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U.S. Has Plans for Preemptive Nuclear Attack- Paul Craig Roberts

4By Greg Hunter’s 

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says the U.S. has plans for nuclear war with our rivals.  Dr. Roberts explains, “Washington not only has war plans for launching a preemptive nuclear attack on Russia, and also possibly China, but Washington has a cadre of people who advocate nuclear war.  We have people running around Washington saying things such as ‘What’s the good of nuclear weapons if you can’t use them.’  . . . These weapons are so lethal that if just one percent of the inventory of the U.S. and Russia were used, the death toll would be at least 2 billion people.  (more…)

War Greatest Risk-Not Global Financial Collapse-Catherin Austin Fitts

7Greg Hunter’s 

In her latest report, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says, “The greatest risk is not global financial collapse. Our greatest risk is war.”  Ms. Fitts explains, “I am talking about war in many different venues.  What we’ve seen in a place like Ukraine is very much defined by what’s called “soft weapons.”  So, we are watching war through the information systems and cyber hacking.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.30.14

4.jpgBy Greg Hunter’s 

The supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is sounding like there are not any negotiations to curtail that country’s nuclear program.  Khamenei said Jihad is “endless” and the “battle will only end when the society can get rid of . . .  America.”  (more…)

U.S. Gold Holdings Close to Zero-Rob Kirby

4thBy Greg Hunter’s 

Financial analyst Rob Kirby is an expert on forensic macroeconomics.  His research shows central bankers are starting to not trust each other.  Kirby cites Austria’s recent demand to audit its gold held in London.  Kirby explains, “. . . Austria seems to have a reason to want to go and see it and inspect it and know that it is real and see it hasn’t been sold and nothing untoward has been done to it.”  (more…)

James Rickards-Financial Collapse and Massive Shortages in Gold Coming

4By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial expert and best-selling author James Rickards’ latest book predicts “the coming collapse of the international monetary system.”  One of the sign posts is countries like Russia declaring it will shed the U.S. Dollar as reserve currency in international trade.  Rickards explains, “Putin said he envisions a Eurasian economic zone involving Eastern Europe, central Asia and Russia.  The Russian Ruble is nowhere near ready to be a global reserve currency, but it could be a regional reserve currency.” 


Weekly News Wrap-up 5.23.14

 4.jpgBy Greg Hunter’s 

We go overseas for the top stories, and they involve China, Russia and Iran.  First, China and Russia and the oil and natural gas deal that excludes the dollar, in a deal worth $400 billion over the next 30 years.  Please take note, this deal excludes the U.S. dollar.  If this doesn’t signal the beginning of the end of the petro dollar, then I don’t know what does.  (more…)

Dollar Collapse Starts in Late 2014-Charles Nenner

44Charles Nenner: War is Coming and US Dollar Collapse in 2014By Greg Hunter’s 

Renowned financial analyst Charles Nenner has been studying cycles to predict all major markets for the past three decades.  Does all the global manipulation in the markets make a difference to the timing of the cycles?  Nenner says, “It doesn’t . . . all these things have nothing to do with the way the markets behave.  They are part of the market behavior.”  (more…)

Dollar on the Brink of Disaster-John Williams

WILLIAMS_092_wade.JPGBy Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)

Economist John Williams has a dire prediction for the U.S. dollar.  Williams says, “I don’t see what will save it at this point. . . . Now we are to the point that the dollar has been ignored for years.  The federal deficit has been ignored for years. . . . That’s what we are on the brink of disaster with, and that is what has to be addressed now, and that’s not happening.”  Williams also contends, “The way I see it, the dollar could go to zero in terms of its purchasing power.  You don’t want to have your assets in U.S. dollars.”    (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.16.14

4Greg Hunter’s

Numerous wildfires are engulfing parts of California.  In one county alone, in the southern part of the state, fire has burned nearly 10,000 acres.  Some lifelong residents say they have never seen it this bad.  Think this won’t affect you if you live elsewhere?  Think again.  This is really the side effect of a much bigger problem—extreme drought in the western part of the U.S.  (more…)

Fed Laundering Treasury Purchases to Disguise What’s Happening-Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Paul Crag Roberts: Belgium and US Treasury DebtBy Greg Hunter’s 

In his latest article, former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “The Fed is the great deceiver.”   Why is he making this shocking accusation?   The reason is tiny Belgium’s whopping purchase of $141 billion in Treasury bonds earlier this year.   Dr. Roberts explains, “We know that Belgium didn’t have any money to buy $141 billion worth of bonds over a three month period.  That sum comes to 29% of the Belgium GDP.  So, they don’t have a surplus in their budget that is 29% of their GDP, and they don’t have trade or current account surplus in that amount.  In fact, everything is in the red.  (more…)

War Cycle-Europe Absolute Disaster Zone-Martin Armstrong

4By Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release) Renowned analyst, Martin Armstrong contends the financial markets run in cycles, and “confidence will always outweigh reality.”  Armstrong clarifies, “It’s basically what you believe.  There have been all sorts of studies on fundamentals that say if interest rates go up, stocks go down.  It is simply not true.  (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.9.14

Russian Bombers Off California, Benghazi Scandal and MoreBy Greg Hunter’s 

The Ukraine crisis is spidering off in ways no one dreamed of a few months ago.  Even though Russia says it is backing off, the economic and psychological war is intensifying.  Big headline in USA Today says “Putin Diffuses Tensions in Ukraine Crisis.” Putin says it is backing some troops off from the border, but NATO says there is “no evidence of withdrawal.”  My sources say Russia will not do an overt invasion; it will just let Ukraine sink into chaos.  (more…)

Dr. Jim Willie-Russia May want Gold Not Stinking Dollars

Dr. Jim Willie: Gold Update, Russia and Ukraine, Janet Yellen & MoreBy Greg Hunter’s

Financial newsletter writer, Dr. Jim Willie, thinks the Ukraine crisis is more of a financial war than a shooting war.  Dr. Willie says, “A couple of months ago, I said, ‘Give it time and the whole nation would sink,’ and the Putin strategy would be to create a standoff militarily, maybe some skirmishes, but let the nation sink.  It’s been raided of its gold and raided of its official government funds; and, now, the energy companies are in there doing fracking.  I think what is happening now is we are starting to see the breakdown.” (more…)

Catastrophic Meltdown Coming to America-Doug Casey

Doug Casey

By Greg Hunter’s 

Investor/author Doug Casey says most Americans are ill-prepared for what is coming.  Casey explains, “This huge recession that started in 2007, and the bottom was 2009 and 2010, has cyclically recovered.  So, people think it’s going to be happy days again, but it’s not.  The way the government engineered this recovery is by creating trillions in currency units, and as we speak, they are creating $55 billion a month more by buying government bonds and mortgage securities.  All of this paper money which is currently sitting in banks, at some point, is going to wash over the U.S.  You’ll see very high levels of inflation.  It’s going to be quite catastrophic.”   (more…)

Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.2.14

Benghazi Cover-Up Email, Ukraine News, Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks adn More!By Greg Hunter’s 

There is a new revelation in the Benghazi, Libya, tragedy where four Americans were murdered in a terror attack on September 11, 2012.  An email has surfaced that some are calling a “smoking gun” because it lays out the talking points to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice in prep for the Sunday talk shows.  Rice said the attack was motivated by a protest because of an anti-Islamic video.  There was no protest, and the video did not cause an attack.  (more…)