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Fed Money Printing Games Out of Gas-Karl Denninger
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Financial analyst Karl Denninger has never bought the so-called “recovery” story. Just the opposite is happening right now. He says, “When you look at these indices in the context of the last three or four months, what
Mania in Gold and Silver Coming – Gregory Mannarino
on: by Greg Hunter
Greg Hunter’s The Fed is reversing course. Instead of talking about curtailing money printing, it is now extending it. This comes as no surprise to financial analyst Gregory Mannarino. He says, “There’s no way out of it. The Federal Reserve
Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.26.12
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s New news about the Boston bombing suspects, and it is not pretty. It is reported that Russia contacted the U.S. government “multiple times” about Tamerlan Tsarnaev. He’s the older brother that was killed in a shootout with
Real Estate Pump and Dump Scheme-Fabian Calvo
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Fabian Calvo of processes $100 million of distressed real estate annually. He says we are in the process of a pump and dump real estate crisis. Calvo contends, “The big hedge funds and big private equity
These are Perilous Times-Jim Rogers
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Legendary investor Jim Rogers is worried about unprecedented money printing around the globe. Rogers says, “We have never had every government debasing their currency at the same time. . . . This is the first time in
Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.19.13
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Video and photos are now released, and suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing case are being hunted down. They will be in custody soon, if not already. My prayers go out to family members who lost lives
Felons in Charge of Our Largest Financial Institutions-Professor William Black
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Former bank regulator and Professor William Black says, “Apparently, regulators are much more sophisticated than we were because we had never thought of leaving felons in charge of our largest financial institutions.”
Extreme Nervousness in Regards to Collapse-Gold Silver a Must-Rick Rule
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Precious metal expert Rick Rule is not worried about the recent smack down in gold and silver prices. Rule is motivated by wealth protection. So, the price decline is a “nonevent.” Rule asks, “What are the alternatives?
Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.12.13
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s North Korea, once again, leads the Weekly News Wrap-Up. There has been nothing done to ease tensions in the past week on the Korean Peninsula—just the opposite. On one side, you have the North Koreans planning more
Must See David Stockman Interview
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Sometimes I am shocked at what leaks out over the mainstream media. Two days ago, former White House Budget Director in the Reagan Administration, David Stockman, dropped some financial bombs in an interview on FOX. He said the Social Security
If Bullion Were Not a Threat Government Would Not Attack It- Paul Craig Roberts
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s You want to know why gold and silver prices are down? Listen to former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts. He says, “When gold hit $1,900, the Federal Reserve panicked because they realized with the dollar deteriorating
Economy Will Implode-Jim Willie
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Dr. Jim Willie of says powerful forces around the globe are working to do away with trading in U.S. dollars because of massive money printing by the Fed. Dr. Willie says, “The world makes a reaction,
Weekly News Wrap-Up 4.5.13
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s 4.5.13 Just three stories today, but they are big ones–North Korea, the Middle East and the ongoing banking crisis. North Korea has rattled its saber in the past, but not this loudly. Any talk that this is
Budget Deficit Exploding Out of Control -John Williams
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Economist John Williams says don’t be fooled by the new highs on the Dow. Williams contends, “The economy is still in serious trouble. The banking system is still in serious trouble. The budget deficit is exploding out
U.S. Provoking North Korea-Gerald Celente
on: by Greg Hunter
By Greg Hunter’s Trends forecaster Gerald Celente says, “The United States is provoking North Korea. They keep putting more and more sanctions on them. It’s economic warfare.” Celente is worried that “economic warfare” will turn into a shooting war.