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Permanent Damage to US Economy-Michael Snyder

4By Greg Hunter’s

Michael Snyder is a self-proclaimed “truth-seeker” and financial writer who says there is no recovery on Main Street, and we are not going to get one—ever.   Snyder contends, “We’ve had permanent damage to the U.S. economy.   It’s kind of like going to the beach, and you build a sandcastle.  The waves start coming in, and the sandcastle is not going to be destroyed by the first wave.  Then, more waves will come in, and eventually the whole sandcastle will be wiped out.  That’s kind of what’s happening to the U.S. economy.   (more…)

Dollar is The Weak Spot for US-Paul Craig Roberts

Paul_Craig_Roberts-323x346By Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release)

Former Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says all U.S. financial policy revolves around propping up the dollar.  Dr. Roberts contends, “I’ve always said the whole system is rigged.  It’s a house of cards, and the weak spot is the dollar because they cannot print foreign currencies for which to buy dollars.  So, if there is a worldwide run on the dollar, they lose control then.  In the meantime, they have all these things they can do to counteract the direction of the markets, and I expect them to continue doing that.”


WNW 162: Ebola Gets Worse (Airborne?), Putin War Talk and Harvey Organ Update

WNW 162-Ebola Gets Worse - Airborne Ebola? Putin War Talk, and Harvey Organ UpdateGreg Hunter’s 

I know you have been hearing all about Ebola, and it looks like things are getting worse, not better.  Look at this headline from USA Today “10,000 Cases of Ebola per Week.”  That’s what the World Health Organization says we could be getting in West Africa in a few months.  So, why are there no flight restrictions out of West Africa?  Do the dimwits at the CDC not understand the concept of quarantine?  (more…)

Reality of No Economic Recovery Means Collapse-John Williams

WILLIAMS_092_wade.JPGBy Greg Hunter’s

Economist John Williams is sticking by his assessment that the economy is in deep trouble.  Williams says, “What we are seeing is a very big fiction by the financial media and the political media that the economy has recovered.  The economy has not recovered. . . . We are seeing all sorts of things that indicate the economy is not recovering and never has recovered, and it is turning down again.”


You Can See This Collapse Coming A Mile Away-James Rickards

James Rickards Photo 4 (2)Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release)

Best-selling author and financial expert James Rickards contends a big financial crash is locked in.  Rickards says, “Everyone is waiting for some blunder down the road, and the point I try to make is the blunders have already been made.  The blunders have already been built into the system.  You can see this collapse coming a mile away. . . . Using science, we can’t say very much about the timing, but we can say a lot about the magnitude.  This will be the greatest financial collapse in history.  I am quite sure about that, but I am not sure about the timing. . . . (more…)

WNW 161: Ebola Update, War on ISIS and Obama Criticism

WNW 161: Ebola Update, War on ISIS and Obama CriticismBy Greg Hunter’s 

It’s all Ebola all the time.  The Obama Administration got this wrong from the beginning.  It told us there was very little chance of a case getting to the U.S.–wrong!  Then they told us there was little chance of it becoming an epidemic–again, wrong!  If that was the case, the head of Health and Human Services would not be saying there may be other Ebola cases in the U.S.  Also, the head of the CDC would not be comparing Ebola to the AIDS crisis.  (more…)

Big Nuclear War Coming-Charles Nenner

4By Greg Hunter’s

Legendary financial analyst Charles Nenner thinks the biggest threat is global war.  Nenner explains, “If you look at a war cycle of a hundred years, I predicted in the second decade of this century that we were going to have a big war.  If you go back a hundred years ago, you had the First World War, which led up to the Second World War.  That was a big war.  A hundred years before that, we had a big war in 1812, and you had Napoleon in Europe in 1814. . . . Every second decade of a new century, you have a big war.  So, what keeps me up at night is the underestimation that we are going to have a big war. . . . (more…)

Dollar Going Supernova then Black-Rob Kirby

4thBy Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Derivative and gold expert Rob Kirby says the U.S. looks a lot like the run up to the fall of Rome more than 1,500 years ago.  Kirby explains, “The parallels with what we are experiencing today are so clear and so much like what was happening in Rome as Rome was falling.  Diversions were the way of the day, anything to divert people’s attention from the undermining of the empire.  It was largely a financial debasement.  (more…)

WNW 160-ME War, Economy Sours, US Ebola Threat

4By Greg Hunter’s 

We are headed for a much wider war in the Middle East, and headlines like this one are forecasting it.  Speaker of the House John Boehner lays out a case that “Airstrikes Not Enough” to defeat ISIS.  Boehner said, “At some point, somebody’s boots have to be on the ground.”  ISIS has half of Bagdad surrounded, and I predict the U.S. will send ground troops sooner than later.  (more…)

ISIS Only Understands Gunfire-Karl Denninger

Karl_Denninger_Interview_Financial_Crisis_2012By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial analyst and writer Karl Denninger says forget about President Obama’s promise of “no boots on the ground” in the fight with the Islamic State.  There will be boots, and Denninger explains, “Air power has never won a war, and it never will.  You can bomb people until you think you bomb them back into the Stone Age, and they just go hide.  You destroy their infrastructure, and they just come back out.  (more…)

Spending into Oblivion-Gregory Mannarino

4By Greg Hunter’s

Financial analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says forget about the recent positive economic news.  The economy is not in recovery and there is a simple way to prove it.  Mannarino says, “All you need to do is look at two metrics, just two, and you can see there is no economic recovery.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.26.14

4By Greg Hunter’s

The top story is the bombing campaign on ISIS in Syria and Iraq, but at this stage, it is mostly Syria.  The U.S. promises a “Long Campaign,” with the bombing of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.  The Obama Administration has the support of other Arab nations, but the most important support comes from Saudi Arabia.  Remember last year when the Obama Administration backed out of bombing Syria.  Top Saudi officials were quoted as saying that they were “stabbed in the back” by President Obama.  (more…)

Iraq, Syria and Ukraine-Financial Gateways-Nomi Prins

Nomi PrinsBy Greg Hunter’s 

Best-selling author Nomi Prins says the trouble with Ukraine, Iraq and Syria are happening because they are what she calls the “gateways.”  Prins explains, “What I call the gateways are the countries in the world where political and financial strategy connect in respect to the United States and its bankers. . . . Why do we care about the Ukraine?  We care about Ukraine because it’s a gateway to oil.  It’s a gateway to Eastern Europe.  It’s a gateway to control a situation politically, but also for our banking system to get involved from a financial perspective.  Putin understands Ukraine is a gateway, as well.  (more…)

A Run to Silver and Gold unlike Anything in History of Mankind-David Morgan

David Morgan: A Run to Silver and Gold Unlike Anything in History of MankindBy Greg Hunter’s

Silver guru, David Morgan, says forget about the manipulated price suppression of the yellow and white metals.  It’s only a matter of time before the debt and derivative markets crash, catapulting precious metals prices exponentially higher.  Morgan explains, “The bigger problem all exists in the debt markets, and the debt markets is where the problem is really.  When that problem blows up, there’s going to be a run to gold unlike anything in the history of mankind. . . . (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 9.19.14

ISIS Update, Ukraine Wants Weapons, Fed Easy Money ContinuesBy Greg Hunter’s

The U.S. is at war with ISIS, well, sort of.   ISIS is definitely at war with America.  ISIS produced a video warning of putting U.S. ground troops back in Iraq.  It looks like the President is listening to ISIS because he has said repeatedly that there will be no boots on the ground.  I don’t think a single general and many in Congress think this plan will work.  (more…)