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Trump CV19 Vax Contract Violated by Pfizer – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands complicated medical and biological contracts.  Kingston has been doing a deep dive into the contract President Trump signed with Pfizer for their version of the CV19 vax.  The contract proves Trump required Pfizer to follow the law to produce a safe and effective vaccine.  The Pfizer vax was not safe or effective and violated the contract.  On top of that, the Pfizer vax turned out to be a bioweapon.   Pfizer says it produced 63% of the 13 billion injections worldwide.  (more…)

Banks, Inflation, Bailout, War & Collapse – Dr. PCR & Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 573 3.17.23)

This Weekly News Wrap-Up is featuring a double header of expert guests.  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (PCR), former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, and Bill Holter, who is a financial writer and precious metals expert.  First up:  PCR weighs in on possible nuclear war with Russia and the possibility of a total collapse of the financial system.  PCR, who is also an award-winning journalist, says, “Five banks have derivative exposure of $188 trillion.  That is twice the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the entire world.  How can that happen?  (more…)

Save Dollar or Financial System, Not Both – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (Special Sunday Night Post)

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter said last summer that the Fed rate increases would tank the economy.  The collapse of SVB (Silicon Valley Bank) is the latest sign the Fed is breaking the financial system.  Will it continue to raise interest rates as Fed Head Jay Powell said this past week?  Holter says that is the biggest question out there because it comes down to picking what you want to save.  It’s the U.S. dollar or the financial system.  Holter explains, “They can save one thing or the other.  They can save the financial system, or they can save the dollar. (more…)

Climate Engineering Must Stop or Humanity is Finished – Dane Wigington

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says the extreme drought conditions that have plagued the Western U.S. are being turned around by more climate engineering.  California has been in the bullseye.  It’s not good news because it’s from one destructive extreme to another.  Wigington explains, “We know the technology exists and is being used to steer upper-level wind currents and, thus, steer moisture currents, and they are directing moisture into where they have engineered back-to-back snow storms.  There is no question that it is being engineered. . . . (more…)

J6 Committee Treason, Bioweapon Vax Deaths Ignored, Fed Still Raising Rates

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 572 3.10.23)

The video released this week by Tucker Carlson and FOX shows one big fact.  Everything the J6 Committee in Congress told us was a huge lie.  There was no insurrection, and the video proves it.  There are 14,000 hours of video that can be released, and I suspect it will prove the J6 Committee committed treason against the American people for promoting this huge lie.  Was it all to make Donald Trump into a crazy insurrectionist to stop him from running in 2024?  I think the answer is Yes, and the weasels who promoted this hoax should pay. (more…)

Central Bank Digital Currency Prison – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is much easier said than done.  There is a monster fight behind the scenes between commercial banks and central banks.  CAF explains, “You have bubbled an entire economy, and now you are bringing out something (CBDC) that could shrink the bubble dramatically, and it can put a lot of banks out of the game and out of the business.  If the central banks are going to compete directly for retail accounts, it’s going to shrink the fees and business for a lot of banks.  You are talking about cutting their income or putting them out of business.  So, CBDC is highly controversial.  (more…)

CV19 Bioweapon/Vax Bell Has Rung, CV19 Vax Dead Piling Up & Inflation Economy

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 571 3.3.23)

The bell has rung on the fraud of the CV19 plandemic.  From infection to injection, it was all a bioweapon used to kill and disable an unsuspecting global population.  13 billion doses were shot into people worldwide, and it did not help one single person—period.  Woody Harrelson rang the bell that could not be unheard on Saturday Night Live when he said governments and media were bought off by Big Pharma.  They locked us down, and the only way to get out was to take their drugs (CV19 Vax) over and over.  People are waking up to the deadly and debilitating scam of Covid and the bioweapon/vax used to murder people. (more…)

Deep State Absolutely Wants to Kill You – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s 

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular books “Deep State” and “Crimes of the Educators,” predicted at the beginning is this year that the Deep State demons will have one crisis after another to keep people confused and afraid.  The latest crisis is the economic and ecological disaster in East Palestine, Ohio.  Newman says expect many more disasters and explains, “All across the country we are seeing very bizarre things happen.  Factories and chemical plants going up in flames, food processing facilities blowing up, airplanes crashing in mysterious ways, and I think we are heading into an era of really serious crisis.  (more…)

Fed Fears Complete Economic Collapse – Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Money manager and economist Peter Schiff said in October the Federal Reserve “could NOT win the fight on inflation by raising interest rates.”  As inflation just turned up anew, it looks like he was right—again.  Schiff explains, “Based on the recent data we got . . . the inflation curve has bent back up.  The months of declining inflation are in the rearview mirror.  Now, we are going to see accelerating inflation . . . and I think before the year is over, we are going to take out that 9% inflation high last year in year over year CPI (Consumer price Index) . . . and what that is going to show is what the Fed has done thus far in its inflation fight is completely ineffective. (more…)

Russia Threatens Nuke Strike, America Hates CV19 Vax, Biden’s Crashing Economy

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 570 2.24.23)

Never in the history of U.S./Russia relations has Russia threatened nuclear war like this.   It has suspended the START Treaty that is supposed to keep a lid on increasing nuclear arms in both counties.  Russia, through its spokespeople, has threatened to strike the Yellowstone Caldera with a nuclear missile.  Yellowstone is the largest super-volcano in North America, and if struck with a nuke, it could cause unimaginable damage to America.  It’s getting serious, and the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) will not tell you the real danger America is facing with a potential thermal nuclear exchange with Russia over the stupid Ukraine war. (more…)

Neocons Need War Because Monetary System Collapsing – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said at the end of last year, the U.S. is being set up for a “nightmare fall.”  Train derailments and political problems are spinning out of control, but the biggest threat is war.  Armstrong explains, “They want a war, but they also need it because the monetary system is collapsing. . . . You have had interest rates at negative since 2014.  So, suddenly interest rates are rising.   Any bond owned by any institution in Europe is a loser.  They have lost so much money, it’s incredible.  What happens?  Nobody is interested in long term debt – period. . . . If you have interest rates rising, and rates are going to be going up because the Fed cannot stop this kind of inflation, then, you’ve got war.  (more…)

Proven Safe Ion Virus & Germ Killing Tech Blocked by Dark Powers – Weston Warren

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Scientist and inventor Weston Warren has been developing germ killing and air purifying technology for the better part of two decades.  Why have you not heard about or been able to buy this technology in the age of Covid?  Dark powers do not want “We the People” to have cheap and efficient technology to kill germs and make your home safe from viruses.  Warren explains, “The CarryiOn is the world’s first 5-volt portable, battery-operated device.  What it does is produce cold plasma bipolar ions.  This technology is producing positive and negative oxygen ions simultaneously.  The hydrogen oxygen ion, in a charged state. . . any virus, bacteria, mold or mildew this comes in contact with neutralizes or kills the pathogen instantly. (more…)

NATO Over, Raquel’s Brief Illness, Fed Raising & Wrecking

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 569 2.17.23)

Dark powers are calling Seymour Hersh a “has been” writer and warning he’s not to be taken seriously.  Everyone else in the world is taking Pulitzer Award winning Hersh and his claim the U.S. blew up the Nord 2 pipeline late last year.  Russia wants an investigation and so dose China and Germany.  This could spell the end of NATO as in over.  China, Germany and Russia are all calling for a deep investigation into the Nord sabotage.   It may also bring very big damage claims against the U.S. for an act of terror.  If this is proven true (and I think it will be), it shows how desperate, incompetent and out of control the Biden Administration is.  Cheating incompetent people into office has negative consequences. (more…)

Intensifying War, Enormous Upside for Gold – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s 

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner said back in late November, interest rates were on the way down but “for the very short term.”  Nenner also predicted that inflation might come down to around 6.5%.  The latest CPI number clocked in this week at 6.4%.  Nenner was right on both counts.  Now, Nenner says inflation bottomed, and his cycle says prices for everything will go up from here.  So, is the Fed going to do the so-called pivot and start lowering interest rates?  Nenner says, “We are going up, not right away, but we are going up.  You don’t hear the talk anymore that the Fed is going to lower rates because it is so ridiculous. If you are an insider, the Fed Funds Rate in the futures just made a new high.  (more…)

Global Debt & Death Spiral – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino says we’re are in a “debt and death spiral” that will force dramatic changes on the world.  Rubino explains, “The debt spiral part of this means things from here continue to get worse and worse for the big currencies of the world until they die.  In other words, until people lose faith in them, refuse to use them and hold them anymore until their value falls to their intrinsic value, which is zero. (more…)