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The Choice is Freedom or Slavery – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says you are going to have just two choices in the future.  Fitts explains, “Unfortunately, you have a lot of people who say ‘oh dear God, if I am just good, they will leave me alone.’  The reality is, and many people don’t understand, the middle of the road is going away. . . . You have two choices:    One is freedom, one is slavery, and everybody is going to have to choose.  There is no kind of navigating around it.  One subscriber asked me, should I do real estate or precious metals?  I said if you don’t have an army, it doesn’t matter where your assets are.  You are going to lose them.” (more…)

Don’t Resist Arrest, Global Reset Coming, No Real Recovery

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 436 6.19.2020)

President Trump signed an Executive Order (EO) on some police reforms this past week that, among other things, bans chokeholds.  What about reforms and instructions for the public interacting with police?  President Trump missed an opportunity to tell citizens NOT to resist arrest and to follow lawful commands of the nation’s law enforcement officers.  That would go a long way to stopping the violent confrontations and police doing their jobs. (more…)

Takeover of America by Dark Powers – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s 

Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp says the riots, looting and arson you are seeing around the country has little to do with so-called social justice and everything to do with the takeover of America by dark powers.  Kevin Shipp explains, “We have to understand the roots of these organizations, and Antifa is a Marxist organization.  Black Lives Matter was founded by two Marxists.  Black Lives Matter is connected to the Nation of Islam.  So, these two organizations are essentially anti-traditional America.  There is no question about it.  This is a Marxist movement.  What is Marxism?  That’s communism, and that is the same thing and essentially the foundation of progressivism.  (more…)

Federal Reserve’s Desperate Act – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial writer Bill Holter says the Fed cutting bank reserves to 0% for the first time in history is a “huge deal” and a red flag for what is coming.  Holter explains, “The idea behind lowering the reserve requirement is basically making it easier for banks to lend.  In the later part of March, they went to 0% to make it easier for banks to lend. . . . With zero reserve requirement, it could create unlimited lending. . . . The Fed will raise the reserve requirement when it wants to tighten credit, and they will lower it when they try to loosen credit.  Getting rid of it all together means the reverse of zero is infinity.  So, they are trying to reflate again.” (more…)

Good vs Evil, All Lives Matter, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 435 6.12.2020) 

This is a classic battle of Good vs Evil.  This is nothing short of a takeover attempt by Marxist communist forces using tactics not seen since pre-WWII Germany.  This is not about reform, but total takeover, and no one should contradict the narrative.  Just saying “All Lives Matter” is considered a repugnant statement that should be punished.  No other opinion is wanted or allowed with this political maneuver that hides behind a veil of social justice and anti-racism. (more…)

Lower Highs, Lower Lows, Eventual Dow 5,000 – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner called the top of this market just 2% from the top in late January.  Nenner predicted the stock market could go down as much as 40%.  It went down about 38%.   After much money printing and to save the economy, the stock market came roaring back.  Is everything fixed and will the markets continue to rise?  Nenner says, “The cycle is up into the third week of June.  So, now things start to be risky.  We are looking for short-term sell levels, and we are going to lighten up. . . . What happened is not so crazy.  I have shown my subscribers what happened in 1929, what happened in 1973 and 1974, what happened in the 2000 crash and what happened in the 2008 crash. . . . There were huge bounces after the crash of 1929, the crash of 1973 and 1974, etc. (more…)

Federal Reserve Now Zimbabwe – John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

While the country was distracted with the Covid-19 lockdown and economic crisis, the Federal Reserve made a huge banking requirement change never before done in history. The Fed cut “. . . reserve requirement ratios to zero percent effective March 26, 2020. This action eliminated reserve requirements for all depository institutions.” (Read for yourself here.) What does this profound change mean? Economist John Williams says, “The system is bankrupt, and they are just spending the money to prevent an immediate collapse as opposed to having it collapse right now. (more…)

Protests False Narrative, Another Fake HCQ Study, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 434 6.5.2020)

According to outspoken conservative Candace Owens, the current violent nationwide protests based on “racially motivated police brutality is a myth.”  Owens contends the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police has created a “martyr for a fake narrative.”  Owens started the so-called “Blexit” movement to shift black voters away from the Democrat party.  (Click here to watch Candace Owens’ riveting rant on the “fake narrative” she says the current protests and riots are based on.) (more…)

Fed Money Printing Keynesian Quackery – Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby has long predicted Fed money printing would have to go “on a vertical curve where money has to be added to the system . . . to keep the system from crapping out and imploding.” With the official federal debt at more than $25 trillion and the Fed balance sheet doubling since September, that day has clearly arrived. Add to that total the rarely talked about so-called “missing money” that stands at $21 trillion and money printing is off the charts. (more…)

China is Finished & So is Obama – Mark Taylor

Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) 

Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” predicted Donald Trump would become President more than a year before the 2016 election. Taylor made many other predictions, too, such as “China would be put in its place.” Look what is happening now with its economy, dissolving trade deals and tensions between China and the U.S. over the Wuhan virus. Taylor contends, “China is finished. It was a year and a half ago on, and at the time, it was Russia, Russia, Russia . . . and at the same time, I said Russia was not the enemy. (more…)

Hong Kong Update, Trump Strikes Back, Economic Plunge

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 433 5.29.2020)

Looks like Hong Kong is losing it’s autonomy.   Trump is taking action, and it will have huge negative implications on the entire U.S. and C*C*P relationship. (more…)

Suddenly Everything is Too Big to Fail – John Rubino

Greg Hunter’s

Everyone needs be looking past the Coronavirus crisis and at what governments are trying to do to counter the economic destruction and massive unemployment. Is the financial cure worse than the disease? Financial writer John Rubino says look at commercial real estate as an omen of what is to come. Rubino explains, “Sooner or later you’ve got to pay your bills, and if you don’t have anybody paying your bills to you, then you go bankrupt. Commercial real estate could just be a blood bath, which take us back to all the bailouts. You can’t let a big sector go bust in this world because suddenly everything is too big to fail. (more…)

Inflationary Depression Coming – Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Money printing by the Fed and Congress is off the charts. The Federal Reserve doubled its balance sheet in a matter of months, and Congress is pumping out trillions of dollars in spending bills to fight the economic crisis caused by the Covid 19 lockdown. The really scary thing is not the massive money printing, but the fact that absolutely nobody seems to care about the risk to the U.S. dollar. Money manager Peter Schiff thinks he knows why, and explains, “(Back in 2008-2009,) even Larry Kudlow was worried about what the Fed was doing, but nobody is worried about it now.  (more…)

Obama Made Me Do It, Trump Taking HCQ, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW432 5.22/2020)

Susan Rice, the Obama Administration National Security Advisor, is saying it was Obama who was behind the takedown of General Flynn. This also implies Obama was behind the soft coup to remove President Trump with the Russia hoax. This is going to get very ugly as the coup plotting rats start to turn on each other in order to stay out of jail. (more…)

President Trump Splitting Deep State Wide Open – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s 

With every new revelation about what President Trump calls “Obamagate,” you see the curtain being torn down and revealing the corrupt players who were running America and attacking our Republic. Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp, who wrote a book about the Deep State called “From the Company of Shadows,” says any hint that POTUS is a tool of the Deep State is preposterous. Shipp explains, “That is absolutely ridiculous. Donald Trump has confronted the Shadow Government and Deep State more than any other president in history, and that includes JFK. JFK did, of course, confront the Deep State and we saw what happened there. (more…)