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Debt Ceiling Crash, Biden 9.5% Approval, CV19 Bioweapon Peak Death

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 578 4.21.23)

If you have been following along here on USAW, you all know the real data showing the economy and the U.S. dollar is in real trouble.  Now, throw in some politics to cast blame away from the Obama/Biden Administration for tanking the economy and you get some real dangerous wild cards put into the deck.  The debt ceiling is headed for a showdown next week, and some people think the Democrats will crash the stock and bond markets when the debt ceiling does not pass.  Who knows if this will happen, but the climate is so volatile in Washington D.C. the possibility is real.  Look out and prepare for the worst. (more…)

Bipolar Ionic Air Purifier Kills Covid & Spike Proteins – Weston Warren

By Greg Hunter’s

Scientist and inventor Weston Warren showed off his germ killing and air purifying technology that took nearly 20 years to perfect.  It’s bipolar ionic air purification that kills germs, viruses and mold to name a few.  This includes the deadly spike proteins shed by people who took the CV19 bioweapon/vax.  Warren nearly sold out of his air purifying technology after the last USAW interview, and he is here for an update with overwhelmingly positive feedback from hundreds of people. (more…)

Dollar Finished – America in Danger – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s 

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning his war cycles are going up.  Nenner also predicted a few years back that, at some point, the U.S. dollar cycle would be headed down—way down.  The future is here, and Nenner explains, “We have known each other for many years, and I said the dollar is going to hold up, but not anymore, not anymore.  It is really in trouble.  There is actually no reason to be in the dollar.  They especially underestimate this BRICS situation, and all the countries will be forming an anti-dollar. . . . Saudi Arabia is coming onboard, and that means the end of the dollar as the reserve currency.” (more…)

Ukraine War Causes Inflation & Higher Rates – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong was forecasting “chaos” in 2023. The Ukraine war is ramping up. China looks like it’s getting ready to invade Taiwan. President Trump was indicted by radical Deep State Democrats. The FDIC had to rescue some big banks and stop an economic implosion, and it’s just the first few weeks of spring. Don’t look for things to get better. Armstrong explains, “Bidens approval rating is collapsing. “Socrates” (Armstrong’s predictive computer program) has it now at 9.5%. . . . (more…)

Brace For Impact, mRNA Graphene Poison & Trump’s Trials

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 577 4.14.23)

Don’t let the Jim Cramers (CNBC) of the world tell you everything is great with the economy, and we are headed for new highs.  Just the opposite is coming, according to the IMF.  The International Monetary Fund is warning of a “heavy downside risk” because the banking crisis you were told was over is far from over.  Renowned economist Nouriel Roubini (aka Dr. Doom) says stagflation is a coming “mega-threat” and is warning of big “crashes.”  It’s not just the economy that is going to crash, but the U.S. dollar.  With all the bank bailouts and trillion-dollar spending plans in Congress, there is no way for the dollar to go anywhere but down. (more…)

Global Monetary Experiment Ends in a Bloodbath – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s 

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino said in February, “We are in a debt and death spiral” that will force dramatic changes on the world.  It was a direct hit because in March, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) tanked, and the FDIC and the U.S. Treasury were forced to basically back-stop the entire banking system.  The financial problems are far from over as Rubino explains, “Basically, interest rates have been artificially low for a decade . . . . In that time, crazy numbers of office buildings went up and were financed at really low rates. . . .  Now, office vacancy rates are spiking, which means office building are not profitable anymore.  The debts they have at 2% to 3% now have to be rolled over at 5%, 6% or 7%.  This means an already unprofitable office building is going to be even more unprofitable because of rising interest rates. (more…)

Attacked for Telling Truth About Deadly CV19 Vax – Dr. Mark Skidmore

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

An expert in public finance and policy evaluation at Michigan State University, Economics Professor Mark Skidmore revealed in a recent study that the CV19 bioweapon vax was debilitating and deadly from the very beginning.  His troubles began when the study he conducted showed nearly 300,000 CV19 vax deaths in just the first year of injections.   The report went viral, and it was a top trending study on social media that 17 million people read.  (more…)

Turning Points: Trump, War, Dollar, Vax & LLM

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 576 4.7.23)

President Donald Trump has been indicted on 34 bogus counts of fraud by an ultra-left New York prosecutor.  This was a huge turning point in American politics.  It has never been done to a former President and leading candidate in the opposing party.  It represents how deranged the Democrat party has become.  The Lying Legacy Media (LLM) cheered on the pain for Trump this week and reported he was arrested– when he was really only indicted.  CBS News (propaganda) buried what really happened.  CBS said in one report “an arraignment is different than an arrest” and went on to report that Trump was arrested like all the other LLM. (more…)

Gold Demand Explodes While Dollar Implodes – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s 

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter is back updating us on the gold demand explosion and the U.S. dollar implosion.  Holter, who is a precious metals broker from Miles Franklin, has a front row seat to the big jump in demand and prices.  Holter says, “We’ve been jammed since the first of the year, but we have been absolutely jammed since the SVB bank announcement.  What is interesting is we are getting more calls, but for the most part, bigger money.  We are taking multi-million-dollar orders on a daily basis now.  This is different than a few years ago. (more…)

Everything About to Blow Up as God Destroys Evil – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Evening Post)

Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny says the U.S. dollar is going to take a big hit this year.  The printed money used for evil is coming to an end, and evil will be crushed financially.  Polny explains, “During Covid, all these mass churches were all shut down.  They were using the name of God, but they weren’t preaching the word of God.  So, we’re going to see the collapse of the church system.  Organized religion is going to completely collapse because it is a control system.  Everything we believe to be true is about to blow up.  This will be God’s intervention, and no man can stop this. (more…)

Trump Indicted, Died Suddenly Increasing, De-Dollarization & Inflation

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 575 3.31.23)

President Donald J. Trump has been indicted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for 34 counts of fraud.  Legal scholars are calling this “prosecutorial misconduct,” “sad” and “a legal disaster.”  Many, including President Trump, the 2024 GOP front-runner for the White House, says it is nothing more than “political persecution.”  Trump says it is really “election interference at the highest level” because Dems cannot beat him fair and square.  Harvard legal expert Professor Alan Dershowitz says the case is really “foolish.” (more…)

Lies, Nuttery & Craziness Everywhere in America – James Howard Kunstler

By Greg Hunter’s  

Renowned author and journalist James Howard Kunstler (JHK) has been complaining and pointing out that the American public is told one lie after another by the Lying Legacy Media (LLM), the government and the medical community.  This kind of lying, according to JHK, is pure treason by all parties, from the 600 million CV19 bioweapon/vax injections, to the crumbling banking system, to the war in Ukraine.  Let’s start with the genocide of the CV19vax.  JHK says, “They are pretending that they didn’t cause any damage, and they are ignoring their own assembled statistics, and they don’t want to paint a realistic picture for the American public to see what the consequences were for their vaccination program. . . . I don’t think they can suppress the reality of it that much longer.  (more…)

End of Days, Collapse & Calamity – Steve Quayle

Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle says the global banking meltdown, tanking economy, CV19 bioweapon/vax deaths and disabilities and war in Ukraine is all part of what the Bible calls “End of Days.”  Brace yourself.  It’s not going to get better anytime soon.  Quayle explains, “Preachers in the pulpit are whores.  They won’t even speak the name of Jesus.  They want to be friends with the world.  They want to be seeker friendly and user friendly.  Jesus said, ‘To be friends with the world is enemies with God.’  So, the battle lines are being drawn. (more…)

Ignoring CV19 Bioweapon Deaths, Radioactive Ukraine, More Bank Calamity

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 574 3.24.23)

More and more people are falling over dead from the CV19 bioweapon vax.  Many are young people like 19-year-old boxing champion Jude Moore, who fell over dead this week with no known reported cause of death.  Is anyone interested in why people are falling over dead in record numbers?  Does anyone ask if the person is vaxed?  Why are doctors “baffled”?  Is America going to wake up to the genocide that is happening all around them?  All questions will be answered in the affirmative sooner than later. (more…)

Medical, Financial, Political & War Disasters Getting Worse – Dr. Chris Martenson

By Greg Hunter’s

Dr. Chris Martenson holds a PhD in toxicology from Duke University, is a futurist and economic researcher.  He is also a Wall Street Journal best-selling author with his new revised book called “Crash Course.”  Martenson said in August 2021 on USAWatchdog that the FDA approval of Pfizer’s CV19 vaccine named Comirnaty was “actually a fraud.”  He was right.  Now, Martenson is warning that medical, financial and war troubles abound and people need to get ready to deal with a reality that no human has ever seen before.  Martenson starts with the medical disaster called the CV19 vax and explains, “As you give these (CV19 injections) to people,, their immune system gets worse and worse and worse.  That’s what is about to come through with common knowledge.  (more…)