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Violent Desperate Dems, Biden’s Disaster Platform, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 447 9.4.2020)

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts said it best this past week on  Dr. Roberts said, “You have to assume the Democrats believe they have already lost, and so they will figure out how to steal it.”  One of the tactics is outright violence and threats.  Dems boast it will continue if Biden does not get elected to the White House in November.  Voter fraud by mail is another ploy Dems are trying, but it’s not going to work. (more…)

Anti-White Racism in America is Real – Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s 

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration and award winning journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says the ideology fueling riots in America is “dangerous and anti-white.”  Dr. Roberts explains, “They are trying to give impunity to violence that is conducted in the name of opposing white racism.  If you want to take action against white racism, which includes all white people because, by definition, if you are white, you are a racist.  So, any violence against white racism is, therefore, tolerated because it would be illegitimate to try to stop that violence.  This is the reason the Democrats have not taken any action to prevent, quell or control the rioting, looting and burning.  (more…)

Judgment is Coming for America – Michael Snyder

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Journalist and book author Michael Snyder predicts, “Judgment is coming for America.”  Snyder lays out his case in his new book called “Lost Prophecies of the Future of America.”  Snyder says, “You look in the Bible and see ancient Israel, and God called on the people of Israel to repent.  You have gone into evil and repent and come back to me.  If you don’t come back to me, bad things are going to happen. . . . In our time, America has gone off into great, great evil.  What does a nation that has killed 60 million children (by abortion) deserve?  That is just one element of where we have gone horribly wrong.  In our day and time, God has sent men and women of God, and in my book . . . I have prophecies from the 1920’s, 1930’s, 1940’s, 1950’s and every decade up to today.  (more…)

Dem Marxist Plans, Evil Revealed Everywhere, No Stimulus Deal

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 446 8.28.2020)

If you watched the Democrat Convention that nominated Joe Biden to be their candidate for President, you saw firsthand a hateful and gloomy presentation. It was not a ratings getter, and Biden had 20% less ratings than Hillary had in 2016. The entire group was America hating and communist loving with Marxist ideas such as defund the police, do away with all prisons and give free stuff to everyone. Democrats and their Black Lives Matter and Antifa lackeys want nothing short of an overthrow of America, our freedoms and our way of life. Contrast this with the GOP Convention that talked about freedom, opportunity and law and order in the wake of massive riots in Dem controlled cities that Dems refuse to even acknowledge. The fight in November is a fight between tyranny and freedom. At the White House Thursday night, President Trump, in his acceptance speech for the Republican nomination, said this was “the most important election in our nation’s history.” He’s right. (more…)

Permanent Economic Damage – Danielle DiMartino Booth

By Greg Hunter’s 

Former Fed insider Danielle DiMartino Booth is not a fan of the Federal Reserve, especially now, with its massive money printing campaign.   DiMartino Booth thinks “the damage to the economy is permanent” and that’s not the only thing here to stay.  DiMartino explains, “We are seeing permanent inflation increasing, and we have seen another uptick in initial jobless claims.  This is not the data you want to see if companies want to have pricing power. . . . We do have inflation where it is not measured, and that is in asset prices and housing prices.” (more…)

We are Entering into a War Period – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunters (Saturday Night Post)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says big change is ahead of the world, and “nothing will ever be the same.” Fitts lays out the so-called “reset” you’ve been hearing about for the past few years and says, “We are in the process that I would recall is a global reset. The entire financial system is being reset. There are two aspects of this: One is extending the old system, and the other is bringing in the new system. It’s very much being done on the fly by trial and error, but the new system is 100% digital.” (more…)

Dem Convention Disaster, Goodyear Chokes, Buffett Buys Gold

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 445 8.21.2020)

The Democrat convention to nominate Joe Biden for president was a disaster. Who are the Democrats kidding? They know full well that Joe Biden is not well mentally and is deficient. He thinks Arizona is a city, for goodness’ sake. It seems every time Joe is interviewed, it gets interrupted so his handlers can save his bacon from saying incoherent and stupid things. It now looks like Jill Biden is doing most of the public appearances. I’ll be shocked if Joe actually debates President Trump. Total disaster, and the Dems know it. This is why they want “cheat by mail.” (more…)

The Great Silver Crisis is Coming – David Morgan

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Precious metals expert and financial writer David Morgan says, “There is a lot of buying pressure in the silver market right now and for gold as well.”  Morgan points out that even more buying pressure from the industrial side of the market could catapult demand and price.  Morgan says, “We are probably entering into what I call ‘The Great Silver Crisis.’  ‘The Great Silver Crisis’ really is verified when the commercial bar category is bought for industrial use, and they panic. (more…)

Kamala VP, Violent Protest Crackdown, Stimulus Fight

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 444 8.14.20)

Joe Biden finally announced his running mate for the 2020 Presidential election, and it’s Kamala Harris.  Trump said Harris was his number one pick.  Trumps says she “lied” about a lot of things, and she’s “nasty.”  I am not sure what Harris brings to the ticket.  She was blown out in the Democrat primaries.  She was the least favorite candidate among black voters, but Harris is somehow supposed to bring black voters back to the Dem party.  Go figure. (more…)

Fed Will Not Fight Coming Inflation – Craig Hemke

By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted in July that silver was about to start a dramatic move higher.  He was right.  After Tuesday’s smash-down of the metal, Hemke says precious metals investors have nothing to worry about.  Hemke explains, “The important thing to understand is the fundamental stuff that has driven gold and silver higher, especially in the last couple of weeks, none of that has changed. . . . (more…)

America Will Not Be Destroyed – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny predicted near the first of the year there was a “new era of time” starting on the 21st of April 2020.  Polny explains, “Things take time to happen.  Life is not a switch in God’s world.  So, if it’s the 21st of April, life doesn’t change on the 22nd.  There’s a transition period.  Noah was on the Ark for an entire year, actually a little more than a year, before he actually stepped off the Ark with all the animals and his family.  (more…)

Comey Went Rogue, Trump Censored, Dem Cities Failing

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 443 8.8.2020)

Former Deputy Attorney General in the Obama Administration threw former FBI Director James Comey under the bus when Sally Yates testified on Capitol Hill this week.   Comey went “rogue” when sending FBI agents to the White House to entrap General Michael Flynn in the first few days of the Trump Administration, according Yates.  This is a stunning admission in what appears to be an attempt by Yates to distance herself from the massive multi-faceted coup plot to remove President Donald Trump from Office.  Yates admitted she would not have signed a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump Administration if she knew it was based on a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton. (more…)

America at War with Godless Marxists – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s 

Journalist Alex Newman says the so-called protests around the country are really well funded riots and attacks on the foundation of America.  It’s as much about thought shaping as doing damage and wreaking havoc.  Newman says, “What we are seeing here is a well-orchestrated and engineered psyop. . . . It’s a psyop of massive proportions. . . . Obviously, Soros is big into funding these things.  He’s been funding Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM).  (more…)

America Come Back to God or Face Destruction – Jonathan Cahn

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Five time, best-selling author and renowned Christian leader Jonathan Cahn says if America does not come back to God, it may never recover from what is coming.  Cahn, who wrote the best- selling book “The Harbinger” back in 2012, predicted when the next great shaking would happen.  Cahn explains, “America is getting hit economically and, of course, the virus and the lockdown.  We have never had anything like it, civil disorder, and we have never been hit like this before. . . . The Harbinger gives a period of time from the Bible, from the judgement and fall of Israel.  It gives this period of time, and it pinpoints the year 2020. . . . (more…)

Massive Psyop Continues, Stop Voting Democrat, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 442 7.31.2020

The massive psyop from the mainstream media (MSM) and the so-called “Masters of the Universe” in the tech industry are intensifying.  Twitter accounts of major conservative figures are being suspended, scientific videos are being scrubbed from the Internet and search results for conservative websites are being demolished.  All the while, top tech CEO’s testified in front of Congress and said conservative censorship is not happening.  It is happening.  Bought and paid for Congress, on both sides of the isle, are not doing anything but accepting campaign cash to sell out America.  This intense psyop is all in an effort to defeat President Trump in November. (more…)