Weston Scientific Combats Superspreader Covid19 Variant – Weston Warren
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Sponsored Post)
Scientist and inventor Weston Warren is briskly selling his germ killing and air purifying technology in the wake of global wildfires and a new CV19 variant. It took nearly 20 years to perfect this air scrubbing technology, and it works to combat all airborne contaminants. This includes the deadly spike proteins shed by “superspreaders” who took the CV19 bioweapon/vax.
Recent data says this new variant is coming from people who took the CV19 bioweapon vax and are now considered “superspreaders” of sickness. This bipolar ionic air purification kills germs, viruses and mold. Whether you are vaxed and shedding sickness or are unvaxed and being shed on by the vaxed, you need this tech for healthy clean air. Warren explains, “These are invisible scrubbing bubbles . . . . All it takes is one, and if you puncture a hole in the surface membrane in anything bacteria or virus, it is neutralized or dead or whatever term you want to use. This happens in a hundredth of a second. That’s how fast it is. These plasma ion clusters will poke 50, 100 or more holes in bacteria or virus. It’s like a shotgun. This is what we call a mechanical sterilization. It’s very effective because we are just sheering off the protein stems on the surface of the membrane, and when you sheer them off, it creates a tiny hole.”
Warren says his cutting-edge technology also neutralizes harmful chemicals in smoke, it works on allergens, pollen, mold and mildew. Warren says, “It is a multi-use technology. It covers so many aspects so you have a much better indoor air quality and an indoor surface quality environment. . . . . The water vapors break down into Co2. So, there is nothing toxic. What we are doing is mimicking nature. It’s the design of Earth. I attribute that to God, a divine source. The design is from our Heavenly Father. This is how nature cleans the atmosphere and surfaces. It’s done with thunderstorms. There is also natural ion generation in waterfalls and ocean waves. Ions are non-toxic to humans, plants or animals, but they are very effective scrubbing bubbles. We are basically creating an indoor thunderstorm without the rain.”
Warren has an announcement on how to upgrade your 1500 ion device to make it almost twice as powerful. He talks about units to install in your heating and air-conditioning system for residential or commercial applications. Warren also shows off his big wall mount unit that can deliver 7,000 square feet of bipolar ion cleaning.
There is much more in the 42-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Weston Warren, scientist and inventor of the “CarryiOn” air purifier and many other bipolar ion air purification products for 9.13.23
After the Interview:
For more information on any of the products Weston Scientific sells, feel free to call the company by phone at 573-469-5013.
Or go to WestonScientificLLC.com website by clicking here.

Amazing!….”Star Trek” kind of technology…..Light Years ahead of the paper air filter..
Thanks Sam! You summed it up perfectly and succinctly!!
Thank you Greg for having this gentleman on your show. We love your show. Gonna go to the website now. Wife and I are unvaxed and had the bio germ a year ago. 6 days in bed. Did not eat for 4 days. Drank water and fluids mostly till day 5
Wish we could grab Fauci and friends and by the throat, stop this stuff. So sick of them and the cowards and enemies in DC. God bless
Hi Greg,
I travel for work and I almost always get very sick after flying on an airline. Hopefully the airlines won’t restrict the battery. My health sounds very similar to Weston’s. (Prone to Respiratory diseases)
Thanks for having him on and Thank Weston
God bless you both
Dear Greg!!! This is great info. I had the same sort of illness as this man, and also had it the same years and months, same symptoms, so, my only remedy was lots of vitamins, and humidifing colloidal silver water while under a sheet. I stayed under the sheet for 1/2 hour at a time 4 times per day. I also drank 4 ounces every 4 hours for 2 days. Thankfully by day 3 I was pretty well over the crap.
Thank you for all your great podcasts!!!!
Thanks Margret!!
Greg, something wrong with the playback. It jumps to the end direct at about 14 mins
So sorry you are having problems. It is on your end. Try this: (Tech Note: If you do not see the video, know it is there. Unplug your modem and plug it back in after 30 sec. This will clear codes that may be blocking you from seeing it. In addition, try different browsers. Also, turn off all ad blockers if you have them. All the above is a way to censor people like USAWatchdog.com.)
I have the Carry Ion, works Great. I especially like I can take it in my car.
Hannity: Evidence of Biden’s wrongdoing is now overwhelming
Fox News 136K views 8 hours ago [PAY FER PLAY! MAKING MILLIONS!]
FOX News host Sean Hannity follows the money and shares how the walls are continuing to close in on President Joe Biden in his opening monologue.
Stephen Gardner 47,557 views Sep 12, 2023
Ex CIA intelligence Larry Johnson shares with Stephen Gardner pentagon’s worry around having the commander in chief impeached. It portrays weakness around the world at a time Kim Jung Un is partnering with Putin to take on Ukraine. Venezuela is partnering with China to create cheap oil to take on the US Dollar. BRICS nations are only growing under Joe Biden’s feckless leadership. Elon Musk to be investigated by Senator Elizabeth Warren for not giving free internet to Ukraine army. General Mark Milley says Ukraine only has weeks left of fighting before Ukraine crumbles and the winter begins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bx2bP9xVYIs
Christie lashes out at Trump after Putin says his indictments show ‘rottenness’ in the US
Story by Marina Pitofsky, USA TODAY • 12h
Stephen is a great source of information
Greg et al, I intentd to read the University of FL evaluation of these devices and see if I can make heads or tails of it. Once we rented an ozone generator for the purpose of mitigating an “issue” in a vacated rental property. There were many cautions that came along with the device. It was considered quite dangerous to be in an enclosed space with a high concentration of ozone. That rented device was the size of a small coffee table. I am certain this device is calibrated to be safe as far as the concentration of ozone. Sounds like an interesting and effective product. I do know that my HVAC guys installed a similar “bulb” in my system in order to mitigate any mold/mildew in the system, but it wasn’t for human health purposes.
Not valid analysis. You are comparing apples to rocks. This is totally safe and is proven safe. It is NOT an Ozone machine. Here’s more here READ this: https://www.westonscientificllc.com/about and read this too: https://www.westonscientificllc.com/faq
You simply do not know what you are talking about.
A broad-spectrum ultraviolet lamp, emitting specially-focused light to a combination of 6 catalytic coatings, initiates the ionization process creating oxidizers and ion clusters.
This is patented tech and what you are saying is not the same thing.
Have two of each CarryiOn and love them. My dad ordered them for us Baker, FL. Shedding is real….first hand! Chlorine dioxide works. Fenbendazole and ivermectin and NAC all work! All first hand experience…retired Lt. From Sheriff’s Office and extensive forensics experience, CSI…and have checked the checker and tried to prove we were wrong and in the process proved all these above and MORE work! Plug into your inner voice and follow your God given instincts and investigate all and come to your own conclusion….God is firmly in control….but you have to listen to him and follow his lead. Thanks Greg again for caring enough to follow his lead and bringing these great guests and products to the 🌎🙏👍🎉🎊💯🎈
Thanks, Robert, for weighing in with your real-world reporting.
I also want to use the opportunity to thank Greg Hunter for all the innumberable interviews and podcasts, where he gave us, the people, invaluable information about politics, economy, health, religion and many other fields. I follow him since so many years I can not remember and have to admit that most often when my opinion differed from his, he was right in the end (e.g. Q-Movement). Many thanks and greetings from Germany.
Thanks, Takuto, for supporting USAWatchdog.com.
About this device: It seems to work with oxidation, am I right? Then it would be similar to ClO2 and H2O2 (the former one saved almost literally my life) and most probably is very effective.
Very glad I listened to this. My husband’s job has him going in and out of multiple healthcare facilities and exposed to hundreds of vaccinated people every day. Sounds like getting a unit for his car would be perfect. His weakness is bronchitis as well so I was encouraged by the personal story.
We also have a mildew issue on some wood paneling which the insurance company is giving us a hard time about… Sounds like one for the house would be useful as well. Bless this man for keeping things affordable. Seriously, men like him are few and far between!!!!
My son has a hard time sleeping because of allergies. Will this help?
YES. Lots of allergy sufferers have had very good results.
Putin Mocks West’s Bid To Bolster Kyiv’s Defences With F-16s; ‘Won’t Change War Result’ | Hindustan Times 55,592 views Sep 12, 2023
Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the West against prolonging the conflict by providing F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. He also mocked Ukraine’s failing counteroffensive, saying that President Voldoymyr Zelensky would only come to the negotiating table when Ukraine’s forces and equipment are exhausted. “I think that there will be no fundamental changes in the Russian direction in US foreign policy, no matter who is elected president,” Putin said. He was speaking at Eastern Economic Forum in Russia’s Vladivostok. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63a4BMmPM6M
Sen. John Kennedy: Hunter Biden is at best a sleazebag and at worst a thief
Fox Business Sep 12, 2023 Sen. John Kennedy, R-La.,
Gives his take on the impeachment inquiry into President Biden on ‘Kudlow.’
FDA is NOT a physician: Appeals court sides with doctors on the use of ivermectin for COVID-19
The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has sided with three doctors who sued the federal government over the use of ivermectin against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
In its Sept. 8 decision, Circuit Judge Don Willett and his co-magistrates ruled in favor of the plaintiffs – Drs. Mary Talley Bowden, Robert Apter and Paul Marik. The appeals court’s three-member panel also included Circuit Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod and Senior Circuit Judge Edith Brown Clement.
“The doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to,” the ruling stated. “FDA is not a physician. It has the authority to inform, announce and apprise – but not to endorse, denounce or advise.” ( cont.)
NewsTarget.com – 9/11/23
Thank you for sharing. Your light is shining bright! I’m thankful that at least two family members watch you and several others stopped after the first two shots. They follow protocols of your guests to combat the weapon inside them. Your reporting is priceless. God Bless you and your family and featured guests!!!
Thanks Daniel!! The treated will do much better than the untreated.
Linn Missouri? Nice
Dear Greg,
As I am seeing pop ups on line, it is amazing how many people under 50 are dying from cardiac arrest!!
Its unspeakable!!
Cant’t get his products here in CA, so what are my options?
For more information on any of the products Weston Scientific sells, feel free to call the company by phone at 573-469-5013.
James, let me guess, “This product is known to cause cancer in the state of CA”? The same statement was on the windows of my son’s car bought in CA. The only safe thing to do is move out of CA.
Can someone explains to me why Biden’s admin released 6 Billions to Iran ????????
Just more bribes! Why would you be surprised with this nit wit in the oval office!!
I am so glad you put this gentleman back on again I was going to go back to the first time you interviewed him because I’m ready to buy one I had to stay by the social security for 3 months so I’m going to get one and then I’m going to save another hundred every month for 3 months to get it another one for my son thanks again for informing us
Because the real enemy is the government in DC
Putin Takes Kim Jong-un For A Ride In The Presidential Aurus Limousine In Russia |Hindustan Times views Sep 13, 2023
Russian President Vladimir Putin took North Korean leader Kim Jong Un for a ride in his Presidential Aurus limousine. Both the leaders went for a ride after Kim toured Vostochny Cosmodrome spaceport in Far East Russia. Kim held talks with Putin amid western fears of a possible arms deal between the two countries. The United States has even warned of further sanctions if Russia and North Korea sign a weapons deal.
Will Kim Jong Un Sell Weapons to Russia? | Vantage with Palki Sharma
Firstpost Sep 13, 2023
Will Kim Jong Un Sell Weapons to Russia? | Vantage with Palki Sharma
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin hosted Kim Jong Un at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in the Russian far east.
Kim promised his unconditional support for what he called Putin’s “sacred” war against the West. Putin also hinted at offering rocket and satellite technology to North Korea.
Why is Putin hosting a global pariah like Kim? What’s in it for both sides?
Talks between North Korea’s Kim and Putin end in Russia: What did they say?
Al Jazeera English 46,465 views Sep 13, 2023
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has held four-hour talks with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un. He said all issues were ‘on the table’.
Kim told Putin that relations with Moscow will get top priority, and offered full support for Russia as it fights the war in Ukraine.
Hi Greg,
I tried to order from Western Scientific after you first publicised the CarryiOn but there was no shipping option to the U.K. I will try again.
Off topic: Just watched video coverage of 911. Being more aware of DEWs, the fall of the second tower looks really ‘weird’. It’s as though the whole building turned to dust. The building below the fire should have retained its structural integrity and at the very least, slowed down the fall. But, the lower floors (unaffected by fire) offer NO resistance. It’s as if the whole building turns to dust in mid air. Just watch the few minutes starting at the 34 minute mark. See what you think.
Weston Scientific ships overseas. Feel free to call the company by phone at 573-469-5013. Or, Email them too. https://www.westonscientificllc.com/contact
Someone will get back with you.
Alan Dershowitz said Smith might face criminal charges over Trump’s indictments due to “a lie by omission” Story by Milla • 1d
Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz said that Special Counsel Jack Smith could be indicted for robbing former President Donald Trump of his “constitutional rights” under the Ku Klux Klan Statute. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/alan-dershowitz-said-smith-might-face-criminal-charges-over-trump-s-indictments-due-to-a-lie-by-omission/ss-AA1gBxBN? ocid=msedgntp&cvid=37e34c8864874de7eab7cea80085dc8e&ei=59#image=1
Jack Smith in a BOX?
I may have transcribed the link incorrectly. Try this one:
If that doesn’t work, please search, ‘Sept 11 Eye Witnesses Reactions As It Happened’
I believe Weston Warren is talking about ozone. When he mentioned “it’s like a lightening storm” ozone came to mind. In the early 2000’s, we were selling a device for the laundry industry that performed similar to Mr. Warren’s devices. It was a perfect application for the laundry industry, for obvious reasons. Additionally, for healthcare it was a natural. In the presence of 185 nm UV light, air passing over the light would generate ozone (O3). Stable oxygen is O2, so ozone has a free oxygen radical, looking for something to react with to stabilize it. Many contaminates are positively charged and attach to the free oxygen ion. For the hospital industry or any industry for that mater, the resultant was very positive. Either the contaminant reacted with the oxygen radicle, stabilized it, and dropped out as a precipitate, or resulted in hydrogen peroxide, a disinfectant, good for a hospital environment. Much of this could be accomplished in cold water; big in the laundry industry industry.
It sounds like Weston Warren has taken this technology to a new level and as an engineer, I am encouraged by this constructive, positive step.
Thank you also Greg, for hosting these informative guests.
Oliver Anthony obeys the command of Jesus given by Luke 12:15.
hopefully Oliver Anthony will soon begin selling ion air cleaning devices.
Free shots!
COVID-19 shots will be free for most, regardless of insurance..
CDC director stresses importance of updated COVID booster shot…
You must be stupid to get as new CV19 shot after the disaster of the first 13 billion injections world-wide.
You missed the intended sarcasm, I thought it was obvious.
Anyway, there are a lot of stupid people out there, and when they hear the word ‘free’ watch out…
Twitch Streamer Causes Riot In NYC With FREE PS5 Giveaways
Thanks for the clarification. I get it now.
I have the carry ion in bedroom with two little ones and wife. All of my family got a fever for three days but knock on wood, this little guy protected me in the same room. I keep it plugged in 24/7 keeps room smelling neutral.
Three strikes your out?
https://www.msn.com/en-au/sport/tennis/novak-djokovic-sends-clear-message-about-vaccine/ar-AA1foEfH Novak Djokovic sends clear message on vaccine!
Sorry for any inconvenience. . . . .
Lefties losing it: hysterical meltdowns captured
Sky News Australia 5,531 views Sep 12, 2023 Sky News All Stars
Lefties across the globe are losing it. They’re having meltdowns, causing chaos and leaving a trail of disruption in their wake.
Gender, race, sexuality, climate, there’s no limit to what will trigger them. They’re unpredictable, erratic and in the eyes of Sky News All Star Rita Panahi, completely hilarious.
George Soros: Evil Puppet Master Or Humanitarian?
Valuetainment 659K views 2 months ago [George is out, Alex is in like Flynn!]
In this video, Patrick goes into great detail, explaining the story of George Soros and how he gained immense levels of money and political influence.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNCMfHP_J_c&t=603s
Thanks for having Weston Warren on your show again. I’ve purchased 3 of the 1500 machines and will be buying the Bi Polar Ion Generator for each one. I appreciate the tips on how to take the machine apart and keep it dust free. Thanks for all the great information that you provide for us Greg.
Thanks SO much for plugging the WS products every week on the WNW shows. I was “riding the fence” about purchasing the CarryIon. I, and my disabled older son, suffer from seasonal and environmental allergies (I was on shots every 4 weeks). Finally bought one last month, prior to hernia repair surgery. Been running the unit 12 to 18 hours daily. I keep the unit mostly in the areas that I frequent. What a difference!
Runny nose…pretty much gone.
Violent, severe sneezing (which was a major contributor to my hernia) greatly diminished.
Tearing eyes…disrupting my sleep (I faithfully use my CPAP for 20+ years) almost to the point of not being able to read in the morning or drive to work, pretty much gone.
My son (who is in the extreme periphery area of coverage) has noted an improvement in his allergies.
To Dr or Mr Warren: Yeah, you may not be making a profit, but you definitely made a difference to me and my family. You will be blessed!
I will be contacting the phone number to get more info on the “whole house” unit.
Fantastic!! Thanks for sharing.
Several months ago, I purchased two of the CarryiOn for my husband who is undergoing Chemotherapy. Since then, his White Blood Cell count and T-Cells have been low on occasion, leaving him open to infection when exposed to others. The peace of mind we now have, since he brings the CarryiOn with him everywhere, is worth its weight in diamonds.
We will soon purchase the larger model for our home this holiday season. Thank you, Greg, for all that you do to make this world a better place, May God continue to guide and protect you. Jesus IS real.
Thanks, Jean, for weighing in and sharing your story!!
Thanks, Greg for introducing us to Weston Warren! When Chicago got hit hard with smoke from the Canadian wildfires and I couldn’t breathe I bought a CarryION. It worked so well, I also purchased the 1500. They are amazing and even my little rag doll cat is enjoying the purified air. I also purchased the battery for the CarryIon and love the portability of it. My hairdresser is vaxxed and boosted and I always load up on my Ivermectin and Vitamins when going to see her. Now I just bring my CarryIon. So good!
Thanks, Carol, for sharing your good experience.
“Sorry, our items are not currently available in your region.” The region of nonreason, is the realm of Gavin Newsolini and the one party coven of California. Born here, fight here, die here.
Dear Greg,
Thank you for all you do. I bought several of their products. No more wheezing or allergy.
Great work. 🙏🙏🇺🇸
Thanks Madi. I hear that a lot. I bought several Weston Scientific products too and have them in just about every room in my house. I also have give them to friends as a gift. At first, they see skeptical and about a week later they call and say OH MY GOODNESS, They work!!!