Spreading Some Christmas Cheer

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (corrected) Anybody who reads this site knows I can get pretty heavy handed when it comes to reporting and analyzing the news.  Sometimes I freak myself out, but the facts are the facts–things are bad.  In the spirit of Christmas, I am going to take this opportunity to share with you a couple of pretty funny YouTube videos.   If we are all going to get through this, we need to take time for a little levity.  The first is from a guy by the name of Tim Hawkins.  This has gotten nearly four million views!!!  He does a parody of the song Sammy Davis Jr. made famous–“The Candy Man.”  Hawkins’ title to his take-off is called “The Government Can.”   The second video is from Robert Foster.  It is a rap song called “RAP NEWS 5: News World Order – the war on journalism.”  This has gotten more than 400,000 views, and when you watch it, you will know why.  It is very clever, funny and there’s a bit of a surprise at the end.  Merry Christmas and enjoy the videos below.

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  1. Dr. Neal J. Houston

    Good Morning Greg,

    I was discharged last night from the hospital..gallstones and gall bladder removed…(Thank you for your well wishes)

    Thanks for a great post…The video made me laugh…(it hurts to laugh at present time)..however it was funny in a true sort of way..”The battle of the News Networks”…I smell a reality show in the making..
    Anyhow Greg.
    My Best regards to you and your readers,
    Dr. Neal J. Houston


    • Greg

      Dr. Neal,
      I am happy you made it home for Christmas. Please have a happy and healthy New Year.

  2. Art Barnes

    Greg, Merry Christmas to you and to all on this site, I like to think of you as my thinking companions. Thank you all for the insights you brought to me this year, clearly the Government, the Fed, and the white shoe boys don’t have all of us fooled. It is such a joy to know that I am not a lone wolf crying out in the wilderness preaching disaster. May God bless each and every one of you and keep you safe in the coming troubled times.

    • Greg

      Art Barnes,
      I am happy to have you as a regular reader of the site. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  3. droidX

    Greg. Thanks. I really needed a laugh

    • Greg

      Peace Bro!

  4. Ken

    Thanks man, merry Christmas !


    • Greg

      Thank you Ken, MikeD and Tim.

  5. MikeD

    Merry Christmas to you & yours, Greg. Hope you find a Silver Eagle or two in your stocking. 🙂

  6. James

    Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Night!

    Buy Gold (Gold)
    Buy Silver (Frankincense)
    Buy Ammo (Myrrh)

    Above all “Love thy neighbor”

    Peace to all!

    Thank you Greg for your service.

    • Greg

      I like your shopping list!!! Happy New Year and I hope you and yours had a Merry Christmas.

  7. schweizer40

    First video good, second a bust.

    • Greg

      Thank you for the feedback. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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