This News section gives analysis of all the markets including stocks, bonds, gold, silver, housing, interest rates, inflation and overall health of the general economy. The Federal Reserve, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Comptroller of the Currency, Bank of International Settlements, derivatives, deficits, demographics, financial calamity, and even the dollar are a few of the things we will incorporate into the conversation.
The views here come from traditional mainstream sources and also from the alternative media. Interviews will come from people who manage money, former government officials and financial analysts. Some of the people in this section who have been interviewed include former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, Nobel Prize winning economist Professor Robert Shiller, Professor Laurence Kotlikoff, $8 billion fund manager Eric Sprott, Professor William Black, gold expert Jim Sinclair, best-selling authors Nomi Prins, James Rickards and many more experts.
The interviews and information provided here are usually in direct opposition of the views in the mainstream media. Oftentimes, market analysis and political analysis overlap. The content and interviews here are for information purposes only and should not be considered investment advice.
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Former Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says all U.S. financial policy revolves around propping up the dollar. Dr. Roberts contends, “I’ve always said the whole system is rigged. It’s a house of cards,
By Greg Hunter’s Economist John Williams is sticking by his assessment that the economy is in deep trouble. Williams says, “What we are seeing is a very big fiction by the financial media and the political media that the economy
Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Best-selling author and financial expert James Rickards contends a big financial crash is locked in. Rickards says, “Everyone is waiting for some blunder down the road, and the point I try to make is the
By Greg Hunter’s Legendary financial analyst Charles Nenner thinks the biggest threat is global war. Nenner explains, “If you look at a war cycle of a hundred years, I predicted in the second decade of this century that we were
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Derivative and gold expert Rob Kirby says the U.S. looks a lot like the run up to the fall of Rome more than 1,500 years ago. Kirby explains, “The parallels with what we are experiencing
By Greg Hunter’s Financial analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says forget about the recent positive economic news. The economy is not in recovery and there is a simple way to prove it. Mannarino says, “All you need to do is look at
By Greg Hunter’s Silver guru, David Morgan, says forget about the manipulated price suppression of the yellow and white metals. It’s only a matter of time before the debt and derivative markets crash, catapulting precious metals prices exponentially higher. Morgan
By Greg Hunter’s Investment strategist John Embry says the market manipulation in physical gold and silver is coming to an end. How close? Embry says, “I think we are very close now in the sense that the physical supplies of
By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Global economic expert Martin Armstrong says two big violent cycles are happening for the first time in 300 years. Domestic and international unrest is consuming the world. Armstrong contends, “Both of these cycles are
By Greg Hunter’s Harvey Organ has been on a personal mission to expose the “fraudulent manipulation” of the gold and silver markets since the late 1990’s. Organ, who studies these markets daily, contends, “It’s definitely going to happen this year.”
BY Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog. (Early Sunday Release) Renowned economics professor Laurence Kotlikoff says SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation) is an insurance scam from Fraud Street. Dr. Kotlikoff contends, “If you look at the history of their response as it’s been discovered,
By Greg Hunter’s Financial analyst and writer Bill Holter thinks the powers that be know how shaky the system is and will play the blame game for the coming crash. Holter contends, “I believe that they know the financial system
By Greg Hunter’s Economist John Williams says forget all the happy talk about the improving economy. Williams says “The economy is in severe trouble.” Williams goes on to say, “When you see a contraction as we had in the first
By Greg Hunter’s Journalist James Corbett thinks much of the world’s problems can be traced back to the Federal Reserve, and he recently produced a free online documentary to back up his charge. Corbett says, “The central banking issue and who
Greg Hunter’s Money manager Axel Merk is worried about financial risk and that it is being downplayed. Merk says, “I am very concerned. I am spooked about the equity markets. The folks that buy stocks buy them because they have