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Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.29.13
Greg Hunter’s
There were new all-time highs on the Dow and S&P 500 this week. Of course, the mainstream media didn’t mention a word about how the Fed’s “open-ended” $85 billion a month bond buying program helped push the stock market to new highs. Maybe that’s why even some of the folks on CNBC called the market “creepy.” (more…)
Why Leave Extra Money in a Bank-Peter Schiff
By Greg Hunter’s
Money manager Peter Schiff says, “Cyprus is a wake-up call for everybody who has a bank deposit. . . . When you are depositor, you are, in fact, . . . lending your money to the bank.” Schiff predicts, “There’s no question . . . banks will fail. (more…)
I Moved my Money Out of the Stock Market-Laurence Kotlikoff
By Greg Hunter’s
In January, Economist Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff said he was “worried” that the economy was reaching “a real threatening point.” The Cyprus banking crisis hit the Globe last week. Now, when asked if he was still “worried,” he replied, “This morning, I moved my money out of the stock market . . . because I’m worried about Cyprus.” (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.22.13
By Greg Hunter’s
I am covering just three stories in the Weekly News Wrap-Up, but they are big ones. They are the Cyprus bailout, Obama and his Middle East trip, and the Fed’s decision to keep on printing. The EU is getting very tough with Cyprus and its banking crisis. It is demanding it pay in some way for part of the bailout of its troubled banks. (more…)
Very Close to Pan-Global Financial Collapse-Gregory Mannarino
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial Analyst Gregory Mannarino says the banking crisis in Cyprus is a signal of what is coming to the rest of the world. Mannarino says, “People are now going to start losing faith in these institutions. This cannot stand, and we may be very, very close to the pan-global financial collapse that I believe is coming.” (more…)
Crisis They Can’t Avoid-Paul Craig Roberts
By Greg Hunter’s
Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says there is another financial calamity coming to the U.S. Dr. Roberts says, “It is a crisis they can’t avoid. One way or another it’s going to bite very hard, whether it comes through the dollar or the bonds.” (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.15.13
By Greg Hunter’s New highs day after day on the Dow!! The economy is fixed, right? Wrong!! I have been watching a lot of the business and mainstream media channels, and there is hardly a mention of the $85 billion a month the Fed is printing out of thin air to buy sour mortgage debt from the big banks and Treasury bonds from the U.S. government. (more…)
We are in a Fiat Currency Bubble-James Turk
By Greg Hunter’s
Gold expert James Turk says, “Mr. Bernanke is so anti-deflation he’s willing to risk hyperinflation, and we are on this path of hyperinflation given the policies we are following.” Turk contends gold is a good value right now. Turk says, “Because it is money outside the banking system, it doesn’t have any counterparty risk, and that is very important as this crisis continues to unfold.” Turk predicts, “Either we cut back on spending or the dollar is going to collapse. . . . Those are the two choices.” (more…)
Staggering Bullish Indications for Gold-Jim Willie
By Greg Hunter’s
Jim Willie, who holds a PhD in statistics, says, “There are staggering bullish market indications for gold. The primary cylinder is negative real interest rates for the past 10 years.” (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.8.13
By Greg Hunter’s
The answer is NO. The president cannot kill Americans on U.S. soil with a drone attack who are not engaged in combat. It took a gutsy 13 hour filibuster from Senator Rand Paul and some other Republican and Democratic Senators to get that answer from the White House. When liberal Democrat Ron Wyden joined the Republicans, it became very hard to blow it off as partisan politics. (more…)
What Happens if U.S. Doesn’t Cut Spending?
Greg Hunter’s
Everybody is talking about the cuts in government spending with the $85 billion in forced spending cuts in military and social programs. $85 billion amounts to little more than a 2% cut in $3.8 trillion (or $3,800 billion) in federal spending per year. Didn’t most working Americans just suffer a 2% pay cut with the expiration of the Social Security tax holiday? (more…)
The 2nd Amendment
By Greg Hunter’s
A friend sent me a video, and I thought you all should take a few minutes and watch it. It is a YouTube presentation about the 2nd Amendment from a young black female named Kira Davis. She has a YouTube Channel that has more than 1 million views. After you see her 2nd Amendment presentation, you will understand why. (more…)
Housing Market-It’s all Manipulation-Fabian Calvo
By Greg Hunter’s
Real Estate investor Fabian Calvo says, “Trust me; there are enough troubled assets for the Fed to be buying much more than $40 billion a month. . . It’s all about manipulation.” Calvo says, “In essence, they are creating another bubble. (more…)
Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.1.13
By Greg Hunter’s
To say the drama and panic being put out by the mainstream media (MSM) is unfounded hype is a gross understatement. The budget cuts known as “sequestration” will force mandatory cuts to military and social programs. These cuts are really pretty minor when you look at the more than $3.6 trillion in spending for the U.S. Yes, there will be some pain. Budget cuts are supposed to be painful, but to position this as an end of the world scenario is simply spin, poor reporting and fact checking by the MSM. (more…)
Fed Balance Sheet-Firecracker to Great Big Bomb-Karl Denninger
By Greg Hunter’s
Analyst/trader Karl Denninger thinks the Federal Reserve’s $3 trillion balance sheet could blow up the economy. The Fed is adding $85 billion to it every month! Denninger says, “The larger the balance sheet gets, the more powder Bernanke is piling into the brick house. So, instead of a firecracker, he’s got a great big bomb in there now.” (more…)