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Proven Safe Ion Virus & Germ Killing Tech Blocked by Dark Powers – Weston Warren
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Scientist and inventor Weston Warren has been developing germ killing and air purifying technology for the better part of two decades. Why have you not heard about or been able to buy this technology
NATO Over, Raquel’s Brief Illness, Fed Raising & Wrecking
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 569 2.17.23) Dark powers are calling Seymour Hersh a “has been” writer and warning he’s not to be taken seriously. Everyone else in the world is taking Pulitzer Award winning Hersh and his claim the U.S.
Intensifying War, Enormous Upside for Gold – Charles Nenner
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner said back in late November, interest rates were on the way down but “for the very short term.” Nenner also predicted that inflation might come down to around 6.5%.
Global Debt & Death Spiral – John Rubino
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Analyst and financial writer John Rubino says we’re are in a “debt and death spiral” that will force dramatic changes on the world. Rubino explains, “The debt spiral part of this means things from
State of Inflation, NYT Propaganda Prepare for Crash
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 568 2.10.23) Vice President Biden gave the annual State of the Union address, and it might as well have been called the State of Inflation address. The ideas presented by Biden spell big inflation and bigger
People are Dying from the CV19 Vax & It’s Preventable – Dr. Pierre Kory
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s World renowned CV19 critical care and pulmonary expert Dr. Pierre Kory is fast becoming one of the top CV19 vaccine injury experts in the country. It’s not only injuries Dr. Kory is concerned about, but it is
At Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV19 Bioweapon – Dr. Betsy Eads
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) CV19 bioweapon vax truth warrior Dr. Betsy Eads has been warning of a “Tsunami of ‘vaccine’ deaths coming in the next two years.” The number of people dying and getting permanent disabilities is increasing.
Constant Media Psyop, Can’t Stop Vax Deaths, Fed NOT Cutting
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW567 2.3.23) The constant media psyop is falling apart on all fronts. We were told Trump was colluding with the Russians. That was a huge lie. We were told Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation. That’s another
War, Market Meltdown & More War for 2023 – Gerald Celente
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Renowned trends researcher and publisher of “The Trends Journal,” Gerald Celente, predicted last February on that “World War III has already started.” Fast forward to today, and the global war is increasing at an alarming rate.
Aliens Created Humans is the Biggest Lie in the Universe – Steve Quayle
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle says he is uncovering artifacts in central Mexico that are thousands of years old. What is shocking is Quayle claims his ancient
Nuke War, Bioweapon Awakening, Dollar Dies & Paul Craig Roberts
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 566 1.27.23) Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR), former Assistant Treasury Secretary and international award-winning journalist, is the special guest for this week’s Weekly News Wrap-Up. Dr. Roberts gives his deep dive on the three biggest stories
One Giant Financial STD and Everybody is Infected – Bill Holter
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter said last summer that the Fed rate increases would tank the economy. Everywhere you look you see the economy falling apart. House prices and sales are down. Banks are
Pfizer CV19 Bioweapon Vax Public Enemy #1 – Karen Kingston
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands the contracts, patents and laws that Big Pharma deals with in bringing new drugs to market. Kingston also researches and analyzes many
Petrodollar Death, Davos Demons, Brace for Economic Crash
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 565 1.20.23) There was big global news coming out of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, and it’s not the usual tyrannical pompous crap you are used to hearing about. The finance minister of
Fed Never Correctly Predicts Big Downturns – Craig Hemke
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Financial writer, market analyst and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted at the beginning of 2022, “This is going to be a wild, unpredictable year. It will be volatile.” Looks like Hemke was correct. The S&P was