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Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s 

In a stunning new CV19 vax lawsuit filed this week by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, there is new hope to finally bring down the CV19 bioweapon vax industry.  AG Kobach filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, the biggest maker of the CV19 so-called “vaccine” with more than 60% of the market globally.  Kobach is alleging “unlawful misrepresentation” of the efficacy of the injections and “censoring public discussion” of the disastrous effects of the injections.  On top of that, it is reported by Kobach that four other states are going to join the Kansas AG’s lawsuit.  This is big, and biotech analyst Karen Kingston, who has warned from the beginning of the murderous and disabling effects of the CV19 injections, explains why, “I am overjoyed to share this.  Again, AG Kobach is suing Pfizer for ‘fraud and unconscionable acts.’  Ten counts have been brought against Pfizer, including conspiring with Health and Human Services (HHS), the (legacy) media, social media, other agencies and even the lobbying group ‘Bio.’  Even bigger than that, Kobach announced four other states will be joining this lawsuit and potentially even more. . .” (more…)

China & Globalists at War with America – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has been reporting on the nightmare of the CV19 mRNA nanoparticle vax.  Kingston has not had to correct or retract a single statement in nearly 3 years and 19 interviews on—NOT ONE.  Now, she is taking her research and analysis up to a new level by warning America the Chinese are engaged in high level warfare against the US to take the country down.  The Chinese have teamed up with the globalists and treasonous Americans in high places from the state house to the White House and to the board room.  (more…)

Stop All Nanoparticle CV19 Vax Injections Now – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has been reporting on the nightmare of the CV19 mRNA nanoparticle vax.  Kingston proved the CV19 vax was a bioweapon from the very beginning and is now on a team pushing to stop using it in Florida.  Kingston says, “We know the mRNA injections never provided any benefit, and because of that, they actually meet the definition of a biological weapon under 18 U.S. Code 175.  It’s also a weapon of mass destruction under Florida law 790.166.  The statement of facts that was submitted (to the Florida Supreme Court) goes through all the evidence. . . . There was 1.5 million adverse events.  The definition of a weapon is any biological agent or device that doesn’t prevent against infection, doesn’t prevent any kind of disease . . . and was not done under bona fide research.  (more…)

CV19 Vax is Anti-Christ Technology– Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s  (Saturday Night Post)

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has been reporting on the nightmare of the CV19 vax that she tagged as a bioweapon from the very beginning.  She was the first to say the CV19 vax was created to hurt and kill people.  She was one of the first to warn people not to take the CV19 vax.  Kingston predicted that “vaccine” makers wanted to get people sick and then come up with new treatments to make money off the people they caused to get sick.  She has been reporting on the nightmare of these “vaccines.”  Kingston has new analysis on three important current stories that show people around the world are finally waking up to this crime against humanity.  (more…)

Pfizer Lawsuit Awakens US to Mass CV19 Vax Murders – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s 

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who says Texas AG Ken Paxton’s recent lawsuit is charging Pfizer for many “lies” about their CV19 vax being safe and effective.  Kingston contends this is going to begin a great awakening to the murders and disease caused by these injections.  Many doctors now say the CV19 vax did not help a single person.  Let that sink in.  Kingston explains, “What Paxton and his team are going to do is expose thousands and thousands of lies that you were told by Pfizer and, specifically, CEO Albert Bourla.  Albert Bourla went on a campaign of deception and a lying spree that resulted in a killing spree, and Bourla knew it. (more…)

Stop Secretly Putting Deadly CV19 mRNA in Everything – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has warned from the very beginning the dangers of the so-called CV19 “vaccines.”  Kingston repeatedly showed the dangers of the nanotechnology called mRNA.  Big Pharma patents say it is, in fact, an electromagnetic device that now is secretly slated to be in all vaccines.  mRNA “synthetic biology” is also already showing up in our food, water and many medicines.  Big Tech will not be happy until it is in literally everything.  Meanwhile, the public is waking up to the mRNA disaster with the CV19 bioweapon vax.  Kingston explains, “People are waking up to the fact the Covid 19 injections contain mRNA, and mRNA has been an epic failure.  It’s my understanding less than 2% of American got this last round of the boosters. . . . Although people are waking up to the fact that the Covid injections or the mRNA injections are causing disease, disabilities and death, they are not preventing anything. (more…)

Biden Crime Family Subpoenas, Karen Kingston Marked for Death, Hawaii Burns

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 594 8.11.23)

It’s about to get ugly for the Biden’s in the coming weeks.  Representative James Comer says Congress is going to subpoena the Bidens to get to the bottom of the alleged bribes paid to President Joe Biden’s family with the help of bagman Hunter Biden.  One report says Comer believes new evidence, including testimony from Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Devon Archer, directly implicated the President in his son’s foreign business calls.  IRS whistleblowers and FBI documents show millions of dollars have gone to the Biden family from foreign sources like China without good reason. (more…)

CV19 Vax Ongoing Global Criminal Experimentation – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post) 

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who was one of the first to warn of the dangers of the so-called CV19 “vaccines.”  Kingston showed the danger of the nanotechnology called mRNA, which Big Pharma patents say is, in fact, an electromagnetic device.  Kingston was also one of the first to warn the CV19 vax was the “Beginning of Transhumanism,” a bioweapon, and not a vaccine at all.  With all the negative facts about the vaccines and mRNA nanoparticle biotech, the shots are still being injected unabated.  676 million CV19 injections have been given in the USA alone with more than 13 billion CV19 injections worldwide.  This is a massive global crime, and it’s still going on. (more…)

CV19 Bioweapon/Vax Beginning of Transhumanism – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands complicated medical and biological contracts.  Kingston warns the mRNA technology in the CV19 bioweapon injections is just the beginning of forcing a transhuman agenda onto an unsuspecting public.  If the technology (which is also called a “synthetic pathogen”) in the CV19 bioweapon/vax is not stopped, there would be “no flesh would be saved” as Jesus warned more than 2,000 years ago.  (more…)

CV19 Bioweapon Vax is Not Genocide, It’s Extinction – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands complicated medical and biological contracts.  Kingston also understands what it takes to make or defend a legal case against Big Pharma.  She has years of experience on multiple levels.  Kingston contends you do not need new laws to stop the CV19 mRNA technology.  Everybody simply needs to understand the CV19 vax and the mRNA technology are proven bioweapons.  The data shows millions have been disabled or murdered by the CV19 bioweapon/vax so far.  Is it going to get worse?  (more…)

Trump CV19 Vax Contract Violated by Pfizer – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands complicated medical and biological contracts.  Kingston has been doing a deep dive into the contract President Trump signed with Pfizer for their version of the CV19 vax.  The contract proves Trump required Pfizer to follow the law to produce a safe and effective vaccine.  The Pfizer vax was not safe or effective and violated the contract.  On top of that, the Pfizer vax turned out to be a bioweapon.   Pfizer says it produced 63% of the 13 billion injections worldwide.  (more…)

Pfizer CV19 Bioweapon Vax Public Enemy #1 – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands the contracts, patents and laws that Big Pharma deals with in bringing new drugs to market. Kingston also researches and analyzes many aspects of Covid 19 and the so-called “vaccines.” Kingston says that data, government documents and patents show that the CV19 so-called “vaccine” is nothing more than a bioweapon. Kingston says this is how the everyone should view this injection that was forced onto an unsuspecting public. (more…)

FDA Criminally Approved Bioweapon as Safe & Effective Vaccine – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many aspects of Covid 19 and the so-called vaccines.  It’s now become obvious, with dramatically rising death and injuries, the CV19 injections were bioweapons passed off as lifesaving vaccines. (more…)

Everybody Knew CV-19 Vax Was a Criminal Bioweapon – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many aspects of the so-called CV19 vaccines.  Kingston has uncovered documents that prove everybody knew or should have known the deadly effects of these criminal injections.  Kingston says documents with the drug makers, FDA and CDC listed the deadly and debilitating “side effects” of the injections.  Kinston shows that vaccine makers gave a list to the FDA of “side effects” or “possible adverse event outcomes” from the injections.  (more…)

CV19 AI Bioweapon from Infection to Injection -Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many aspects of Covid 19 and the so-called vaccines.  Her long-standing position is the entire CV19 plandemic was, in fact, a manmade bioweapon from infection to injection.  Kingston has now found all the patents to prove that the CV19 vaccines are made to destroy humanity.  Kinston is back again with a mind-blowing update on extremely advanced medical technology that has already been injected 600 million times alone into unsuspecting Americans.  Kingston explains, “This is an AI (artificial intelligence) bioweapon.  It is part technology and part biology.  (more…)