to when the loans

Federal Reserve Secrets and Lies

By Greg Hunter’s The Federal Reserve has been a clandestine organization since its inception.  It is not really part of the federal government; it is merely a subcontractor for monetary policy.  The Fed is basically a cartel of both U.S.