This News section gives analysis of all the markets including stocks, bonds, gold, silver, housing, interest rates, inflation and overall health of the general economy. The Federal Reserve, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Comptroller of the Currency, Bank of International Settlements, derivatives, deficits, demographics, financial calamity, and even the dollar are a few of the things we will incorporate into the conversation.
The views here come from traditional mainstream sources and also from the alternative media. Interviews will come from people who manage money, former government officials and financial analysts. Some of the people in this section who have been interviewed include former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, Nobel Prize winning economist Professor Robert Shiller, Professor Laurence Kotlikoff, $8 billion fund manager Eric Sprott, Professor William Black, gold expert Jim Sinclair, best-selling authors Nomi Prins, James Rickards and many more experts.
The interviews and information provided here are usually in direct opposition of the views in the mainstream media. Oftentimes, market analysis and political analysis overlap. The content and interviews here are for information purposes only and should not be considered investment advice.
Greg Hunter’s Money manager Axel Merk is worried about financial risk and that it is being downplayed. Merk says, “I am very concerned. I am spooked about the equity markets. The folks that buy stocks buy them because they have
By Greg Hunter’s Financial writer and analyst Bix Weir says what is going on in Ferguson, Missouri, is more than just a police action gone deadly. Weir says, “There is definitely discontent out there. The press covers so many things
Hunter’s Financial expert Craig Hemke is founder of the popular website Hemke says, “We are all preparing for the end of the Keynesian experiment. We are all in the same boat. The Keynesian experiment means this idea that government
By Greg Hunter’s Money manager Peter Schiff hasn’t changed his investment strategy one bit, even though the world seems to be falling apart. Schiff explains, “I am already prepared, and what I am trying to prepare my clients for is
By Greg Hunter’s Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says the recent Argentina bond default is a big deal and is a symptom of a much bigger global problem—debt. Mannarino explains, “I’ve been talking about the insurmountable debt problem for years now. It
By Greg Hunter’s Real Estate expert Fabian Calvo says boom bust housing crisis is on the way. Calvo explains, “There are a lot of outlier indicators that show the run-up to another big boom in housing prices. If you look
By Greg Hunter’s Renowned trend researcher, Gerald Celente, said at the beginning of 2014 that the economy would tank and war is on its way. It looks like his predictions are coming true. On the economy, Celente contends, “This whole
By Greg Hunter’s Financial newsletter writer Jim Willie says no matter who shot down the Malaysian commercial jet over Ukraine recently, there is going to be massive fallout. Willie contends, “Here’s the big, big consequence. The U.S. is basically telling
By Greg Hunter’s Derivatives and gold expert Rob Kirby contends financial markets are controlled by the U.S. Treasury. For example, Kirby contends, “The Interest rate derivative trade means the U.S. Treasury can make banks captive buyers of any amount of U.S.
By Greg Hunter’s Gold and financial expert, Egon von Greyerz, says buckle your seat belts–a replay of the 2008 financial crisis will “soon return.” Greyerz contends, “What happened in 2008 was expected by us for quite a long time. The
By Greg Hunter’s Economist John Williams says to forget about the so-called recovery. What’s coming next is recession or worse. Williams contends, “The fact that we saw a -2.9% contraction in the first quarter, in official reporting . . .
By Greg Hunter’s John Rubino, author of the new book “The Money Bubble,” can sum up the ongoing global financial problems in a single phrase: “There is too much debt.” Rubino goes on to say, “Debt works the same way
By Greg Hunter’s Radio talk show veteran and 10 time published author, Steve Quayle, says dark powers are at work in the financial markets at the highest levels of global government. Quayle contends, “First of all, the illuminati and the
By Greg Hunter’s Chris Martenson is an economic researcher and futurist who produced a popular video seminar called “Crash Course.” Back in early 2008, he explained the “interconnected forces in the economy, energy and the environment.” Now, he has produced
By Greg Hunter’s Macroeconomist Gordon Long says, “We’re not really running a capitalist system. We are running a credit system. Instead of using savings, we are using credit. Credit, the way we are doing it now, is really a form