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Impeachment Hoax Continues, Indictments Coming, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 409 11/8/19) 

The totally lopsided and unfair so-called Impeachment Inquiry by delusional Democrats had another week of trying to frame the President for yet another crime he did not commit. This is much the same as the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. They made it up then, and they are trying to make it up again all in effort to get rid of a duly elected President. This is why it The Dems made the process unfair with much of it done in secret. It gives them a better chance of framing President Trump.


Project Veritas and the Death of the Mainstream Media

Guest Interview done by Rob Kirby for

James O’Keefe and Project Veritas have released video featuring ABC investigative reporter Amy Robach visibly upset about the decision to “spike” her tell-all report about Jeffrey Epstein ‘s child trafficking.  These damning revelations, at very least, irreparably damaged the ABC/Disney brand; Disney from the standpoint that they pride themselves on being kid friendly creators of content and ABC being the poster child of irresponsible news coverage. ABC’s spiking of the Epstein story for three years surely led to the unnecessary, hideous abuse of additional hundreds of underaged girls.


Bankers Going for Broke Because They Know it’s Broke – G. Edward Griffin

By Greg Hunter’s

Edward Griffin, author of the wildly popular book about the Federal Reserve “The Creature from Jekyll Island,” is holding a conference this weekend called “Red Pill Expo.” It is all about waking people up from the illusions they are being told. Griffin explains, “The illusions are in health, in politics and in education. The illusions are in the media, in money and in banking, which is my specialty. So, people are coming, some of whom are informed, but most respond to the slogan we are using for the “Red Pill Expo,” and the slogan is ‘Because you know something is wrong.’ That sort of spells it out for most people, not just in America, but for people all over the world. People everywhere are being fed propaganda, lies and false stimuli of all kinds, but deep in their hearts, deep in their instincts, they know something is wrong.”


Millions Will Die in Cascadia Big One – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Filmmaker, book author and renowned radio host Steve Quayle warns the West Coast of America is sleepwalking into a coming geologic catastrophe. Quayle explains, “While the San Andreas is the most studied fault in the world, it’s like peanuts compared to what’s going to be happening in Cascadia. Cascadia (located in the Pacific Northwest) is the most dangerous with a one in three chance of going off in our time. I am not talking about hundreds of years or thousands of years, I am talking about the back room hush of USGS (United States Geological Service) scientists, and many of them are silent. I am actually getting information from scientists that left the United States because there is a gag order on the true seismic nature of what’s going on in the United States. Our film “Cascadia: The Big One” will be previewed on This is really a critical situation. (more…)

Pelosi Halloween Impeachment Trick, Fed Cuts, Gabbard Scam

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 408 11.1.19)

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi passed a resolution that makes official the unfairness of the lopsided so-called Impeachment Inquiry. The resolution gives all the power to the Democrats and leaves zero due process to the President or the Republicans. The only way Democrats can make up evidence is to make it unfair. This looks like a desperate attempt to remove a duly elected President by total fraud. This is simply a Halloween trick to make the public think this is fair.  The Pelosi/Schiff impeachment inquiry is anything but fair and now it’s official.


MSM Co-conspirators with Deep State Treason – James Howard Kunstler

By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned author and journalist James Howard Kunstler thinks what has been happening for the last few years with the mainstream media’s coverage of President Trump borders on criminal activity. Kunstler explains, “What I am waiting for is if and when indictments come down from Mr. Barr and Mr. Durham.  I am wondering whether the editors and publishers of the Washington Post and New York Times and the producers at CNN and MSNBC are going to be named as unindicted co-conspirators in this effort to gaslight the country and really stage a coup to remove the President and to nullify the 2016 election. I say this as someone who is not necessarily a Trump supporter. I didn’t vote for the guy. I am not a cheerleader for the guy, but basically, I think the behavior of his antagonists has been much worse and much more dangerous for the nation and the American project as a long term matter.  I really need to see some action to hold people responsible for the acts they have committed. . . . (more…)

Fed Panics & Starts Massive Money Printing – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Economist and money manager Michael Pento says the recent Federal Reserve about face in policy with cutting rates and new QE (money printing) means only one thing. Pento explains, “So, the Fed changed their mind, panicked, the Fed panicked. They not only stopped raising rates, they now cut rates twice, and they are going to cut rates again at the end of this month. They are also fully back in a massive QE. They have a $130 billion revolving repo facility shoving $130 billion every night, rolling it over, trying to re-liquefy the banking system and back into QE–$60 billion per month. At the peak, it was $85 billion. So, they are almost back to the peak of QE (during the Great Recession). They did not scale in, the Fed went to $60 billion right away.” (more…)

FISA Abuse Report Coming Soon, MSM Propaganda Psyop, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 407 10.25.19)

DOJ Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz sent a letter to Congress telling them the long awaited IG report he’s been working on is nearing completion. Looks like it could be released in November with what he calls “few redactions.” Some are reporting the report is extensive and covers much more than fraud on the FISA court with a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to get warrants to spy on everything Trump.


Fed Pawn Shop Repo Market Shows Panic Mode – Craig Hemke

By Greg Hunter’s 

Early this year, financial writer and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted the Fed would be forced to return to QE, just like in the 2008 market meltdown. Looks like Hemke’s prediction has come true because the Federal Reserve is printing billions in cash in the Repo market every week. Hemke explains, “At the last Fed meeting in September, we were told that the Fed was ‘neutral’ right now, and they were just going to be ‘data dependent’ and everything is fine. Just three weeks later, (Fed Head) Powell is out there saying we are going to have to restart buying T-Bills, and these repo facilities we have set up are going to become a permanent thing. Wait, whoa, what happened here? Just three weeks ago, you said everything was fine. These repo facilities they have set up are basically like a Fed pawn shop where banks can come to the Fed and say here are some Treasury bonds . . . (more…)

After Trump War Only One Party Will Be Standing – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the political war over removing President Trump from office is heating up, and when it’s over, things will never be the same. Shipp explains, “We are already seeing a brewing civil war in the civilian population in the United States. There is a war in Washington D.C. between (Congressman) Schiff and the others that are trying to eliminate the people’s choice for President by American voters. That’s what is going on. . . . You can see the violence on the streets, and it’s getting worse and worse against Trump supporters. This is going to escalate almost monthly, in my view, as we see more violence and more splits in Washington D.C. (more…)

Syria Withdrawal & Ceasefire, MSM Continues Propaganda, Crop Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 406 10/18/19)

Both Democrats and Republicans are united against troop withdrawal that President Trump ordered in Syria. A meeting in the White House had Speaker Pelosi making claims of President Trump having a meltdown over the pushback he’s getting on Syria. Pelosi stormed out of the meeting, and President Trump describes Pelosi as “needs help fast.” Trump did get a ceasefire from Turkey so Kurds in Syria could retreat.


Oligarchs Will Crash System to Boot Trump – Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Economic expert and award winning journalist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts predicts that the oligarchs of the New World Order (NWO) will do anything to boot President Trump out of office. Dr. Roberts, who has a PhD in Economics and is a former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, predicts the NWO will take down the financial system as a last resort if all else fails. Dr. Roberts explains, “Now, if they can’t get Trump out, they will crash it. There will be a big crash before the election, and people will blame Trump. That’s about how smart Americans are. Now, there is one constraint for the Fed doing that because the Fed is a tool of the New York banks. If they crash the economy, they are going to crash those New York banks. That’s the only restraint on the elites. That’s their ultimate nuke. If they can’t get him out, they will say, okay, we are going to bring down the economy and too bad for the New York Banks, or they will find some special way to bail them out while everything else goes: the pension funds, the hedge funds, the mutual funds. They will wipe us out in order to get rid of Trump.”


MSM Press is Propaganda, Trump Fights Back, Crop Report

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 405 10.11.19)

The mainstream media has gone full blown propaganda, especially when reporting on all things President Trump. They lie by omission and outright lie. They produce phony stories like the two years of Trump/Russia collusion, and they produce phony polls all in an effort to turn the public against President Trump. Democrats and their globalist/Marxist masters want Trump gone because he’s stopping their wet dream of world domination and a New World Order. Trump is in the way, and his voters want him to stay right where he is.


Global Debt Bubble a Gigantic Time Bomb – Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s

Money manager Peter Schiff says the Federal Reserve has already started a new money printing program that continues to expand the debt bubble and keep global markets propped up. This started abruptly last month in what is called the “repo market,” where the Fed provides liquidity for traders of short-term money or overnight funding. Schiff says, “When the Fed was doing QE3, they were buying $85 billion worth of debt per month. They (Fed) just did $176 billion in three weeks, and they say they are not doing QE. So, the Fed is monetizing more debt not doing QE than when they were doing QE, which means they are doing it and they are going to have to do more of it. The reason they are doing it is because the markets are finally trying to move interest rates higher because the Fed has been suppressing them.  (more…)

Trump Impeachment Like KGB Operation – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the so-called whistleblower the Democrats are using to try to impeach President Trump is part of another Deep State hoax. Shipp says, “This is not a whistleblower. Let’s just start with that. This is a leaker. This person did not have anything to blow the whistle on. Everything written in this document is written not by this leaker, but by attorneys, and it is hearsay. There is no evidence in it whatsoever. It is not a whistleblower complaint. He did not go through proper channels. He went directly to Congressman Adam Schiff, and people have got to understand this is another shadow government Deep State operation actually trying to remove the President. What they did was real sly. If they would have brought this leaker ahead, they would have taken him apart. The whistleblower, or leaker, would have been investigated. Everybody connected with him would have been investigated. . . . (more…)