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Criminals of DOJ & FBI, MSM Ignores Real News, Yield Curve Flattens

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 331 4.20.18) Eleven members of the House GOP have given a criminal referral for the top people in the FBI, DOJ and State Department in the Obama Administration. James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch and Andrew

USA Kleptocracy is Like Russia – Warren Pollock

By Greg Hunter’s Geopolitical and financial analyst Warren Pollock says Syria is a diversion at best. Pollock explains, “I think Syria is entertainment.  It’s Kabuki Theater.  Certainly, at the local level, it could be a skirmish.  They have this fellow

Peak Crazy Time & Yield Shock Coming – David Stockman

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Former Reagan White House Budget Director David Stockman says look out for the “perfect storm” coming our way. Stockman explains, “I think we are in peak crazy time, really, to launch an attack against

US/UK Syrian Airstrike Stalled, Ryan Retires, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 330 4.13.18) Not many people anywhere actually believe the chemical weapon attack was done by the Assad regime in Syria, but some do. The timing is extremely suspect when on one week, you hear President Trump say

It’s Pure Math – We’re Headed for a Train Wreck – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s   Financial writer and gold expert Bill Holter says China has a lot of weapons to fight a trade war with the U.S. China could stop buying Treasury bonds (as it reportedly already has done).  It could

Murderers & Thieves Sold Out America – Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Renowned trends researcher Gerald Celente says the trade war President Trump is starting against China must be fought for America to survive. Celente explains, “We have lost 3.5 million jobs (to China).  Some 70,000

Fake News is Real, Trump Not Criminal Target, Trade War or Negotiation?

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 329 4.6.18) A new Poll uncovers that 77% of Americans think the legacy media, or mainstream media (MSM) like CNN and the New York Times (among others), regularly reports news that is not true. Sometimes the

Fed Panic Stricken About Inflation – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s Money manager and financial writer Michael Pento says the federal government is “burning the furniture to heat the house.” Pento contends, “If you are burning the furniture in your house to heat your house, guess what, you

Global Gold Supplies Getting Tighter – Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)   Forensic macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says big money knows “gold supplies are tight” and getting tighter by the day.  Kirby, who also arranges gold sales by the ton on a global scale, explains,

Iran Israel Conflict Coming, More Voter Fraud, Dems 2018 Lies

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 328 3.30.18)  Iran and Israel are moving closer to armed conflict. It was reported this week that two Israeli jets have been flying in Iran’s airspace.  No attacks were made against Iran, but what were those

Jig Is Up for the Dollar – Andrew Maguire

By Greg Hunter’s  Will physical gold and silver prices ever break free of manipulation and price suppression? Renowned gold expert Andrew Maguire with Tom Coughlin, who is CEO of Kinesis that will be rolling out a gold backed currency in

Rothschilds & Rockefellers Need to Go Down to Free America – Dave Janda

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)   Radio host Dr. Dave Janda says Trump is working on draining the swamp in Washington D.C., but the job is huge and it takes time. Janda explains, “Many people have said I haven’t

Dow Plunge, Bolton In, Facebook Folly

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 327 3.23.18) The DOW took a cliff dive into a shallow pool and crashed more than 724 points. Some say it was because of the possibility of a new trade war.  Trump announced new tariffs against

New World Order Targets American Freedom – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s  Award winning journalist Alex Newman has extensively covered the push towards a so-called New World Order by the global “Deep State.” New revelations about millions of Facebook user profiles show the battle lines start in cyberspace.  Newman

Not a Time to Walk in Fear – Mark Taylor

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” says do not fear the disturbing things you are seeing in Washington D.C. and elsewhere. Taylor says, “It is not a time to walk