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CV19 Bioweapon/Vax Bell Has Rung, CV19 Vax Dead Piling Up & Inflation Economy

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 571 3.3.23)

The bell has rung on the fraud of the CV19 plandemic.  From infection to injection, it was all a bioweapon used to kill and disable an unsuspecting global population.  13 billion doses were shot into people worldwide, and it did not help one single person—period.  Woody Harrelson rang the bell that could not be unheard on Saturday Night Live when he said governments and media were bought off by Big Pharma.  They locked us down, and the only way to get out was to take their drugs (CV19 Vax) over and over.  People are waking up to the deadly and debilitating scam of Covid and the bioweapon/vax used to murder people. (more…)

Fraud, Lies, Psyops, Cheating For Midterms, More Vax Dead, More War

By Greg Hunter’s 

(WNW 545 9.2.22)

The amount of psyops for the Deep State Dems to win in November is kicking into high gear.  They are way behind in the real polls, but that does not stop them from lying to make you think otherwise in the phony polls. (As I have said in the past, the real approval rating for Biden is 11% to 12%.)  This is why the Democrat strategy must include fraud, lies, psyops, cheating and rigging for Midterms come November.  They sure as heck do not have any policy to make the lives of ordinary Americans better, unless you think killing your unborn baby or paying much more at the gas pump and grocery store will enrich your life.  Don’t fall for the psyops.  You are not hearing any good ideas from Democrats because they don’t have any. (more…)

Guidestones Blown Up, Vax Deaths Blow Up, Economy Blows Up

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 537, 7.8.22) 

I was praying to God for a win or a sign we are headed in the right direction in our fight with the satanic God-hating, Deep State globalists.  The next day, the infamous and evil Georgia Guidestones were blown up and torn down by sunset.  Inscribed on the huge 30,000 pound stones were the evil goals of the globalists such as “maintaining humanity under 500 million people.”  Of course, the creepy globalists survive, and almost everyone else has to die for their dark, Godless world without Jesus Christ.  (more…)

Russia Threatens West, Pfizer Bait & Switch Confirmed, Economic Slide Continues

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 533 6.10.22) (UPDATED)

The mainstream media (MSM) is largely not reporting or, at least, underreporting the threats that Russia is making against the West, mainly the US and UK.  Russia is making threats to strike because NATO it is supplying rockets to Ukraine that can hit Russia.  If that happens, then Russia says it would strike targets such as “decision-making centers.”  Why is the MSM underreporting this huge turn of events?  Are they trying to hide the fact that this ridiculous Ukraine war is a very bad idea that might produce even more very negative consequences for America?  I guess if it gets bad enough, the propaganda press will say ‘nobody saw this coming.’  Please know warnings are being made and ignored by the propaganda press, and the White House is not being questioned about its stupid and dangerous strategy on Ukraine. (more…)

Dollar Kill Shot, Lethal Stupid, Fed Can’t Fight Inflation

By Greg Hunter’s  (WNW 520 3/18/22)  (Updated and corrected)

The US  dollar is under serious threat to be steeply devalued.  How is that going to happen?  Looks like Saudi Arabia is considering accepting Chinese yuan for oil instead of only US dollars.  Maybe this is a reaction to the US nuclear deal with Iran being pushed by the Biden/Obama Administration.  Iran and Saudi Arabia are bitter enemies.  If Saudi Arabia does accept yuan for its oil, there is nothing stopping other OPEC nations from doing that either.  (more…)

Narrative Continues to Collapse with Vax, Voter Fraud & Fed

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 511 1.7.22)

I predicted at the end of 2021, the narratives would collapse with the vax, voter fraud and economy propped up by the Fed.  I did not realize the collapse would happen at this speed, but it has. There is more bad news with the vax injection narrative.  The sick are overwhelmingly the vaxed, and now more autopsies have been done on the injected that show 93% in one study died of the CV19 so-called vaccinations. (more…)

War on God & God’s Going to Win – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and publisher of “The Solari Report” Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF) says all that’s happening now can be boiled down to one simple, but evil, concept.  CAF explains, “It’s a war on God, and God is going to win.” (more…)

Trump Vax Mistake, Vax Doesn’t Work, Fragile Economy Warning

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 500 10.22.21)

President Trump is still pushing the horrible injections he calls vaccines from his “Operation Warp Speed.”  I don’t know who is telling him these are working well when death and injuries on VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) outnumber all vax deaths and injuries for the past 30 years.  By every metric, the vaccines Trump is still pushing are a growing disaster, just ask former Secretary of State Colin Powell.  Oh wait, Powell was fully vaccinated, and he just died of complications from Covid 19.  Stop the shots, Mr. President, and admit you are wrong.  The nation will forgive you, but not the people who lied.


CV-19 Vaccine Warning – CV-19 Cure – Must Watch Videos

By Greg Hunter’s 3.30.2021 

The Covid 19 (CV-19) headlines out so far this week are downright confusing and contradictory.  One says “Covid-19’s Fourth Wave is hitting the U.S Hard.”  Another says, “Texas Hits Record Low Covid Cases 3 Weeks After Lifting All Pandemic Restrictions.”  What are you to believe?  The mainstream media (MSM), CDC and most politicians have been lying about almost everything.  The idea they are pushing that only a vaccine is the answer to what many people call a “Plandemic” is a huge lie.  Let me prove it. (more…)

Covid Vaccine Lies, More YouTube Covid Censorship, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 473 3.26.2021)

Just about everything we have been told about Covid is a lie or lies by omission.  We are told the Vaccine is the only way to beat Covid.  We are also told there are no other treatments available. Those are lies.  We are not told that the so-called vaccine is “experimental” and that all these so-called vaccines were only approved on an emergency basis.  We are not told that these vaccines permanently alter your DNA with genetic engineering and that vaccine manufacturers have zero liability if you are permanently injured or die from a shot. (more…)