This section gives political analysis for all sorts of subjects. Social unrest, the militarization of local law enforcement, poverty, wealth, survival, NSA spying, money laundering by the biggest banks, crime, global fraud, unpunished top bankers and the politicians that turn a blind eye to it will all be some of what is talked about here. From Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Communists, Socialists, the Tea Party and their effects on American life will be part of the conversation.
Some of the people lending their analysis here include former top HUD official Catherine Austin Fitts, top trends forecaster Gerald Celente, former Treasury Assistant Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, best-selling authors Robert Wiedemer and John Perkins, $2 billion money manager Peter Schiff, hit documentary filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, economist John Williams, futurist Chris Martenson and economic genius Martin Armstrong.
Politics often overlap with money issues. The views here are seldom brought to light in the mainstream media. Whether it’s from Main Street or the Middle East, you will get a unique perspective found only on
By Greg Hunter’s “Egypt will explode.” That was the reaction on twitter from Mohamed ElBaradei to Hosni Mubarak’s announcement not to resign the Presidency of Egypt. ElBaradei is a former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency and Nobel
Greg Hunter’s (updated) The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the latest unemployment figures last Friday. There was a stunning drop to 9% from 9.4%. How did that happen? Is the economy really getting better or is the government up
By Greg Hunter’s The revolution in Egypt has been going on for nearly two weeks. It is intensifying. There are reports of gunfire, beatings of foreign journalists and looting. It is a riveting story because so much is at stake
I was watching Egyptian news coverage of the protests on NBC last night, and I was amazed by the spin the Peacock Network took. It was being reported as something positive–as if the mass release of prisoners by angry mobs (a
By Greg Hunter’s Just a few weeks ago, an uprising toppled a little known Tunisian leader (President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.) Tunisia is due west of Egypt, separated only by Libya. About the only thing that seemed newsworthy was the family reportedly
By Greg Hunter’s Barack Obama addressed the country for the third State of the Union address of his Presidency this week. In broad terms, he talked mostly about innovation, education and jobs. To be fair, he also briefly touched on
I was on Coast to Coast AM early Wednesday morning. Coast to Coast AM is a nation-wide radio show with a network of more than 500 radio stations. I was on the first hour of the show (1am EST) to talk about the “REAL” State
Nearly every state in the Union and nearly every large city are facing ballooning budgets and shrinking tax revenue (confiscation). Some, such as Illinois and California, are boarding on insolvency and need to fill budget holes that are tens of billions of dollars.
Greg Hunter’s The massacre that happened this past weekend in Tucson, Arizona, is a horrific tragedy. Twenty people were shot (including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords), and six died at the hand of a lone gunman with a questionable mental history.
The 2011 Predictions post garnered more than 100 comments and several hundred predictions. I want to thank everyone for taking the time to make a prediction or comment. Your involvement is what makes this site come alive. I put together a
By Greg Hunter’s This post is going to be a little different because I want you all to be an even bigger part of the site than normal. I want you to give me your predictions for 2011. It can
By Greg Hunter’s (corrected) Anybody who reads this site knows I can get pretty heavy handed when it comes to reporting and analyzing the news. Sometimes I freak myself out, but the facts are the facts–things are bad. In the spirit of
By Greg Hunter’s Some people see the Internet as an electronic world of wires and computers run at speeds measured in nanoseconds. I tend to see the Internet as an electronic extension of human biology. Sample enough of the Internet
By Greg Hunter’s There are some big messages being put out by the government that appear to be for the sole purpose of reassuring the public that everything is under control. Bernanke appeared on “60 Minutes” 10 days ago to
Greg Hunter’s I want to share with you two videos that will surely enlighten and maybe even enrage you. The first is from “The Daily Show.” It seems a comedy show that repeatedly claims to do “fake news” was the