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Already Inside Gates of Hell – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial writer Bill Holter says revelations this week from the DOJ Inspector General about the FBI spying on everything Trump, and the ongoing criminal investigation on the origins of the Trump Russia hoax, are going to be a disaster for the financial markets. Holter explains, “We are financially and socially inside the gates of Hell. If you see big name arrests, and obviously from the previous administration all the way up to the top, you are going to see an awful lot of happy people and an awful lot of freaked out people that could lead to civil war. From a financial standpoint, I don’t see how markets can stand up with the amount of leverage in the system. At this point, they are already having a problem holding that leverage up. Just from the standpoint of foreigners looking at the U.S., foreigners will probably pull their capital hard and fast.”


Economy Still Falling Off a Cliff – John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Economist John Williams says don’t put too much faith in the good employment numbers that came out last week because “It’s not as happy of a picture as it looks.” Williams is the founder of His calculations strip out government accounting gimmicks to give a more accurate picture of economic data. Williams explains, “What the Fed has done with their easing, according to the Fed, is they created a circumstance of sustainable moderate economic growth. So, they don’t need to cut rates anymore. That’s nonsense. You don’t have sustainable moderate growth. For example, look at this last month, industrial production is in a state of collapse. . . . Manufacturing is negative. . . . Oil production is collapsing year to year as oil and gas exploration has plunged. . . . Retail sales have been overstated in employment . . . . That’s going to be revised lower. . . . We have been getting better numbers as of late, and the economy is still falling off a cliff.”


Dem Impeachment Disaster Continues, IG Report Drops Bombs, Banks Buying Gold

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 413 12.6.19) 

The Democrat impeachment in the House of Representatives continued in the Judiciary Committee, and it continued to be a disaster for Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats. The total takedown of the Democrat case against President Trump was destroyed in little more than five minutes by Congressman Matt Gaetz. The hearings are not proving President Trump’s guilt, but his innocence. Of course, the mainstream media is reporting Trump is guilty, and that is a lie according to the evidence. Democrats are taking it on the chin in almost all the polls. (more…)

Debt Bubble to End All Bubbles – Michael Snyder

By Greg Hunter’s 

Journalist and book author Michael Snyder says corporate debt is at record highs standing at $10 trillion. Snyder points out debt is setting records in every aspect of the economy and contends, “If you include all other forms of corporate debt not listed on the stock exchanges, that brings the total to $15.5 trillion, which is equivalent to 74% of GDP. We’ve never seen anything like this before in all of U.S. history. That is just one form of debt and how our society has grown the debt. People need to realize the only reason why we have any prosperity in this country today is because it is fueled by debt. We have been building up this bubble, and it is the bubble to end all bubbles. Look at consumers. U.S. consumers are now $14 trillion in debt, which is an all-time record. State and local governments are at all-time debt record levels. The U.S. government . . . we just hit $23 trillion in debt, more than double since the last financial meltdown. . . . We are stealing from future generations more than $100 million every single hour of every single day. This is a crime beyond comprehension, and it’s been going on more than a decade. . . .All the debt has bought for us is more time to expand the bubble for relative stability. (more…)

Fed Out of Bailout Bullets – Rick Ackerman

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial writer and professional trader Rick Ackerman says don’t expect a replay of the 2008-2009 financial crisis where the Federal Reserve bailed out almost everything in sight. Ackerman explains, “It ended up Lehman Brothers went under, and they needed a couple of sacrificial lambs, along with Bear Stearns. It could have just as easily been, and it might be the next time, Goldman Sachs. So, in that way, the Fed is kind of out of bailout bullets. We’ve already been through a bailout where it took a big hunk of the financial system. Each one takes more bailing out to get to that critical threshold of credibility where the bailout itself works.” (more…)

Greg Hunter’s 2019 Thanksgiving Message and Weekly News Wrap-Up

By Greg Hunter’s

Join Greg Hunter of as he gives his Thanksgiving message and delivers a Weekly News Wrap-Up.

Please remember to give Thanks to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ for both the Good and the Bad.

Happy Thanksgiving from!!!! Video after the break.  Enjoy!!!! (more…)

Putin Predicting US Dollar Collapse is Serious Warning – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s

Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts thinks Vladimir Putin saying “the dollar is going to collapse soon” is a flashing warning for the U.S. dollar’s value in the not-so-distant future. Fitts explains, “What Putin is saying is the dollar is going into a steep decline, and what was interesting about his comment is he said ‘soon.’ . . . What is the ability of the U.S. military versus the Russian or Chinese military to defend the dollar’s position? That is intelligence that Putin has, and because Putin has this intelligence, people really stood up and I really stood up and took notice. If Putin has access to that intelligence, and I don’t, which is saying the dollar could go into a deep decline, we need to take a serious look at it. The dollar is clearly under pressure, and if you look at reserves, the central banks are buying gold and selling dollars, including the Russians and Chinese.”


$21 Trillion in Missing Money Could Trigger Meltdown – Dr. Mark Skidmore

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

About two years ago, Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore revealed there was $21 trillion in what he calls “missing money” from the Department of Defense (DOD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This was a stunning revelation and the biggest auditing discovery in the history of accounting. Dr. Skidmore, who is an expert in public finance, along with a team of academics, used publicly available government accounting reports and revealed their results in late 2017.   In the accounting world, this is like discovering the “God Particle” or discovering a cure for cancer, and, yet, academia is largely silent and ignoring this discovery by Dr. Skidmore and his team. Dr. Skidmore explains, “It’s been pretty quiet. A few people have contacted me. . . . I have asked for professional opinion and have offered to pay for it, and I had one conversation and he never responded again. . . . Similarly, I have done that with other academics to work on this issue. (more…)

MSM Propaganda Not News, Biden Troubles, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 411 11.22.19)

The mainstream media (MSM) has now gotten to the point that it cannot tell the truth, even though testimony in the Impeachment Coup 2.0 has not offered a single impeachable act by President Trump. Instead, the MSM reports Trump took bribes, when Congressional testimony says just the opposite. The MSM will never recover from being a propaganda arm of the Deep State and the Democrat Party.


Russia to Impeachment One Big Coup – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s 

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says from the Russia collusion delusion to the sham impeachment, it’s all really just one big Deep State coup. At the center of the coup is billionaire George Soros, who hates American sovereignty and “America First” President Donald Trump. Shipp explains, “Soros has been funding attempts to overturn a U.S. election and remove a President of the United States. If he’s been funding that or advocating that in any other form, that is sedition. If it is connected to a foreign government or a foreign power, that would rise to the level of treason. This coup leads back to George Soros and his multi-tentacles connections. Now we know Victoria Nuland and the State Department were advocating Soros NGO’s at the time along with this so-called whistleblower who has been in contact with these Soros organizations as well. We are seeing the picture come out now. (more…)

Hammer Surveillance Hoax Psyop Intensifies – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s 

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the so-called “Hammer” (Hamr) surveillance system invented by Dennis Montgomery is a proven hoax. Shipp says new data shows the Hammer (HAMR) hoax is an intensifying psyop. Shipp says, “It’s fake. It’s a false story, and yet, it is being pushed all the way to the top (of Google search) that is now claiming it was part of the surveillance on President Trump, and that is pretty serious because it is getting up to that level. . . . We’ve proven that Dennis Montgomery is a documented fraud and con man . . . and after all of that, this story keeps morphing and they keep pushing it up. Somehow it has gotten to number two in a Google search.”


Fed Fears Next Crash Fatal – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Financial writer and book author John Rubino says he can see the end of the economic expansion fueled by massive debt creation. Rubino explains, “Every sector of the U.S. economy is so over indebted I don’t see how we go on much longer. The Fed is desperately trying to prolong this thing. We are running trillion dollar deficits now, and what that is for is to keep the system from falling apart. We are 11 years into an expansion, a record. This is the longest bull market in history, and this is the longest economic expansion in history. . . . These guys don’t know exactly what’s going to happen in the next recession, but they are afraid that the system is so highly leveraged that even a garden variety three quarters of a percent of negative growth and a garden variety of 20 % drop in stock prices might be fatal. (more…)

Dem Impeachment Disaster, No Cut Fed, Financial Warnings

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 410 11.15.19)

The first public hearing for President Trump’s impeachment was billed as a blockbuster, but in reality, it was a huge dud. As a matter of fact, it was a disaster for Adam Schiff and the Democrats. The so-called star witnesses called by the Democrats looked stupid when they admitted they had no firsthand knowledge, depended on hearsay and could not articulate an impeachable offence committed by the President. This is not a real impeachment but rather a Deep State operation to get rid of a President calling attention to fraud and corruption.


Something Nasty is Coming in the Financial Markets – Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby warns massive money printing in the billions of dollars each and every day by the Fed in the repo market is “a sign we are getting close to the end.” Kirby says the world is awash in fiat money and contends, “We are being primed for a major, major catastrophe in the financial world. I believe we are probably on the eve of it in that something nasty comes our way very, very soon. The amount of money being created is so much bigger than what is being acknowledged. It wreaks of desperation. Metaphorically, someone is driving around and they’ve got a dead skunk in their trunk, and they are wondering what the smell is. I can smell what is going on in the financial world, and it stinks. It stinks beyond belief, and the whole world is waking up to it. The smart ones are waking up like the German central bank, and they are resuming purchasing gold. . . . The biggest signal is the German Bundesbank is buying gold. They were part of the club. It’s been forbidden for any central bank in the western world to buy gold for many, many years now, and when the German Bundesbank says it’s buying gold, Katy bar the door.” (more…)

USA Communist – China Nazi – Warren Pollock

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Geopolitical and financial analyst Warren Pollock says if you look beneath the veneer, the USA and China function much differently than their stated forms of government. Pollock explains, “Now, we have melded the organs of state that we need to run a country with our corporations. They are one in one, hand in hand. So, the FAA and Boeing are tied at the hip. Tobacco companies and the FDA are tied together. . . . Then we have technical failures because of that, and we have a big bureaucracy. That is all functional communism. . . . Communism ignores fact. It is fact resistant, and that is what communism is. The housing market is fact resistant. Bitcoin is fact resistant. The news is fact resistant, and you have people that are fact resistant people. If you confront them with a fact, they look at you like you are crazy.”
