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WNW 178-Obama Blocked on Immigration, Ukraine Ceasefire Off, ISIS Beheading Christians
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s 2.20.15 The Obama Administration suffered a crushing defeat this week on his executive order on immigration. A federal judge ruled that basically the President did not have the power to make up his own laws outside of Congress.
Greece Will Default-Calamity Follows-Andrew Hoffman
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Financial writer Andrew Hoffman says the debt problem in Greece will not have a happy ending. Hoffman contends, “More than half of Greek debt, everyone talks about the 400 billion euros they owe, more than half of
Economy Has Not Recovered-John Williams
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Renowned economist John Williams says forget the happy talk about the so-called “recovery”—it ain’t happening. Williams contends, “I wish I could say things are booming, but indeed they are not. . . . The
WNW 177-Middle East War Set-Up, Ukraine Peace Deal, Greece and EU on Brink
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (2.13.15) Everywhere you look in the Middle East, there are “wars and rumors of wars.” Let’s start with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The President says he’s ready to fight the Islamic State, and they
Growing Problems Leading to US Dollar Crisis-Peter Schiff
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Peter Schiff says forget about the Greece debt questions; the problems in the U.S. are far worse. Schiff contends, “I am even more concerned with the problems with the dollar. The dollar is benefiting right
Everybody is Trying to Postpone the Inevitable-Axel Merk
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Axel Merk says, “I am very concerned about Russia. I am very concerned about what is happening with Ukraine. The problems we have there and in Europe, and in Japan and in the U.S., are
WNW 176 Middle East War, Ukraine War, Economic Calamity Coming
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (2/6/15) Everybody has seen the horrifying video of the Jordanian pilot being burned alive by the Islamic State. I want to concentrate on why these Islamic radicals did this, and did it in a slickly produced video.
Gold is Gone, Total Chaos Coming-Bill Holter
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Financial writer Bill Holter says there is better than 60% to 70% chance that another financial calamity will hit in 2015, and it could start from anywhere in the world. Holter contends, “It doesn’t really matter where
World War III Has Started-Gregory Mannarino
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Analyst and trader Gregory Mannarino says, “We are deeply engaged in an economic war against Russia. This is a collective collusion that is very scary. We just found out the OPEC nations have increased their production of
WNW175-Financial War and Shooting War Intensifying-No Real Recovery, Obama Veto
on: by Greg Hunter
finBy Greg Hunter’s (1.30.15) War is what I am going to concentrate on in this Weekly News Wrap-Up. There is no doubt a massive financial war is going on right now. If this keeps up, it will only lead to
Climate Change is Global Communist Tyranny-Lord Christopher Monckton
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Lord Christopher Monckton says the “climate change” issue is really a way to gain control of the world. Lord Monckton, former award winning journalist who was once an advisor to Margaret Thatcher, contends, “This is a story
Lawless Leaders Changing the World-Catherine Austin Fitts
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts says the world is changing through crime by our leaders. Fitts contends, “We are dealing with a lawlessness that is happening with the build out of the global systems,
WNW 174-Middle East War Coming, Iran Russia Unite, Ferguson Cop Cleared
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (1.23.15) Several top stories are all coming out of the Middle East, and they all show war is approaching. Yemen has fallen into the hands of Islamic radicals, and there is total chaos and anarchy in the
Free Markets Have Been Completely Obliterated-Michael Pento
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Michael Pento says, “We live in a world now where free markets have been completely obliterated. You can’t find a free market left on the planet, and that goes for commodities, equity markets, currencies and
We Are in a Financial Meltdown-Nomi Prins
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Best-selling author and financial expert Nomi Prins says, “We are in a financial meltdown. I said 9 or 10 months ago, it hadn’t happened yet, but it should happen because of the instability of