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Credit Meltdown Coming, Buy Gold & Silver Now – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter says forget about the relatively small sell-off in the gold and silver markets. The big worry shaking the markets is an enormous global credit problem. Holter explains, “Your protection about the credit market coming down is asset money, if you want to call it that. Gold and silver have no liability. They are not issued by a central bank, and there is no promise that has to be kept for it to perform. . . . Dollars, euros, bonds or what have you, those are all liabilities of a central bank or sovereign treasury. They all carry liability, and that’s what the problem is in today’s world. It’s a world completely awash in liability. . . . I think, ultimately, you are going to see a credit meltdown.” (more…)

DOW Pukes 4,000, Dem Lose/Lose, Fake Everything Revealed

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 421 2.28.2020)

In four days this past week, the market sold off nearly 4,000 points and wiped out four months of gains. Bo Polny warned of a coming market crash on February 8 on Polny was ridiculed after the market went to new record highs, but that was short lived, and now Polny says it’s going to get worse. (more…)

China Virus Accelerating End Stage of Fiat Currency Disease – Wayne Jett

By Greg Hunter’s

Wayne Jett is an accomplished lawyer who has argued cases in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. Jett is also an expert on the Federal Reserve and says all the signs he sees say we are nearing the end of the line for the debt based monetary system. Jett explains, “We are at the end stage of the fiat currency disease, which means they always go to zero. It’s just a matter of how long can they extend it in terms of the way they are able to acquire more hard assets with their worthless currency before it goes to zero for the rest of us. . . . I believe the Trump Administration is on the course towards turning to sound currency, meaning an end to the Fed and meaning something in return to something like a gold standard. (more…)

Covid19 Real Beast Causing Dangerous Pandemic – Chris Martenson

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Chris Martenson is futurist, economic researcher and holds a PhD in toxicology from Duke University. So, Martenson has a unique perspective about the coronavirus and what its effects will be to the global economy. Don’t believe the mainstream media. Things are not getting better, and Martenson contends, “It’s getting worse. It is a tale of two stories inside China and outside China. Inside China, we have been suspicious of their reporting, and they have been underreporting the cases at least by a factor of 10 and maybe more. This is both for infections and deaths. . . . The Chinese government would not lock down 90% of their economy just to save a couple of lives. They don’t roll that way. So, there is something there that is very worrisome to them. (more…)

Dem Civil War, Deep State Reveals All, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 420 2.21.2020)

The Democrat Party looks like it is having an all-out war—with itself. This Democrat civil war is unlike any in modern history. You have a party that has turned communist/socialist fighting with elite members such as billionaire Michael Bloomberg. This battle for the party of theft and death is just beginning and won’t end well. (more…)

Trump Frustrated About Unprosecuted Deep State Crimes – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s 

President Trump’s frustration over lack of criminal Deep State prosecutions by his DOJ bubbled out to his more than 70 million Twitter followers this week. From Comey, McCabe, the phony dossier of the Russia Hoax and FISA abuse, it was all put out for the world to see. Trump called the Mueller report a “fraudulent investigation,” and Trump also tweeted, “….badly tainted . . . . Even Mueller’s statement to Congress that he did not see me to become the FBI Director (again), has been proven false. The whole deal was a total SCAM. If I wasn’t President, I’d be suing everyone all over the place…” (more…)

Maniac Money Printers Gone Mad Fighting China Virus – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday release)

Money manager Michael Pento has long warned about China’s rapid accumulation of debt that now stands at $40 trillion. The coronavirus coming out of China is only going to make China’s problems far worse. Pento explains, “China has the biggest amassing of debt the world has ever seen and at the fastest pace never before matched in history. This is a country teetering on meltdown. Multinational companies like Nike, Apple and Google . . . major U.S. corporations are saying we cannot give accurate readings for what’s going to happen in all of 2020, and yet Wall Street doesn’t care.  It is because China, the United States and all the other central banks are printing money like never before trying to mollify the effects of this virus. . . . (more…)

Dem Attacks Continue, Dems Desperate, China Virus Chaos Coming

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 419 2.14.2020)

The Democrat attacks on President Trump continue with what appears to be a much more intense volume. This includes the mainstream media (MSM), which we all realize is nothing more than socialist Democrat New World Order Globalist propaganda. Why the intensified attacks? They are afraid of losing their power, kickback scams and freedom because some of them are going to jail for their crimes and hoaxes to remove a duly elected President from Office. Nothing is working to dump Trump. Trump is now beginning to fight back on all sorts of levels including mass firings of Obama holdovers at the White House. (more…)

Fed Flooding Market with Funny Money – David Morgan

By Greg Hunter’s

Precious metals expert and financial writer David Morgan says silver is still 65% off its all-time high and is a much better value than gold. Morgan points out, “Relative to all asset classes, I can’t think of one that is more undervalued than silver. If you look at every asset in the metals world, meaning base metals . . . anything to do with the periodic chart, every one of them has obtained a higher price level than it was in 1980 except silver.”


God’s Trump Cycles Continue – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial analyst and cycle expert Bo Polny called for a big market crash by the end of 2019. It did not happen. There was a good reason why. Polny says, “Billions and billions of dollars were pumped into the market at the end of the year to not let the crash happen. That is the number one reason the markets did not crash in December. That takes us to the second point, and that is the cycle is not over yet. . . . That is still pointing to a very big event in the first or second quarter of this year and the latter part of the year, too. This is not over. We are not out of the woods.” (more…)

Impeachment, Acquittal, SOTU & Iowa are All Dem Disasters

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 418 2.7.2020)

It’s hard to imagine what a worse week for Democrats would look like after this past week. The impeachment came to an abrupt halt with a thud. President Trump was not only not removed from office, but he was acquitted on both constitutionally fraudulent impeachment counts. The House ran a totally unfair impeachment hoax that was brought by a CIA officer and concocted with the help of Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff’s office. (more…)

Fed Cannot Stop Money Printing – Craig Hemke

By Greg Hunter’s

A year ago, financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted the Fed would be forced to return to money printing. He was right. Hemke also predicted this would be bullish for gold and silver prices. He was right again. Now, Hemke says, unlike the other times, this time, the Fed will not be able to stop the money printing. Hemke explains, “You’ve got to keep printing cash to service all this accumulated trillions and trillions of dollars of debt. You can’t grow your way out of it. You have to print your way out of it. They can’t let the stock market go down. I think it’s a $20 trillion total market cap. If it went down by 25%, it would be $15 trillion. That would be $5 trillion that would just go poof, and now, your liquidity crisis is that much worse. . . . They can’t afford to let it go down because it will exacerbate the liquidity crisis.” (more…)

China Now in Dollar Bear Trap – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) 

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says she is less worried about the coronavirus and more worried about what happens to China’s economy. Fitts explains, “Whatever is going on, it is going to slow down the Chinese economy. If China slows down a lot, it is going to put them in a dollar bear trap. The thing that kept the global economy going after the bailouts were the Chinese, and the Chinese did that by levering. A lot of that debt is dollar based. So, now if their income shrinks, especially after the trade war with the U.S. administration, they are going to be in a dollar trap. That means it’s (dollar) going to be stronger than if this would not have happened.”  In short, China will need dollars to pay debt, supporting the dollar.

Fitts goes on to say, “From everything I have heard so far . . . the virus is not my concern for the Western world. My concern is the vaccine. So, I am extremely concerned about Nano technology and vaccine injury. The process to push for vaccine mandates has been very extreme. . . . Why are we seeing such a heavy push for heavy schedules of vaccines and mandates for vaccines, which is in violation of the Nuremberg code and the U.S. Constitution?” (more…)

China Virus Sinks Economy, Impeachment Disaster Continues, Everything Fake

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 417 1.31.20) 

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a global emergency because of the Coronavirus outbreak. Who knows how bad this will be, but the damage to China’s economy, as well as the global economy, will be significant. The longer this goes on the worse it will be. Is this the financial black swan that can cause a financial disaster? (more…)

Market Will Go Down 40% – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says his “stock market cycle has topped.” Look no further than the more than 400 point pounding on Monday for proof. Nenner says, “If we see a good close on the S&P futures for March below 3230, that’s only a couple of points away from here. Then we get lower price targets, and then this could turn into something much more serious. . . . These bull markets don’t stop on a dime. So, we can go up and down and up and down. . . . People always think there is a buying opportunity . . . but this market will go down in a strong, strong way.” (more…)