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Dem Marxism Exposed, Trump Coup Ending, Fed Folds

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 376 3.22.19) The new blood that was elected in the Democrat party in 2018 are as far Left as you can get. Freshmen Congress women Omar, Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib have Marxist/communist ideas and want that repressive

Central Banks Going Long Gold – Andrew Maguire

By Greg Hunter’s World renowned precious metals expert Andrew Maguire says pay attention to the new rule that goes into effect at the end of March that will allow gold to become fully valued and monetized as a tier 1

Recession Started Last Year – Money Printing Coming – Marc Faber

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Legendary contrarian investor Dr. Marc Faber says forget about the coming slowdown because the economy has already been backing up for months. Faber, who holds a PhD in economics, explains, “Investors are relatively complacent.

College Scam Distraction, Failed Trump Coup Further Revealed, Economy Teeters

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 375 3.15.19) The college admissions and bribery scandal is a mess and has already sparked a class action lawsuit against the prestigious colleges involved. Many more lawsuits from aggrieved students and parents will surely follow. The

Record Debt Everywhere – Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s  Money manager Peter Schiff says even though there is “record debt everywhere,” the Fed thinks the economy is fine. Schiff explains, “The actual amount of money the government is borrowing is much larger than what they pretend

Massive Secret Money Printing Will Shoot Gold Higher – Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says $21 trillion in “missing money,” discovered in late 2017, is now a “national security” issue but is not a secret to the leaders of the rest of the world.

Dem Party Fractures, Border Crisis Explodes, Evil is Good

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 374 3.8.19)  The Democrat Party swinging to the far left is not pulling the rest of it with it. From the widely disliked and unworkable Green New Deal, to the most recent blow up about some

Dane Wigington – We Face Abrupt Climate Collapse

By Greg Hunter’s  Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says this year’s unusually cold winter in the United States was “manufactured” by geoengineering. Wigington explains, “Where you see the most anomalously cool place on the entire planet is the Eastern half

Federal Accounting Now Meaningless & Frightening – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says the federal government made $21 trillion in “missing money,” discovered in late 2017, a national security issue the public is not allowed

Trump Walks On NK, Senate Baby Killers, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 373 3.1.19) President Trump said he “walked away” from signing a deal on denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. He said he would rather have “no deal than a bad deal.” He did get a commitment from North

Intractable Inflation Very Dangerous New Paradigm – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Michael Pento says get ready for big inflation. Pento explains, “When the emergency ended (from the 2008-2009 financial meltdown), they were going to reverse course, sell those assets back to the public and take those

Gold Rising Because it Protects Against Government – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Legendary geopolitical and financial analyst Martin Armstrong continues to be bullish on America. Armstrong contends, “The U.S. economy has been the only thing holding up the world. People do not realize what is the

Smollett Distraction, Trump Coup Confirmed, Economy Tanking

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 372, 2.22.19) Jussie Smollett may be a liar, but he certainly is a huge distraction for the real stories that should be getting coverage. The only reason why the Left is trashing Smollett now is he

Bear Market in Gold & Silver is Over – Craig Hemke

By Greg Hunter’s  Financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke says, “The bear market in gold and silver is over.” Hemke contends the central bankers’ price suppression of gold and silver is grinding to a close. Hemke explains, “.

Deep State Goal, MAGA Abandon Trump – Dave Janda

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) President Trump’s promised southern border wall is being built with his new emergency executive order that gives him a total of nearly $10 billion for construction costs. Maybe that’s why the globalists in Congress