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Financial Cold War Accelerates Dollar Demise-Peter Schiff

Peter Schiff-Economy & Gold UpdateBy Greg Hunter’s 

Money manager Peter Schiff hasn’t changed his investment strategy one bit, even though the world seems to be falling apart.  Schiff explains, “I am already prepared, and what I am trying to prepare my clients for is for the day when the dollar is no longer the reserve currency. (more…)

Threat of Nuclear War Back-Paul Craig Roberts

Paul_Craig_Roberts-323x346By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is worried about nuclear war with China and Russia.  Dr. Roberts warns, “It’s clear Russia doesn’t want war.  China doesn’t want war, but because of the recklessness of the Bush and Obama regimes, both China and Russia have been upgrading their strategic nuclear forces.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.8.14

4By Greg Hunter’s 

Every story I have could have been the lead story, but I am starting with the Ukraine crisis.  I told you that the downing of Malaysian flight 17 would not have any effect on what was coming.  The investigation has been halted because of fighting in the area, and it really makes no difference who shot it down because war is coming no matter what.  (more…)

Manipulation by Obama Caused U.S. Border Crisis-Dinesh D’Souza

4By Greg Hunter’s 

Filmmaker and best-selling author Dinesh D’Souza imagines a world without America.  In his new book and movie titled “America,” D’Souza says, “There are a lot of people who don’t like the America today, who don’t like what we know now.  They don’t like what I call the ‘spirit of 1776.’  They see themselves as progressive.  They want to get beyond all that, and they have a powerful critique of America.  (more…)

Gregory Mannarino-System Is Dead-Cascade of Events Will Happen

Greg MannarinoBy Greg Hunter’s

Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says the recent Argentina bond default is a big deal and is a symptom of a much bigger global problem—debt.  Mannarino explains, “I’ve been talking about the insurmountable debt problem for years now.  It is the greatest threat to humankind—period.   What really needs to be understood here is that it is not just a financial issue, but also a resource issue.  We have been allowed through this mechanism of failing monetary system that pulls cash out of the future to acquire resources that we would not normally have.  We have created an alternative universe.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.1.14

Israel-Hamas War, Russia Sanctions, Ebola Outbreak & MoreBy Greg Hunter’s 

Top story is the Israel/Hamas war.  Now, even the Pentagon is concerned about civilian deaths as allegations of Israel shelling a U.N. facility housing civilians was hit.  Hamas vows to fight on and so does Israel.  Hamas wants its borders opened, and Israel wants the rockets and tunnels shut down.  I predicted this is going to go on for a while and is looking like it may spark a wider Middle East war.  (more…)

Dangerous Housing Market-Manipulated Ponzi Style Boom-Fabian Calvo

Fabian Calvo: Boom Bust Housing Crisis ComingBy Greg Hunter’s  Real Estate expert Fabian Calvo says boom bust housing crisis is on the way.  Calvo explains, “There are a lot of outlier indicators that show the run-up to another big boom in housing prices.  If you look back and consider my theory of the ‘pump and dump’ in March of 2012, when I said housing prices would shoot through the roof, housing prices are up over 26%. (more…)

Economy Will Crash, World War III Coming-Gerald Celente

Gerald Celente: When Interest Rates go Up, the Economy is Going to Crash Down!By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned trend researcher, Gerald Celente, said at the beginning of 2014 that the economy would tank and war is on its way.  It looks like his predictions are coming true.  On the economy, Celente contends, “This whole so-called recovery has been built up on unprecedented levels of cheap money.  They keep dumping it into the market.   (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.25.14

4By Greg Hunter’s

With all the wars and rumors of wars in the world, are we headed for some massive East versus West confrontation?  Let’s tie it all together and start in Ukraine.


Germany Secretly Planning on Joining BRICS-Jim Willie


By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial newsletter writer Jim Willie says no matter who shot down the Malaysian commercial jet over Ukraine recently, there is going to be massive fallout.  Willie contends, “Here’s the big, big consequence.  The U.S. is basically telling Europe you have two choices here.  Join us with the war against Russia.  Join us with the sanctions against Russia.  (more…)

The Chaos is Planned-Rob Kirby

4thBy Greg Hunter’s

Derivatives and gold expert Rob Kirby contends financial markets are controlled by the U.S. Treasury.  For example, Kirby contends, “The Interest rate derivative trade means the U.S. Treasury can make banks captive buyers of any amount of U.S. government debt it wants to issue–literally any amount.”  Kirby goes on to say, “The reality about interest rates is they are at zero and they are not going up.”


Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.18.14

4.jpgBy Greg Hunter’s  

Only three stories in the Weekly News Wrap-Up, but they all have something in common.  They all will have cascading effects that will go on for some time to come.  First up, the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 over Eastern Ukraine.  Nearly 300 people are dead; and of that total, nearly two dozen are reportedly U.S. citizens.  Everybody is pointing the finger at the other side.  The Ukrainians say it’s Russia’s fault.  The Pro-Russian separatists say it’s Ukraine’s fault, and so does Russia.  No matter whose fault it is, new sanctions and war tensions are mounting.    (more…)

2008 Meltdown Revisited-There’s No Solution-Egon von Greyerz

4444By Greg Hunter’s 

Gold and financial expert, Egon von Greyerz, says buckle your seat belts–a replay of the 2008 financial crisis will “soon return.”  Greyerz contends, “What happened in 2008 was expected by us for quite a long time.  The solution of $25 trillion to save banks and financial markets was not a solution.  (more…)

U.S. Economy-Plunge, Stagnation & Turning Down Anew-John Williams

WILLIAMS_092_wade.JPGBy Greg Hunter’s

Economist John Williams says to forget about the so-called recovery.  What’s coming next is recession or worse.  Williams contends, “The fact that we saw a -2.9% contraction in the first quarter, in official reporting . . . you know the economy is in real bad shape.  It’s continued to the second quarter, and that will gain recognition as all the data gets published.”  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.11.14

4.jpgBy Greg Hunter’s 

I warned last week about the kidnapping and murder of three Israelis and revenge killing of a Palestinian teen sparking violence in Israel.  My fear is now been confirmed with Hamas rocket attacks on various targets in Israel.  Israel is making counter attacks that have claimed the lives of dozens in Gaza.  (more…)