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$2 Trillion Mile Marker on Road to Perdition

By Greg Hunter’s

This week, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner proposed raising the debt ceiling by $2 trillion.  I thought, this should be big news!  After all, a trillion is a thousand billion.  This adds up to 2 thousand billion over the next 2 years!!  The mainstream media greeted this story with a great big yawn. (more…)

Bin Laden is Dead—Now What?

By Greg Hunter’s

Osama Bin Laden Dead! Now what? The death of Osama Bin Laden is probably the biggest story of the year, and maybe the biggest since 9/11.  There are so many angles being covered such as the burial at sea, play-by-play details of the assassination operation from the White House Situation Room and the surprise announcement by Barack Obama last Sunday night of Osama Bin Laden’s death. (more…)

Never Ending Money Printing

By Greg Hunter’s

The Federal Reserve held its first press conference in its 97 year history last week.  In my mind, it did this because it recognizes the deep financial trouble the U.S. is in.  It wants to put a positive spin on the mess it largely created and/or allowed to happen.  After all, it was Tim Geithner who was the head of the New York Fed during the go-go years of the mid 2000’s.   He was supposed to regulate the big Wall Street banks. You see how well that worked out—the entire system melted down and Geithner got a promotion to Treasury Secretary.   (more…)

The Roller Coaster Ride of Oil Continues

Gas prices 2011! Oil prices are on the rise.  The price per barrel rose again yesterday, and so did gas prices.  According to AAA, the national average price of unleaded gasoline added a penny, climbing to $3.879 per gallon.  It is already more than $4.00 a gallon on the east and west coast, and don’t expect the price to go down before it goes way up. (more…)

Everything’s OK with Economy, Go Back to Sleep

By Greg Hunter’s 

It appears economist Paul Krugman thinks the budget and the economy are not in that bad of shape because he thinks the dire warnings are overdone.  In his latest Op-Ed piece this week, he said, “When I listen to current discussions of the federal budget, the message I hear sounds like this: We’re in crisis! We must take drastic action immediately! And we must keep taxes low, if not actually cut them further!  (more…)

Happy Easter

By Greg Hunter’s

I am taking Monday off as part of my Easter Holiday.  I am putting up some pointed but humorous Easter cartoons for your review. I want to thank all of my loyal readers for your patronage.  The site would be nothing without your support and comments! I’ll be posting a new article in a few days.   Enjoy the cartoons. — Greg Hunter– (more…)

Mainstream Media Puts Good Spin on Bad Real Estate Market

By Greg Hunter’s

More and more, I am finding stories produced by the mainstream media where the headline doesn’t jibe with the actual story that follows.  A USA Today (newspaper) story from the “Money” section yesterday is a great example of what I am talking about.  The headline read “Rising home sales point to a recovery.” (more…)

Warning Signs of a Coming Currency Crisis

By Greg Hunter’s

Gold hit an all-time high this week—again.  The yellow metal briefly topped $1,500 an ounce before falling back down a few dollars.  The world has become increasingly nervous about the size of the growing U.S. debt.  Just this week, America’s debt topped $14.3 trillion (also an all-time high) which is close to the limit Congress can legally borrow. (more…)

Is There More to Libya than Removal of Gadhafi?

Just last week, the U.S., Britain and France renewed their pledge to keep military pressure on Moammar Gadhafi with the war in Libya.  What started out as a humanitarian mission has clearly turned into “regime change.”  An Associated Press story reported last week, “In a joint declaration, President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy say they will not stop the campaign and will ‘remain united.’ (more…)

Get Ready for Federal Budget Gridlock

By Greg Hunter’s

This week, President Obama gave a speech outlining his plan for long term deficit reduction.  He invited the Republican leadership for what many thought would be some sort of bi-partisan federal budget 2011 solution.  In reality, it was kind of a St. Valentine’s Day massacre because right off the bat, Mr. Obama pulled out the Presidential tommy-gun and started shooting. (more…)

Mainstream Media Buries the Lead, Again

By Greg Hunter’s


The headline in yesterday’s USA Today read “The World to the Rescue.” It was followed by the sub-headline, “Japan crisis showcases social media’s muscle.” When I saw this, I immediately thought that the nuclear crisis was under control and folks were using the Internet to help the island country recover.

The story said, (more…)

When Honest Americans are Cast as Criminals

There are those who feel some of the leadership of America has sold us down a river of ruin.  After all the bailouts, corruption and malfeasants that has brought a financial catastrophe to America, not a single financial elite has been indicted, let alone gone to jail.  Crimes have surely been committed, but it appears the U.S. Justice Department has turned its back on prosecuting anyone. (more…)

Government Shutdown Far More Dangerous Today

Congressional Leaders John Boehner and Harry Reid

By Greg Hunter’s

It is looking more and more like the budget showdown between the Democrats and Republicans will turn into a government shutdown 2011 by this weekend. The Obama administration has already started to inform federal workers who will be required to still come to work and those who will be told to stay home.

Look Out Above for Gold and Silver Prices

By Greg Hunter’s

Gold hit another all-time high yesterday, closing well over $1,450 per ounce.  Silver’s closing price of more than $39 per ounce is the highest it has been in 31 years.  Why the big jump in gold and silver prices?  The answer is pretty scary because there are many reasons precious metals are heading higher.  Let’s start with the most obvious —inflation.  (more…)

The Non-War Illusion

NATO Air-Strike on Libya

By Greg Hunter’s

The President and his supporters are going to great lengths to make it appear the military operation in Libya is not a war.  Deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes called the NATO bombing in Libya “kinetic military action,” but not war. (more…)