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Plot to Destroy Trump Hatched in Obama White House – Edward Klein

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Best-selling author Edward Klein’s latest best-selling book is called “All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump.” Klein reveals that this plot started in the Obama White House just weeks after Donald Trump won

Alabama Will Vote for Moore, Trump Asia Trip, Plan on Inflation

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 310 11.17.17) The saga of Roy Moore continues with twists and turns and dirty tricks by the Deep State. It’s been revealed that a so-called robocall campaign to try and find dirt on Senate candidate Roy Moore

Mother of All Bubbles Too Big to Pop – Peter Schiff

By Greg Hunter’s  Money manager Peter Schiff correctly predicted the financial meltdown in 2008. Now, 10 years later, what does Schiff see today?  Schiff says, “I predicted a lot more than just the stock market going down back then.  I

Running Straight into Worst Case Scenario – Gregory Mannarino

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Trader/analyst Gregory Mannarino is nervous about the distortions in the markets that are breaking records. Mannarino contends, “It’s going to come down very, very, very rapidly.  There is not going to be any slow

Trump Deals with China, Senate Tax Cuts-NOT, Financial Market Warning

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 309 11.10.17)  The most important stop on President Trump’s Asia visit is undoubtedly China. Trump slammed the massive trade deficit, but did not blame China for cutting a deal that was to their advantage.  Trump blames

Mind Boggling Treasonous Acts Exposed and Punished – Mark Taylor

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Former firefighter Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” correctly predicted President Donald Trump would win the 2016 election.  The day after Trump’s historic win, Taylor predicted there were going to

Hillary Bought DNC, Clinton’s Deepening Legal Trouble, Fed Head Change

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 308 11.3.17) Former head of the DNC (Democrat National Committee) Donna Brazile dropped some bombs on Hillary Clinton in her new book. Brazile says Hillary Clinton basically bought the DNC by loaning it $20 million in

2018 Predictions – Trump, Clintons, Economy, Gold, World – Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s Top trends researcher Gerald Celente says he sees strong trends shaping up for 2018. First up, the embattled President Trump.  Celente says, “There’s not been one shred of evidence, period, paragraph, that Russia had anything to do

Global Markets Incredibly Inflated & Artificially Manipulated – Marc Faber

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Legendary investor Dr. Marc Faber called the precise bottom of the current bull market in March 2009. What does he say today about the record high stock markets? Dr. Faber contends, “The advance/decline is

Uranium One Crime Spree, JFK Document Release Postponed, Economic Update

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 307 10.27.17) I have said it dozens of times, and that is I thought the Clinton unprotected email servers were used to hide Hillary Clinton was taking treasonous bribes in the form of donations to a

God Using Trump to Provide Window of Time – Jonathan Cahn

By Greg Hunter’s Four time, best-selling author Jonathan Cahn says Donald Trump was chosen by God to provide a window of time to repent and change direction for America. Cahn’s recently released newest best-seller is called “The Paradigm” which show’s

Health Insurance Companies Count on Taxpayer Bailout – Dave Janda

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Healthcare expert Dr. Dave Janda says the mainstream media (MSM) is not reporting on the huge increases in health insurance premiums for 2018. The massive rise in costs will cause many people not getting

MSM Will Not Cover Treason, North Korea Update, Cartoon Markets

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 306 10.20.17) The mainstream media refuses to cover the real Russian collusion and treason story. If you watch the MSM, you will not hear that President Obama and Hillary Clinton signed away one-fifth of U.S. uranium

Looming Catastrophe Hanging Over Our Heads – Paul Craig Roberts

By Greg Hunter’s Former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, says the record highs you see in the stock markets are based on “phony profits” that come from global central banks “propping up” the financial

We the People vs. the Swamp – Patricia Muth

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Author Patricia Muth says the two-party system is not what you think it is in today’s political landscape. It’s not Republican vs. Democrat, but “We the People” vs. “the Swamp.”  Muth explains, “We don’t