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Tensions Explode With Russia, Trump Fires Problems, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 326 3.16.18) The U.S., UK, France and Germany are all blaming Russia for a nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy in Britain. Russia is denying the attack, but that is not stopping Prime Minister

Deep State Could Pull Plug on Markets – David Morgan

By Greg Hunter’s Precious metals expert David Morgan says the prolonged sideways price of silver is what bottoms look like in the precious metals market. Morgan explains, “This market has not moved for a very long time . . .

Clinton Charity Fraud Biggest Scandal in US History – Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the reason for all the crime and treason at the FBI and DOJ all boils down to one thing–the Clinton so-called “charity.” Shipp explains, “Hillary Clinton

Kim Jong Un Blinks, Tariffs On, Dems Will Cheat in 2018

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 325 3/9/18)  The leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, appears to have blinked in the face of pressure President Donald Trump has put on him. It’s reported the U.S. military was in the process of

Federal Government is a Money Laundering Operation – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s  Financial expert and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts contends the Federal Government allows pension funds to be robbed. Fitts explains, “Our pension funds have real money.  Those pension funds basically finance the government and what the government

Fed Spooking Markets – Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Professional trader Gregory Mannarino says the new Fed Head, Jerome Powell, caused the market to sell off last week, not Trump tariff talk. Powell blurted out in Congressional testimony that the “U.S. is not

Dems Turning Marxist, Corporations Punish Trump Voters, Fed Sounds Huge Warning

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 324 3.2.18) A liberal newspaper in San Francisco is calling one of the most notable Democrat in Congress the “most right wing candidate.” says this just another sign that the Democrat Party continues a “rapid

Updated 2018 Predictions – Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Top trends forecaster Gerald Celente predicted a 10% correction in the stock market for 2018. It already happened.  What are his updated predictions for the rest of the year?  Celente says, “What brought the

America Top Target of NWO, More MSM Lies, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 323 2.23.18)   The sixth edition of the “World Government Summit” in Dubai didn’t get much media attention in the United States, but it should have.  That’s because it is overtly anti-American and anti-freedom and anti-Christ. 

Rising Rates Forecast Insolvency – Michael Pento

By Greg Hunter’s  Money manager Michael Pento says recently rising interest rates are signaling big trouble for the economy. Pento contends, “There are so many things that can go wrong with rising interest rates.  First of all, you have to

Financial Markets Definitely Destabilizing – Charles Hugh Smith

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Financial writer and book author Charles Hugh Smith has been watching the extreme movements in financial markets closely. Is he nervous?  Smith says, “Oh yeah, it’s definitely destabilizing.  In other words, it’s becoming not

FBI Misses Another Mass Shooter, Middle East Heating Up, Banks Melting Down Again

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 322 2.16.18)  (Updated with actual letter form 24 year FBI veteran in “After the Wrap-Up” section) Looks like the FBI was told about the mass murderer before he went on a rampage that left 17 dead

Fed Triggered Stock Sell-Off – Dollar Next – John Williams

By Greg Hunter’s  In his latest report, economist John Williams asks the question, “Did the Fed trigger the stock sell-off?” Williams answer, “It sure looks that way.  With all the heave selling, the bond yields were rising and investors didn’t

The End of the Bull Stock Market – Buy Gold – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release) Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says forget what the mainstream media talking heads are telling you about this market. Nenner says, “When unemployment is low, it’s the end of the bull

Bombshell Testimony of FBI Informant Implicates Many for Treason

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 321 2.9.18) William Campbell was undercover for the FBI and CIA for six years gathering evidence of a grand Russian scheme to “dominate” the uranium industry. There are charges of espionage, bribery and extortion (just to