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Global Monetary System, As You Know It, Ended – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny predicted in late March “something epic is going to happen on April 21st.” Something did happen that had never happened before. Oil went to $0 per barrel, and the contract for oil expired at around -$37 per barrel. Polny says, “That is a more important event than the stock market. There is one specific reason because oil is attached to the dollar. It’s a petro dollar. So, that event triggered the end of the United States monetary system as you know it. The stock market would have to go to zero to be as important as the event of oil going to zero. Oil was the marker that is attached to the dollar, the paper monetary system. That is far more critical because that event told the world that the paper monetary system as you know it ended on that date.” (more…)

Obamagate Intensifies, MSM Cover Up Again, Crop Report

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 431 5,15,2020)

President Trump is calling out former President Obama about the soft coup he was pushing. Evidence is mounting the Obama Administration was conspiring to kick Trump out of office with lies about his ties to Russia. Trump is simply calling it Obamagate and is doing so to his nearly 80 million Twitter followers.


Simple Math says $50,000 to $87,500 Gold Price – Jim Sinclair

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Legendary gold and market expert Jim Sinclair says the virus that originated in China may have, oddly enough, done some good. Sinclair explains, “The effect of the coronavirus was literally to shut down business globally, therefore, shut off the demand for loans, which also shut off demand for short term money. So, what the public has not seen, is not considering and does not understand is we were stepping into the door of a major financial crisis magnitudes larger than what happened in 2008 and 2009. It’s a horrible thing that this virus occurred, but if it had not occurred, we would have been in a crisis much more serious than 2008 and 2009. . . . It was blowing sky high . . . . Shutting down demand is all we could do. It stopped the explosion of interest rates.” (more…)

Flynn Free, HCQ MSM Lies, Economy Trouble

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 430 5.8.2020)

General Michael Flynn is a free man after the DOJ dropped all charges against President Trump’s former National Security Advisor. New documents released recently showed a conspiracy to frame the 33 year war hero. It was all part of a plot by the Obama Administration, FBI, DOJ and CIA to try to remove President Trump from office. It is an elaborate coup attempt that failed and is looking like the case for indictments for conspiracy and sedition for many people may be coming from AG Barr and his prosecutor John Durham. This certainly will factor into the ongoing criminal investigation into the obvious criminal activity. (more…)

Coup Conspiracy Case Will Get Them All – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s

Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp says America is facing big internal and external foes. One of the biggest external enemies is China, who has taken a huge economic hit over the virus it released globally. Shipp contends, “Trump is finally confronting them (China) with tariffs, so they are hurting there. They are heading for a recession. Huawei is no longer going to be in the United States. That’s a loss of huge revenue. So, my concern is this: China is going to have to escalate to defend itself. In history, we have seen a lot of wars that have been started during an economic crisis where two nations are fighting and there is some sort of economic devastation. That’s where China is right now. (more…)

America is Under Attack – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Renowned radio host, filmmaker and book author Steve Quayle says everything from cataclysms to Covid 19 is all part of the “Last Days” talked about in the Bible. Quayle says, “We are going through what I would call ‘quantum transformation’ that is taking place in the heavenly realm, on earth and under the ocean. We are in a period that is very clearly spoken of in the Bible as the ‘End of the Age.’ When it comes to the United States, I coined a phase, and it is ‘rape, pillage and plunder, the USA is torn asunder.’ What we are seeing is the absolute attack on everything that made America great starting with the separation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the churches. The churches have rolled over and are seeker friendly. Now, people are without anchors to their souls. They are coming apart at the seams.” (more…)

Flynn Framed, China Blamed, Economy Maimed

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 4.29.2020)

Newly released documents show the FBI framed General Michael Flynn in the first interview at the White House early on in the Trump Administration. Flynn did nothing wrong but was coerced to plead guilty to a crime he did not commit. Now, the tables are turned. Will jail time be given to the perpetrators of this crime? (more…)

Pension Crisis is a $5 Trillion Unsustainable Scam – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s

Journalist Alex Newman says the virus crisis has exposed the financial debacle of the $5 trillion shortfall in state and local pensions. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says “states should file bankruptcy.” President Trump says a “federal bailout would not be fair.” Treasury Secretary Mnuchin says states are “not going to be bailed out.” As unemployment soars by the millions and taxes implode, pensions are running out of money to pay lavish benefits promised to public workers. Newman contends, “It’s unsustainable, it’s a rip-off, it’s a scam. (more…)

Interesting Depression & Period of Living Without – Rick Ackerman

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial writer and professional trader Rick Ackerman says the economy is tanking, and there is no way to avoid an economic depression. Ackerman explains, “It’s going to be an interesting depression because we have all the infrastructure of affluence. We have achieved a pinnacle of affluence, and the metaphor I use is riding to the soup kitchen on an $8,000 trail bike. . . . I hope we find things that make life worth going on without all the stuff. So, we are going to be in a period of living without all the good stuff, and that is going to be the norm. There is also a really hopeful side to economic distress, but we are most surely headed into a period of severe distress . . . and a period of living without. We will find we are not living without things that are intrinsic to human nature that are good. . . .We going to have to find ways to get along because we are headed into hard times.” (more…)

Bankruptcy & Inflation Begin, Record Unemployment, MSM Virus Treatment Lies

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 428 4.24.2020)

I’ve long said we would be seeing deflation (bankruptcy) and inflation (stimulus) before it was all over. It’s not going to be one or the other but both financial phenomenon at the same time. That is exactly what is happening now. Majority Leader of the Senate Mitch McConnell is saying indebted states should go bankrupt, and the President just signed yet another half trillion dollar stimulus package created from money out of thin air. That’s debt destruction and massive money creation. What could go wrong? It’s far from over, and we are just getting started. (more…)

Mr. President: Open the Economy Now – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s 

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says shutting down the economy is far worse that the effects of the Wuhan China virus. Armstrong says, “This is just scare mongering, and there is another agenda going on. The WHO is part of the UN, and the UN is for this climate change, and this is what their objective has been: Shut down the world economy, bankrupt everything you possibly can, and then rebuild from scratch. . . . The devastation in the economy is unbelievable. Our computer is very well known. Just about all the intelligence agencies look at it because it’s the only fully functioning artificial intelligence system in the world. It was saying unemployment was going to rise dramatically and retest the Great Depression highs. . . .That’s never happened like that. Even in the Great Depression, it took three years to get to 25%. We passed 13% in the first month. . . . (more…)

Coming a Time When the Money is No Good & Bonds are No Good – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) 

Money manager and economist Michael Pento says the Federal Reserve has only massive money printing left to try to save the economy from the current and ongoing debt implosion. There is going to be lots of fresh cash needed. Pento runs down a list of just few of the things the Fed will need to spend money on and says, “We all should know more than 22 million people have lost their jobs in the last four weeks alone. That’s 22 million people, and the unemployment rate, according to me, is heading up to 15% to 17%. That, my friends, is a depression. (more…)

Trump Reopens America, China Caused Implosion, Economic Reality

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 427 4.17.2020)

Donald Trump made the first move to reopen America for business by announcing a three phase plan to do it on or about May 1st. The state governors will lead the way in their individual states, but many states that are not hard hit will reopen earlier using precautions already established, and, yes, restaurants will open, too, but they will have less tables because of social distancing required. As new Covid 19 infections decrease, so will the restrictions. Some hard hit states, such as New York, will stay on lock down until mid-May.


Kicking the Can Until It Blows Up – Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s

In October of 2019, former Assistant Treasury Secretary (in the Reagan Administration) Dr. Paul Craig Roberts predicted on that “The oligarchs of the New World Order (NWO) will do anything to boot President Trump out of office.” We got a global economic shutdown in March of 2020 because of an overreaction to a virus.   Now, we are seeing massive money printing to bail out everything and everyone. How does Dr. Roberts, who holds a PhD in economics, see this? Dr. Roberts says, “The problem is there is already more debt than can be serviced. That’s why they are trying to bail it out by issuing more debt. It’s like kicking the can down the road until it blows up. When does it blow up? It didn’t blow up with a $4.5 trillion Federal Reserve balance sheet. Will it blow up at $10 trillion or does it have to be $15 trillion, or does the Fed’s balance sheet have to be the size of the US GDP before it blows up? I can’t say that I know, but I do know bailing out debt by creating more debt is not a solution.” (more…)

China Virus Hype Caused Biggest Economic Crisis in US History – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp says it was not the illness caused by the coronavirus from China, but the hype about how bad it was going to be. The projected death in the US alone was to be in the millions, and that did not happen. Shipp explains, “Remember, the World Health Organization (WHO) also said 3.4% of the population was going to get it and probably die, and they were over-inflated. The problem and the serious part of what this did is cause a panic in our economy. This was bolstered by the news media and drove us into maybe the biggest economic crisis in US history because they over-inflated these statistics. It is no small thing. Our economy has been damaged so badly we will never return to normal. We might get close over a few years, but the damage has been almost insurmountable because they overstated these statistics badly.” (more…)